HomeMy WebLinkAbout1998 11 04 Minutes
NOVEMBER 4, 1998
1. Call to Order. Invocation. Pledge of Allegiance.
The meeting was called to order on Wednesday, November 4, 1998 at 7:07 P.M. by
Chairman Gennell at Sanford City Hall, 300 North Park Avenue, Sanford, Florida. A moment of
silent prayer followed.
2. Roll Call.
Members Present
Cindy Gennell, City of Winter Springs
Eddie Rose, City of AItamonte Springs
Diane Bauer, Seminole County School Board
Ron Sargem, ChyofLongwood
AI Clark, City of Casselberry
Tom Greene, City of Lake Mary
Stephen Caldwell Wright, PhD, Seminole Community College
Tom Hagood, City of Oviedo
Brady Lessard, City of Sanford
Whitey Eckstein, City of Sanford
Also Present
Michael Blake, City of Winter Springs
John Drago, City of Winter Springs
Mary Miller, Intern, Seminole Community College
Christy King, Seminole Community College
Richard Gennell
Stan Stevens
3. Approval of October 7.1998 Minutes.
Commissioner Gennell asked if everyone had read the minutes and if there were any
changes or objections. Commissioner Rose noted that in his report he stated the diver of the year
was named Mark Ruiz, not Roreese. Commissioner Clark noted that in his report he said that the
City of Casselberry is not rebidding the engineer for Winter Park Drive, rather that the engineer
redesigned the project and the construction work for Winter Park Drive was being re-bid. A
contractor has been awarded the re-bid on half of the project. Commissioner Sergeant moved to
accept the minutes as amended. Seconded by Commissioner Bender and carried.
4. Treasurer's Report
Commissioner Greene reported the balance of the treasury was $668.03.
5. Program A: Update on the Education/Government Cable Channel Television Issue.
Commissioner Gennell reported she attended a meeting with the executive staff at
Seminole Community College to discuss the update on the education/government cable channel
television issue. Mr. Wright, Seminole Community College, reported that the issue is still being
reviewed by the attorney and he plans to take it to the board next month for discussion.
Commissioner Gennell said that the City of Altamonte Springs has the cable channel issue
on their agenda for November 17. She also said that she will meet with the County in a few
weeks to go over the issue with the county manager and the county attorney to review the finer
points before it is presented to their board.
6. Program B: Update on the Conference Center & Airport.
No presentation given. Mayor Larry A. Dale, City of Sanford, was not present at the
7. Program C: Presentation on the Seminole Community College Cooperative
Education Program.
Ms. Mary Miller, student at Seminole Community College, reported she serves Winter
Springs City Council as a volunteer paralegal intern through the SCC cooperative education
program. Her sponsor is Deputy Mayor Cindy Gennell. She said the cooperative education
program has given her the opportunity to work with people who use the types of law that she will
use when she graduates, and it allows her networking opportunities which will be important when
she graduates in August and ventures into the business world. She said that through working
with Mrs. Gennell she has learned that being a woman who is successful in government requires
much determination and hard work, and her experience in the program will be extremely beneficial
in her future prospective employment.
Ms. Christy King, Coordinator of the Cooperative Education Program at Seminole
Community College, gave a presentation on SCC's Cooperative Education Program. Ms. King
distributed a newsletter which is published twice a year and contains information about the
businesses involved with the cooperative education program. She also distributed a brochure
which explains the cooperative education program. Ms. King said that SCC has worked with
local government agencies and the school board in placing students in positions which relate to
their academic and career goals. In addition, a student benefits from the opportunity to work in
business, industry, health, or public sector agency and earn elective credits, in addition to being
paid a wage. A few of the benefits the employer receives are: saves money by reducing
recruitment costs for employment, grooms promising new talent to meet the future needs of the
organization, and increases productivity by allowing better utilization of professional personnel
for high tasks by assigning cooperative education students to semi-professional responsibilities.
Additionally, state grant dollars are available for subsidizing the income of students who qualify
for financial aid. Finally, Seminole Community College has the second largest cooperative
education program among Florida's community colleges.
8. Program D: discussion of the Local Option Gas Tax.
Commissioner Gennell reported that Councilman Hagood drafted a letter on her behalf
which was sent on CALNO letterhead to all city managers and mayors requesting the discussion
of the Local Option Gas Tax be placed on their meeting agendas. She said the City of Lake Mary
had responded favorably. Commissioner Clark, City of Casselberry, said he will provide a letter
stating the City's support. Commissioner Gennell said that the City of Altamonte Springs has
placed both the discussion of the Local Option Gas Tax and the Government Cable Channel
Television issues on their agenda for November 17. Commissioner Gennell said that she would
attend Altamonte's meeting to discuss the Cable Channel issue and Commissioner Hagood said he
would verify his schedule and could possibly attend to discuss the Local Option Gas Tax issue.
Commissioner Hagood, City of Oviedo, said he placed the Local Option Gas Tax issue on their
agenda; it was discussed and will be brought before the Commission again for a vote.
