HomeMy WebLinkAboutMap City Limits . Wells . Water Treatment 'J Plants Water System Service Area * Interconnects ~ Proposed Interconnects , 1 I I I I I I .1 Facts about Water Water is the real limit to Growth. Great is the availability of water - on average, earth's water cover is two miles deep- but 97.5% is saline. Of tbe remaining 2.5%, which is fresh, 70% is in icecaps 29% i.s inaccessible 1 % is available for human use Water consumption is growing at the rate of over 10% per year in North America (over 1000%since 1900), over 13% in South America, and over 16% in Europe. .The water usage per head has doubled since 1940, while global population has doubled since 1940. Farming takes most: World US Agriculture 69% 49% Industry 23% 42% Domestic 8% 9% Water scarcity is a world problem. It is a limited problem in the US. Countries like Israel., Egypt, Libya, Tunisia, and others withdraw beyond their barrier (must withdraw water flowing from other countries). Environmental damage adds to the problem. In Russia the Aral Sea has shrunk to 1/3 it's size in 1960. In the past 100 years twenty two states in the U. S. lost at least 50% of their original wetlands, with seven states losing over 80%. Florida has lost 46%. Water is a global problem, perhaps the next great conflict after oil. Living with scarcity requires policies for allocation and conservation. Allocation between sectors, countries and communities, either by rationing, negotiation, price or trade. Conservation involves recycling. reducing and fe-using. American industries have achieved over 700% more recycling since 1968. The state fathers say Florida has a problem. In Florida, water is free. The cost to pump it, treat it, store it and pipe it is what we pay ($.10 to :lt44.4:'-per WUO gaL).~ In severat ofthe western states people have water rights andtrl1de orsell . their water rights. San Diego averages 12" of rain per year (except for EI Nmo) while Central Florida gets about 53" of rain per year. Florida is basically a water rich state. Most of our drinking water is pumped from the acquifer. Since around 80% of the people in Florida live within 20 miles of the coast, the pumping has caused salt intrusion into the acquifer. The PineUas county acquifer is totally saline. All their drinking water is pumped from Pasco and Hillsborough counties. Salt intrusion also exists in Sarasota county and along tbe east coast in Dade and Broward counties. The Florida acquifer system runs roughly along the Turnpike from Central Florida to Dade county. What happens in Central Florida affects the available drinking water in Dade county. In Central Florida we don't need the conservation that other counties may need but if we want to rC\..-=~ve C'i..i.t,;i Federal fund:; we will need to have a conse~tion program in plac~. .