HomeMy WebLinkAboutWater 2020 A Local Utility's Perspective "Water 2020" A locallltililV's Perspective Consideralilllns lor the Citv of Casselberrv Presentation 10 the Council of local Governments in Seminole Countv Mav 6, 199B Raul f. Palenzuola, P.l Cill 01 Casselberry "Waler 2020" ;~} A SJRWMD initiative with statutorv basis. ;~; Plans water supplv for at least 20 vears. + Identifies: environmentallv, technicallv and economit.:aIIV feasible water supplv l options. i' + Schedules plan implementation. {!.; Is developed in a cooperative regional I approach. -, WhV plan=- ;~; SIRWID ,.'Water Supplv Needs & Sources" I report id*=ntilies Seminole Counb as a '.Water Resources Caution Area." . ;~; Potential lor salt water intrusion. ;~; Potential lor lowering ground water levels. I ~!} Regulators seeking 10 understand the balance between withdrawals & recharge ,I 01 ground and surlace water resources. Currenllv.... i!; Emphasis on outreach lor this phase. i!; "Area 1" Worll Group has met twice, next meeting i.s planned for Mal 21. ;!; local participants are very interested in the development 01 the groundwater model, and havelformed an onicial subgroup. l t if.; SJRWMD, iCH2M Hill, OF, Chas. Tibbals. {!.; OSGS sal' water intrusion repon due1999. {>-., ~ Potential impacts on local utilities: I (!.; C.D.P. rule ~:hanges 10 improle consislelc, wilh "Water 202fO" objectives. + Shoner C._.p.lluraliOIS ultil plan is delelopell. I' 1 {!} Once the plan is developed, the intent is to issue I 20 vear permits if use is consistent with the plan. ~f.~ More interconnects & utilill IIA's. €!! Surlace w~ter augmentation of reclaimed water. I {!: Surlace water as one of many potable water source oPtilns. i en CD .- ... I- I- ... = r= .. - ..... < -- ---- .1:1 CD en en ca u . = . .. · ca f! CD = u 'E -- eD E: ... CD en 0 - =. ~ -- = E == = Mt .. - - ,.. ... . CD ci - c.:t c.:t .!!u -. = = -- I- E E ell aD se- -a ! 'i an!! as c.:a .. CD CD = .... = I B CD ... _ U _f!I!I ... --'-~..'.Iiiii-.' -- en 1_ CD,.... is ft. Ii N N . = = -- .... .. - = . ... =. 1:1 = . =. 1:1 = = = IE = .. en ...... . N = ."'. " lit ~ ~.~ "." ". . . o .... = ca - =. " ... ... ~.! !e; to.' '.' "." ~.~ '.' ;'.";. , , '. ' ,., ~.! '.'