HomeMy WebLinkAbout1998 10 07 Minutes Present: Absent: Also Present: COUNCIL OF LOCAL GOVERNMENTS IN SEMINOLE COUNTY Oviedo City Council Chambers 400 Alexandria Boulevard Oviedo, Florida MINUTES OCTOBER 7, 1998 Casselberry, Commissioner AI Clark Lake Mary, Commissioner Gary Brender Oviedo, Councilman Tom Hagood, Jr. Winter Springs, Commissioner Cindy Gennell Seminole County School Board, Board Member Larry Furlong; Arrived 7:26 Altamonte Springs, Commissioner Eddie Rose Board of County Commission, Commissioner Grant Maloy Sanford, Commissioner Brady Lessard Seminole Community College, Stephen Caldwell Wright, PhD Longwood, Deputy Mayor Ron Sargent Don Drago, Assistant City Manager, Winter Springs Michael Blake, Commissioner, Winter Springs Mary Miller, Intern with Winter Springs Kathy Montoya, Deputy City Clerk, Oviedo Richard Gennell Stan Stevens 1. Call to order: The meeting was called to order by Chairperson Cindy Gennell at 7:14 p.m. 2. Silent Meditation and Pledge of Allegiance. 3. Approval of minutes of September 2, 1998: Mr. Brender motioned approval of the minutes. Seconded by Mr. Hagood. Motion approved 6-0. 4. Treasurer's Report: Mr. Brender reported the account balance remains at $884.48. Motion by Mr. Hagood to approve and accept report as submitted. Seconded by Mr. Maloy. Motion approved 6-0. 5. Program A: Update on the Education/Government Cable Channel Television Issue Mrs. Gennell stated she met yesterday with advisory staff for Ann McGee. They seemed satisfied with the explanations she gave them. Their next Board of Trustees meeting is 1 COUNCIL OF LOCAL GOVERNMENTS IN SEMINOLE COUNTY MINUTES OVIEDO CITY HALL October 7, 1998 next Tuesday. Although they are in agreement, they have no problem with it now, it's with their attorney. Mrs. Gennell has sent all the information to Altamonte, Longwood and the County Chair for their agenda. 6. Program B: Update on Local Option Gas Tax & Update (LOGT)/Status of Mall Mr. Hagood described his interpretation of the distribution method intended by the inter- local agreement, which mirrors what's in the statute. He stated that the money received has to be utilized for transportation expenditures with specific guidelines as to what the cities and counties can report as expenditures, which is used in the calculations for distribution. He looked for a mechanism to allow for a review of the distribution, however, he could not find such a mechanism either in the agreement or statutes. Mr. Hagood then explained his interpretation of the current distribution method as 63.6% going to the County and the remaining 36.4% goes to the cities, which came from population, which we don't really worry about because when it was written, it appears that it was driven by transportation spending, and according to the Comprehensive Plan and needs, unless you are in a County with more than 500,000 residents. Which we don't meet that threshold. Right now the split is 50/50, 50% incorporated and less than 50% County, which allows for some rationale to revisit the distribution. The percentage for cities is calculated on a 5-year rolling average of how much money is spent on certain transportation projects, as listed on the County report to the Cities. He stated if an inter-local agreement does not provide for an automatic adjustment or periodic review, by the local governmental entity on the method of distribution of local option revenues, then you need to have reviews. He stated we only have an adjustment done to the City's portion, not the whole thing. Mr. Hagood stated cities claim expenditures, but they don't include bonded indebtedness for roads, they count the money being paid toward the bond every year. Also, the LOGT money received does not count in the distribution calculations. Apparently, for the City that bonds road improvements, LOGT must at least meet those bond commitments from LOGT money and divide the rest. Mr. Hagood suggested, after looking at everything, finding out if the County will entertain reviewing a basic split and find out their bonded indebtedness to see how close to the 63.6% the County is. Mr. Furlong stated he believes there is still an unlevied 5-cent gas tax. Mr. Hagood believes that in order to levy the additional 5-cent gas tax, every city would have to agree 2 COUNCIL OF LOCAL GOVERNMENTS IN SEMINOLE COUNTY MINUTES OVIEDO CITY HALL October 7, 1998 to implementing the tax, or the County could by referendum or by majority vote plus 1. Mr. Blake clarified that according to the Inter-Local Agreement, Section 4.b., the original distribution was not determined based on population, but on prior monies spent on transportation. Motion was made by Mr. Hagood that CALNO request the County initiate a periodic review of the distribution method for the Local Option Gas Tax. Seconded by Mr. Clark. After discussion, Mrs. Gennell stated each city should be asked if they want to pursue approaching the County about reconsideration. Motioner and seconder withdrew their motion. Motion was made by Mr. Brender that each CALNO City member go back to their respective city and get a decision if they want CALNO to request that the County re-examine the Local Option Gas Tax distribution/methodology and split between the County and the cities. Seconded by Mr. Clark. Motion approved 7-0. Mr. Brender clarified that members will come back to the next CALNO meeting with some kind of consensus for direction and how much of LOGT money is obligated in bonds now. He stated that a 12 year old agreement should be revisited. Mrs. Gennell asked Mr. Hagood to draft a CALNO letter and fax it to her. Additionally, if the cities approve going forward, she will be looking for a committee. Status of Mall - none. At this time, Mr. Hagood gave his report so that he could leave early. OVIEDO - TOM HAGOOD, JR. New City Administration Building is moving along slowly because of difficulty in getting subs to do the work. Spoke regarding the Inter-Local Agreement mediation for the Battle Ridge project and stated there may be a refinement needed. This agreement does not allow all parties involved to participate in the mediation process on legal issues. As in this case, the homeowners were excluded. He suggested that the Inter-Local Mediation Agreement be reviewed by CALNO to potentially allow all affected parties to be invited to the table to mediate. 