HomeMy WebLinkAbout1998 10 26 Letter Re: Local Option Gas tAx Council of Local Governments in Seminole County . LAKE MARY . LONGWOOD . CASSELBERRY . AL~~:~E . OVIEDO SEMINOLE COUNl"Y SCHOOL BOARD October 26, 1998 Mr. Ronald W. McLemore, City Manager The City of Winter Springs 1126 East State Road 434 Winter Springs, Florida 32708 Dear Mr. McLemore: During the October 7, 1998 Council of Local Governments in Seminole County (CALNO) meeting the members discussed the topic of the Local Option Gas Tax (LOGT). In particular the enacting interlocal agreement and applicable statutes were discussed. The members of CALNO felt that this review was appropriate based upon CALNO's role in the interlocal agreement as a recommending body to the County Commission. By form of a unanimous motion, the members of CALNO decided to pose the following question to each City member of CALNO: "Should CALNO request that Seminole County re-examine the split between the County and the Cities of the Local Option Gas Tax revenues? In addition should CALNO also investigate alternative methods of distribution of the City's share of the LOGT revenues?" Please agenda this question as soon as practical before your Board. The response can be returned to the undersigned. Thank you very much, and please feel free to contact me, should you have any questions or concerns. Yours truly, &~ L~~~ue/' Cindy Gennell Chairperson CG/alll ------------------------------- ------------------------------- COUNCIL MEMBERS hkli" I{os" AI Clark TOIII Ilagood Jr. Ilrady I,,,ssard Cilldy G"IUI"n, Chai.-p.:r.;oll Gary Brellder ROll Sargelll Grallt I-lalay I~lrry Furlollg John Garmon Council of Local Governments in Seminole County . LAKE MARY . LONGWOOD . CASSELBERRY . ALTAMDNTE . OVIEDO SPRINGS SEMINOLE COUNTY SCHOOL BOARD October 26, 1998 The Honorable Paul P. Partyka Mayor of the City of Winter Springs 1126 East State Road 434 Winter Springs, Florida 32708 Dear Mayor Partyka: During the October 7, 1998 Council of Local Governments in Seminole County (CALNO) meeting the members discussed the topic of the Local Option Gas Tax (LOGT). In particular the enacting interlocal agreement and applicable statutes were discussed. The members of CALNO felt that this review was appropriate based upon CALNO's role in the interlocal agreement as a recommending body to the County Commission. By form of a unanimous motion, the members of CALNO decided to pose the following question to each City member of CALNO: "Should CALNO request that Seminole County re-examine the split between the County and the Cities of the Local Option Gas Tax revenues? In addition should CALNO also investigate alternative methods of distribution of the City's share of the LOGT revenues?" Please agenda this question as soon as practical before your Board. The response can be returned to the undersigned. Thank you very much, and please feel free to contact me, should you have any questions or concerns. Yours truly, /l' /!; ,/J (;vt:<<4' W.t-7~L Cindy cfennell Chairperson CG/a11l ========================= COUNCIL MEMBERS Tom Ilagoud Jr. Ilrady 1..:s"",1 Cilldy G,:,ul.:lI. Chairp"rsoll Gary Brclldcr ROil Sargcllt (;rall( ~(alay (~Irry Furlollg Eddi.: \{ose 1\1 Clark Jolm Garmon Council of Local Governments in Seminole County . LAKE MARY . LONGWOOD . CASSELBERRY ALTAMONTE · SPRINGS SEMINOLE COUNTY October 26, 1998 SCHOOL BOARD Mr. Anthony VanDerworp, City Manager The City of Sanford Post Office Box 1788 Sanford, Florida 32772-1788 Dear Mr. V anDerworp: During the October 7, 1998 Council of Local Governments in Seminole County (CALNO) meeting the members discussed the topic of the Local Option Gas Tax (LOGT). In particular the enacting interlocal agreement and applicable statutes were discussed. The members of CALNO felt that this review was appropriate based upon CALNO's role in the interlocal agreement as a recommending body to the County Commission. By form of a unanimous motion, the members of CALNO decided to pose the following question to each City member of CALNO: "Should CALNO request that Seminole County re-examine the split between the County and the Cities of the Local Option Gas Tax revenues? In addition should CALNO also investigate alternative methods of distribution of the City's share of the LOGT revenues?" Please agenda this question as soon as practical before your Board. The response can be returned to the undersigned. Thank you very much, and