HomeMy WebLinkAbout1998 10 12 Letters Re: Appreciation for Presentations . LAKE MARY Council of Local Governments in Seminole County . LONGWOOD . CASSELBERRY . ALTAMDNTE SPRINGS . OVIEDO SEMINOLE COUN1Y SCHOOL BOARD October 12, 1998 Councilman Tom Hagood, Jr. The City of Oviedo 400 Alexandria Boulevard Oviedo, Florida 32765 Dear Councilman Hagood: On behalf of the members of the Council of Local Governments in Seminole County (C A L NO), I would like to express my appreciation for your most enlightening presentation at our October meeting, and for your many efforts in helping us to better understand this topic. As you know, the reason C A L N 0 was established twenty-five years ago was to share information and improve intergovernmental cooperation, and I thank you so very much for assisting us in this effort. Sincerely, ~~~ Cindy Gennell Chairperson Council of Local Governments in Seminole County CG/alll TOI1l Ilng,>oo Jr. Brady Lcssnrd COUNCIL MEMBERS Cindy GCIUlcll. Chni'l"'l'Son ===-------------- =============================== Eodic Rosc AI Clnrk John Gannon Gary [)rcnocr Ron Sargent Grant Malay Lnrry Furlong . LONGWOOD . CASSELBERRY . LAKE MARY Council of Local Governments in Seminole County . ALTAMDNTE . OVIEDO SPRINGS SEMINOLE COUNTY SCHOOL BOARD October 16, 1998 Mr. Philip Penland, City Manager The City of Altamonte Springs 225 N ewburyport A venue Altamonte Springs, Florida 32701 Dear Mr. Penland: At the October 7, 1998 Council of Local Governments in Seminole County (CALNO) meeting, our organization recommended the reappointment to the Seminole County Expressway Authority of Commissioner Whitey Eckstein of the City of Sanford. Each city must ratify this appointment. Please place this item on your next Agenda (in October) for ratification, and advise (in writing) the Seminole County Expressway Authority (520 West Lake Mary Boulevard, Suite 200, Sanford, Florida 32773) of the results. Thank you very much, and please feel free to contact me, should you have any questions or concerns. Yours truly, 6~7/b~d Cindy Gennell Chairperson CG/alll ====================--=== COUNCIL MEMBERS ------------------ ----- Eddie Rose AI Clark TOIII Ilagood Jr. Brady Lessard Cindy GelUlell. Chai~rson Gary llrender Ron Sargent Granl1\lalay Larry Furlong John Gannon . LAKE MARY Council of Local Governments in Seminole County . LONGWOOD . CASSELBERRY . ALTAMONTE . OVIEDO SPRINGS SEMINOLE COUNlY SCHOOL BOARD October 16, 1998 Mr. Jack Schluckebier, City Manager The City of Casselberry 95 Lake Triplet Drive Casselberry, Florida 32707 Dear Mr. Schluckebier: At the October 7, 1998 Council of Local Governments in Seminole County (CALNO) meeting, our organization recommended the reappointment to the Seminole County Expressway Authority of Commissioner Whitey Eckstein of the City of Sanford. Each city must ratify this appointment. Please place this item on your next Agenda (in October) for ratification, and advise (in writing) the Seminole County Expressway Authority (520 West Lake Mary Boulevard, Suite 200, Sanford, Florida 32773) of the results. Thank you very much, and please feel free to contact me, should you have any questions or concerns. Yours truly, ~ vf!/4L-7<<LI" Cindy Gennell Chairperson CG/a111 COUNCIL MEMBERS Eddi.: Rose AI Clark TOIII llagood Jr. Ilrady Lcssard Cindy GClUldl. Chairp.:rson Gary IJrender Ron Sargcnt Grant1\lalay L.1rry Furlong John Garmon . LAKE MARY Council of Local Governments in Seminole County . LONGWOOD . CASSELBERRY . AL~~::iE . OVIEDO SEMII\IOLE COUNIY SCHOOL BOARD October 16, 1998 Mr. John Litton, City Manager The City of Lake Mary 100 West Lake Mary Boulevard Lake Mary, Florida 32746 Dear Mr. Litton: At the October 7, 1998 Council of Local Governments in Seminole County (CALNO) meeting, our organization recommended the reappointment to the Seminole County Expressway Authority of Commissioner Whitey Eckstein of the City of Sanford. Each city must ratify this appointment. Please place this item on your next Agenda (in October) for ratification, and advise (in writing) the Seminole County Expressway Authority (520 West Lake Mary Boulevard, Suite 200, Sanford, Florida 32773) of the results. Thank you very much, and please feel free to contact me, should you have any questions or concerns. Yours truly, - . I .' I2t ~ .'9YJ4---/-<<-cl Cindy Gennell Chairperson CG/alll ====================== COUNCIL MEMBERS -------------------- ----------- Eddie Rose AI Clark TOIll l(agood k Cindy GelUlcll, Ch:li'l"'rson Gary 13render Ron Sargent Grant I\lalay Larry Furlong 1lr<ldy Lessard John Gannoll . LAKE MARY Council of Local Governments in Seminole County . LONGWOOO . CASSELBERRY . ALTAMONTE SPRINGS October 16, 1998 Mr. Shelton Smith, City Manager The City of Longwood 17 5 West Warren Avenue Longwood, Florida 32750 Dear Mr. Smith: At the October 7, 1998 Council of Local Governments in Seminole County (CALNO) meeting, our organization recommended the reappointment to the Seminole County Expressway Authority of Commissioner Whitey Eckstein of the City of Sanford. Each city must ratify this appointment. Please place this item on your next Agenda (in October) for ratification, and advise (in writing) the Seminole County Expressway Authority (520 West Lake Mary Boulevard, Suite 200, Sanford, Florida 32773) of the results. Thank you very much, and please feel free to contact me, should you have any questions or concerns. Yours truly, '.-- c .- ~~~{y .~A.I'!4/<<-l( Cindy Gennell Chairperson CG/a11l TOIll Ilag'JOd 1r. COUNCIL MEMBERS Cindy G~IUI~II. Chairp.:rson ============~====~~==--===== Eddi~ Ros~ AI Clark John Gaonon Gary 13rcndcr Ron Sargcnt Grnnt 1\ Inlay Larry Furlong Brady L~ssard . LAKE MARY Council of Local Governments in Seminole .County . LONGWOOD . CASSELBERRY . ALTAMONTE . OVIEDO SPRINGS SEMINOLE COUNTY SCHOOL BOARD October 16, 1998 Mr. Anthony VanDerworp, City Manager The City of Sanford Post Office Box 1788 Sanford, Florida 32772-1788 Dear Mr. VanDerworp: At the October 7, 1998 Council of Local Governments in Seminole County (CALNO) meeting, our organization recommended the reappointment to the Seminole County Expressway Authority of Commissioner Whitey Eckstein of the City of Sanford. Each city must ratify this appointment. Please place this item on your next Agenda (in October) for ratification, and advise (in writing) the Seminole County Expressway Authority (520 West Lake Mary Boulevard, Suite 200, Sanford, Florida 32773) of the results. Thank you very much, and please feel free to contact me, should you have any questions or concerns. Yours truly, 1~ J / : //, {/. . /.(- ~ CC<-ccy ~Vtj//L<..<- I Cindy Gennell Chairperson CG/alll Eddie Rosc AI Clark Tom I Iagoou Jr. llrady Lcssard COUNCIL MEMBERS ----------------- Cindy GClUlcll. Chairperson Gary Brcndcr Ron Sargcnl Granl Malay 1..lrry Furlong John Ganllon . LAKE MARY Council of Local Governments in Seminole County . LONGWOOO . CASSELBERRY . ALTAMONTE . OVIEDO SPRINGS SEMINOLE COUNTY SCHOOL BOARD October 16, 1998 Mr. V. Eugene Williford, III, City Manager The City of Oviedo 400 Alexandria Boulevard Oviedo, Florida 32765 Dear Mr. Williford: At the October 7, 1998 Council of Local Governments in Seminole County (CALNO) meeting, our organization recommended the reappointment to the Seminole County Expressway Authority of Commissioner Whitey Eckstein of the City of Sanford. Each city must ratify this appointment. Please place this item on your next Agenda (in October) for ratification, and advise (in writing) the Seminole County Expressway Authority (520 West Lake Mary Boulevard, Suite 200, Sanford, Florida 32773) of the results. Thank you very much, and please feel free to contact me, should you have any questions or concerns. Yours truly, I"" // ~ 7 '):.' _ il // ''':1,..;':';'' / 'he {( Cindy Gennell Chairperson CG/alll Eddic Rose AI Clark TonI Ilagood Jr, Brady Lcssard COUNCIL MEMBERS ---------------- Cindy Gcnndl. Chairp<:rson Gary Brender Ron Sargenl Granl Malay Larry Furlong John Gannun