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APRIL 01,1998
The Council of Local Governments in Seminole County (CALNO) held a meeting on Wednesday,
April 1, 1998, at 7:00 p.m., at the City of Altamonte Springs City Hall, 225 Newburyport Avenue,
Altamonte Springs, Florida.
1. Call to Order
Silent Meditation
Pledge of Allegiance
Call to Order at 7:18 p.m. by CALNO Chairperson ICommissioner Cindy Gennell. A moment of
silence was held. The Pledge of Allegiance followed.
2. Roll Call- the following members were in attendance:
City of Altamonte Springs, Commissioner Eddie Rose
City of Casselberry, Commissioner Al Clark
City of Lake Mary, Commissioner Gary Brender
City of Winter Springs, Commissioner/CALNO Chairperson Cindy Gennell
Seminole Community College, Vice-President John Garmon
Seminole County Commission, Commissioner Grant Maloy
Also present were:
City of Altamonte Springs, Commissioner Robert Lerner
Dr. Barbara Kuhn, Seminole County School Board Chairman
3. Approval of March 4t\ 1998 Minutes
Moved by Commissioner Rose, seconded by Commissioner Brender, to accept the minutes
of March 4, 1998. Motion carried unanimously.
4. Treasurer's Report
Commissioner Gary Brender, Treasurer, stated that he has received and deposited all
membership dues, and the current balance is $ 923.26.
Moved by Commissioner Rose, seconded by Commissioner Maloy, to accept the Treasurer's
Report. Motion carried unanimously.
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5. Program A: Update on the Education/Government Cable Channel Television Issue
Commissioner Gennell reported she is awaiting report from the college as to their acceptance
of the Interlocal Agreement.
Vice-President Garmon reported that the agreement will be going to the Board at their April
13th meeting, with a recommendation for approval from staff.
Commissioner Gennell reported that Lake Mary will be holding a workshop on April 2nd to
discuss the issue.
She also reported the City of Casselberry is delaying their address of the matter, and the City
of Altamonte Springs is not addressing the matter at this time.
Commissioner Gennell explained that it is merely a basic interlocal agreement - "it will cost
nothing to get in, and it will cost nothing to get out".
Commissioner Maloy reported that Seminole County is addressing the issue of broadcasting
their meetings. They have directed staff to review and return with a recommendation.
Commissioner Gennell stated that those agencies which do not adopt the Interlocal
Agreement will not be included in the use of the channel.
Vice-President Garmon requested Commissioner Gennell present the issue to the SCC Board
at a workshop. Commissioner Gennell agreed if there is no scheduling conflict.
6. Program B: Parliamentary Procedures
Presented by: Dr. Barbara Kuhn, SCPS Board Chairman
Dr. Kuhn reviewed her handouts with the Council. She addressed the issues of:
1. Remembering Order and Types of Motions, to include:
Incidental Motions
Main Motions
Privileged Motions
Subsidiary Motions
Dr. Kuhn provided a rhyming acronyms the aid in remembering the subsidiary motion's rank
order for consideration.
2. Knowing Procedures for Making, Seconding, or Amending Motions
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3. Learning Differences Between Motions and Procedures Often Confused
4. Recalling Motions Requiring a 2/3 Vote
5. Remembering Motions Requiring No Second
6. Recognizing the Chairman's Role in Conducting Business
Dr. Kuhn also provided a list of shortcuts for mastering motions.
She explained that parliamentary procedure provides an efficient, orderly manner to conduct
a meeting that respects the way of the minority and majority.
Dr. Kuhn strongly urged any agency which has not adopted the use of Robert's Rules of
Order, to propose it to their Board/Commission.
She further explained that a meeting is for the purpose of taking care of business as quickly
as possible, where the need for a lot of discussion should be covered in a workshop.
Commissioner Gennell stated that use of Robert's Rules of Order is also a good tool to use
in defusing stress between Board/Commission members, using the process of addressing the
issue through the Chairman.
Dr. Kuhn also suggested the meeting be held in a formal manner, including addressing fellow
Board/Commission members by their title and last name. Keeping the meeting formal tends
to also diffuse problems.
Commissioner Brender asked if there is a way to stop a motion between the making of a
motion and the second.
Dr. Kuhn replied the best way would be for someone to second the motion "for discussion".
She also explained that the maker of the motion may not vote against the motion, however
the person who seconded the motion may vote against the motion. The only option the
maker of the motion has is to withdraw the motion prior to the vote.