please feel free to contact me, should you have any questions or concerns. Yours truly, /)' /':, ~ i~p-c4J ~~dX Cindy Gennell Chairperson CG/a111 Eddie Rose AI Clark '1'0111 Hagood Jr. I3rady Lessard COUNCIL MEMBERS Cindy GelUlcll. Chairperson Gary I3rcnder Ron Sargcnt Grant Malay L~rry Furlong John Gannoll Council of Local Governments in Seminole County . LAKE MARY . LONGWOOD . CASSELBERRY . ALTAMONTE . OVIEDO SPRlNGS SEMINOLE COUNlY SCHOOL BOARD October 26, 1998 The Honorable Larry A. Dale Mayor of the City of Sanford Post Office Box 1788 Sanford, Florida 32772-1788 Dear Mayor Dale: During the October 7, 1998 Council of Local Governments in Seminole County (CALNO) meeting the members discussed the topic of the Local Option Gas Tax (LOGT). In particular the enacting interlocal agreement and applicable statutes were discussed. The members of CALNO felt that this review was appropriate based upon CALNO's role in the interlocal agreement as a recommending body to the County Commission. By form of a unanimous motion, the members of CALNO decided to pose the following question to each City member of CALNO: "Should CALNO request that Seminole County re-examine the split between the County and the Cities of the Local Option Gas Tax revenues? In addition should CALNO also investigate alternative methods of distribution of the City's share of the LOGT revenues?" Please agenda this question as soon as practical before your Board. The response can be returned to the undersigned. Thank you very much, and please feel free to contact me, should you have any questions or concerns. Yours truly, &k~~Mde Cindy &nnell Chairperson CG/alll =========================== COUNCIL MEMBERS --------------------------- --------------------------- Ed<li~ Ros~ 1\1 Clark Cilldy G~IUI~II, Chairp"rsoll Gary I3rclldcr ROil SargclI! Gralll1\(a/;ty Larry Furlollg TOIII Ilagoo<l Jr. Ilrady I.~ssard Jolm Garmon Council of Local Governments in Seminole County . LAKE MARY . LONGWOOD . CASSELBERRY . ALTAMONTE SPRINGS . OVIEDO SEMINOLE COUN1Y October 26, 1998 SCHOOL BOARD Mr. V. Eugene Williford, III, City Manager The City of Oviedo 400 Alexandria Boulevard Oviedo, Florida 32765 Dear Mr. Williford: During the October 7, 1998 Council of Local Governments in Seminole County (CALNO) meeting the members discussed the topic of the Local Option Gas Tax (LOGT). In particular the enacting interlocal agreement and applicable statutes were discussed. The members of CALNO felt that this review was appropriate based upon CALNO's role in the interlocal agreement as a recommending body to the County Commission. By form of a unanimous motion, the members of CALNO decided to pose the following question to each City member of CALNO: "Should CALNO request that Seminole County re-examine the split between the County and the Cities of the Local Optio~ Gas Tax revenues? In addition should CALNO also investigate alternative methods of distribution of the City's share of the LOGT revenues?" Please agenda this question as soon as practical before your Board. The response can be returned to the undersigned. Thank you very much, and please feel free to contact me, should you have any questions or concerns. Yours truly, rf~vf'~t!1 Cindy cknnell Chairperson CG/alll Eddie Rose Al Clark TOlllllagood Jr. Brady Lessard COUNCIL MEMBERS Cindy GCIUlell, Chairperson Gary Brender Ron Sargenl Granl Malay L'Irry Furlong John Gannon Council of Local Governments in Seminole County . LAKE MARY . LONGWOOD . CASSELBERRY . ALTAMONTE . OVIEDO SPRINGS SEMINOLE COUNTY SCHOOL BOARD October 26, 1998 The Honorable Miriam Bruce Mayor of the City of Oviedo 400 Alexandria Boulevard Oviedo, Florida 32765 Dear Mayor Bruce: During the October 7, 1998 Council of Local Governments in Seminole County (CALNO) meeting the members discussed the topic of the Local Option Gas Tax (LOGT). In particular the enacting interlocal agreement and applicable statutes were discussed. The members of CALNO felt that this review was appropriate based upon CALNO's role in the interlocal agreement as a recommending body to the County Commission. By form of a unanimous motion, the members of CALNO decided to pose the following question to each City member of CALNO: "Should CALNO request that Seminole County re-examine the split between the County and the Cities of the Local Option Gas Tax revenues? In addition should CALNO also investigate alternative methods of distribution of the City's share of the LOGT revenues?" Please agenda this question as soon as practical before your Board. The response can be returned to the undersigned. Thank you very much, and please feel free to contact me, should you have any questions or concerns. Yours truly, } It tt?'