HomeMy WebLinkAboutLocal Option Gas Tax Distribution for Calendar Years 1999 Local Option Gas Tax Distribution for Calendar Year 1999 FY 1992/93 FY 1993/94 FY1994/95 FY1995/96 FY1996/97 TotalS Year Distribution Distribution Change in Transportation Jan. 1999 Jan. 1998 Distribution Altamonte Springs $5,512,351 $5,008,562 $4,214,660 $5,210,229 $5,127,528 $25,073,330 13.10% 13.91% -0.81% Casselberry $1,008,978 $1,056,396 $1,458,336 $1,754,459 $1,457,995 $6,736,164 3.52% 3.41% 0.11% Lake Mary $528,366 $847,901 $557,127 $1,342,749 $1,595,801 $4,871,944 2.54% 1.97% 0.58% Longwood $1,303,293 $918,646 $989,136 $789,750 $633,683 $4,634,508 2.42% 2.97% -0.55% Oviedo $2,190,182 $2,147,985 $1,502,254 $1,245,391 $1,246,816 $8,332,628 4.35% 4.50% -0.15% Sanford $1,811,910 $2,787,491 $3,899,185 $2,971,967 $4,414,117 $15,884,670 8.30% 7.41% 0.89% Winter Springs $773,916 $688,081 $848,709 $971,360 $865,635 $4,147,701 2.17% 2.23% -0.06% TOTALS $13,128,996 $13,455,062 $13,469,407 $14,285,905 $15,341,575 $69,680,945 36.40% 36.40% Seminole County's portion of the Local Option Gas Tax is fixed at 63.6% per the interlocal agreement 63.60% 100.00% 6/3/98 98distr.xls Local Option Gas Tax Allocation History Jan. 1999 Jan. 1998 Jan. 1997 Jan. 1996 Jan. 1995 Jan. 1994 Jan. 1993 Jan. 1992 Jan. 1991 Jan. 1990 Altamonte Springs 13.10% 13.91 % 14.40% 15.48% 15.25% 14.66% 13.50% 11.99% 10.42% 11.28% Casselberry 3.52% 3.41% 3.06% 2.76% 2.93% 3.18% 3.51% 3.93% 4.49% 4.76% lake Mary 2.54% 1.97% 1.51% 1.45% 1.27% 1.18% 1.31% 1.70% 1.68% 1.53% longwood 2.42% 2.97% 3.43% 4.00% 4.62% 4.79% 4.73% 4.53% 4.17% 3.61% Oviedo 4.35% 4.50% 4.82% 4.82% 4.46% 3.89% 3.68% 3.25% 2.64% 1.99% Sanford 8.30% 7.41% 6.94% 5.67% 5.40% 5.98% 6.66% 7.69% 9.18% 9.52% Winter Springs 2.17% 2.23% 2.24% 2.22% 2.47% 2.72% 3.01% 3.31% 3.82% 3.71% TOTALS 36.40% 36.40% 36.40% 36.40% 36.40% 36.40% 36.40% 36.40% 36.40% 36.40% Seminole County's portion of the local Option Gas Tax is fixed at 63.6% per the interlocal agreement 6/3/98 Hist98.xls SEMINOLE COUNTY REVENUE MANUAL LOCAL OPTION GAS TAX REVENUE SOURCE: F.S. 336.025; Ordinances 85-33; 85-34; 93-17. Local REVENUE ACCOUNT INFORMATION: REVENUE CLASSIFICATION: Fund: 10101 - Transportation Trust Fund Account Number: GMBA Category: 31 Taxes Type: 312 Sales, Use and Fuel Taxes Local governments are authorized to impose a Local Option Gas Tax from 1 to 6 cents per gallon of motor and diesel fuel. Seminole County imposes a 6 cent gas tax which is shared with the cities. The County by ordinance receives 63.6% of the total revenue. The remainder is divided among the cities based on percentages sent to the State annually from a formula consisting of the previous 5 years transportation expenditures for each city. Collections are administered by the Dept. of Revenue which returns the proceeds to local governments. Collections are subject to 3 types of deductions: Dealer collection allowance, refunds, and a general revenue service charge (7.3%). (Gallons sold x $.06) less deductions x 63.6%. COLLECTION FREQUENCY/MISCELLANEOUS INFORMATION Ordinance 83-22 imposed a 4 cent tax, Ordinance 85-33 extended the tax from 10 to 30 years, and Ordinance 85-34 increased the tax to 6 cents. Checks are received from the State on a monthly basis. Revenue is usually received one month after collection by the State. Actual Actual Actual Actual Actual FY 1992/93 FY 1993/94 FY 1994/95 FY 1995/96 FY 1996/97 Revenue $4,923,761 $4,968,510 $5,113,462 $5,563,246 $5,572,034 % Change 9.9% 0.9% 2.9% 8.8% 0.2% Adopted Proposed Projected Projected Projected FY 1997/98 FY 1998/99 FY 1999/00 FY 2000/01 FY 2001/02 Revenue $5,850,000 $5,850,000 $6,007,950 $6,170,165 $6,336,759 % Change 5.0% 0.0% 2.7% 2.7% 2.7% 10101.xls 31240000