HomeMy WebLinkAbout1998 05 06 Minutes 06/02/1998 14:03 _ ':'-" ,.45 CIT\" OF CASSELBERRY PAGE 01 . ~; COUNCIl, OF LOCAL GOVERNMENTS IN SEMINOLE COUNTY The Council ofLoca! Governments in Seminole County (CALNO) held a meeting Wednesday, May 6, 1998 at 7:00 p.m., Casselberry City Hall Commission Chambers, 95 Triplet Lake Drive, C;lSselberry, Florida. 1. CALL TO ORDER/INVOCATION/PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Chairperson Cindy Ge:nnell called the meet.ing to order at 7:22 p.m. A moment of silence was held, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. 2. RQt t C \ U Members Prese111: Deputy Mayor Citldy Getllldl, City of Winter Springs, CALNO ChaiJperson CommiSSlOner AJ Clark, City () f Casselberry Deputy Mayor Gary Brendt1f. City of Lake Mary, CALNO Treasurer Commissioner Ron Sargent. ('!tv \) f Longwood Commissioner Brady Lessard, (it)' of Sanford CommissIOner Grant Malo\'. SenliOo1e County Commission . . - .. ...' . . <- - ~ Board Member Larry Furlong. Seminole County School Board Others Pres_~nt \1aycwCou.unissioner Bmce A 1'; '!Iovost, City of Casselberry Vice \layor/Commissioner David (knson, City of Casselberry Connnissioner Carl Robertson, City of Casselberry Commi"siouer 0\\ en Sheppard, City of Casselberry Jack 1\1 Schluckebir.'l, Ca",selbetry City Manager Thehna 1\kPhersoJl; (asselberry City Clerk Donna Gardner, Casselberr\ Com.rulssion Secretary Raul PalellZuela, Casselbern Assistant Director of Public \Vorks Hector Bustillo, CasselbelTv ('ADD Technician Sheriff Don F. Eslinger. Senut',ole ('ount) Sheriff's Department Ann Bryant, Seminole ( ,'ull v SherlWs Dep<U1ment C()0rdinc.~tor of Inmate Work Crews Captaul Terry Huffman. ih!\!ny Direct,ij "f Department of Correl.'tions Tep'" ' 'dtke, President. (\nkllIl, P0l1eriJiI,1 Holmes Engineers, Inc. r: 'C.-', ~,_~ 06/02/1998 14:03 4072627745 crT", ;]F CASSELBERRY PAGE 02 COUNCIL OF LOCAL GOVERNMENTS IN SEMINOLE COUNTY May 6, 19" Meeting Mlnllte' Page ~ 0(7 3. APPRO\' AL OF APRll. 1. 1998 MINUTES MOTION: Deputy Mayor Brender moved, Commissioner Sargent seconded, and motion carried unanimously to approve the April 1, 1998 Council of Local Governments in Seminole County minutes, as presented. 4. TREASURER'S REPORT Vice Mayor Brender, Treasurer, reported the current balance was $923.26, with no activity since the last Treasurer's Report. MOTION: Commissioner Sargent moved, Commissioner Clark seconded, and motion carried unanimously to accept the Treasurer's Report as presented. 5. W:ELCOME~ BRUCE A. PRONOVOST. MAYOR OF CASSELBERRY Mayor Pronovost welcomed the Council of Local Governments in Seminole County to the newly renovated Casselberry City Hall and invited the CALNO Members to the City Hall Complex Open House scheduled for mid-June 1998. 6. PROGRAM A: UPDATE ON THE EDUCATION/GOVERNMENT CA~!"_.E CHAN~EL TELEVISION ISSUE Chairperson Gennell reported the City of Winter Springs, the City of Lake Mary, the City of Sanford, the Seminole County School Board, and the City of Oviedo have entered into the interlocal agreement. She further reported the City of Altamonte Springs is not addressing the matter at this time and the City of Casselberry and the City of Longwood bave not taken final action on the iutedocal agreement to date. Commissioner Maloy reported the Seminole County Commission Chairman is proposing broadcasting the County Commission meetings as a separate project, and the interlocal agreement for the education/government cable has not been addressed to date. ti'1:1nllil" J1 n'7 ,") ~ ') '7 '7 11 [:: n c _ n -:. __ ,-, 0 Q~/02!19g8 14:03 4072527745 CrT\' OF CASSELBERRY' PAGE 03 COUNCIL OF LOCAL GOVERNMENTS iN SEMINOLE COUNTY May 6,1998 Meedng Mblute3 I'age 3 qf7 Chairperson Gennell noted the issue would be addressed by Seminole Co~unityCollege at their next meeting. Chairperson Gennell further noted that Vice President John Gannon has resigned from the college and no longer will be serving on CALND. Commissioner Clark stated the City of Casselberry was requesting more information regarding financial obligations to the channel before it took final action on the interlocal agreement. Chairperson Gennell stated that by joining the interlocal agreement the City would be involved in the planning of the channel's format and operations as well as detennining the budget, and conld opt out at any time without any obligations, financial or otherwise. Chairperson Gennell further stated that those entities that do not chose to enter into the mterloca1 agreement will not be included in use of the channel. 