3 COUNCIL OF LOCAL GOVERNMENTS IN SEMINOLE COUNTY MINUTES OVIEDO CITY HALL October 7, 1998 Mrs. Gennell shared concerns about bringing too many parties into the mediation process and stated she will call Donna Mcintosh, Esq., about the pros and cons and will report back next month. Election results: 2 unopposed, 2 had opposition, all four incumbents were re-elected. Last Monday's Council meeting, the oath of office was given and a new Chairman was elected (Mr. Hagood) and a Vice-Chairman, Mr. Ariale. Mr. Hagood left at 8:40 p.m. 7. Program C: "Truth in Millage Rate" (TRIM) Notice Mr. Brender suggested that CALNO send a letter to the Florida League of Cities (FLC) and begin discussion among all cities to pass a resolution revising the TRIM notice requirements. Motion made by Mr. Brender that CALNO adopt a resolution to revise the TRIM notice, to eliminate the rollback rate as the basis for a tax increase notification. Seconded by Mr. Clark. Amended by Mr. Furlong: or in the alternative, that the legislature be held to the same standard. Amendment Seconded by Mr. Clark. Amendment vote: Passed 6-0. Original motion vote: Passed 5-1 Favor: AI Clark, Gary Brender, Cindy Gennell, Larry Furlong, Eddie Rose. Opposed: Mr. Maloy. Mrs. Gennell stated she would have her Deputy Clerk type the resolution, sign it and give to Mr. Blake to take it to the FLC Tax Law Committee meeting. Mr. Blake will report back to CALNO next month. 8. Program 0: Appointment/Reappointment to the Seminole Expressway Authority Mr. Hagood reported that Whitey asked him to let everyone know that he would like to have the reappointment. Mrs. Gennell reported she received a letter stating the same. Motion by Mr. Hagood to reappoint Whitey Eckstein to the Seminole Expressway Authority. Seconded by Mr. Brender. Motion passed 7-0. Mrs. Gennell stated that this item needs to be taken back to each City and presented to each commission to be voted upon. She will have her Clerk send a notice to each of the cities to put this item on their agenda. 9. Program E: Discussion of Legislative Delegation Reception Mrs. Gennell stated she spoke with Lee Constantine and it seems if a reception is done, 4 COUNCIL OF LOCAL GOVERNMENTS IN SEMINOLE COUNTY MINUTES OVIEDO CITY HALL October 7, 1998 CALNO will have to pay the bill and do it with the one they have at the Seminole Community College. Mr. Clark suggested not having a reception and that CALNO members identify items, with their respective councils, and bring them back to the next CALNO meeting. 10. Reports from members: WINTER SPRINGS - CINDY GENNELL From the last meeting minutes: Mrs. Gennell contacted Carlton Henley, who will be out of town for a month or two, so she will meet with him after he returns. Light Rail Presentation: Mrs. Gennell has taken no action because she wanted to find out about the Legislative Delegation Reception first. She will schedule a presentation for the January 1999 meeting. Nothing to report. SEMINOLE COUNTY COMMISSION - GRANT MALOY On December 2nd, Seminole County will host the CALNO meeting. Mr. Maloy will be inviting Stanley Marshall, former President of FSU as a guest speaker. SEMINOLE COUNTY SCHOOL BOARD - LARRY FURLONG Distributed copies of his letter to Randy Morris, Seminole County, about cablevision. Mr. Furlong also distributed an information sheet on what's happening at various schools in the County. He will start sending this to all elected officials and he requested feedback whether they are useful or not. Advised they are in the process of buying a couple of sites for schools. Rezoning for middle schools will affect Winter Springs and to some extent, probably Cassleberry, as well as unincorporated County in Oviedo. Next high school will be near McCulloch and Lockwood, but will be many years away. Updated everyone on the 20+ year old desegregation order stating they have asked the judges to let them know how they are doing and if they are doing well enough, the School Board will ask to have the order removed, hopefully this Spring. AL T AMONTE SPRINGS - EDDIE ROSE 5 COUNCIL OF LOCAL GOVERNMENTS IN SEMINOLE COUNTY MINUTES OVIEDO CITY HALL October 7, 1998 Distributed Altamonte Springs "Kaleidoscope" quarterly newsletter. Stated they also distributed a newsletter to all residents from the Fire Department called "Burning Issues". Election coming up with one seat open. Mr. Rose stated he went to the Congress of State Games Convention last week and a local boy, Mark Roreese, got diver of the year. This year, Mr. Rose's wife was inducted into the Synchronized Swimming Hall of Fame. CASSELBERRY-ALCLARK Rebidding engineer for Winter Park Drive to try and get the cost down. Upcoming election is for 3 seats. LAKE MARY - GARY BRENDER The election on November 3rd will have 3 commissioners running unopposed. Still acquiring land for a Police Station which is to be the cornerstone of our downtown revitalization project at a cost of about $4.3 million, which will have a small park next to it. Bentley Park Apartments are coming in for design with 310 units. Right now, in Lake Mary, they have $160 million worth of value under construction or in the planning stages. Annexed a couple of square blocks from the County in the southwestern portion. Airport issue: City of Sanford is not being proactive to potential noise problems the airport will generate, which will affect all of us. 11. Adjournment: There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 9:25 p.m. Submitted by Kathy Montoya, Deputy City Clerk, City of Oviedo 6