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HomeMy WebLinkAbout1998 03 04 Minutes MINUTES COUNCIL OF LOCAL GOVERNMENTS IN SEMINOLE COUNTY (CALNO) MARCH 4, 1998 - REGULAR MEETING The Council of Local Governments in Seminole County held a meeting on Wednesday, March 4, 1997 at 7:00 p.m. at the City of Winter Springs Police Department Complex, 300 North Moss Road, Winter Springs, Florida 32708. 1. Call To Order at 7: 10 p.m. by C A L NO Chairperson/Commissioner Cindy Gennell. A moment of silence was held. The Pledge of Allegiance followed. 2. Roll Call - the following members were in attendance: City of Altamonte Springs, Commissioner Eddie Rose City of Casselberry, Commissioner Al Clark City of Lake Mary, Commissioner Gary Brender City of Long wood, Commissioner Ron Sargent City of Oviedo, Commissioner Tom Hagood, Jr. City of Winter Springs, Data Processing Manager City of Winter Springs, Commissioner/C A L NO Chairperson Cindy Gennell City of Winter Springs, Commissioner Michael S. Blake City of Winter Springs, Commissioner Robert S. Miller Seminole Community College, Vice President John Garmon Seminole County Commission, Commissioner Grant Maloy Seminole County School Board, Board Member Larry Furlong Also present were: Ronald W. McLemore, City of Winter Springs City Manager John J. Drago, City of Winter Springs Administrative Assistant Chief Daniel J. Kerr, City of Winter Springs Chief of Police Chief Timothy J. Lallathin, City of Winter Springs Fire Chief Mrs. Celeste Miller Mr. Richard Gennell Mr. Stanley Stevens 3. Approval of February 4, 1998 Minutes: It was agreed to adopt the minutes of February 4, 1998 and it was carried unanimously by consensus of the Council. 4. Treasurer's Report: Commissioner Gary Brender, Treasurer stated that the current balance is $695.26. Commissioner Brender then showed those present at tonight's meeting, that all nine C A L N 0 membership dues have been received, and that when these amounts are added to the balance, it should be close to $900.00. He added that the only outgoing expense planned is the purchase of some pens. By consensus of the Council, it was agreed to accept the Treasurer's report. MINUTES COUNCIL OF LOCAL GOVERNMENTS IN SEMINOLE COUNTY (C A L N 0) MARCH 4, 1998 - REGULAR MEETING Page 2 of7 Prior to the next Agenda item, Chairperson Gennell explained that the Council needed to appoint a Representative from C A L N 0 to the Expressway Authority. Chairperson Gennell mentioned that Oviedo's C A L N 0 Representative, Councilman Tom Hagood, Jr. was interested in continuing as a Representative to the Expressway Authority, and the Council was then asked to make a nomination. It was moved and seconded to have Councilman Tom Hagood, Jr. as C A L NO's Representative to the Expressway Authority. By consensus of the Board, the motion was accepted. 5. Program A: Update on the Education/Government Cable Channel Television Issue Presented By: Chris Grasso, Information Technologies Manager for Seminole County Chairperson Gennell explained that Seminole County Chairman Randy Morris had planned to present this topic, however, he was delayed in Washington, D.C., as he attended a National County Chairman's Conference. In his absence, Chris Grasso, Information Technologies Manager for Seminole County (200 West County Home Road, Sanford, Florida 32773-6179) presented this agenda item. Note: Chairman Morris will be bringing this Interlocal Agreement to the County Commission for approval, at the County's second meeting in March. Mr. Grasso introduced Greg Holcomb, the new Cable Liaison Franchise Coordinator for Seminole County; and Greg Hass, County Attorney, (Harlan Wright's replacement) who is in charge of the County's telecommunications needs with regards to legal concerns. Mr. Grasso told the Board that Chairman Morris has on several occasions, met with representatives from Time Warner regarding the Cable Channel issue. He continued by saying that they were looking at a second channel (and possibly even a third channel at some point in the future), which would be allocated for government and educational use. He added that no discussions with TCI had taken place due to the possible TCI/Time Warner merger, and that such discussions were understandably on hold. However, if this merger does go through, then it would probably take care of 90 - 95 percent of the County's cable customers. There was further discussion regarding programming; a possible studio; the broadcasting of Seminole County Commission meetings; and it was suggested that a board like C A L N 0 could be a controlling authority. Seminole County School Board Member Larry Furlong spoke about the logistics of how such a cable consortium would work. He said that we would ask "The cities and entities to adopt the structure, and that will set out how all that's going to work, and it will be, I hope, set up how the times are allotted, the costs are divided, and as far as the governments of the programming, it's up to the individual members of MINUTES COUNCIL OF LOCAL GOVERNMENTS IN SEMINOLE COUNTY (C A L N 0) MARCH 4, 1998 - REGULAR MEETING Page 3 of7 the consortium". There was further discussion about how many of the cities and other entities might want live broadcasts, and how this would be most feasibly done. Seminole County Commissioner Grant Maloy asked Mr. Grasso if there was any additional information on the costs associated with setting up a facility studio. Mr. Grasso responded that he is in the process of getting some updated costs for such equipment and also for a studio. There was further