7. P~OGRAM B: INMATE LABOR Sheriff Don Eslinger made a presentation regarding a new inmate labor program proposed to be implemented in the Sheriffs Department next fiscal year. Sheriff Eslinger introduced Ann Bryant, Coordinator ofInmate Work Crews and Captain. Terry Huffinan, Deputy Director of Department of Corrections, who were present in the audience. Sheriff Eslinger stated the new program would be day reporting on Saturday and Sunday, and would replace the current weekend program, in which people conunence serving their sentence at 7:00 p.m. on Friday and conclude service at 6:00 p.m. Sunday. The current weekend pro gram compounds the existing overcrowding at the jail, with having to house and feed approximately 50-100 additional inmates each weekend. Sheriff Eslinger stated the new weekend inmate labor program would reduce operational costs significantly because the jail would no longer have to house or feed those sentenced to the program, therefore reducing the cost of supervision as well. Under the new weekend program, those serving a weekend sentence would report at 7:00 a.m. on Saturday with their own lunch, work 8 hours, be released to go home and return 7:00 a.m. on Sunday to do the same. The person would pay $30.00 each weekend for cost of supervision. Sheriff Eslinger requested the Members of CALNQ help coordinate changes within their entities with respect to internal personnel scheduling in an effort to make the new weekend program a success and ultimately save County taxpayers money by utilizing the skilled and unskilled labor (' f those sentenced to the program. Sheriff Eslinger also requested the entities try to provide more lah'! intensive jobs that will save the entity money, thereby benefitting the taxpayers. Sheriff Esli noted that those sentenced would not require stringent supervision, because they would 1 considered inmates. F R '='1<,!4. [-, i 2 6 2 '7 745 06-02-98 02:08 PM P03 '...1( '..-. :,;~\." ,.'!J!IiJi." 05/02/1998 14:03 4072627745 CITY OF CASSELBERRY PAGE 04 COUNCIL Of LOCAL GOVERNMENTS IN SEMINOLE COUNTY May 6, 1998 Meetl>>g Min_h' PagE: 40f7 8. PROGRA.J\'I C: ST. JOHN'S RIVER MANAGEMENT DISTRICT.. WATER ~020- CONSmERATIO~S FOR THE CITY OF CASSELBERRY Comm.issioner Clark distributed and reviewed a handout entitled "Facts About Water" and then introduced Raul Palenzuela, Casselberry Assistant Director of Public Works. Mr. Palenzuela made a presentation regarding the St. John's River Management District's Water 2020 plan and its potential impacts on the City of Casselberry as well as other local utilities. The Water 2020 plan is a regional water supply plan that will assure affordable and dependable sources of water. The plan will be developed over the next few years cooperatively with local and regional governments, major water suppliers and users, and interested citizens. The goal of the plan is to resolve water supply issues before they become major problems. An outline of Mr. Palenzuela's report and a copy of tile "Facts About Water" handout is attached to and made a part of these minutes. 