HomeMy WebLinkAbout1998 03 12 Fax Re: Revised Local Agreement DATE: MAR. 12 1998 10:17A~ ~/. P~. #J ~~ FACSIMILE. TRANSMISSlON COVER SHEE~....< . ~,~':~ HUTC1USO N, MAMEL.E &. COOV E..R' P.A...~... . .c;,.fl ~~...... ~~. Attorneys At Law r" I/C I 0(./ /11... .. . 230 North Park Avenue I 1/ ~ fIl// Post Office Box 1149 Af.l.J,ll - A OJ'~.4 Sanford, Florida 32772~-~ ~".~ . ~~ ~ j# ~ ":r~:~~ Iff Hutchi son, Mamele & Coover, PA PHONE NO. 407 322 4051 TI~E: :J.,c / ,;;J Q' ~ (?c1'--.' ./ o. JIJ :/0 &u1 'ro: Recipient: Firm Name; Fax Number: !);;;'t-f.oq I;;:L Phone Number: "me: STEPHEN H. COOVER ~ HUTCHISON, MAMELE & COOVER, P.A. _;i" _ including cover sheet. firq'l Name: It of Pages: Fax Number: (407) 330-0966 ORIGINAL DOCUMEN~: { } WILL NOT BE MAILED Phone Number: (407) 322-40~1 {} WILL BE MAILED RE: ~d~ad ~~~ Q!iL~ ~A1~. '-h1Jt~~~ Y& 1fd:- ~t~1 NOTE: If you do not receive all the pages, Dlease call back immediately to the person sen.ding this tranami ttal at the above number. THIS ..M~SSl\.GE. IS ...INTENDEQ ONLY FO~ THE . US~ OF. THE IND;J:YIDU,p.L OR ENTITJi~.,,"ICH;It-IS ADDIl~~~EI> AND MI\Y . CONTAINJ~rOJ{~'1'IQtl. THAT ia ~TTOJ1t"'EYPRtVILEGE..R.1 CONFIDENTIAL AND EXE"MPT FROM DISCLOSURE UNDER APPLlqABLE LAW..!.. IF T'Im l'I&/\DBI'I OF T1I;r;,s filBSSAGE IS RO'J,' nlS :ur.rmIDED RECTP:t.l:<1I'X' OR TUB EHPW:UlB OR AGIlI!IT RKSP,OlfstBLE !'OR DELIVR1tXI'lQ 'J."I'l'll: \ICltaSAGl! DIR1!:Cl'L't 70 TIlE III'l';RNllBl.l UCIPI:QT, yOU AM fIBRltBY ilIO'I.'Xl!' llW :m:A!l' lUfi Dl'$SBl<<IJIA1'IOI'. DIa<:I:"IB\f.rIOB OR l.:OI'UBG QF THIS CCI>IMI.IIUCA7IOlf 1;& SDl:C'1'LY PROR:nH~D. IF YOU Hl\VS lUi:C'lUVBD 'MIS tOlHKlfflICATIOIf III IUUlOR, "t.l;l,tI&8 .C1.tU'Y U$ XI9IBDIAr.BLY Jll :t'Bl.EPDOQ (PM :toI'lG DIS'l'AHCR, '(0\1 MAY CArL ("'OX.LBcT) AHD RR'l'tJ"-" TIm ORIGlMAX, MESSM'lB '.1.'0 T,IS A'r '1!BE ADCIVJl; ADDRBSS VIA ~ u.s. POSTMJi SERvICE. TRANI<: YOU . FROM.,: Hu tch i Son, Mame 1 e & Coover, PR PHONE NO. . ,~ 407 322 4051 MRR. 12 1998 10: 17RM P2 INTERLO~ AGREEMENT ~STABLISHING TIlE SlSM1NOLS.TELEVtS:+ON COUNCIL THIS AGREBMENT entered into this __ day of 1997, by and between ' ~ (hereafter collectively or individually referred to as "Membe:r:s(s)11) WIT N E SSE T H: MHEREAS, the! parties desire to establish a council to assist in the creation, financing, programming and management of local government and public educational cable television programming for Seminole County, Florioa and its residents; and WHEREAS, by combining their financial resources the Members can realize substantial monetary savings with respect to the capital and operating expenses of the government and public educational cable television programming; and WHEREAS, this Agreement forms the basls for the creation of a separate administrative entity to be known as The Seminole Television council (the "Council") whose powers shall be those set forth in this Agreement, together with any other powers established by the Members which are not inconsistent with this Agreement, NOW, THEREFORE in consideration of the mutual promises and cQ"venants contained herein, as well as other good and valuable conaiderat.ion not specifically mentioned, the paX'ties agree as follows: 1. Membership. In addition to the M@mbers executing this Agreement, any municipal corporation or special district located wit<hin Seminole County, Florida, the Seminole Community college, the Seminole County School Board and Seminole County, a political subdivision of the State of Florida, may become Members. Upon the affirmative vote of a majority of exi3ting Members allowing the new Member, the applicant shall execute an addendum to this Agreement agreeing to be bound by its terms, as amended from time to time. A Member may terminate ita membership upon written notice to the Council. 2. Duration. This Agreement shall be effective upon its execution by the parties and its filing with the Clerk of the Seminole County Circuit Court as provided in !9163. 01, Florida Statutes. This Agreement may only be terminated by the affirmative vote of a majority of the Members. 3. Orqanization. Each Member shall have one (1) vote which shall be cast by its r'epresentati ve who must be present at the meeting to vote. All meetings shall be open to the public and all (") 0. ,-1:"._ OQ 1 1 . ') h AM pn? ',~il;Ifl _ FROM.: Hutchison, Mamele & Coover, PR PHONE NO. 300 '-<." 