HomeMy WebLinkAboutSeptember 2, 1998 Minutes with Highlights COUIICIL OF LOCAL GOVBlUIJIBIRS IN SDINOLE COUH~Y Longwood Cit:y C~.sion Cbaabers 175 W. Warren Avenue Longwood, Florida MIRUft:8 SEPTEMBER 2, 1998 Present: Casselberry, commissioner AI Clark Lake. Mary, collllllissioner Gary Brender Longwood, Deputy Mayor Ron Sargent OViedo, Councilman Tom Hagood, Jr. Sanford,COIDDlissioner Brady Lessard Winter Springs, CODIIIissioner Cindy Gennell Seminole COIDIIlUnity College, Stepben Caldwell Wrigbt, PbD Seminole County Scbool Board, Board MU1ber Larry Purlon9 Absent: Altamonte Springs, commissioner Bddie Rose, Board of County Commission, collllllissioner Grant Maloy Also Present: Longwood Commissioner Annamarie Vacca Geraldine D. Zambri, City Clerk, Longwood Mr. Ricbard Gennell 1. Call to order. The meeting was called to order by Chairperson Cindy Gennell at 7:30. 2. Silent Meditation. Pledge of Allegiance. Chairperson Gennell called for a moment of silent meditation followed by the pledge of allegiance. Members present introduced themselves. 3. Approval of Minutes of June 3, 1998. Deputy Mayor Sargent moved approval of the minutes. Seconded by Councilman Hagood. Carried by voice vote. 4. Treasurer's Report. Commissioner Brender reported the account balance was $884.48. A motion waS made, seconded and approved to accept the report as submitted. Dr. Wriqht said he was currently filling tbe position of vice president for Educational Programs on an interim basis. s. Program A: Update on the Education/Government Cable Channel Television Issue. CLGSC/September 2, 1998/page 2 Chairperson Gennell offered a brief uPdate on the Education Cable: have the following agreements at this time; Oviedo, Sanford, Winter Springs, Casselberry, Lake. Mary and the School Board; agreement being reviewe<i by the attorney for Seminole Co~nity College; will work with Longwood and then Altamonte Springs, has asked Chairman Morris to expedite getting to the Board of County commissioners.. Chairperson Gennell discussed that some legal issues were already worked out with two of the cities, and some clarifications or issues may still need to be resolved. She thought what had been worked out with Casselberry and winter Springs would probably be agreeablato x..ongwood also. Altamonte was having issues of its own with their cable provider. Discussion ensued with respect to the County televising their meetings and that the televising of their meetings had nothing to do with this agr....nt. <Further, the County wants two channels and also wants a studio provided, both of which are called for in their franchise agreement . SCC may have the room for such a studio.. Com.tssioner Gennell suggested letting th t ho it.tn t.be best int.erests of all. Juvenile Justice Presented by Deputy Mayor Ron Sargent, City of Lonqwood. Deputy Mayor Sargent said the Juvenile Justice representative was not in attendance and asked to postpone B to follow Item E. 6. Program B: 7. Program C: CALNO Appointment to the Juvenile Justice Committee Chairman Gennell discussed needing a representative to the Juvenile Justice committee and had asked each member to bring this request forward to.their respective councils. Chairman Gennell inquired if commissioner Vacca would be interested. Deputy Mayor Sargent nominated Commissioner Vacca. Nomination was seconded. As to when meetings were held, Deputy Mayor Sargent advised they were held on the second Friday of the month at 8:00 A.M. Nomination carried by voice vote. CLGSC/September 2, 1998/page 3 commissioner Gennell indicated disappointment that this was the second time the JJC has been invited and did not attend. Deputy Mayor Sargent gave a brief overview of the function of the Juvenile Justice Council. Commissioner Vacca left the meeting at this time. 8. Program D: Resolution in Support Eslinger's Work Progr~. of Sheriff Don Commissioner Gennell asked if a copy of the resolution had been mailed to each member. No one had racei ved a copy. Commissioner Gennell explained that the Sheriff was asking if CALHO would pass a resolution in support of his work program and sbe then read tbe resolution in full. Member Furlong moved to approve. carried by voice vote. Motion was seconded 9. Program E: ~~ ~ Commissioner Furlong advised that the county's comp Plan approval was the based on their transportation network which is funded by their impact fee ordinance and it is cemented to the local option gas tax money, which they had to pledge. Any modification to the distribution formula would have a huge domino effect. Discussion continued as to whether any modifications could be made. commissioner Gennell reminded that this originally came from CALNO and, if enough interest is generated, a resolution could be sent to the County. In response to Commissioner Gennell, Dr. Wright said, at this time, he would be the SCC representative. commissioner Brender requested the floor and asked if CALNO wanted to take a position on the Conference Center that Sanford is proposing on Lake Monroe. After some discussion, the CALNO members agreed the Sanford Commission has put the issue to the CLGSC/September 2, 1998/page 4 with respect light rail, rio~ discussion on hearing information on 10 .. Reports from Members: Longwood Deputy Mayor Sargent announced LOngwood would hold its annual Fun Dog Show , sponsored by the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board, on September 19, 1998.. Deputy' Mayor Sa~gent reported a Special Meeting was held last week on reorcjanization during which discussion was held that perhaps they needed to deal with a decision on replacing the City Administrator.. Be said there may be further discussion at an