9. NEW BUSINESS Chairperson Gennell distributed a resolution regarding support of the "Intergovernmental. Planning Coordination Agreement of 1997" by the Council of Local Governments in Seminole County and requested the matter be considered as new business. A copy ofthe Resolution is attached to and made a part of these minutes. MOTION: Deputy Mayor Brender moved, Commissioner Lessard seconded, and motion carried unanimously to accept and approved the Resolution supporting the Intergovernmental Planning Coordination Agreement of 1997, as presented. Chairperson Genoell requested the ratification of an expenditure in the amount of $35.00 plus a delivery charge for Secretaries' Day flowers given to the City of Winter Springs Deputy City Clerk who serves as CALNO's secretary. MOTION: Commissioner Sargent moved, Commissioner Lessard seconded, and motion carried unanimously to ratify the expenditure in the amount of $35.00 plus deUvery charge for flowers given to the Winter Springs Deputy City Clerk in honor of Secretaries' Day. FROM 4n7?R?774", nB-n?-qR n?:nR PM pn4 06/02/1998 14:03 4072527745 env OF CASSELBERRV PAGE 05 COUNCIL OF LOCAL GOVE~NMF;NTS IN SEMINOLll: COUNTY May 6, ~998 Meed.ng Mibub:~ Page 5 of 7 Chairperson Gennell suggested placing a Resolution supporting the Sheriffs day reporting program on the June Meeting Agenda for consideration by the Council. The Council concurred with her suggestion. Chairperson Gennell further suggested the Members bring input back from their entities regarding the matter to the next meeting. 10. REPORTS FROM MEMBERS Commissioner Clark of the City of Casselberry reported the following: . Thanked Casselberry staff for the presentation and Gold Lion Restaurant for providing dinner for the Council Members. . Commended the Seminole County Sheriffs Department and the Casselberry Police Department for recent arrests made at local adult entertainment establishments. Deputy Mayor Brender of the City of Lake Mary reported the following: . Noted the Legislative Update sch~duled for the next meeting was still tentative and that he would confer with Chairperson G~ell over the next month regarding the matter. Further noted the Lake Mary Finance Director would be making a brief presentation regarding the recent Legislature's Police Pension vote and its affect on the City of Lake Mary. . Reported money has been allocated for an instrument landing system at the Sanford-Orlando Airport which will allow the arrivail oflarge aircraft from the east and should greatly decrease air traffic over the City of Lake Mary. He further noted the Airport Authority still has to address some specific wind conditions for the approach. . Reported since January 1997, 2.8 Lmillion square feet of office space has been developed or is in the process of being develop~ in the City of Lake Mary. . Noted the City o fLake Mary has approximately $400,000.00 earmarked for the trail program. which will start at the base of RiIiehart Road and Lake Mary Boulevard and run north to County Road 46A. Further noted a 2.5 million dollar bridge is planned to cross 1-4 and connect the trail to Heatbrow and the Wekiwa River. Cotnmissioner Sargent of the City of Long wood reported the following: . Reported the Longwood City Commission recently approved approximately $200,000.00 worth new computer equipment for its Public Safety Department which is compatible with Seminole County's silent dispatch; program., . Noted the City of Longwood has changed its solid waste collector and has taken over the solid waste billing internally. . Reported the Longwood City Conunission has re-elected Rusty Miles as Mayor for another one-year tenn. FROM 407262774;5 06-.02-98 02:08 t"",*,, -!I'tlo< 06/02/1998 14:03 4072627745 CITY OF CASSELBERRY PAGE 05 COUNClL OF LOCAL GOVERNMENTS IN SEMINOLE COUNTY May 6,1998 MeedJ.13 M.lnlltt:& p." 6 <)(7 . Noted he has been having difficulties attending the Juvenile Justice Committee meetings and requested another representative be appointed for the Committee. Chairperson Gennell stated appointment of a new representative to the Juvenile Justice Committee would be placed on the June Meeting Agenda, and although it is a CALNO appointment, it did not necessarily need to be a member of the COWlcil. Chairperson