HomeMy WebLinkAboutSeminole County Government Cable Television CableA SEMINOLE COUNTY GOVERNMENT CABLE TELEVISION CHANNEL ^ UTILIZING THE TECHNOLOGY MANAGEMENT, PROGRAMMING AND PRODUCTION SKILLS OF PUBLIC TELEVISION FOR SEM/NOLE COUNTYAND CENTRAL FLORIDA ^ TABLE OF CONTENTS ITEM Executive Summary Notional Cable Schedule Annual Operating Expenses PAGE .............................. 2-5 ............................. 6 .............................. 7 One Time Capital Start Up Expenses .............................. 8-10 ^ A SEMINOLE COUNTY GOVERNMENT CABLE TELEVISION CHANNEL CONSORTIUM EXECUTNE SUMMARY A. Overview 1. Public television station WMFE-'iV/Channel 24, in Orlando, proposes to assist in the creation of a Seminole County govemment cable television channel consortium. Such a consortium, developed jointly with cable operators, county and city franchisers, and Channel 24 will serve county govemment, schools and municipalities in Seminole County, Florida. 2. The consortia, under the proposed third party facilitation of Channel 24, could provide cable programming and management on the govemment channel variously utilized by county and city governments in the area. Such programming would be used by govemment authorities to more effectively extend their public service message to constituents. The consortium would capitalize on the existing expertise and program collaboration relationship many of these agencies now have with Channel 24. 3. While the concept of a govemment channel is not necessarily new, the diverse programming and third party cable management of Channel 24 creates a unique and cost effective collaboration opportunity for such a county govemment channel. B. Assumations: 4. The proposed govemment cable channel consortium assumes several factors yet to be agreed upon. 2 5. The proposal assumes an interest on the part of Seminole County govemment, schools and municipalities to embrace the issue. It assumes those cable operators and franchisers will recognize the benefits inherent in Channel 24's third party character as an objective, impartial facilitator between users that will capitalize upon Channel 24's established working relationship with many of the cable franchisers. 6. The financial model of the proposal also assumes a willingness among the users to proportionately fund portions of the Channel 24 cable management structure. Such a fee must be less than what an individual govemment might independently fund to create and staff their own stand-alone system. The fee, when aggregated with other govemment funding, would provide a critical mass of support capable of cost effectively producing, managing, and coordinating the cable program schedules among the govemment participants. C. Proarammin4: 7. Channel 24 would propose to coordinate and/or produce, acquire and distribute over the govemment channel commercial free programming specifically for constituents of the consortium in Seminole County. Such programming would be in accordance with govemment and cable programming regulations and other agreed upon parameters. 8. Described below is cable programming that includes public interest areas, camera-0f-record- coverage of public meetings, and new initiatives that might be created more cost effectively within a consortium than as a stand-alone expense one govemment must absorb. 3 Proposed government channel cable programming Postings: Computer generated "menu boards" containing text listings of meeting schedules and agendas, official minutes, rosters of elected officials and key staff, phone numbers, and location maps. Programs: Formal programs featuring topics selected by each entity, including programs produced by that entity or by Channel 24 or available from others. Public Meetings: Live ortape-delayed (full length or edited) camera-of-record coverage of meetings selected by each entity. Meetings could include not only the formal governing body, but also committees, advisory boards, or the like. 9. Utilizing the existing facility and infrastructure capacity of WMFE, Channel 24 _ would coordinate the production or acquisition of new consortium driven program initiatives. This would be more cost effective than the funding, equipment acquisition and maintenance of that which each government authority would ordinarily have to do individually. 