upcoming m~eting.. S~D~l. Co.auDi~y College (SCC).. Dr.. Wright reported enrollment was up ,SCC has started a new ad caIDpaign as well as being JIlOre active in the Bigh Schools and are cementing SCC' s relationship so more peopletjraduating from high schools in Seminole are going to SCC.. SCCin process of installing 700 new computers, attempting to bring into state of the art, and recycling the older computers throughout the c-.pus; now an Bonors Program and a SCience Merit program; OV.ledo CUlpas scheduled to open in year 2000; some UCF UCF classes are being held at the SCC campus and SCC is coordinating closely with UCF.. OViedo.. Councilman Bagood said they have had two instances of using the Calno interlocal IReCliation agreement; city voted to mediate a dispute with Winter Springs on Battle Ridge as well as pursuing court action to maintain their legal rights.. And winter Springs has asked to have another item mediated reI joint planning agreement with Oviedo and Seminole County and was still an open item.. Councilman Bagood said he wanted to pass on to Commissioner Furlong, on behalf of his wife, that she feels the school schedule for the elementary schools is better as is and said changing to what Orange County is bad.. Sanford.. CoDllllissioner Lessard reported Sanford' has welcomed their new City Manager, Tony Van DerWorp and he bas a number of projects already on the board, i..e.., economic development, between Mall and downtown Sanford.. civil Service System no longer in effect as originally designed, and he explained how tbe new process gives the manager more CLGSS1SeptelDber 2, 1998/page 5 discretion yet there is still protection in that the City commission will sit as the Board that an employee can appeal to. Commissioner Lessard said Sanford was looking at privatizing its solidwaiste. deplU:tJBent. Sanford bas hired a dozen new police officers and sixn.w firefighters all without raising the lDillage rate. AlthoughcurX'ently saddled with third highest millage rate in Florida, this is tbe first time in 12 years they have been able to lower their millage rate. Happy to X'eport their property values are rising and are up there with other rapidly appreciating areas. Councilman Hagood said Oviedo also did an RFP and selected a different caX'rier, Illinois Recycling, who came in $3.00 per month less than current carrier. Interestingly enough, BFI WaS coming in for an increa.e and when they had to bid they haddJ."opped their rate to close to Illinois's price. Discussion continued as to certain aspeCts of the services provided for the costs charged. CommissioneX' Gennell said Winter Springs also X'ecently negotiated a renewal with Jennings, for long contract period. Disc!Js8ion about privatizing, in general, and the point at which privatizing can become cost effective. Councilman Hagood said the Council has just authorized the City Manager to purchase a piece of property in downtown Oviedo, located near 419 behind the bowling alley, which is intended to be developed and turned into a trailhead. commissioner Furlong referred Councilman Bagood to County Wicklow, in Ireland, who have extensive background in walking trails, etc. Winter Springs. Commissioner Gennell said their 4th of July fire works display has not been rescheduled for Labor Day. Winter Springs has applied for three grants; the Florida COIlllIlunity Trust, Greenways and Trails, and Historic Preservation, and are designed to purchase green space in the town center. Concern is to control that area, as the city has to put in infrastructure and also to be able to deal with a single entity rather than multiple owners. She with others went up and spoke to FloX'ida Community Services on the grant, which .was an interesting expeX'ience, and that will help them with their town center which is part of the SR 434 v~sioning. The other part is the older section of'434, Haynes to 17~92, and that portion is in MPO's plan to tear out the middle lane and build raised medians etc. Seunole County School Board. commissioner Furlong said there was a reasonably smooth opening of schools this year, especially given some of the changes. Just had first year of performance based pay raises Was very interest~ng, not everybody got the same. School Board had received permission from Tallahassee to deregulate four elementary schools as well as Lake Brantley and LYman High Schools. CLGSC/September 2, 1998/page 6 This will give almost same amount of autonomy to these schools as charter schools have. will put lot of local control in hands of principal and school advisory council. . Derequlation continued to be discussed and Board Member Furlong did expect it would give princ"ipals, teachl1llrs and parents far greater control. over their schools. Whether good or bad will depend on what they do with their schools. Believed the voters spoke clearly that they like the direction the school board has taken t noting- he wa.. pleased with the way elections turned out. There are incentive pr09rams in place for schools based on most improved, best test scor.s, etc. They are bringing forth a payroll deduction plan for their eaployees, giving them ability to donate to the foundation, whichaone,s then go back into the schools. This then can be used in requ.st:a.ng assistance, showing that the employees are contributing t.oward this foundat.ion. As to when children are introduced to computers, Kember Furlong said they are introduced to them in elementary school. Said citizens should be proud of their school system, and noted there have not been any schools they are interested in a conversion to bei~g a charter school. Before and after school program still having staffing- problems