HomeMy WebLinkAboutFax Dated 12 16 98 Re: CALNO Minutes
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Date: December 16,1998
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FAX Number: 327-st+!'""
__Ero!!!.=:.J~~!hy .Bo~tin, Seminole County__.___
FAX Number: 665*7958
Message: Attached are CALNO minutes for the 12*2-98
meeting. (will forward the hard copy and tapes to you by
mail. If you have any questions, please contact me at 665-
7215. Thanks for all your help over the past years. Hope
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DECEMBER 2. 1998
The Council of Local Governments in Seminole County held a meeting on
Wednesday, December 2, 1998 at 7:00 p.m., County Services Building, 1101
East First Street, Room 3024, Sanford, Florida.
The Chairman called the meeting to order at 7; 1 0 p.m. A moment of silent
prayer and the Pledge of Allegiance followed.
Present: Commissioner Cindy Gennell, Winter Springs
Councilman Tom Hagood, Jr., Oviedo
Commissioner Eddie Rose, Altamonte Springs
Commissioner Michael Blake; Winter Springs
Dr. Stephen Caldwell Wright, Seminole Community College
Commissioner Dave Henson, Casselberry
Commissioner AI Clark, Casselberry
Commissioner Linda Hart, Casselberry
Commissioner Brady Lessard, Sanford
Commissioner Gary Brender, Lake Mary
Commissioner Grant Maloy, Seminole County
Also Present: Carlton Henley, Chairman Seminole BCe
Mayor Larry Dale, City of Sanford
Jay Marder, City of Sanford
Gary Kaiser, Seminole County
Chris Grasso, Seminole County
Stan Stevens, Citizen
Phil Tua, Citizen
Member Absent: Commissioner Ron Sargent, Longwood
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Commissioner Gennell asked if there were any corrections or changes to the
minutes. Hearing none, minutes were accepted as submitted.
Commissioner Brender reported the balance of the account was $668.03 and
there have been no deductions and no additions.
PROGRA,M B: UDdate on the F~ucationlGovemment Cap]. Channel TV
Commissioner Gennell reported that CALNO had been working on this for the
past couple of years to get an agreement in place to effectuate a channel for
government and education use. She stated an agreement had been circulated
in an attempt to accomplish this.
Mr. Chris Grasso, Information Technology Services Director, for Seminole
County gave an update on this issue. He stated an agreement had been put
together with Time Warner to secure Channel 9 in Seminole County similar with
what Orange County had and an agreement had been signed and went live with
the first broadcast at the November 10, 1998 Board of County Commissioners
Mr. Grasso stated the character generator being used right now only has the
capability of running about 16 minutes. This is being upgraded to be able to run
45 and a PC has been ordered to be put in place which will allow them to run
much longer blocks of time. By the end of January, the intent is to be able to get
to a two or three hour block of time and then repeat it. Mr. Grasso stated as
information is received from the CALNO members the program would grow and
Regarding the CALNO agreement, Mr. Grasso stated based on the County's
existing code and Time Warner's agreement if the County were to become a part
of the group the overall responsibility would be the County's but the day to day
operations would transfer to CALNO. The County Attorney's office has advised
that we can't do that based on the existing code and Time Warner contract. So
a co~;ttee was formed made up of all the same people and the County. and is
proposmg the Board pass a resolution recognizing CALNO to work directly with
the County.
Discussion followed from the members regarding this subject.
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PROGRAM~; Presentation Ql pro Stanlev Marshall~ Chairman of the
JlImes Madis~n Institute
Commissioner Maloy Introduced Dr. Stanley Marshall from the James Madison
Institute. He stated this organization is located in Tallahassee and has a lot of
input with the state legislators. They have recently gotten more involved at the
local leveL
Dr. Marshall stated that their mission was to try and influence public policy and
to limit government, to use free markets rather than government if you can,
individual liberty coupled with individual responsibility, and to use old fashion
values from the Constitution. Dr. Marshall stated The James Madison Institute is
not and can not be partisan. They have a board of 17 members. The James
Madison Institute does not endorse or oppose candidates or specific pieces of
legislation. He says their mission is to inform and educate.
They support school vouchers on a limited basis. The institute has advocated
charter schools for five or six years. They have also advocated an experimental
program in school vouchers. Dr. Stanley stated the reason they support this
idea is that it's the poor people and minorities that are deprived of a good
education in so many of our schools. This mainly occurs in the larger cities. If
your child is assigned to a school by the district that is totally unsatisfactory,
there are three things you can do about that if you have the money. You can
move to another district, you can send your child to a private school or you can
home school. But if you are poor you can't do this. That's why Dr. Stanley feels
the vouchers need a fair trial.
Regarding House Bill 35, Dr. Stanley stated they looked at this and feels it is an
unfunded mandate of the worse kind. He stated he had written a paper on this
subject that will be published before the end of the month in their journal. This
Bill is forcing the cities a very sizeable increase in their budget to cover these
costs that they have nothing to say about.
Dr. Stanley discussed the takings of private property by the state without
co~pensation. He stated within the past 10 years the Department of
EnVironmental RegUlation has redefined the navigability of lakes and streams in
Florida. The state is now in the process of suing property owners to reclaim that
pr<?perty for the state without compensation.
