HomeMy WebLinkAboutFax Re: CALNO Agenda # " CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA 1126 EAST STATE ROAD 434 WINTER SPRINGS. FLORIDA 32108-2799 Telephone (4(J1) 327-1800 FACSIMILE COVER SHEET DATE: TO: ATTENTION: FACSIMILE: RE: September 24, 1998 City of Oviedo Ms. Cindy Bonham, City Clerk FROM: Andrea Lorenzo-Luaces Deputy City Clerk TELEPHONE: (407) 327-1800 x 226 FACSIMILE: (407) 327-6912 (407) 977-6009 CALNO Agenda NUMBER OF PAGES CD (including this cover sheet) COMMENTS: I hope that you received the message that I left for you earlier today. Please find attached the final Agenda that will be mailed out to all of the CALNO cities tomorrow. In can be of further assistance, please feel free to contact me. Thanks!! # Council of Local Governments in Seminole County . I,AICE MARY . lONGWOOO . CASSELBERRY . AlTAMONTE SPlftNGS AGENDA SEMINOI.E COUNTY SCHOOlSOARO Date: Time: Location: Wednesday, October 7, 1998 Dinner-6:30 p.m./Meeting-7:00 p.m. City of Oviedo 400 Alexa.ndria Boulevard Oviedo, Florida 32765 1. Call to Order Invocation Pledge of Allegiance 2. Roll Call 3. Approval of September 2, 1998 Minutes 4. Treasurer's Report 5. Program A: Update on the Education/Government Cable Channel Television Issue 6. Program B: Update on the Local Option Gas Tax & Update/Status of Mall Presented By: Councilman Tom Hagood, Jr. City of Oviedo 7. Program C: 4'Truth in Millage Rate" (TRIM) Notice 8. Program D: AppointmentIReappointment to the Seminole Expressway Authority 9. Program E: Discussion of Legislative Delegation Reception 10. Reports from Members . Oviedo Councilman Tom Hagood, Jr. . Sanford Commissioner Brady Lessard . Winter Springs Commissioner Cindy Gennell . Seminole Community College Interim Vice President Dr. Stephen Caldwell Wright . Seminole County Commission Commiasioner Grant Maloy . Seminole County School Board Board Member Larry Furlong . Altamonte Springs Commissioner Eddie Rose . Casselberry CotnQ1issioner Al Clark . Lake Mary Commissioner Gary Brender . Longwood Commissioner Ron Sargent 11. Adjournment Next Meeting: November 4, 1998 - City of Sanford Pcnona with disabilities neodina ~ to participa. in any of thac proccodinp should con1llCt the Employee Relations Department's ADA Coordil\lltor of the host government at least 48 houri before mectin.. PCI'IOrII are advised that if they dociclo to appeal any docisions JIlICie at these rnoetinpIheari1p they will neccl a reGOl'd of the proceedinp and for such P\ll1lOSC. they may acod to inaure that a verbatim reGOI'd of the proc:ccdinp i. made which reGOI'd includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based per Section 286.0105 Florida Statutes. I~io: Rose AI Clark COUNCIL MEMBERS Cindy GllIncll. Cltairpcnon TOllllhlgood Jr. Orady IAIIllI'cJ Grant Malay Gary Drender Ron Sargent Larry l:urlOllg John Gannon r<cJ"" ~d. \~ ~ "" ,~.., ':"';,:}-) ';k~.": \~i':;;.~\\~-"; ;' ~~~,t:t"'1,):r;~,:,':9-~e':' ,:;;', :,;':".:i::;_:,f,.;';':;',,:e'. _":i,;'';-~'';-'':' \'i~',-:'~-.-,~,-(" )'" ,>'--',",.';',:1":,:' :"",,<,--;', ~/. ... "'. ---- /