~ ~;d!f! Cindy Gennell Chairperson CG/a111 ======================= COUNCIL MEMBERS --------------------------- --------------------------- TOIII Ilag\>Od Jr. Ilrady I ",,,ard Cindy GelUlell. Chairp<:rson Gary IJrcnder Ron Sargcnt Granl t-lalay 1~lrry Furlong Eddie Rosc AI Clark John Garlllon Council of Local Governments in Seminole County . lAKE MARY . LONGWOOD . CASSELBERRY . AL~~:~E . OVIEDO SEMINOLE COUNlY SCHOOL BOARD October 26, 1998 Mr. Shelton Smith, City Manager The City of Longwood 175 West Warren Avenue Longwood, Florida 32750 Dear Mr. Smith: During the October 7, 1998 Council of Local Governments in Seminole County (CALNO) meeting the members discussed the topic of the Local Option Gas Tax (LOGT). In particular the enacting interlocal agreement and applicable statutes were discussed. The members of CALNO felt that this review was appropriate based upon CALNO's role in the interlocal agreement as a recommending body to the County Commission. By form of a unanimous motion, the members of CALNO decided to pose the following question to each City member of CALNO: "Should CALNO request that Seminole County re-examine the split between the County and the Cities of the Local Option Gas Tax revenues? In addition should CALNO also investigate alternative methods of distribution of the City's share of the LOGT revenues?" Please agenda this question as soon as practical before your Board. The response can be returned to the undersigned. Thank you very much, and please feel free to contact me, should you have any questions or concerns. Yours truly, t11<-j~ ~/f;(-jcLt!; Cindy ~nnell Chairperson CG/a111 COUNCIL MEMBERS --------------------------- --------------------------- ------------------------------- ------------------------------- Eddie I{usc AI Clark TOCIl llagoud Jr. Ilrady I,cssard Cilldy GCIUlcll. Ch"irrk:rsoll Gary lJrclldcr !{Oll Sargclll Grallll\lalay l..al1)' Furlollg John Gannon Council of Local Governments in Seminole County . LAKE MARY LONGWOOD . CASSELBERRY . ALJ~~~E . OVlEDO SEMINOLE COUN1Y SCHOOL BOARD October 26, 1998 The Honorable Rusty Miles Mayor of the City of Longwood 17 5 West Warren Avenue Longwood, Florida 32750 Dear Mayor Miles: During the October 7, 1998 Council of Local Governments in Seminole County (CALNO) meeting the members discussed the topic of the Local Option Gas Tax (LOGT). In particular the enacting interlocal agreement and applicable statutes were discussed. The members of CALNO felt that this review was appropriate based upon CALNO's role in the interlocal agreement as a recommending body to the County Commission. By form of a unanimous motion, the members of CALNO decided to pose the following question to each City member of CALNO: "Should CALNO request that Seminole County re-examine the split between the County and the Cities of the Local Option Gas Tax revenues? In addition should CALNO also investigate alternative methods of distribution of the City's share of the LOGT revenues?" Please agenda this question as soon as practical before your Board. The response can be returned to the undersigned. Thank you very much, and please feel free to contact me, should you have any questions or concerns. Yours truly, &/~ ~?/4d~ Cindy Oennell Chairperson =========~============= COUNCIL MEMBERS bIoi" I{o,,, AI Clark Cinoy G"tuldl. Ch<lirp.:rson G<lry Brcllocr I~on Sarg""t TOlll Ilagnoo Jr. Braoy I.","aro Gran! ~(al<lY Larry Furlollg JollII Garmon Council of Local Governments in Seminole County . LAKE MARY . LONGWOOD . CASSELBERRY . ALTAMONTE . OVIEDO SPRINGS SEMINOLE COUNTY SCHOOL BOARD October 26, 1998 Mr. John Litton, City Manager The City of Lake Mary 100 West Lake Mary Boulevard Lake Mary, Florida 32746 Dear Mr. Litton: During the October 7, 1998 Council of Local Governments in Seminole County (CALNO) meeting the members discussed the topic of the Local Option Gas Tax (LOGT). In particular the enacting interlocal agreement and applicable statutes were discussed. The members of CALNO felt that this review was appropriate based upon CALNO's role in the interlocal agreement as a recommending body to the County Commission. By form of a unanimous motion, the members of CALNO decided to pose the following question to each City member of CALNO: "Should CALNO request that Seminole County re-examine the split between the County and the Cities of the Local Option Gas Tax revenues? In addition should CALNO also investigate alternative methods of distribution of the City's share of the LOGT revenues?" Please agenda this question as soon as practical before your Board. The response can be returned to the undersigned. Thank you very much, and please feel free to contact me, should you have any questions or concerns. Yours truly, d:l~~ ~~?