HomeMy WebLinkAbout1998 02 04 Minutes COUNCIL OF LOCAL GOVERNMENTS IN SEMINOLE COUNTY MEETING MINUTES February 4, 1998 The Council of Local Governments in Seminole County held a meeting on Wednesday, February 4, 1998 at 7:00 p.m. at Seminole County Public Schools' Educational Support Center, 400 East Lake Mary Boulevard, Sanford, Florida. 1. Call to Order at 7:08 p.m. by Chairman Gennel!. A moment of silent prayer was held. 2. Roll Call - The following members were in attendance: · Altamonte Springs, Commissioner Eddie Rose · Casselberry, Commissioner AI Clark · Longwood, Commissioner Ron Sargent · Oviedo, Commissioner Tom Hagood · Winter Springs, Commissioner/Chairman Cindy Gennell · Winter Springs, Commission Michael Blake (alternate) · Seminole Community College, Vice-President John Garmon · Seminole County School Board, Board Vice Chairman Larry Furlong Also present were: · Barbara Kuhn, Seminole County Schools Board Chairman · Sandra Robinson, Seminole County Schools Board Member · Paul Hagerty, Seminole County Schools Superintendent · Pat Burkette, Coordinator of the SCPS Environmental Studies Center · Tom Kuhn, Citizen · Stanley Stevens, Citizen · Richard Gennell, Citizen · Frank Katz, Citizen Those members who were not in attendance were: · Lake Mary, Commissioner Gary Brender · Sanford, Commissioner Brady Lessard · Seminole County, Commissioner Grant Maloy 3. Approval of January 7,1998 Minutes: Chairman Gennell asked if there were any correctionslrevisions to the January 7, 1998 minutes. There were none. Commissioner Rose moved to approve the minutes. Commissioner Sargent seconded the motion which passed unanimously. 4. Treasurer's Report: Commissioner Gary Brender, Treasurer, was not in attendance to give a report. Council of Local Governments in Seminole County February 4, 1998 meeting minutes Page 2 5. Program A: Update on the School System presented by Dr. Paul Hagerty Dr. Hagerty discussed publicity that Seminole County Public Schools received in the 1997 Annual Report Living In Harmony in Seminole County (1998 Calendar). Dr. Hagerty then discussed the Choices program being implemented in Seminole County schools as well as sites recently acquired by the school system for the construction of a new middle school and a new elementary school. The table was opened for a question and answer period. Commissioner Blake inquired about the dissemination of the Choices program information. Superintendent Hagerty responded that the information was given to each elementary and middle school student to bring home and it was aired on PBS. Commissioner Sargent asked the location of the Chuluota site that the school system recently acquired. Board Vice Chairman Furlong responded that the site was located near the Chuluota bypass. 6. Program B: Environmental Study Center presentation by Ms. Pat Burkette Ms. Pat Burkette gave a slide presentation on the Environmental Studies Center and the activities it offers. The floor was then opened for a question and answer period. Ms. Burkette encouraged any and all interested persons to visit the facility, but please call in advance (321-0452). Chairman Gennell called a 5 minute recess at 7:45 p.rn. and the meeting reconvened at 7:50 p.rn. 7. Progress Report on Education/Government Cable Broadcasting Interlocal Agreement Chairman Gennell, Winter Springs, updated the committee on the progress of the education/government cable broadcasting interlocal agreement. She informed the committee that she has received notification from the City of Sanford of the their approval of the Interlocal Agreement Establishing The Seminole Television Council. She stated that the City of Sanford also sent her their presentation on the subject which she will forward to all members whose boards had not yet approved the agreement. She informed the committee that Seminole County Public Schools has passed the agreement and that the City of Winter Springs will be considering it on Monday's agenda and that she expected it to be approved. Commissioner Rose, Altamonte Springs, and Councilman Hagood, Winter Springs, stated that their cities already have public access to cable television. Board Member Furlong, SCPS, inquired if Oviedo had already renewed. Councilman Hagood responded that the issue will be on an upcoming agenda. Board Member Furlong stated that SCPS Attorney Ned Julian is developing legal terminology to be included in franchise agreements to ensure that there will be an educational channel and that Seminole County Public Schools will govern said channel. He promised to distribute this language to