407 322 4051 MRR. 12 1998 10: 18RM P3 Members' representatives shall be subject to the Florida Government in the Sunshine Law. Each Member shall designate one (1) representative in writing to cast its vote. A majority of all existing Members shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of the business of the Council. As soon as practicable, the Council shall select a chairperson, vice-chairperson and secretary/treasurer as its officers. Officers shall serve one (1) year terms. The Council shall establish the duties of the officers and such other organizat,ional rules as the Members may approve from time to time. 4. PoweDL.. The Council shall have all powers necessary and incidental to create, finance, program and manage local government and public educational cable television programming, but specifically limited as set forth in ~163.01, Fla. Stat., and generally as limited by federal and state law. These powers shall include but shall. not be limited to the following: a). To obtain financial support. b). To accept gifts, grants or other monies or services. c}. To contract for such equipment, property and services necessary to perform this Agreement. d). To establish a separate legal or administrative entity if necessary or d~sirable to perform this Agreement. e). To pl.'ovide the manner in which funds are paid to or disbursed from the Council. f). To provide for the equitable allocation of capital and operating expenses among new and existing Members of the Council not inconsistent with the terms of this Agreement. g). To determine the acquisition, ownership, custody, operation or maintenance of personal property of the Council. h). To determine the fair and equitable allotment of programming time to each Member. S. Budqet Matters ~ng AllocqtiQIL~~pen~ As soon as practicable, the Members shall establish a budget for the capital and operating expenses of the Council. The Council shall determine the period of time which the initial budget will cover. The total amount of budgeted expenses shall be equitably divided by the Members to establish the financial obligation of each Member. Thereafter, a budget shall be establ ished annually, which may consider surplus cash before a110cating expenses among the Members. The obligation of each Member shall mature thirty (30) days after the approval of the budget. Member payments for their equitable share of expenses shall be made within thirty (30) days of invoice by the secretary/treasurer. The Counci.l may not exceed the total budgeted expenses without amending the budget. No Member shall be entitled to a return of any monies if it elects to terminate its membership, however, if this Agreement is terminated, the Members :2 't<' '0 (';l\1f . It- (f "'.... -"::i '0f)_~ .~ n ,-: 1 ~_ _ _ __ r..":J_~1'?_r'lO 11..'"'JC I\'!\.~ 'i.,""", JM FROM Hutchison, Mamele & Coover, PA PHONE NO. : 407 322 4051 MAR. 12 1998 10: 19AM P4 ~., .~~ may agree to an equitable disbursement of the remaining assets of the Council. 6. Progra~minq Content. Each Member shall determine the content of all programming in its allotted time, except as restricted by state and/or federal law. 7. Arnendmerlts. This Agreement may be amended by a majority vote of its Members, effective upon filing same with the Clerk of the S~minole County Circuit Court. IN WITNESS waEREOF, the parties, have hereunto set their hands and seals this ~_.__ day of _~____~~_, 1997. Attested By: Mayor - Altamonte Springs ~atsy Wainright, City Clerk DATED; J. Dudley Bates -"-_.'~--'--"'---""'-"'---,--,"-~--...-. Attested By: City of Casselberry Theima McPherson, cfEy-Cle'rk- DATED: ._----_.,"--- Bruce A. Pronovost, Mayor Attested By: City of Lake Mary Caro 1 A'~"--Fo-st'e~-r~'-C it y"-'e 1 er'j(--- DATED: Davicf.~Mealor, Mayor Atcested By: City of Longwood GE!lraldine Zambri, City C1E,rk DATED: Rusty Miles, Mayor ..._'..........,.._--,.~. ._.._,.~_.~".__.._._---,-,~...~.._-'".._-"_._- Attested By: City of OViedo Cynthia -8-. Boiiham-:-'cit:{cYerk DA.TED: Miriam --W:-Bruce--;-Mayor -~._".._-",--".._,..._,._._.~-"----,-_.._.- 3 FR<.'I\il '40'7'~322- aa-12~98 I I :25 AM POet FROM Hutchison, Mamele & Coover. PR PHONE NO. : 407 322 4051 .,.. It .. 4i) ,."" MRR. 12 1998 10: 19RM P5 At-tested By: City of Sanford Zr,irlet R .--natigtlerly I Crty-.Cle-rk DA.TED : Lar-r:y'-A. Da'fe~Mayor--~--- Attested By: City of Winter springs Margo--M~--'HOpki ns-~--CTty'-c 1 e r k OATED: Paul P. Partyka Attested Ey: Seminole COlmty Commission Maryanne Mcrse-~'---"'---'--~~-'-~ Clerk. of the Court DATED: Randall c-~""Mori:is~ Chal'r-rtla(;-- Attested By: Seminole County School Board ka'rerl-BrI~Th;:man , Cl@rk to the Board DATED; Paul':f:---HagerEy'~-super infenden-f At t,est,ed By: Seminole Community College president"---'-'-"'-- .. Ann McGee, DATED: This instrument prepared by: StephenH. Coover Hutchison, Mam~le & Coov~r, P.A. 230 North park Ave., P.O. Box 1149 Sanford, FL 32712-1149 c: \wpS1\f1 [~"'\a9"ee~n\ tvchan. agr O~/11/98 4