at low end of scale. There is a waiting list to get in, their problem finding people to fill the positions. commissioner Furlong said unemployment rate in the County was currently very low, 2%. to which he attributed the inability to fill the positions. Commissioner Genne11 questioned Commissioner Lessard as to their pay raises. Commissioner Lessard said they will go into effect following the election to those elected. Reimbursements will go into effect on Oct. 1, 1998, went from $150 to $300.a month. This is for automatically recurring expenses, noting he receives more from reimbursements than from salary. commissioner Gennell said their charter calls for the Commission to receive a salary which is done by ordinance and then for them to be reimbursed for their expenses which can be done by resolution. For what.verreasons, the Commissioners have never received a salary. ReimburseJRent has gone from $350 to $700 per month for commissioners and Mayor from $500 to $800. They determined the amount from surveys of like cities. Lake Mary receives a flat $400 per month and i. reimbursed for expenses. Commissioner Brender said he spoke to the Mayor from Tallahassee and they have tied their city commissioners' salaries to the county collllDissioners' salaries, so when County get increase, the city gets an increase. Casselberry ties their to the state employee i~crease, so it is automatic. . Casselberry. Commissioner Clark reported a referendum issue will go to voters asking. if Casselberry should pass an ordinance separating sale of liquor from nudity in the clubs. This is essentially the same direction the County is heading in with the CLGSC/September 2, 1998/page 7 citizen referendum that mayor may not make ballot as it is being challenged by the adult entertainment people. Casselberry has three seats up for election and the adult entertainment people are rounding up candidates for these seats. If this were to pass, it will come before city commission, and the adult entertairunent people would like to have those seats. Seats open are commissioners Benson, Sheppard and Robe~tson, Robertson being the only one who cannot run again. Police Chief Gatch has resigned and ,a search will begin. commissioner Clark reported their millage has gone down, yet they have to advertise that the taxes are going up. Discussion ensued about the TRIM bill and requirements for advertising a tax increase when in fact the millage has not gone up. Commissioner Clark said Casselberry played the City of Winter Park in a golf tournament, a scramble; the people who played paid. Thought it was nice for the two cities to get together. Lake Mary. Commissioner Brender said he would like to lobby the state to revisit the TRIM bill. The members discussed having the issue revisited by the state and perhaps sending a resolution to the State. The members decided to place this item on the next agenda as new business. commissioner Brender said he would talk to Donna McIntosh, City Attorney, about this issue and where it stands, also about a draft of a proposed resolution. Be noted that this was an item of discussion at the past League meeting. commissioner Gennell initiated discussion legislative delegation to speak at CALNO. with Tespect to how to bring them to CALNO. o . . about inviting the Discussion continued Invitin ~.. tive .g~n' .CJ time. ..rhe Reception would open with an hour of info~l discussion and then perhaps into a question and answer forwa with the delegates sitting on the dais. In checking the calendar, it appeared t.he January meeting was echeduled to be hel.d at Seminole Community College. Dr. Wright will check to see if they would be able to host this reception. An attempt will be made to hold the Reception this January, but if too late, would then consider doing the following year. Inviting the entire Central Florida delegation was discussed. CLGSC/September 2, 1998/page 8 commissioner Gennell asked if there was a motion to host on the first Wednesday or on any other Wednesday. Deputy Mayor Sargent so moved. Seconded by Councilman Bagood. Carried by voice vote. Commissioner Brender continued with his report. Be said Lake Mary had the honor of having the Florida Police Chief and Fire Chief Association's presidents as their police chief and fire chief, Chief Beary and Chief Bahn. Qualifying ends September 10th. Seats open, Mayor Mealor, Commissioner Green and himself. All are running again. Downtown redevelopment continuing. Will authorize funds tomorrow night and as a part of that is their new police station for which they "are purchasing property in the downtown, construction will most likely begin in November. Cost of facility will be 4 · 5 million dollars with some space for expansion. Lake Mary celebrated its 25th anniversary, had a thousand people attend. Also building a $400,000 parks maintenance building. Be also reported the following; no tax increase, will retain 3.76 millage; 310 apartments coming in; office growth oontinues, two in Beathrow, etc.; Rhinehardt Road well under construotion, should be completed in December, is footprinted for eventual six laning~ Trailhead just now beginning to come into play, will be spending $432,000 to build a park, which will funded from sale of some property to primera; Lake Mary/Beathrow Festival will be held at Oval Park at Beathrow International Center in October. upon request, commissioner Brender said he would be happy furnish 25th anniversary pins to the members. commissioner Gennell presented a pen to Dr. Wright in appreciation. 11. Adjournment. There being no further business "the meeting adjourned at 9:40 P.M. Submitted by: Geraldine D. Zambri, City Clerk City of Longwood