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February 3,1999 - REGULAR MEETING
The Council of Local Governments in Seminole County held a meeting on Wednesday,
February 3, 1998 at 7:00 p.m. in the East Conference Room of the Municipal Building
(City Hall, 1126 East State Road 434, Winter Springs, Florida 32708).
1. Call To Order at 7:06 p.m. by CALNO Chairperson/Commissioner Cindy
Gennell. A moment of silence was held.
2. Roll Call - the following members were in attendance:
Commissioner Eddie Rose, City of Altamonte Springs
Commissioner Al Clark, City of Casselberry
Commissioner Gary Brender, City of Lake Mary
Commissioner Tom Hagood, Jr., City of Oviedo
CALNO Chairperson/Commissioner Cindy Gennell, City of Winter Springs
Commissioner Michael S. Blake, City of Winter Springs
Commissioner Daryl McLain, Seminole County Commission
Board Member Diane Bauer, Seminole County School Board
Also present were:
Commissioner Robert S. Miller, City of Winter Springs
Mr. Ronald W. McLemore, City of Winter Springs City Manager
Mr. John J. Drago, City of Longwood City Administrator
Mr. Jack Wert, Executive Director of the Seminole County Convention & Visitors
Mr. J. Dwayne Darbonne, P.E., Vanasse Hangen Brustlin, Inc.
Mr. Richard Gennell
Mr. Stanley Stevens
3. Approval of January 6,1999 Minutes
In regards to the minutes of January 6, 1999, Chairperson Cindy Gennell
mentioned that on page 3 of the January 6, 1999 minutes, under the "Reports
from Members" agenda item, specifically under Chairperson Cindy
Gennell's report, where it is stated that "Their City Manager resigned to
accept a position with the City of Longwood" - this should actually read
"Their Assistant City Manager...". There was a Motion to approve the
minutes as corrected. Motion by Councilman Tom Hagood, Jr. Seconded by
Commissioner Gary Brender. It was carried unanimously by consensus of
the Council.
4. Treasurer's Report:
Commissioner Gary Brender, Treasurer stated that the current balance is $678.87,
and he added that bills will be going out within the next few weeks. By
consensus of the Council, it was agreed to accept the Treasurer's report.
The following items are documented in the order that they were discussed.
7. Program C: Flood Plain Issues
Presented By: Mr. Ronald W. McLemore, City Manager
City of Winter Springs
Mr. Ronald W. McLemore, City Manager advised the Council that the City of
Winter Springs City Commission had expressed a concern with flood insurance
maps and the enforcement of such regulations. A recent workshop resulted in the
City Commission asking that the City's flood insurance rate maps be updated.
However, Mr. McLemore said that due to the numerous requests that FEMA
currently has for revisions, the City of Winter Springs felt that "If we came in
with a unified proposal with Seminole County to update the flood insurance rate
maps county wide" - we might stand a better chance to have this done, and it
would also benefit all of the other cities and organizations affiliated with CALNO.
Manager McLemore asked if the Council would be interested in supporting this
by way of a joint effort by CALNO. There was further discussion about similar
issues that several CALNO representatives are concerned with, and the potential
problems that could arise if we continue to work with inaccurate maps.
Commissioner Daryl McLain suggested that the Council forward a Resolution
regarding this issue, and he will present it to the Seminole County Board of
County Commissioners. Discussion.
, Motion by Commissioner Al Clark. "I'll so move that we create a Resolution
requesting FEMA to update their maps". Seconded by Commissioner Gary
Brender. Commissioner Clark amended his Motion to include "All cities".
Seconded. The Motion was carried unanimously by consensus of the
Chairperson Gennell said that she would have a Resolution drawn up, and
clarified that "Each City will sign off and endorse on the Motion...in addition to
CALNO". Chairperson Gennell said that the Resolution will be sent out with
6. Program B: Winter Springs Traffic Calming Designs
Presented By: Mr. Ronald W. McLemore, City Manager
City of Winter Springs
Another concern of the City of Winter Springs City Commission was
implementing a Traffic Calming program on the west side of the City. Manager
McLemore elaborated on some of the many merits of this program, which is
essentially a two-tier program dealing with the reduction of cut-through traffic
and slowing traffic down to more reasonable levels. Manager McLemore added
that a related benefit of such a program is a type of "neighborhood revival" which
often occurs as the members of the community get excited with the results, and
begin to take more pride in revitalizing their own properties. Manager McLemore
then described the selected streets (which lie between State Road 419 and State
Road 434) involved with this project, and explained that a Bond Issue for three
hundred thousand dollars ($300,000) would deal with three of the four streets that
will be "traffic calmed" - the fourth street is an "impact fee" street.
Manager McLemore discussed some of the traditional traffic calming devices that
might be implemented, which are:
· Medians
· Round-abouts
· Narrowing features (including narrowed islands)
· Speed humps
· Streetscaping/landscaping
Manager McLemore added that a traffic-calming program often brings the "streets
back to the people". There was further discussion on traffic calming versus traffic
control. Commissioner Daryl McLain asked if the City of Winter Springs could
update Council Members on the results of our Traffic Calming program. Manager
McLemore agreed to keep everyone informed of the progress.
