HomeMy WebLinkAbout1999 01 06 Minutes with Notes and Highlights
January 6. 1988
The Council of Local Governments in seminole County held a meeting on Wednesday.
January 6, 1999 at 7:00 p.m. at Seminole County Public Schools. Educationa' Support
Center. 0400 East Latte Mary Boulevard, Sanford. Florida.
1. Call to Order at 7:18 p.m. by Chairman Gennell. A moment of silent prayer was
2. Roll Call'. The foIlowingmembere were in attendance:
. City of Attamonte Springs, Commissioner Eddie Rose
. City of Lake Mary. Commiuloner Gary Brender
. City of Oviedo. Councilman Tom Hagood
. City of Sanford, Commissioner Brady Lessard
. City of Winter Springs, Commissioner Cindy Gennel!
. Seminole Community CoUege. Interim Vice Prealdent Stephen Wright
. Seminole County Govemment, Commissioner Daryl McLain
. Seminole County Public Schools, Board Member Diane Bauer
Also present were:
. City of Sanford. Mayor Larry Dale
. Richard Qennell. Citizen
. Semlnol. County Public Schools, superintendent Paul Hagerty
Thoee members who were not in attendance were:
. City of Casselberry I Commissioner Al Clark
. City of Casselberry. Linda Hart
. City of Longwood, Com",issloner Ron Sargent
3. Approval of December 2, 1998 Minutes:
Chalrman Gennall asked if there were any corrections/revisions to the December 2,
1898 minutes. There we... none. Chairman Gennell stated that, without objection,
the minutes would be approved. The minutes were approved by unanimous consent
of the members.
4. Treasurer's Report
CommIssioner Gary Brender. Treasurer. reported that the balance was $678.87.
The members unanimously accepted the Treasurer's Report as presented.
Council of Local Governments in Seminole County
January 6,1999 meeting minutes
Page 2
8. Election of Treasurer:
7. ,.,.._.I.;__....~OO'nJl....I~...t ~
-uiY Dale informed the members that Seminole County. ~ ~
approximately three years ago, appointed a committee to retearch andlWiow the ~~ I
feaslbitlty of butlding a convention center In seminole County. Utimately. the '*
committee suggestedthreepOs&lbillties: one being 8671000 square foot conference V
center in conjunction with I full service hotel. The county then reQuested proposals
from private deVelopers. One developer. Interested in building a hotel. the airpOrt.
also became interested In developing the lake front In Sanford. The Sanford City
Commission queried various citiZen advisory groups about the development of the
lake front and all responses were favorable. seminole County voted four to one In
favor of building a conference center at the Fort Melon site in Sanford. 'The Sanford
Commission Just adopted the Comprehensive Plan. The developmenfe referendum
passed by a 10 point margin. The City of Sanford and Seminote county Government
Is proceeding with the building of the Regional Seminole CountyConfer8noe Center.
The County has agreed to commit TOC funding to the pubJic::; portion of the financing.
the eRA has agreed to commit funding to the public portion of the financing, and the
City has agreed to commit land to the public portion of the financing. Approximately
3/4 of the project is being privately funded. Various permits are being applied for.
Engineering, environmental, and traffic concerns need to be addressed. The
nmidge" problem Is being controlled and the cost of control will be an annual
budgetary requirement. The hotot will be privately owned and the conferenQe center
will be owned by Seminole County. An interlocal agreement pertaining to the use of
the conference facility will be developed. Mayor Dale also diacuseed the sea wall
and planS for repairing and enhancing it. Lastly. there was discussion regarding
tl'8ffic control and road Improvements in downtown Sanford.
Airport _ Sanford and Seminole County have an asset that Is coveted by many
counties. The facllity 18 capable of being a regionaUy significant int.mationsl airport
and an economic chain for all of Seminole County. The FHA requires that profits
from the atrport must be reinvested in the airport. The S.nford Airport Authority is
comprised of a wide variety of community representatives including the TOe. various
cltles, and the County. The airport was designed for 500.000 passengers; this past
. year there were close to 1.~ million passengers. There are many growth problems.
Many projects are in planning/progress including a new taxi way, expansion of the
east west run WHY. an~ a new hangar for the Sheriff's Offtce's helicopters.
Discussion followed regarding air flight paths and flight noise.
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· 'CounCil of Local Governments In Seminole County
January 6. 1999 meeting minutes
Page 3
1!'tIIIiIIl' ~ ' AM.
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9. Program C: Program 8chedullng .
. February, Winter Springs - Tourist Development Commissioner presented by
Jack Wert
. March, Altamonte Springs - 2012 Olympics
. April, Casselberry - program to be determined
. May, Lake Mary - Overview of downtown redevelopment
. June, Longwood - progmm to be determined
. July. no meeting
. Augu~ - no meeting
. September, Oviedo/See - Update on SCC's Oviedo Campus and 1-4 Ml8sing
. October. Sanford - The Responsibilities of Leadership
. November, Seminole County - Courthouse Update
. December. Seminole County Public Schools - Lightrail
. January, Winter Springs - Program Scheduling
10. Reports from Members;
. Seminole County Commission representative Daryl Mclain did not submit a report.
. Seminole County School Board representative Diane Bauer reported that the School
Board named Its newest faclllty Lawton M. Chites Middle School.
. Attamonte Spl1ngs representative Eddie Rose reported that their Christmas Santa
ridl was successful. The Altamonte City Commission has assumed the
responsibiUtles of their eRA. Lastly, Commis$loner Rosediecuned 8 rendering of
the new 20 story building that wUl.be built on Central Blvd. and 1-4.
. Lake Mary representative Gary Brender infanned the members that the 601 building
in Heathrow was approved (180,000 square foot building) just north of AM.
Highwood Properties. d.....oper. is going to be taking the comer of 46Aand Rinehart
Road (38-38 acre parcel) to develop 280,000 square feet of office spaDe and a hotel
with a small conference center, Siemens-Stromberg will &ell -100 acres for the
development of an office park.
. OViedo representative Tom Hagood discussed the grand opening (January 28) of the
Thespian Seminary.
. Sanford representative Brady \..e&&ard anticipates that Sanford will be named as one
of the top ten communities to live in Central Florida. Jeno Paulucci has donated a
functional Model T to the city's D.A.R.e. program. Commissioner Lessard stated that
Tony VanDetWorp, new City Manager, is doing a fantastic job. Millage rate Will
. come down this year; arbage has been rivatized. ' II
. m on selectsd ..........
W~lbrougn Development Company to develop Winter Spring's town center. The TpW 0).
Commission also contracted With a traffic control company to address various ~
problems with the older section of Winter Springs.
. Seminole CommunIty College representative Stephen Wright discussed the
groundbreaking of sec's Oviedo campus. He discussed a multi-media program that
Is being developed,
The meeting adjoumed at 9:03 p.m.