HomeMy WebLinkAbout1998 01 07 Minutes COUNCIL OF LOCAL GOVERNMENTS IN SEMINOLE COUNTY JANUARY 7. 1998 The Council of Local Governments in Seminole County held a meeting on Wednesday, January 7, 1998 at 7:00 p.m., County Services Building, 1101 East First Street, Room 3024, Sanford, Florida. CALL TO ORDER. INVOCATION. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE The Chairman called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. A moment of silent prayer and the Pledge of Allegiance followed. ROLL CALL Present: Commissioner Cindy Gennell, Winter Springs Coouncilman Tom Hagood, Jr., Oviedo Commissioner Ron Sargent, Longwood Commissioner Eddie Rose, Altamonte Springs Commissioner Michael Blake, Winter Springs Member Larry Furlong, Seminole County School Board Member John Garmon, Seminole Community College Commissioner AI Clark, Casselberry Commissioner Brady Lessard, Sanford Commissioner Tom Greene, Lake Mary Commissioner Grant Maloy, Seminole County Also Present: Mr. Stanley Stevens, Citizen APPROVAL OF DECEMBER 3. 1997 MINUTES Commissioner Gennell asked if there were any corrections or changes to the minutes. Hearing none, minutes were accepted as submitted. TREASURER'S REPORT Commissioner Brender was not in attendance, therefore, there was no treasurer report. Commissioner Gennell stated the balance of the account was $792.79. ELECTION OF CHAIRPERSON Commissioner Gennell stated she has been chairperson for a couple of years and has enjoyed it. She also stated she would continue or someone else could. Commissioner Gennell was nominated to continue as chairperson. The members unanimously approved Commissioner Gennell serving another year as chairperson. ELECTION OF TREASURER Commissioner Brender was nominated to continue as treasurer. The members unanimously approved Commissioner Brender serving another year as treasurer. PROGRESS REPORT ON EOUCA TION/GOVERNMENT BROADCASTING INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT CABLE Commissioner Gennell stated according to the minutes of December 3, 1997, Member Larry Furlong was to make a presentation to the School Board. Member Furlong stated the agreement was put on their agenda and already approved. He also made a presentation to the City of Sanford, but did not get much support. Mr. Furlong asked each city to state where they stand. Commissioner Gennell stated the previous Winter Springs Commission had not approved this, but it would probably come up Monday night and go through pretty well. Commissioner Gennell stated Lake Mary wants to have a workshop and it has not been scheduled yet. Commissioner Sargent, Longwood, stated they did not approve due to the language. He also stated the past Commission wanted to go forward with it, but he does not know the feelings of the current Commission but does believe there is a majority. Councilman Hagood, Oviedo, stated they have an access channel they are very comfortable with and are not looking to change. Commissioner Lessard, Sanford, stated he does not see Sanford not signing one; however, the interlocal agreement needs to be placed on the agenda and he will make sure it is put on same. Commissioner Gennell stated it was her understanding Altamonte Springs wanted to sit out and wait and wanted more details. Commissioner Clark, Casselberry, stated nothing has passed since he has been in office for 2 months and he can't speak for the history on it. Member Gorman, SCC, stated their attorney is reviewing it and was trying to get on the agenda next week but did not make this. It has already gone to the Executive President's Council and they were in favor of it. Commissioner Maloy stated the BCC has had discussion on it. Member Furlong stated he did not think the interlocal agreement had gone before the Seminole County BCC. Discussion continued on the interlocal agreement and the history of it and how it relates to the cable franchises and each entity represented on CALNO. UPDATE OF REPRESENT A TIVES/AL TERNA TES ON CALNO Altamonte Springs Representative - Commissioner Eddie Rose; no alternate at this time. Casselberry Representative - Commissioner AI Clark; alternate is Commissioner Carl Robertson. Longwood Representative Commissioner Ron Sargent; alternate is Commissioner Paul Lovestrand. Oviedo Representative - Councilman Tom Hagood; alternate is Commissioner George Viele. Sanford Representative - Commissioner Brady Lessard; alternate is Commissioner Whitey Eckstein. School Board Representative - Member Larry Furlong; alternate is Bob Goff. Seminole County Representative - Commissioner Grant Maloy; alternate