10. Additionally, Channel 24 would draw upon its existing program collaboration relationships with major Central Florida institutions to add to or expand the thoughtful programming those entities might bring to the consortia. These organizations include: City of Orlando Orange County Government Seminole County Government Orlando Utilities Commission Greater Orlando Aviation Authority Osceola County Government LYNX Orange County Public Schools Seminole County Public Schools Orlando/Orange County Expressway Authority Osceola County Public Schools Canaveral Port Authority 4 D. Consortium Management: 11. Channel 24 proposes to position itself as the third party candidate under which such a consortium would objectively be managed and maintained. Any combination of consortium governing boards could be established for the appropriate control, oversight and accountability. 12. With a modest short-term addition to WMFE's technical facilities, Channel 24's control room would become interconnected via fiber optic cable (some fiber already now is in place) to Time Warner Cable head-end facilities, creating an insertion point directly into Seminole County E The Channel 24 Advantage: 13. Channel 24 as an institution is the most logical third party candidate to manage and coordinate the consortiurrr. Channel 24 currently has established an effective relationship with many Central Florida govemment authorities working collaboratively to produce and broadcast programming for constituents. Channel 24 is already proficient as program producers and distributors. Channel 24 services the same region that such a consortium might serve. Channel 24 has a physical and technical plant capable of expanding to accommodate such a consortium in a manner which govemment authorities or cable operators individually cannot cost effectively accommodate. 14. Finally, Channel 24 possesses the integrity, credibility and non-political, non- commercial stature representing neither private interests nor governmental characteristics. 5 NOTIONAL GOVERNMENT CABLE CHANNEL SCHEDULE (fed closed circuit from public television station WMFE-N/Channel 24 to TWC) Each participating institution is described as an enti # to facilitate communication Potential entities-Altamonte Springs, Casselberry, Lake Mary, Longwood, Oviedo, Sanford, Seminole County Government, Seminole County Schools, 8 Winter Springs LENGTH• 15 min increments Every Monda Every Tuesda 1` & 3 Wednesda 2" & 4th Wednesda Every Thursda Every Frida CONTENT Postin s ............................ . Pro rams Meetin s Meetin s Postin s Pro rams 00 to 15 . ......... .. ity?1 , nt ......:: ........: Entity 1 Entity 1 Ei#ity 6 ! ' Entity"t Entity 1 15 to 30 Entity;2 Entity ~ 30 to 45 .. ,.Entity's Entity 3 45 to 1:00 Entity +4 Entity 4 1:00 to 1:15 'Entity;5 Entity 2 Entity 5 .....:Entity 2' .:.', 1:15 to 1:30 !Eritity.6 Enti~y.8 1:30 to 1:45 `Entity 7 Entity 7' 1:45 to 2:00 iEntity 8 Entity $. 2:00 to 2:15 Entity 9 Entity 3 Entity'a Entity 7 . ! Entity ~ Entity 3 2:15 to 2:30 Entity 1 Entity 1 2:30 to 2:45 Entity 2 Entity 2 2:45 to 3:00 Entity 3 Entity 3 3:00 to 3:15 Entity 4 i=linty 4 Entity 4 <~ntity 4 ; 3:15 to 3:30 Entity 5 Entity 5 3:30 to 3:45 Entity 6 Entity 6 3:45 to 4:00 Entity 7 Entity 7 4:00 to 4:15 Entity 8 Entity 5 Entity 3 Entity 8 ', Entity 8 Entity 5 4:15 to 4:30 Entity 9 Entity 9 4:30 to 4:45 'Entity>:~ _ . '. :i=ntity ? ...... 4:45 to 5:00 !Entity,2 Entity ~ .:. 