Gennell requested the Council Members inquire if other elected officials of their respective entities were interested in serving in this capacity. Commissioner Lessard of the City of Sanford reported the following: . Reported the City of Sanford has narrowed its list for the City Manager position down to three (3) applicants. . Noted restoration withID Sanford's historical district continues to progress. . Noted the crime rate has decreased and property values in general within the City of Sanford have greatly increased. Further noted an ad valorem tax rate reduction was anticipated for the next fiscal year. CALNO Chairperson/Deputy Mayor Gennell of the City of Winter Springs reported the following: . Requested input regarding the Seminole Visions Project. Commissioner Clark stated Casselberry was continuing support of the project subject to specific conditions being met in the future regarding the composition of the Board of Trustees and the project's budget. Deputy Mayor Brender, Commissioner Maloy, Commissioner Sargent, and Commissioner Lessard stated their respective entities have not readdressed the matter to date. . Noted the City of Winter Springs in conjunction with Se:minole County held the grand opening of the Winter Springs Trail Head on Tuesday, May 5, 1998. Further noted the City of Winter Springs in conjunction with the City of Oviedo will be conducting additional festivities for the trail segment on May 16, 1998. . Reported the City of Winter Splings cWTently has two special assessment districts; one is for the Oak Forest Wall; the other is for the Tuskawilla Beautification District. . Thanked the City of Casselbeny staff for dinner and hosting the meeting. Commissioner Maloy of the Seminole County Commission reported the following: . Noted the East Central Florida Regional Planning Council has scheduled an all day summit on Friday, June 5, 1998 for all members of the Planning Council. . Briefly discussed future expansion plans for I~4 and urged Council Members to contact their State Legislators to obtain more information about the plans and voice their concerns. FROM 4072627745 06-02-98 02:08 PM P06 06/02/1998 14:03 4072527745 CITY OF CASSELBERRY PAGE 87 COVNC1L OF LOCAL GOVE~NM[NTS IN SEMINOLE COUNTY May 6, 1998 Meetl.tlg Minute. l'age 7 of7 Board Member Furlong of the Seminole COlUlty School Board reported the follo,-"mg: . Reported the Seminole County Academic Team, comprised of students from several the County's high schools, has won the 1998 State Academic Competition. . Reported the Seminole County Teacher of the Year is one of the five finalists for the State of Florida Teacher of the Year competition. . Reported the Seminole County School Board has been selected as one ofthe pilot sites for chartered schools. . Noted the School Board is still seeking future development sites in the Oviedo area. Requested that in the future the respective entities get a suitability report from the School Board whenever a developer proposes eannarkmg land for as a proposed school site to ensure it meets the requirements of either a elementary, middle school or high school. . Noted the School Board recently held an awards ceremony honoring approximately 400 Seminole County students who placed either in first, second or third place in State and National academic, athletic, art and music competitions. . Reported the School Board is currently undergoing a middle school rezoning process which will affect the Casselbe.rry/Wmter Springs area. . Noted he was disappointed in an article from the May 6, 1998 Orlando Sentinel regarding the Seminole County desegregation plan. Further noted he had empathy for the affected parents' but noted the School Board did the best it could by attempting to impact the least amount of people if possibly could. 