Commissioner Sargent, City ofLongwood, said there was a discussion at their
Commission meeting regarding the annexation issue. He said the real concern with the County is
that the County doesn't want to drop below a certain percentage of county property, which is 50+
percent. He said the cities should want to share in the Local Option Gas Tax at the same ratios
that the County is asking that areas are being shared. Commissioner Hagood said if the money
has been bonded in a county, that a county can't go below that level to service their bonds. If a
city has bonded their revenue streams from LOGT, then that revenue stream can't be reduced
below that level to that city. Once the money is bonded, the money is secured as long as the
money will be available, fifteen to twenty years. John Drago, City of Winter Springs Deputy
Mayor, said that money can be bonded only until the Local Option Gas Tax is sunset. If there is a
certain year in which it is inactive, the money can be bonded only to that point, after which
legislation would have to be reenacted. If legislation is reenacted, the cities would be able to
renegotiate a distribution formula; that would be the appropriate time to approach the split
situation. As far as the bonding is concerned, consideration would have to be given to other
pledged revenues beside gas tax.
9. Program E: Discussion of the Interlocal Mediation Agreement.
Commissioner Hagood reported there was litigation pending between the City of Oviedo
and the City of Winter Springs regarding Battle Ridge and the cities wanted to invoke the Inter-
Local Mediation Agreement. However, because there were other parties to the litigation other
than Oviedo, Winter Springs, and the County which are the signatories on the inter-local
agreement, it was deemed inappropriate to mediate. Commissioner Hagood said there may be a
need to revise the agreement because there will be future incidents where mitigation is necessary
and all parties will want to be involved. At the present time the agreement doesn't allow for full
Commissioner Gennell said the Interlocal Mediation Agreement was established to prevent
cities from going to court with each other. Each city that signed the agreement is bound by
commitment to enter into non-binding mediation when contemplating a lawsuit and before it is
10. Program F: Update on the Appointment/Reappointment to the Seminole
Expressway Authority.
At the meeting of October 7, 1998, Mr. Whitey Eckstein was reappointed to the Seminole
Expressway Authority. The item was to be taken back to each city and presented to each
commission for vote. Commissioner Gennell reported she directed the cities to send response to
the County regarding the reappointment. Commissioner Hagood said the reappointment was on
the agenda for the Seminole Expressway Authority.
10.5 Update on Legislative Policy Committee Effort.
Commissioner Blake reported that CALNO passed a Resolution last month to revise the
TRIM notice requirements to eliminate the rollback rate as the basis for a tax increase
notification. He took the Resolution to the Florida League of Cities Tax Law Committee meeting
where it was received under advisement. The Council concurred to send the Resolution to the
new Legislation in Tallahassee, and Commissioner Gennell said she would prepare another copy
of the Resolution and have the clerk forward it for action.
10.75 CALNO appointment to Juvenile Justice Committee.
Commissioner Gennell reported that Ann Marie Vacca informed her that she could no
longer serve on the Juvenile Justice Committee. On recommendation of Commissioner Gennell,
Commissioner Sargent moved to appoint Eddie Martinez to serve as CALNO's representative to
the Juvenile Justice Committee. Seconded by Commissioner Hagood and the vote carried.
11. Reports from Members:
Cindy Gennell, City of Winter Springs
No report.
Stephen Caldwell Wright. PhD. Seminole Community College
The UCF/SCC Joint Agreement Proposal is going before Legislature again.
CALNO members will be invited to the ground breaking for the Oviedo Campus which is
scheduled for December. The men's basketball team lost their first game. The girls team is
continuing triumphantly.
Diane Barnes, Seminole County School Board
A meeting is scheduled for the first week in December with a representative ofthe Federal
Government who will give a report on the consent decree. Also, she takes her seat November 17,
Eddie Rose, City of Altamonte Springs
Commissioner Rose was elected to serve another term and Betty Griffith was elected to
serve as Commissioner. He congratulated Oviedo for their second and third place finish in the
Seminole Conference swim meet; the girls finished a strong third.
Tom Greene. City of Lake Mary
Mayor Mealor, Commissioner Brender, and himself will be sworn in for another term on
November 5, 1998. There will be a golf tournament on November 17 at Timacuan to raise money
for Trail head Park which will be located at Rinehart Road and Lake Mary Boulevard. New
batting cages were installed at the ball complex. There was a joint meeting with the new Sanford
Orlando Airport Director, Victor White, and Sanford Mayor, Larry Dale. Mr. Greene said he will
be representing the Lake Mary City Commission in meetings with Mr. White regarding airport
issues, including the continuing concerns regarding the noise issue. The Florida Power
Corporation Solutions Building, located by the interstate, opened last week.
Al Clark, City of Casselberry
Two Commissioners were reelected. The Referendum issue passed by 60%, which will
separate alcohol sales from nudity. The City's amendment states if there is nudity in adult clubs,
you can't have alcohol. The County's amendment states you can't have nudity in public places.
Ron Sar.gent, City ofLongwood
Shelton Smith was replaced with Interim Administrator Greg Manning, a former police
Tom Hagood, City of Oviedo
Serves on the UACTA (University Alafaya Corridor Transportation Authority) Board and
reported there will be a new bus route which will link UCF, SCC Oviedo campus, travel through
the city, and to the mall. The UACTA Board meets on the third or fourth Thursday at 8:00 A.M.
at the Research Park Building.
12. Adjournment.
There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 8:37 P.M.