HomeMy WebLinkAbout1998 03 06 Letter Re: Information Requested . LAKE MARY Council of Local Governments in Seminole County . LONGWOOD . CASSELBERRY . ALTAMONTE SPRINGS SEMINOLE COUN1Y SCHOOL BOARD March 6, 1998 Mr. Harlan Wright 112 Crescent Mayfair Sanford, Florida 32771-1529 Dear Mr. Wright: Please find attached a copy of the following information that you requested: · Telecommunications subcommittee minutes for August 6, 1997. · Telecommunications subcommittee minutes for August 19, 1997. · Requested portion ofC A L NO meeting minutes for September 3, 1997. The slight delay in sending this material was due to my having surgery and a death in the family. Sincerely, ~J'~ Cindy Gennell Chairperson Council of Local Governments in Seminole County CG/alll Attachments COUNCIL MEMBERS P:lt Fet'lWldez Earl McMullen Cindy Gennell. Ch:lirperson G:uy Drender Tom H:lgood. lr Whitey Eckstein L=y Furlong Ron Sargent Grant M:lloy MEETING NOTES CALNO GOVERNMENT CABLE TELEVISION CHANNEL TASK FORCE August 6, 1997 Altamonte City Hall, 225 Newburyport Avenue, Altamonte Springs, Florida COMMITTEE MEMBERS PRESENT: Commissioner Cindy Gennell, Chairperson, City of Winter Springs Larry Furlong, CALNO Member, Seminole County School Board Member Mayor Bill Winston, CALNO Member, City of Longwood Diane Pickett, Time Warner Cable (TWC) Stephen M. Steck, President & CEO, WMFE-TV/FM Mike Simmons, WMFErrv Patsy Wainwright, City Clerk, City of Altamonte Springs (Meeting Recorder) The meeting was called to order by Commissioner Gennell at 7:25 p.m. Mr. Steck distributed packets containing the proposal from WMFE-TV showing the connection to entities in Seminole County and an overview for service, for a fee, to assist in the creation of a consortium to help distribute programming. (Attachment 1) Ms. Pickett informed the Committee that some time ago Time Warner Cable built a line from Channel 24 which allows for WMFE programming to be fed directly to the head end. Ms. Pickett also stated that a commitment was made to broadcasting the legislature live during the legislative session. She indicated this was always done during the day for Orange TV, and encouraged Seminole County to do the same thing as has been done in the past. That legislative session lasts for a two month period. Programming is typically broadcast for about a four hour period five days per week during the legislative session. Mr. Steck indicated that there is room for flexibility, but the more flexible the programming, the more costly the service. Ms. Pickett stated that other providers do not have direct access to Time Warner Cable. Mayor Winston indicated that when a decision is made on this program, he felt the consortium should take over this program and CALNO should step out of this project. Mr. Furlong stated that there are three issues the entities will be asking and which CALNO will need to be able to answer: 1) What is the cost? 2) What will we get from this? and 3) How will this work? Mr. Steck indicated that one of the concerns of this program is the public policY issue. He suggested this committee might wish to visit and observe a program currently in use in another community. Mayor Winston asked Mr. Steck for his recommendation on how to proceed with this program. Mr. Steck indicated that if the money was available, the committee should go for the high end of this program, but stated that most governmental entities do not have this ability. If that is the case with these entities, he urged the committee to grow into this within one to two years and form a solid base of operation. He felt a slow conservative start to be appropriate. Ms. Pickett asked Mr. Steck to provide information on costs of upgrading from one level to the next in the equipment package. Commissioner Gennell set the next two meetings: August 19th at WMFE Studios, 9:00 a.m. and September 11, at TWC Headquarters, 9:00 a.m. Meeting Adjourned at 9:58 p.m. Notes provided by Commissioner Gennell MEETING NOTES CALNO GOVERNMENT CABLE TELEVISION CHANNEL TASK FORCE August 19, 1997 WMFE-TV/Channel 24 Studio, 11510 East Colonial Drive, Orlando, Florida COMMITTEE MEMBERS PRESENT: Commissioner Cindy Gennell, Chairperson, City of Winter Springs Larry Furlong, CALNO Member, Seminole County School Board Member Diane Pickett, Time Warner Cable (TWC) Mike Simmons WMFE Dr. Elaine Greenwood, CALNO Member, Seminole Community College Steve Coover, ESQ. Stephen M. Steck, WMFE The meeting was called to order by Commissioner Gennell at 9:30 a.m. Commissioner Gennell introduced Mr. Steve Coover and stated that he has offered his services to CALNO to assist in drafting an interlocal agreement to accomplish the goals set forth by the Task Force. The Task Force, by consensus, gave Mr. Coover the following directives: Each entity will determine what goes into their time-slot. All entities shall share in the cost and programming time. A consortium or council would be formed with one representative from each participating entity. Criteria for membership needs to be clearly identified. Applications for new membership will have to be voted upon. Mission statement should provide for local government and public educational programming in Seminole County and should provide for pooling of resources. Leave issues of scheduling, cost, and contractual agreements to the consortium or council. We will need an agreement document and an overview document. The Task Force agreed to recommend that the name of the government cable service should be SEMINOLE TV and that the MID COST FIBER DELIVERY SYSTEM $73,402 would be the best choice of beginning service. (The equipment will have a life span of 5-6 years) Mr. Coover said that he would try to have a draft of the agreement at the next meeting. Meeting concluded at 11 :00 a.m. with a tour of the facilities. Notes provided by Commissioner Gennell CALNO COUNCIL OF LOCAL GOVERNMENTS IN SEMINOLE COUNTY SEPTEMBER 3, 1997 1. Call to Order. Invocation. Pled(!e of Alle(!iance The meeting was called to order on Wednesday, September 3, 1997 at 7;00 p.m. by Madam Chairman Gennell at the Seminole Community College, 100 Weldon Boulevard, Sanford. A moment of silent prayer followed. 2. Members Present Also Present Whitey Eckstein, City of Sanford Gary Brender, City of Lake Mary Larry Furlong, Sem. County School Board Michael Blake, City of Winter Springs Carl Robertson, City of Casselberry Cindy Gennell, City of Winter Springs John Garmon, Sem. Community College Dick Wells, City of Casselberry Stan Stevens, Citizen Dick Gennell, Citizen Bob Ledford, Sem. Community College Jay Marder, City of Sanford 3. ~provaI of June 4, 1997 Minutes Moved, seconded, and carried to approve the minutes as submitted. 4. Treasurer's Report There is currently $803.51, but Commissioner Brender is in the process of having service charges reversed. Huntington Bank holds the account presently, but he may choose another bank. Moved, seconded, and carried to approve the treasurer's report. 5. "Be Yourself. Onlv Better" Presentation bv Bob Ledford Bob Ledford explained how the college is responding to the challenges of the economic and population growth. A packet from SCC was distributed, and a TV promotional video was shown. He spoke of the diversity of classes and programs at the college. The opening of a campus in Oviedo, and a ribbon cutting ceremony for the North/South Road will take place shortly. He asked that people contact him regarding community issues, and stated that all of the facilities at the college are available for community use. Commissioner Eckstein suggested that the college focus more on academics. Commissioner Brender suggested that college inform and encourage high school students better about attending a community college for a couple of years before going to a $10,000 a year institution. 6. Update on Seminole Community Cable Channel Two meetings were held during the summer, and the third meeting is scheduled for next week.. Attorney Steve Coover is drafting a document to present at the next CALNO meeting. It was mentioned that the TWC and TCI merge will affect this process. Discussion of budgeting.