11. ADJ01JRNMENT Chairperson Gennell adjourned the meeting at 9:38 p.rn. Minutes respectful(y submitted by: Donna G. Gardner City Commission Secretary City of Casselberry FROM 4:::72627745 06-02-98 02:G8 PM PG7 06/02/1998 14:03 4072627745 . . E -..1 .... ... ".1 -. : . = .. N . .. I NW · .. I. ..... a. .. ...........1 .. ........................ .- ,. .a CITY OF CASSELBERRY PAGE 0:3 - III II -I r-u I .- .. .- . ... II ~i: I: III FROM 4J'72f.27745 06-02-98 02:08 PM POB AA PAGE 09 CITY OF CASSELBERRY 05/02/1998 14:03 4072527745 . . - III II _I .- II II II -B I I - . . N . N II 11 . ,. . ..... .rIIl'... ... ... ... ... ~.~ ~.~ ~.~ ..-.. rill... ... ... rill.... ..... 06-02-98 02:08 PM POg FROM 4072627745 05/02/1998 14:03 4072627745 "'" ...." CITY OF CASSELBERRY PAGE 10 . . ft. . I .- II . - III.... -- -... -.. E ea. I 011= i... .. ...... .=! .11 . II ID I 'I: II 11 III 11 I . -. ..... ..... ..... ..... ... ... ... ... ....... ..... ..... ...... FROM 4072627745 06-02-98 02:08 PM PIG 05/02/1998 14:03 4072527745 . . I! . ~lA-'._<'i4 PAGE 11 CITY OF CASSELBERRY - - -- . .. lID I .8 II J II I ~ I -.. II i II~ ~.... J ! ....... . ...... . ...... .1.. < ....- c.D .. .. .. ... ... . - III ... I I! I.. .11 M -- -. . '- I J .1111 .-. .., ..... ..... ..... ;.~ ;.~ ... .e. .e. ..... ....."'. ..... ..... ....... FROM 4072627745 06-02-98 02:08 PM PI! 05/02/1998 14:03 4072527745 CIT\' OF CASSELBERRV PAGE 12 . . . U . . . I . .. E -- . ...- II -II ... ......~......... 211 .. ..: I -.- · .. II. ... . . ... I .II _ I.. I ,.. I _.. ....... ..;1 .... .I! I... I..... · I Ii 5.1 I .. ..... to .... .. ..,.. I CD". I -.- .aa.i I.... .... I .. I! . . . ....... .. . ell .. ..... ell .I I :1.. &...- ...... ..... ... ... ......' ..... .;...~ ;'i'~ ... -..,. ..... ~::) FROM 4072627745 06-02-98 02:08 PM P12 ~. ~ Cl. 1"\Ji 'j . Z G '~: - c: 0 - S C - . r; ~ i.J .:., ~ ~; =~ 'J t, 11,rO d ~ ..... ..... ....* ..... .... ...... ..... ... ... ~.~ ~.. ;.~ ... .e. ..... .....* ... ...... ...... ..... ..... N N 111_ .....1.. .t. .... ita! -I !II i I II ael ..iI 8. III .--. -- a I. II nn tit .. . . E,[ 39\1d A~~3Hl3SS\18 ~o AII8 .... ..... ... ..... - I-I 1=. I - I - . it . 18 ;! -. I SPLL~9~L0P EG:Pl 866t!~0!90 -.oj :u J <: ~ :J J o :J) .) ~ .J ~ n * * .:::) en I o C0 ! iD CO C) r0 C) CO 'D ~ 'D .,. City Limits . Wells Water Treatment Plants Water System Service Area Interconnects Proposed Interconnects . .:.::I~~1t~~-4'~ (~ (SJ en .~ (SJ '..J ~.~ >-' 4 uJ '.D iJ] >-' .... CS:I '..0 .p. ':sJ ~J ,..J 01 !'.J -...j -.J .p. Ol .. o H -l -< o " o D CIl CIl [TJ r to [TJ :u :u -( IJ D G) [TJ >-' .p. 06/02/19g8 14:03 4072527745 CITY OF CASSELBERRY PAGE 15 ..t. " Facts about Water Water is the real limit to Growth. Great is the availability of water - on average~ earth's water cover is two miles deep- but 97.5% is saJ.ine. Of the remaining 2.5%, which is fresh, 700,10 is in icecaps 29% i.s inaccessible 1 % is available for human use Water consumption is growing at the rate of over 10% per year in North.America (over 1000%since 1900), over 13% in South America, and over 16% in Europe. .Thewater usage per head has doubled since 1940, while global population has doubled since 1940. Farming takes most: World US Agriculture 691'/'0 49% Industry 23% 42% Domestic 8'}o 901'0 Water sanity is a world problem. It is a limited problem in the US. Counmeslike Israel, Egypt, Libya, Tunisia, and others withdraw beyond their barrier (must withdraw water flowing from other countries). Environmental damage adds to the problem. In Russia the AraI Sea has shrunk to 1/3 it's size in 1960. In the past 100 years twenty two states in the U. S. lost at least 500/0 of their original wetlands, with seven states losing over 80%. Florida has lost 46%. Water is a global problem, perhaps the next great conflict after oil. Li"i.og with scarcity requires policies for allocation and conservation. Allocation between sectors, countries and communities, either by rationing~ negotiation, price or trade. Conservation involves recycling. reducing and re-using. American industries have achieved over 7000.4 more recycling since 1968. The state fathers say Florida has a problem. In Florida, water is free. The cost to pump it, treat it, store it and pipe it is what we pay ($. 