#cL( Cindy'Gennell Chairperson CG/alll COUNCIL MEMBERS --------------------------- ------------------------------- ------------------------------- Eddie [{ose AI Clark TOIII I lagood Jr. Ilr;llly I.essard Cilldy Gellllell. Chairpeesoll Gary I3retltlcr ROil Sargent Grallt /l.lalay I~lrry Furlollg Johll Garmon Council of Local Governments in Seminole County . LAKE MARY LONGWOOD · . CASSELBERRY . ALTAMONTE . OVIEDO SPRINGS SEMINOLE COUNlY SCHOOL BOARD October 26, 1998 The Honorable David Mealor Mayor of the City of Lake Mary 100 West Lake Mary Boulevard Lake Mary, Florida 32746 Dear Mayor Mealor: During the October 7, 1998 Council of Local Governments in Seminole County (CALNO) meeting the members discussed the topic of the Local Option Gas Tax (LOGT). In particular the enacting interlocal agreement and applicable statutes were discussed. The members of CALNO felt that this review was appropriate based upon CALNO's role in the interlocal agreement as a recommending body to the County Commission. By form of a unanimous motion, the members of CALNO decided to pose the following question to each City member of CALNO: "Should CALNO request that Seminole County re-examine the split between the County and the Cities of the Local Option Gas Tax revenues? In addition should CALNO also investigate alternative methods of distribution of the City's share of the LOGT revenues?" Please agenda this question as soon as practical before your Board. The response can be returned to the undersigned. Thank you very much, and please feel free to contact me, should you have any questions or concerns. Yours truly, /,~J . { t -d/Y {f~,<dff vt!i'k~uet. Cindy (knnell Chairperson CG/alll COUNCIL MEMBERS ------------------------------- ------------------------------- Ilr;ouy (.ess;ord Cilldy GelUldl. Ch~irp<:rsoll Gary Urclldcr RUII Sargcllt Gr~1I1 I-lalay Larry Furlullg Eduie Ruse AI CI~rk Tnll. Il;ogoud Jr. Julu1 Gart1\Otl Council of Local Governments in Seminole County . LAKE MARY . LONGWOOD . CASSELBERRY . ALTAMONTE . OVIEDO SPRINGS SEMINOLE COUNTY October 26, 1998 SCHOOL BOARD Mr. Jack Schluckebier, City Manager The City of Casselberry 95 Lake Triplet Drive Casselberry, Florida 32707 Dear Mr. Schluckebier: During the October 7, 1998 Council of Local Governments in Seminole County (CALNO) meeting the members discussed the topic of the Local Option Gas Tax (LOGT). In particular the enacting interlocal agreement and applicable statutes were discussed. The members of CALNO felt that this review was appropriate based upon CALNO's role in the interlocal agreement as a recommending body to the County Commission. By form of a unanimous motion, the members of CALNO decided to pose the following question to each City member of CALNO: "Should CALNO request that Seminole County re-examine the split between the County and the Cities of the Local Option Gas Tax revenues? In addition should CALNO also investigate alternative methods of distribution of the City's share of the LOGT revenues?" Please agenda this question as soon as practical before your Board. The response can be returned to the undersigned. Thank you very much, and please feel free to contact me, should you have any questions or concerns. Yours truly, (~f.