IS Commissioner Win Adams. PROGRAM SCHEDULING Commissioner Gennell explained that CALNO meets once a month, alternating from city to city in alphabetical order. The next meeting will be at the School Board. She explained that anyone that has a program they would like to present could be identified now and put on the list for the year. Commissioner Gennell stated for the February meeting they would have the Environmental Study Center come in and present the program. Member Furlong stated he would have Dr. Hagerty come and present an update on the school system. Commissioner Gennell stated the program for the March meeting would be a presentation on the County CRA. Commissioner Gennell stated from previous minutes that Commissioner Rose would be inviting a representative from East Central Florida Regional Planning Council for the April meeting. Commissioner Clark stated the May meeting would be an update on the adult entertainment. Commissioner Gennell stated Lake Mary would have a program on Airport noise during the month of June. Commissioner Sargent stated that Longwood would have the program In September on Juvenile Justice. Councilman Hagood stated that Oviedo could possibly have a status on the Oviedo Mall in the month of October. Commissioner Lessard, Sanford, stated that Mayor Dale could give an update on the conference center and airport for the month of November. Commissioner Maloy, Seminole County, stated he would have a representative from the James Madison Institute for the month of December. Discussion continued regarding the Legislative Delegation and having a representative come and update CALNO on the session. It was the consensus of all to invite a representative to come in June if possible. REPORTS FROM MEMBERS School Board Member Furlong reported that new schools would be coming up particularly in the Oviedo area. Expect to see a lot of construction in schools in Seminole County over the next 5 to 10 years. The beginning of the magnet process and control choice zones in the north end of the County are coming along better than what was anticipated. The school system is in good shape and maintaining a good reputation. One thing that was done and a huge success was some incentives in rescheduling options for teacher training to improve attendance and cut back on substitutes. Altamonte SprinQs Commissioner Rose reported in April the city will be putting on a Florida Symphony Orchestra. On March 19-25 they will be having a touring of the Viet Nam War at Crane's Roost Park. Commissioner Rose will be reporting back on the interlocal agreement for the cable television. Casselberry Commissioner Clark reported the city passed the interlocal planning agreement unanimously given by the County. The city also passed preliminary layout for the shopping center at 17-92 and 436. Commissioner Clark also requested each entity continue to follow the adult entertainment issue. Additional discussion ensued regarding the adult entertainment issue. Lake Mary Commissioner Greene reported that the Rinehart Road widening construction project would be starting soon. Next month Lake Mary will be having their Strategic Planning Session to discuss paving of roads. Also, the Crystal Lake Basin report will be forthcoming. LonQwood Commissioner Sargent reported the concerns regarding the CRA and the County. The issue comes down to the annexation of their enclaves. He has asked his commission permission to come to CALNO and ask for an interlocal agreement for all the cities to approve it initially before taking to the County for review. Discussion ensued regarding the annexation of enclaves. Oviedo Councilman Hagood reported Oviedo is watching with interest the developments of Battleridge. Sanford Commissioner Lessard congratulated Altamonte Springs on lowering taxes and providing more fire and police protection simultaneously. He also stated the Orlando Sentinel has named Sanford as the hottest spot to live in Seminole County . Winter SprinQs Commissioner Gennell stated Winter Springs has appropriated money to do a newsletter and asked for those cities that do one to forward a copy to her. Commissioner Gennell stated she also is looking forward to the battleridge development. Discussion ensued regarding the battleridge development. Commissioner Gennell encouraged the alternate as well as the representative to attend CALNO meetings. She also mentioned that the food would be served at 6:30 with the meeting starting promptly at 7:00. Seminole County No report at this time. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 9:15 p.m.