10 to $4445 per 1000 gal.). In several of the western states people have water rights and trade or sell [heir water rights. San Diego averages 12" of rain per year (except for El Nino) while Central Florida gets about 53" of rain per year. Florida is basically a water rich state. Most of our drinking water is pumped from the acquifer. Since around 80% of the people in Florida live within 20 miles of the coast, the pumping has caused salt intrusion into the acquifer. The Pinellas county acquifer is totally saline. All their drinking water is pumped from Pasco and Hillsborough counties. Salt intrusion also exists in Sarasota county and along the east coast in Dade and Broward counties. The Florida acquifer system runs roughly along the Turnpike from Central Florida to Dade county. What happens in Central Florida affects the available drinking water in Dade county In Central Florida we don't need the conservation that other counties may need but if we want to re...c~...e "Hi Federal fund~ we will need to have a conservation program in place FE OM 40'72 _ 1- D6-02-QR il2:~ 06/02/1998 ]4:03 4[172[, 277 45 , 1-:' I TV !~IF .I[~l" " F'AGE 15 .. 'l'. RESOUL TION NUMBER COUNCIL OF LOCAL OVERNMENTS OF SEMINOLE COUNTY, FLORIDA mE FOL.LOWING RESOLUTION WAS AllOPTED BY THE COUNCIL OF LOCAL GOVERNMENTS OF SEMlNOLE COUNTY, FLORIDA, AT THEm REGULARLY SCHEDULED MEETING OF MAY 6, 1998. WHEREAS, SEMINOLE COUNTY (the "COUNTY') and the cities of AL T AMONTE SPRINGS, CASSELBERRY, LAKE MARY, LONGWOOD, OVIEDO, SANFORD, AND WINTER SPRINGS (the "CITIES"), and the SCHOOL BOARD OF SEMINOLE COUNTY (the "SCHOOL BOARD"), are pursuing the adoption of an interloeal agreement known as the "Intergovernmental Planning Coordination Agreement of 1997" (the "IPCA'') for the purpose of providing mutual and timely notification between and among the COUNTY, CITIES and SCHOOL BOARD, which have mutual borders affected by any voluntary annexation, contraction, density changes, rezonings, comprehensive plan changes, or other land use actions prior to official acti.on by either the COUNTY or the CITIES; and WHEREAS, the COUNTY, CITIES and SCHOOL BOARD desire to mutually cooperate with each ether for ,he purposes of t:nsuring laud l.lse compatibility, insomuch as practical, provide for efficient and eff(~ctive public services to residents of both the COUNTY and the CITIES, provide for a dispute/conflict resolution mechanism, and establish collaborative land use planning mechanisms; and WHEREAS, it is beneficial to the public for the COUNTY, CITIES and SCHOOL BOARD to work together in a spirit of hannony and cooperation as evidenced from the past; and WHEREAS, Part II, Chapter 163, Florida Statutes, requires that local governments adopt comprehensive plans which include mechanisms for determining coordination processes and procedures with adjacent local governments; and WHEREAS, tbe COUNTY and CITIES agree that the IPeA serves as an interim step toward the adoption of joint planning agreements; and NOW, THF:fH.'f'OIU:, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COlJNCn. OF LOCAL GOVER.\-IENTS or SEMINOLE COL'NTY, FLORIDA, THAT: 1. The IPCA will establish a framework for coordination, communication and notificatIOn of proposed land use actions, will blJild cooptlration between the COtTNTY, CITIES and SCiiOOL BOARD, will create an opportunity and process to resolve potential disputes, and will serve as an interim step until the COUNTY and CITIES adopt joint planning agreements. 2. The Council of Local Governments of Seminole County fully supports and encourages the adoption of the (peA by the COUNTY, CITIES and SCHOOL BOARD. ADOPTED THIS 6TH DAY OF MAY 1998, AITEST: COUNCIL OF LOCAL GOVERNMENTS OF SEMfNOLE COUNTY. FLORlDA BY: Cindy Gennett, Chairman DATE: \\dp\vOI2\cp\projects\special'calno. doc FROM 48"72 f, 2"7"74 ': 06-02-98 02.0~