all entities with the request that it be included in their franchise agreements when renewed. Commissioner Sargent, Longwood, stated that Longwood had not approved the agreement the first time it was on their agenda and they have not considered it since. Chairman Gennell stated that the agreement allowed any entity to opt out at any time for any reason. She also said that as the number of cities participating increased the cost will decrease. She expects Randy Morris to attend the next meeting and update the committee on the County's progress in renegotiating its franchise agreement. Member Garmon, SCC, stated Council of Local Governments in Seminole County February 4, 1998 meeting minutes Page 3 that SCC's decision on the agreement is pending, but that approval looks promising. Commissioner Clark, Casselberry, stated that the approval of the agreement is questionable, but that the subject needs to be placed on an agenda for final decision. Although not officially on the agenda, Chairman Gennell reviewed the programs for the 1998 meetings. She discussed the best times to contact the Legislative Delegation for presentations which is January (what is coming up) and June (what is happening). Commissioner Rose, Altamonte Springs, agreed to have the April 1 program be a review of parliamentary procedure presented by Dr. Barbara Kuhn, SCPS Board Chairman. Chairman Gennell agreed to make the appropriate arrangements for Dr. Kuhn's attendance. 8. Reports from Members: · Commissioner Rose, Altamonte Springs, suggested the possibility of giving awards/plaques to persons who present at the meetings. He announced that Altamonte Springs was sponsoring a concert called "Crescendo at Crane's Roost Park" performed by the Orlando Phil Harmonic Orchestra on April 25, 1998 at 7:00 p.m. The cost will be $10 per person. Lastly, Commissioner Rose informed the committee that Altamonte Springs is bringing the Vietnam Veteran's Memorial Wall for public viewing on March 18-25, 1998. · Commissioner Clark, Casselberry, discussed progress on the tree ordinance and informed the committee that the ordinance will exclude single-family residences. He also stated that the City hired outside counsel to develop their adult entertainment ordinance. · Commissioner Sargent, Longwood, did not have a report. · Councilman Hagood, Oviedo, announced that the Oviedo Crossings Mall's grand opening will be March 4, 1998. · Commissioner Gennell, Winter Springs, passed around a copy of a rendering of the Cross Seminole Trail. She also informed the committee that Winter Springs has hired a planning group to develop the layout for the new downtown area. · Commissioner Blake, Winter Springs, spoke about the City's town center development plan. The City hired three consulting firms (DoverKohl out of Miami, Gibbs Economic Consulting out of Michigan and Michael and Michael out of Central Florida). The consulting firms were hired to develop a comprehensive and workable plan to develop the City's town center. · Member Garmon, Seminole Community College, announced that SCC was sponsoring the Dream Auction this weekend and holding a Career Day on March 6th. He also discussed the Teach-In that Seminole County Schools is coordinating on February 1ih. Council of Local Governments in Seminole County February 4, 1998 meeting minutes Page 4 · Member Furlong, Seminole County Schools, further discussed the Teach-In being sponsored by Seminole County Schools and encouraged all members to participate. He spoke about the magnet programs and its intent to encourage students from across the county to attend the magnet schools. The program is working remarkably well. Member Furlong also discussed the restrictions that Florida school systems deal with on trying to buy property and construct facilities. · Mr. Stevens, Citizen, discussed the Oviedo Wilderness Area ribbon cutting ceremony that took place last Saturday. The area is located at Lockwood Road and McCollough Road and is open to the public. He informed the committee that a group of people are going to be testing the water along the St. John's River (Econ. area). He spoke about a liaison group comprised of 14 people representing the Little Econ State Parks and the group will take input for the usage of the parks. There is a group lobbying the County to develop an ordinance requiring a slow area on the Econ. River so that jet skis do not upset the canoes. Lastly, Mr. Stevens asked the committee to "check around" about the possibility of implementing a penny tax to allow the purchase of more land. The meeting adjourned at 8:45 p.m.