~ ~k~td~ Cindy'Oennell Chairperson CG/a111 Eddie Rose AI Clark Tom II a good Jr. Brady Lessard COUNCIL MEMBERS Cindy GClUlell. Chairperson Gary Brender Ron Sargent Grant Malay Larry Furlong John Gannon . LAKE MARY Council of Local Governments in Seminole County . LONGWOOD . CASSELBERRY AL TAMDNTE · SPRINGS . OVIEDO SEMINOLE COUNIY SCHOOL BOARD October 26, 1998 The Honorable Bruce Pronovost Mayor of the City of Casselberry 95 Lake Triplet Drive Casselberry, Florida 32707 Dear Mayor Pronovost: During the October 7, 1998 Council of Local Governments in Seminole County (CALNO) meeting the members discussed the topic of the Local Option Gas Tax (LOGT). In particular the enacting interlocal agreement and applicable statutes were discussed. The members of CALNO felt that this review was appropriate based upon CALNO's role in the interlocal agreement as a recommending body to the County Commission. By form of a unanimous motion, the members of CALNO decided to pose the following question to each City member of CALNO: "Should CALNO request that Seminole County re-examine the split between the County and the Cities of the Local Option Gas Tax revenues? In addition should CALNO also investigate alternative methods of distribution of the City's share of the LOGT revenues?" Please agenda this question as soon as practical before your Board. The response can be returned to the undersigned. Thank you very much, and please feel free to contact me, should you have any questions or concerns. Yours truly, /? /.' .ul L,~4df -/dt-u/,H('f!t Cindy Gennell Chairperson =========filigllL================ COUNCIL MEMBERS =======-------------------- Cilldy G"lUl"lI. Ch:lirp.:rsOll G'IfY UrclIdcr ROll Sarg""l Gr:tllll\l:lI:lY L:lrry FUrlollg ":ddi" Rose AI Clark '1'0111 11:1[;(>0<1 1r. Ilrady'-",s:lrd Johll Gannon Council of Local Governments in Seminole County . LAKE MARY . LONGWOOD . CASSELBERRY . ALTAMDNTE . OVIEDO SPRINGS SEMINOLE COUN1Y SCHOOL BOARD October 26, 1998 Mr. Philip Penland, City Manager The City of Altamonte Springs 225 Newburyport Avenue Altamonte Springs, Florida 32701 Dear Mr. Penland: During the October 7, 1998 Council of Local Governments in Seminole County (CALNO) meeting the members discussed the topic of the Local Option Gas Tax (LOGT). In particular the enacting interlocal agreement and applicable statutes were discussed. The members of CALNO felt that this review was appropriate based upon CALNO's role in the interlocal agreement as a recommending body to the County Commission. By form of a unanimous motion, the members of CALNO decided to pose the following question to each City member of CALNO: "Should CALNO request that Seminole County re-examine the split between the County and the Cities of the Local Option Gas Tax revenues? In addition should CALNO also investigate alternative methods of distribution of the City's share of the LOGT revenues?" Please agenda this question as soon as practical before your Board. The response can be returned to the undersigned. Thank you very much, and please feel free to contact me, should you have any questions or concerns. Yours truly, ((". A p:- /'" ,/' ,,11/ ?~ ~:r,,- tg 1f---1ar.ft' Cindy Gennell Chairperson CG/a111 COUNCIL MEMBERS ---------------------- ------------------ ------------------------------ ------------------------------- Eddie Rose AI Clark TOIII Ila!;ood Jr. Ilrady l.cssard Cilldy Gelulell. Chairpersoll Gary Brclldcr ROil SargcII' Grall( ~Ialay Larry Furloll!; Jolm Garltlon Council of Local Governments in Seminole County . LAKE MARY . LONCWOOD . CASSELBERRY . ALTAMONTE . OIIlEOO SPRINGS SEMINOLE COUNTY SCHOOL BOARD October 26, 1998 The Honorable Dudley Bates Mayor of the City of Altamonte Springs 225 Newburyport Avenue Altamonte Springs, Florida 32701 Dear Mayor Bates: During the October 7, 1998 Council of Local Governments in Seminole County (CALNO) meeting the members discussed the topic of the Local Option Gas Tax (LOGT). In particular the enacting interlocal agreement and applicable statutes were discussed. The members of CALNO felt that this review was appropriate based upon CALNO's role in the interlocal agreement as a recommending body to the County Commission. By form of a unanimous motion, the members of CALNO decided to pose the following question to each City member of CALNO: "Should CALNO request that Seminole County re-examine the split between the County and the Cities of the Local Option Gas Tax revenues? In addition should CALNO also investigate alternative methods of distribution of the City's share of the LOGT revenues?" Please agenda this question as soon as practical before your Board. The response can be returned to the undersigned. Thank you very much, and please feel free to contact me, should you have any questions or concerns. Yours truly, . I &f~ d;PfrJd~ Cindy Gennell Chairperson ======================== COUNCIL MEMBERS CG/a111 Totll Ilag'>O<.I Jr. Ilrady Lcssard Cindy GClUlcll. Chairpcrson Gary Brcndcr ROil SargclU Granl I-lalay 1~lIry Furlong Eddie ({osc AI Clark Jolm Gannon