Commissioner Gennell asked as to how Dr. Stanley's organization is funded.
Dr. Stanley stated by contributions from corporations, foundation and
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individuals, most of it from individuals. They have never taken any government
contracts. Dr. Stanley stated they must remain free of politics of any kind.
Commissioner Maloy distributed a booklet from the Heartland Institute.
Dr. Stanley stated his organization was founded 10 years ago. He left the
presidency of FSU in 1976 and founded a business in Tallahassee and sold that
10 years later. He ran for Commissioner of Education in 1986 but did not win. A
graduate student of Dr. Stanley's had mentioned there were a couple of new
state level "think tanks" in California. Dr. Stanley felt this was a movement that
was going to have some force in this count~. The James Madison Institute
started in the spring of 1987. They were the 71 or 8th one of these organizations
in the countryj there are now 45. All of the organizations are independent of one
another but meet two or three times a year to exchange ideas. This network of
organizations will provide information on all kinds of public policy issues usually
at the state or local level.
Dr. Stanley stated the standard membership is $100. but they put in a $25
feature for students and others that can't afford the $100. Whether or not you
become a member, Dr. Stanley stated he would be glad to forward any
publications at no charge. Dr. Stanley's e-mail is www.jamesmadison.orSJ.
Commissioner Gennell stated she noticed in the paper that Sanford is asking all
the cities to pass a resolution in support of domestic air service. Commissioner
Lessard and Mayor Dale stated it is both the airport and the city asking for this.
Mayor Dale stated a sample resolution will be sent to all cities.
Commissioner Gennell stated she had only received one response back from
one city regarding the Local Option Gas Tax. Commissioner Maloy distributed a
memorandum answering previous questions asked by CALNO members
regarding this tax. He also handed out a memorandum regarding the distribution
of local option gas tax proceeds for each city. Commissioner Gennell tentatively
scheduled the County to come in February to discuss the local option gas tax
issue with the CALNO members. Commissioner Maloy stated the County
appropriated over a million dollars for road improvements in the Oviedo/Geneva
area. The County is also looking into over the next five years or so to try and
pave every dirt road in the County.
Commissioner Gennell stated next meeting is January 6, 1999 and that is when
the programs for the coming year will be scheduled.
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Commissioner Gennell asked if it would be agreeable to all to suspend the
. government cable television agreement that has been worked on for about a
year. It was the consensus of all to do this.
Commissioner Gennell asked if there was any interest any doing a resolution
regarding the Fire Pension Bill. She stated she feels if it comes down and
doesn't get undone in its current form, that ultimately we will see the end of city
fire and police departments. After discussion by the CALNO members, a motion
was made by Commiss.ioner Maloy to authorize Chairman Gennell to represent
. CALNQ before the state delegation in opposition to increasing pension fund
COsts to cities. Motion was approved.
Dr. Stephen Caldwell Wriaht. Seminole Community CaUsae
The groundbreaking for the Oviedo campus is Friday, 12-4..98, at 2:00 p.m. The
basketball teams are doing well. The girls are #21 in the nation and one of the
girl's is ranked #6.
{;rant Malo'il Seminole County
No report.
Eddie Rose, Altamonte BDrings
The Olympic Committee has come up with a large sum of money for a program
called Sports for Ufe. It's a project to try and discourage kids from smoking.
Anyone interested can call Johnson Boar at the Central Florida Sports
Commission. The city has already scheduled a function in the fall.
Linda Hart. Casselberrv
The Tree Lighting Ceremony will be held on Friday, 12-4-98. Adult
entertainment will be an item on the city's agenda for Monday 12-7-98.
Gary Brender. Lake Mary
The Tree Lighting Ceremony will be held at the park in front of CIty Hall on
Saturday, 12-5-98, at 6:00 p.m. On January 4, 1999 the 46A bridge over 1-4 will
be closed for about six months while they reconstruct the four..lane bridge over 1_
4. Rinehart Road is substantially complete, most of the west side has been
paved. The city had a golf tournament a couple weeks ago and raised about
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$26,000 toward the park plan for the trailhead at Rinehart Road and Lake Mary
Blvd. Crescent Industries is coming before the City Commission tomorrow night
for a new six story building in Primera, The city is also beginning a road paving
project with $250,000 in this year's budget to accomplish this. Timacuan has a
new 310-unit apartment complex, which will be under construction soon. Lake
Mary Preparatory Sohool which is a private non~denominational K through 12 is
under construction.
Tom Hago.QcL~~ Ovi~qo
No report.
Bradv Lessard, Sanford
The police chief recently announced his retirement so the city will be taking on a
national search for a new police chief. Tony Vanderworp, new City Manager, is
doing a great job. The referendum for the new conference center passed so that
is moving along. Property values and occupancy rates in the city continue to
soar, particularly in the downtown area. The tour of homes is coming up
Saturday, 12-5-98. The Heritage Festival was a wonderful success.
Cind~ Gennell. Winter Sorings
The Holiday Parade was held last week and it was very nice. There are a
couple of developments coming up one on 434 which is part of the Tuskawilla
PUD (254 apartments). There is a new grocery store and a couple commercial
businesses coming in also on 434, The city is finalizing the code for the
downtown center and going through the processes of actually enacting zoning to
accomplish this.
The meeting adjourned at 9:20 p.m,
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