5:00 to 5:15 iEntity 3 ,.. ,Entity 6 _;;..:'.! :.: Entity 3 f~i~tity 6 5:15 to 5:30 !EntitY,4 ! Enti#~ 4 5:30 to 5:45 iEntity,5 ' Entity 5 5:45 to 6:00 !Entity:8 .: : ! Entity 6 6:00 to 6:15 ... .,... ,Entity!? , . . . Entity 7 ' Entit~:4 Entity 9 , Entity 7..... ;;'; Entity 7 6:15 to 6:30 , ......!!Entlty 8 ' ; .. .! Entity 9 .:....!: 6:30 to 6:45 . .. !Entity!9 . ! Entity 9 ..::::: 6:45 to 7:00 Entity 1 Entity 1 7:00 to 7:15 Entity 2 Entity a Entity 2 .Entity 8 7:15 to 7:30 Entity 3 Entity 3 7:30 to 7:45 Entity 4 Entity 4 7:45 to 8:00 Entity 5 Entity 5 8:00 to 8:15 Entity 6 Entity 9 Entity 5 Entity 6 Entity 9 8:15 to 8:30 Entity 7 Entity 7 8:30 to 8:45 Entity 8 Entity 8 8:45 to 9:00 Entity 9 Entity 9 6 SEMINOLE GOVERNMENT CABLE CHANNEL ANNUAL OPERATING EXPENSES ITEM DESCRIPTION EXPENSE 1. Project Manager. $ 43,050 Full-time management staff member. Principal daily liaison with government entities, facilitates consortium meetings, develops schedule from consortium input, manages budget, promotes service to viewers and media, produces on air graphic "look", supervises the packaging of the daily schedule, programs automation system. Includes benefits 2. Cable master control operator. $ 32,300 Full-time operator of technical equipment used to deliver program service to cable headend, loads video tape machines, creates daily program package as required, pertorms minor maintenance. Includes benefits A. SUBTOTAL -CABLE STAFF: 3. Overtime: $ 4,550 Principally for vacation, sick leave, or freelance startup labor 4. Locat Travel: $ 3,380 Mileage and tolls 5. Training: $ 2,600 Equipment -computers, video 6. Telephone $ 2,470 Voice (line & cellular), fax, response lines 7. Maintenance/Repairs: $ 2,860 Service contracts (greater with High-cost option) 8. Supplies: $ 2,600 Paper, postage, disks, office, tape 9. One-time office start up: $ 3,900 Desk, chair, computer, printer B. SUBTOTAL DEPARTMENT EXPENSES: C. GRAND TOTAL ANNUAL OPERATING EXPENSES: $ 75,350 $ 22,360 $ 97,710 (Annual operating expenses equals $10,857 assessment fee paid by each of 9 participating members of the Seminole cable consortium, if all assessments were on an equal basis) D. INKIND EXPENSES (from WMFE): Physical plant square footage (including power) ($ 4,960) Ancillary equipment use (copiers, testlmaintenance) ($ 1,900) Engineering oversight 8~ staff: (~ 12,000) Administration 8~ accounting: ($ 10,800) 7 ONE TIME CAPITAL STARTUP EXPENSES LOW COST FIBER DELIVERY SYSTEM -• ~ 38.080 This package provides for the fiber-optic delivery, from WMFE-TV/Channel 24's master control room, of a fully packaged and scheduled government television cable channel to the Time Wamer cable headend in Winter Park. Time Warner will subsequently deliver the package to its system/s in Seminole County. The system will meet technical specifications specified by Time Warner The system is intended to be operational Monday through Friday for approximately ten hours per day, initially in 4 hour repeatable segments each day. The controller automafically operates S-VHS videotape machines and text/graphics equipment at the appropriate times to ensure timely and continuos program delivery and switching between program segments or video sources. The system also has the capability to create background graphics, format text (minutes, meeting notices, agendas, rosters, etc.) and add music to these text only presentations or schedule announcements. The video programs and textual content are provided in standard formats by the Seminole County entities participating in this cable service. Text and graphic material may be delivered to WMFE via modem or by floppy disc. The standard format for video is S-VHS with single channel audio. The standard text formats are Word or WordPerfect word processor text files. Other formats may be accommodated through arrangement with WMFE. Video tapes submitted must be timed by the provider to within one second accuracy from start to end of the program. Errors in timing may result in a loss of delivery of a portion of the program material. Text and graphic material may be °aired" with a music background for which WMFE will hold usage rights. MID COST FIBER DELIVERY SYSTEM -- S 73.402 This system performs all of the functions of the low cost system but uses high quality professional videotape machines