discussion as to the availability of this information, to which Mr. Grasso commented that it will first be forwarded to Chairman Morris, who will most likely include it in his report. Next, there was discussion about the County's Web page, and the possibility of putting Commission Meetings on the Internet on a "real radio" type of format; however, it was mentioned that there could be problems with enough local residents having the necessary equipment to make this work. There was further discussion on simulcasts; close-captioned viewing, especially as it relates to costs and legal considerations; and live broadcasts vs. tape delay. Chairperson Gennell reminded the Council that "By combining together, and deciding what we want to do, anything that a lot of us want to do - we're going to cut our costs, by combining the effort". City of Casselberry Commissioner AI Clark asked if there were any regulations as to what can be broadcast, and it was confirmed that any public interest or historical items were acceptable. Chairperson Gennell updated the Council regarding the status of the Interlocal Agreement and said that the Cities of Sanford and Winter Springs have approved the Ordinance; Seminole Community College has approved the Interlocal Agreement; and it will be on the County's agenda at the second meeting in March. The City of Casselberry has discussed it, but they would like more information, especially regarding the issue of costs; in addition, their Attorney still needs to review it. Chairperson Gennell asked if Donna McIntosh was the City's Attorney, and that as she was, she might speak with Ms. McIntosh regarding this issue. Oviedo's Councilman Tom Hagood, Jr. gave his report early, as he had had another engagement to attend. Oviedo Councilman Tom Hagood, Jr. explained that his City had passed the general agreement Monday night. At Chairperson Gennell's request, he explained that regarding their participation in the Interlocal Agreement, their Council was interested in working with the County, and that if in the future they ever felt that it was necessary, that they could always opt out of the agreement. He also spoke of today's new mall grand opening and that the Rouse Company had said that it was MINUTES COUNCIL OF LOCAL GOVERNMENTS IN SEMINOLE COUNTY (C A L N 0) MARCH 4, 1998 - REGULAR MEETING Page 40f7 probably the biggest mall opening that they have ever had; and that by most accounts, it was going very well. 6. Program B: Update on the 17-92 Corridor CRA (Corridor Redevelopment Area Presented By: Kevin Fall, Principal Planner Kevin Fall with Seminole County's Comprehensive Division, is the Project Manager for the Highway 17-92 Corridor Redevelopment Area. Mr. Fall explained to the group that "The Board instituted this program last summer as an Economic Development Program recognize the economic potential of the corridor and especially, to attempt to accelerate the growth rate, taxes, industry, and business in areas that need improvement, when compared to other areas in the County". (Although the Redevelopment Area excludes the Casselberry and Sanford City Redevelopment Areas, he further stated that "The intent is to work with those organizations, and have a...have...separate organizations, yet a unified, consistent plan and application". He continued by adding that "The Boards of Casselberry, Lake Mary, Sanford, and Winter Springs approved the Redevelopment Plan last year, and basically...the Redevelopment Plan Ordinance and Trust Fund Ordinance was approved and adopted which...sets 1997 as the base year for tax increment financing purposes". With only about six months of preparation, and a thirteen mile corridor, specific areas were identified as needing improvement, and they carefully considered what would actually encourage growth and improve area business development along this corridor. Mr. Fall explained that the seven major categories incorporated into this plan were identified as economic development, housing, aesthetics, land use, land development regulations, administration, and infrastructure. He said that for this project to be a success, it would require the unified coordination and cooperation of all the parties involved, and that to get things going they are in the process of negotiating Interlocal Agreements with the participating entities, and would like them to be adopted in April of 1998. As for implementation, this is a ten year plan, with a renewal option of ten years, and the program is limited to thirty years by statute. There was further discussion about a twenty-four million dollar Florida Department of Transportation 6-laning project; the State of Florida's reclassification of the roadway systems; the status of a grant that was originally approved for Big Tree Park; the improvements and construction changes (such as grading and V-turns) planned for the corridor; the timeline for seeing improvements along the corridor; and the possibility of "jump-starting" the overall project. Council members suggested that monies might be available from the Port Authority and the TDC (Tourist Development Council). Discussion ensuederegarding these suggestions. MINUTES COUNCIL OF LOCAL GOVERNMENTS IN SEMINOLE COUNTY (C A L N 0) MARCH 4, 1998 - REGULAR MEETING Page S of7 Chairperson Gennell spoke for the record, that "Stan Stevens is...a public citizen, attending here, and he has his own sign now". It was decided that Agenda Item 7 (Tour of the Winter Springs Police Station, with Chief Kerr) would be moved to the end of the meeting. 