5. Program A: Overview of the Tourist Development Council
Presented By: Mr. Jack Wert, Executive Director of the
Seminole County Convention & Visitors Bureau
Mr. Jack Wert, Executive Director of the Seminole County Convention & Visitors
Bureau explained to the Board about the Tourist Development Council, which is a
nine member board, appointed by the Seminole County Commission - and
comprised of three hoteliers, three individuals involved in the tourism industry
(but who are not hoteliers), and three elected officials.
Mr. Wert continued, saying that "The Tourist Development Council assists with
how "Tourist Development funds are spent in Seminole County". Mr. Wert
explained that they are completely funded by a tax on "short-term lodging", and
these funds are used to finance most of their promotions. Mr. Wert further
explained that tourism is the largest industry in Seminole County, and he
mentioned a few of the different events that they co-sponsor. He explained that
even though their budget is much smaller than that of Orange County or Osceola
County, "We try not to compete with those people - we really do try to
complement what they are offering".
Mr. Wert then showed some of the different promotions, partnerships, and
markets that they are currently involved with, such as:
· Leisure
· Seniors
· Sports
· The United Kingdom
· Group Travel
Mr. Wert then showed those in attendance a video presentation on what Seminole
County has to offer, and their marketing of Seminole County as "Florida's Natural
Choice". He expounded on Seminole County's many natural attractions that we
can be proud of, and also offer to tourists visiting the Central Florida area. Next,
there was brief discussion on the projection of available hotel accommodations for
the coming years.
Tape I/Side B
8. Program D: Discussion of County's Proposed Draft of the Education/Cable
Television Channel
Mr. Chris Grasso with Seminole County Information Technologies Department
introduced Mr. Greg Holcomb (Telecommunication Manager, and Station
Manager for SGTV); and Mr. Matt Chesler (Franchise Coordinator, and
Production Manager). Mr. Grasso handed out a packet of information and
explained that it included an (unofficial) copy of the draft Resolution, along with
a copy of the Standard Operating Procedures and Polices.
Mr. Holcomb gave a brief overview of this project, including a brief history, along
with the proposed format, including production issues, character generation, and
staffing. There was much discussion on programming and scheduling, including
mandatory segments, and other subjects that could be shown at more flexible
times. Mr. Holcomb addressed the need for "production quality" video
presentations, and the preference for half-hour long programs. There was much
discussion on which meetings would take priority, what conflicts might arise; in
addition to discussion about the relationship between a municipality/county and
related franchise agreements. There was further discussion about public access,
some of the legalities of this agreement, and the related Resolution.
Tape 2/Side A
It was noted that Mr. Greg Holcomb would be the liaison or primary contact, and
everyone was invited to tour the facility. Next, there was discussion about
videotaping elected officials, and some related concerns.
Chairperson Gennell suggested the following wording for a Motion: "I'll
entertain a Motion that will endorse the proposed Resolution as presented by
the County, with the one minor proposed change, on page 10 of the
Operating Policy". "So moved". Motion by Councilman Tom Hagood, Jr.
Seconded by Board Member Diane Bauer. Discussion. The Motion was
carried unanimously by consensus of the Council.
9. Unfinished Business: Follow-Up on the Fire/Police Pension Bill
Chairperson Gennell advised the Council that she did address the Legislative
Delegation regarding this issue.
10. Unfinished Business: Completion of Program Scheduling for 1999
School Board Member Diane Bauer and Longwood's City Administrator John
Drago both asked if they could submit program suggestions at a later time. This
was agreed to.
Commissioner Al Clark explained that the City of Casselberry's presentation
would deal with the Insurance Service Office.
11. Reports From Members:
Altamonte Springs
Commissioner Eddie Rose handed everyone a copy of his City's newsletter,
"Kaleidoscope" .
Commissioner Al Clark stated that the City of Casselberry will be holding a 5K
run, scheduled for March 13, 1999, which will benefit the Casselberry Youth
Drown Prevention program.
Lake Mary
Commissioner Gary Brender spoke of a signed contract between the Pizzuti
Corporation and a hotel, which has 300 rooms planned, along with a conference
area, (of which the size is to be determined). He also spoke about the Sanford
Airport noise issue, and he offered to speak to other cities that would like to hear
his views on this subject. Commissioner Brender also addressed the issue of
density in a proposed 166 home subdivision; and he mentioned that a
groundbreaking ceremony is planned for the (Rhinehart Road) Park Trail Head,
on February 8, 1999.
City Administrator John Drago spoke briefly about a possible change regarding
the City of Longwood's CALNO membership.
No report.
Seminole County Commission
No report.
Seminole County School Board
Board Member Diane Bauer advised the Board about the February 12, 1999
"Teach-In", and what an important event this is. (Board Member Bauer was
asked if she knew who CALNO's alternate member is).
Winter Springs
No report.
12. Adjournment
Chairperson Gennell adjourned the meeting at 9:43 p.m.
Minutes respectfully submitted by: Andrea Lorenzo-Luaces, Deputy City Clerk
City of Winter Springs