Commission Gennell asked if the motion dies for lack of a second, can it be brought up again
later in the meeting by the same person? Dr. Kuhn stated that would probably be a waste of
time since it will likely die again.
It was a general consensus of the Council that parliamentary procedure could be an excellent
tool for control of a meeting.
Prior to reports from members, Commissioner Gennell distributed (1) CALNO program
schedule for the remainder of the year; (2) updated CALNO member list; and (3) CALNO
By Laws.
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Commissioner Clark stated that St. John's Water Management District will be presenting at
the May meeting concerning Water Management Issue. He also reported that they have just
moved into the renovated City Hall and the phone number has been changed. He will
provide the new number to the Council secretary.
7. Reports from Members
Altamonte Springs
Commissioner Rose reported the following:
1. The Vietnam Moving Wall, on display at Cranes Roost Park last week, was a huge
success. Over 6,000 children visited the wall.
2. Next event at Cranes Roost Park will be the Crescendo at Cranes Roost - a
performance by the Orlando Philharmonic Orchestra. Event to be held April 26th.
City of Casselberry
Commissioner Clark reported the following:
1. Next CALNO meeting will be held at the "new" renovated City Hall. The program
will include a presentation by SJWRMD - Water 2020. They have determined the
water needs in Central Florida and will be placing water restrictions accordingly.
2. The Adult Entertainment issue is moving slowly.
3. He questions, as a result of the tornado, is there any fall out from the disaster that
CALNO needs to address (ie., interlocal agreements, emergency plans, etc.)
Commissioner Gennell stated that one million dollars collateral damage happened a block
from her home, and yet in her contacts with agencies, she has heard nothing but praise for
the response and support. She also advised that State of Florida Emergency Management
conducts a seminar each year for elected officials. Usually it is held at the Five Points
location. From what she has heard, Seminole County is the most cohesive in emergency
management/preparedness. She requested that Grant Maloy coordinate a report of the
tornado at the meeting sponsored by Seminole County.
Commissioner Maloy stated the only complaint he heard was that there was no siren system
in place to alert residents of the pending danger. He said there was a run on the radios which
receive the emergency signal. Discussion of the Council noted that the radios may be
purchased for approximately $14.00-$60.00, depending on the appliance functions.
4. The Casselberry Fire Chief is promoting the use of a can which screws, or attaches
by magnets, into the hood over stoves. The can contains a baking soda powder which
extinguished a stove top fire. He urged each agency to have their fire chiefs contact
Casselberry's chief to obtain information.
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Citv of Lake Mary
Commissioner Brender reported the following:
1. Lake Mary Days was a huge success with a great turnout.
2. There was a vote to grant economic incentives to a financial management company
building in Heathrow.
3. A single user is looking at developing the Pizzuti property with a 350,000 square foot
office building. This should wind down the economic incentive program in Lake
4. They are changing the downtown district to higher density - apartments above and
businesses below. Lake Mary is 65% commercial & office.
5. The City purchased property at the comer of Lake Mary Blvd and Reinhart Road to
use as: a turn lane, an entry feature for Lake Mary, a park, a bus turn-around, and trail
head for the new trail. The trailhead concerpt includes a twelve (12) foot pavement.
Commissioner Gennell questioned Seminole County's adult entertainment grandfathering
agreement, as to once a business is sold, does the grandfather clause stop. Commissioner
Maloy replied that the grandfather agreement runs with the location/property, not the
City of Winter Springs
Commissioner Gennell reported the following:
1. The Town Center design, at a cost of approximately $200,000.00, creates a new
concept structure for development. The City is obtaining green space and will be
installing infrastructure. Then development will only be allowed in conformance
with the design.
2. The Winter Springs Mayor/City Attorney issue is a Charter issue. No further
Seminole Community College
Vice-President gave no further report than what was given during the meeting.
Seminole Countv Commission
Commissioner Maloy reported the following:
1. The controversial issue of the light rail, originally had a unanimous vote of the
Board. Now there is a 3-2 vote in favor of the CSX proposal.
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2. The "Risky Business" adult entertainment establishment was grand fathered to save
litigation. The push was for adult entertainment to be placed in the industrial area
with restrictions. "Risky Business" has now filed suit against the County's denial of
their liquor license.
3. Adjournment
Chairperson Gennell adjourned the meeting at 9: 12 p.m.
Minutes respectfully submitted by: Janice G. Goebel, Deputy City Clerk
City of Altamonte Springs