8. Reports from Members Seminole County School Board Board Member Larry Furlong reported of the progress with their plans for Northern Seminole County, including magnet schools, and a possible new site in Oviedo, (on State Road 434). He also asked for input from the various City Managers and the County Manager as to how their respective pay increases are structured, as the School System is implementing a new performance plan. (Board Member Furlong explained that in the past it had been set up strictly on the basis of seniority). He also reported on the system-wide decrease in disciplinary rates, and he added that the students seem to be finally getting the message! In addition, he spoke of an expected type of re-zoning in the Winter Springs area, and that "It is the intent of the Board, that the Committee's that are working on this to make it as... palatable as possible with a lot of emphasis being placed on letting kids in a school finish at that school - which has not always been the case". He elaborated on a major imbalance especially in regards to middle school capacities and he identified some of the specific schools that will probably need to be re-aligned. Altamonte Springs Commissioner Eddie Rose spoke of ongoing negotiations with Time Warner; and the moving "Vietnam Wall" display that will be coming to Altamonte Springs. In regards to the Vietnam Wall exposition, they are in dire need for volunteers, and that if anyone is interested in volunteering to assist with this effort, please call 869- 8469 and ask for Mr. Don Abberton, who is the Volunteer Coordinator. The opening ceremonies are planned for March 21 at Crane's Roost Park. Casselberry Commissioner AI Clark reported about the ongoing negotiations with the City's three unions (Police, Fire, and General Employees); the adult entertainment issue; the City's interest in the Interlocal Agreement, but their need for more information; and how the program for the May C A L N 0 meeting, (which is scheduled to be at the City of Casselberry), might be changed to a discussion about Florida's water supply. MINUTES COUNCIL OF LOCAL GOVERNMENTS IN SEMINOLE COUNTY (C A L N 0) MARCH 4, 1998 - REGULAR MEETING Page 6 of7 Lake Mary Commissioner Gary Brender commented on their proposed new Police and Fire Stations, and that the City has about four million dollars allocated for these facilities, but have not as yet decided on the actual building site. The City's web page is being re-done, and it should be back on line within a couple of weeks with a "much improved" version, complete with space for "e-mail" to the Commissioners, on-line permitting, and questions addressed to the Building official, just to name a few of their new features. He also spoke of a possible new Hotel and Conference Center Complex between 1-4 and Rhinehart Road; new developments with the Crescent Three and Northpoint locations; and the possibility of a new 18-acre site for a new K-8th grade private non-denominational school- with the possibly of it being upgraded to include K-12th grade. Longwood Commissioner Ron Sargent explained how they are ready to lay sewer on both sides of 17-92; and he spoke of changes in personnel with their Police department. Winter Springs Chairperson Gennell spoke of the Cable Television Interlocal Agreement, and the appointments of Chairperson Gennell as the Representative to the consortium, and Commissioner Robert S. Miller, as the Alternate Representative. Chairperson Gennell suggested that the other cities should also select their municipalities' Representatives. Chairperson Gennell presented to the Council the Gust received) first draft of the City of Winter Springs' new Town center, and described many of the proposed landmarks to be incorporated into this plan. Seminole Community College Vice-President John Garmon told the Council of their Career Day, scheduled for Friday, and that they are expecting to have 3,000 to 5,000 high school students visit their campus. He also spoke of having the zoning approved for the Oviedo Center; and that a press conference is scheduled for March 16 to announce their new Head Basketball Coach. Vice-President Garmon added that "We have a really good Criminal Justice/Law Enforcement/Corrections program, and I'd like to thank Chief Kerr (Chief of Police Daniel 1. Kerr, City of Winter Springs), he's here tonight, for his service on our Advisory Committee; and I'd like to thank Chief Tim Lallathin (Fire Chief Timothy 1. Lallathin, City of Winter Springs) for his services on our Firefighting/EMT Advisory.. .Paramedic Committee". MINUTES COUNCIL OF LOCAL GOVERNMENTS IN SEMINOLE COUNTY (C A L N 0) MARCH 4, 1998 - REGULAR MEETING Page 7 of7 Seminole County Commission Commissioner Grant Maloy reported on the adult entertainment issue, and that the final vote will go before the Commission on March 10th at 7:00 p.m. Also related to this subject, he spoke of a newly formed group called the Seminole County Citizens for Decency, who are circulating a petition that has been modeled after a similar issue in St. John's County. There was further discussion regarding this issue in terms of "grandfathering", "non-conforming use", and other groups such as the "Liberty Council". Chairperson Gennell thanked Chief Daniel 1. Kerr, Chief of Police - City of Winter Springs for the use (and tour) of his new facility for this evening's C A L NO meeting. 9. Adjournment Chairperson Gennell adjourned the meeting at 8:59 p.m. 7. Tour of the new Winter Springs Police Department with Chief Daniel J. Kerr Minutes respectfully submitted by: Andrea Lorenzo-Luaces, Deputy City Clerk City of Winter Springs