and a better graphics system. The S-VHS machines produce a better quality signal and are able to use time code for better time accuracy. The machines are mode durable and will provide higher quality service over a longer period of time. The computer based graphics system is also able to function as a video still- store and digital effects system to allow a higher level of creativity. The still-store capability will allow an image archive to be kept in the system making it easier to add logos and other recurring artwork to graphic productions. Digital effects will enhance the changing of pages when the billboard type of presentation is used for various announcements. 8 HIGH COST FIBER DELIVERY SYSTEM -- $ 257.180 This system performs all of the functions of the mid cost system but uses a delivery approach which eliminates the need for videotape machines for direct delivery. The video tape machines are still used but their function is to load the video file server prior to air. The video file server is based not on tape but rather on computer disc technology. This provides the advantage of being able to repeat a program multiple times without having to run a tape machine each time. Once the programs are loaded, the file server can play them back in any order, and for any number of times. Program editing and timing are much more efficient and, schedule changes are much easier to accomplish. The file server has the ability to maintain consistent quality with less operator attention. Cable Consortfum.doc 9 FIBER DELIVERY SYSTEM FOR SEMINOLE GOVERNMENT CABLE CHANNEL LOW COST ITEM QTY DESCRIPTION TOTAL 1 1 CONTROLLER TO SWITCH TAPE MACHINES TO AIR, TECH PVC-2 32,240 2 4 S-VHS CONSUMER S-VHS MACHINE 33,080 3 1 EXPANSION SYSTEM, DPS (HOLDS TBC CARDS) 33,080 4 2 TBC, DPS VT-2500 (TIME BASE CORRECTOR CARD TO STABILIZE S-VHS MACHINES) 32,380 5 1 CHARACTER GENERATOR, CODI W \ SOFTWARE 18,780 6 1 MODEM Sri 7 1 COMPUTER (SCHEDULES EVENTS) 32,380 8 1 COMPUTER (FOR GRAPHICS SYSTEM) 52 380 9 1 PRINTER 3630 10 1 AUDIO INTERFACE (CONVERTS CONSUMER AUDIO LEVEL TO BROADCAST SPEC.) 3350 11 1 MIXER, HACKIE MS1402, AND CD Pll1YER FOR AUDIO BED (PROVIDES AUDIO BEO AND USED FOR PACKAGING) 51,260 12 1 MODULATOR, FIBER (SENDS PROGRAMMING TO CABLE HEADEND VIA FIBEROPTIC LINE) 15,800 13 1 DEMODULATOR, FIBER (RECENES PROORAMMOVG AT HEADEND) 34,200 14 1 EQUIPMENT RACK W/ POWERSTRIP (HOLDS EQUIPMENT) 31,750 15 1 MISC WIRING AND CABLES (WIRING TO INNTERCONNECT /ILL EQUIPMENT) 3700 16 1 UPS (UNINTERRUPTABLE POWER SUPPLY) 3700 17 TOTAL 398,080 MID COST ITEM QTY DESCRIPTION TOTAL 18 1 CONTROLLER,LEIGHTRONOC TS-18 (CONTROLS TAPE MACHINES) 18,400 19 2 S-VHS PLAYER INDUSTRWL,J1/C BRS522DX (PLAYBACK ONLY) 312,992 20 2 S-VHS RECORDER INDUSTRIAL,JVC BRS822DX W1 TBC (EDITING RECORDER) 117,850 21 1 CHARACTER GENERATOR, ALLADIN (TEXT AND GRAPHK:S GENERATOR. ALSO STILL STORE AND DVE) 114,000 22 1 MODEM iS80 23 1 COMPUTER (SCHEDULES EVENTS) i2,3g0 24 1 COMPUTER (FOR GRAPHICS SYSTEM) 52,380 25 1 PRINTER 3830 28 1 MIXER, HACKIE MS7402, AND CD PLAYER FOR AUDIO BED 51,280 27 1 MODULATOR, FIBER 55,800 28 1 DEMODULATOR, FIBER 34,200 29 t EQUIPMENT RACK W/ POWERSTRIP 31,750 30 1 MISC WIRING AND CABLES 5700 31 1 UPS (UNINTERRUPTABLE POWER SUPPLY) 5700 32 TOTAL 379,402 HIGH COST ITEM QTY DESCRIPTION TOTAL 33 1 FILE SERVER, MEDUIPOOL, BTS XL-2100,11 HRS AT 8:1 COMPRESSION (PLAYS VIDEO/ AUDIO TO'AIR'~ 1210,000 34 2 S-VHS PLAYER INDUSTRIAL,JVC 55000 (USED TO LOAD FILE SERVER) 57,700 35 t CHARACTER GENERATOR, ALLADIN (TEXT AND GRAPHK:S GENERATOR. ALSO STILL STORE AND DVE) 114,000 38 1 MODEM SSgO 37 1 COMPUTER (SCHEDULES EVENTS) 32,380 38 1 COMPUTER (FOR GRAPHICS SYSTEM) 52,380 39 1 MIXER, HACKIE MS1402, AND CD PLAYER FOR AUDIO BED 51,260 40 1 MODULATOR, FlBER 55,800 41 1 DEMODULATOR, FIBER 14,200 42 1 EQUIPMENT RACK W/ POWERSTRIP 51,750 43 1 MISC WIRING AND CABLES 1700 44 1 EQUIPMENT RACK W/ POWERSTRIP 51,750 45 1 MISC WIRING MID CABLES 5700 46 t UPS (UNINTERRUPTABLE POWER SUPPLY) 54,200 47 TOTAL 3267,160 Cable $$$.xls 10