HomeMy WebLinkAbout1997 12 03 MinutesCouncil of Local Governments in Seminole County City of Longwood, Florida Commission Chambers - 175 W. Warren Avenue, Longwood, Florida MINUTES December 3, 1997 PRESENT: Commissioner Cindy Gennell, Winter Springs, Chairman Commissioner Gary Brender, Lake Mary Commissioner Ron Sargent, Longwood Commissioner Tom Hagood, Jr., Oviedo Commissioner Whitey Eckstein, Sanford Commissioner Eddie Rose, Altamonte Springs Member John Garmon, Seminole Community College (arrived at 7:55 p.m.) Geraldine D. Zambri, City Clerk, City of Longwood Berlin D. Bosworth, Deputy City Clerk, Longwood ABSENT: Member Larry Furlong, Seminole County School Board Commissioner (from Casselberry) Commissioner Grant Maloy, Seminole County Commission ALSO PRESENT: Commissioner Michael Blake, Alternate, Winter Springs W. Shelton Smith, City Administrator, Ciry of Longwood Pat Fernandez, Citizen Stan Stevens, Citizen 1. Call to Order The chairman called the meeting to order at 7:07 p.m. Invocation -Moment of silence was observed. The chairman led the Pledge of Allegiance. 2, Roll Call. The members introduced themselves. 3. Approval of November 5, 1997 Minutes Commissioner Sazgent inquired about status of Item #5, Annexation of Enclaves. Commissioner Blake informed members that while the final agreement had not ben completed, it seemed it would contain all that CALNO had asked be included, with the exception of the passage of five yeazs for statutory annexation. The Seminole County Commission had sent the agreement back to its staff for refinement. The minutes of November 5,1997 were accepted as presented. CALI~'O Meeting - 12,/03/97 -Minutes \ Pale 1 4. Treasurer's Report Commissioner Brender presented the Treasurer's report, noting that he had closed the CALNO checking account, opened a savings account with Huntington Banl: in Lake Mary, which would draw interest as well as saving having to pay monthly service chazges. When checks were needed to be issued, he would go to the banl: and obtain a cashier's check. The balance of the account was $792.79. Dues were payable next month, which would increase the balance by $225.00. The Treasurer's report was accepted as presented. 5. Program: Juvenile Justice The presentation was to be rescheduled for the Winter Springs meeting. 6. Progress Report on Education/Government Cable Broadcasting Interlocal Agreement Commissioner Gennell presented a progress report, noting that the city of Winter Springs City Commission voted the Interlocal Agreement down. The city of Longwood had held its work shop and were generally in favor of the Agreement, but were not yet ready to sign because they wanted additional information on the legalities of the concept. The city of Lake Mary was going to reschedule its workshop. Mr. Furlong was making a presentation to the School Board. Commissioner Eddie Rose pointed out that the city of Altamonte Springs tabled discussion of the Interlocal Agreement until they have additional information. Discussion ensued with respect to the program name; the deliberation of the Task Force in the development of the existing terminology: public education and government channel. Commissioner Gennell stated the Interlocal Agreement entitled each member entity to only one representative so that no one entity would have a monopoly. The County Commission authorized its chairman, the city manager, and staff to negotiate with Time-Warner. The county was negotiating for a very good deal which would cut the cost considerably. Those entities who came in later would have to take what was left in the way of open programming slots. The county would present a more detailed cost estimate if they were able to negotiate a lesser cost than the estimate the CALNO Task Force had developed. Commissioner Eckstein stated the city manager of Sanford would be scheduling a work shop. Commissioner Hagood acknowledged that what the city of Oviedo presently put on its channel met its needs. Commissioner Gennell suggested those cities with TCI have an "opt out" clause placed in their franchise agreement if they found the County franchise more desirable to use. Additional discussion ensued with respect to how many channels would be available, what was on the channels when government was not slotted for programs, public service announcements, and the fact that if a city signed the Interlocal Agreement, that only meant that that city would be a party to determining how the Council would be set up and operate. CALNO Meeting - 12/03/97 - Minutes ~ Pale ~ Mr. Garmon informed members that he had presented the Interlocal Agreement to the President and Executive Committee and it was now going forward to the Seminole Community College Board. He suggested having a CALNO workshop presentation vas a good idea. Commissioner Gennell recommended holding the workshop ~tiā€¢ith the College in January 1998. The members engaged in discussion with respect to the absence of county representation at the CALNO meetings and it was noted for the record that County representation had not been present for a number of meetings. Commissioner Gennell asked if members wanted to authorize her to Write a letter to the County Chairman with respect to the importance of having a county representative at CALNO meetings. Commissioner Eckstein left meeting at 7:33 p.m. The members authorized the chairman to write a letter to Chairman Randy Morris emphasizing the importance for county representation. Commissioner Eckstein returned to the meeting at 7:35 p.m. Commissioner Hagood apprised members that Orange and Seminole counties were not funding the East Central Florida Regional Planning Council this year, and that the city of Oviedo would not authorize expenditure to pay them either. Members engaged in discussion with respect to Regional Planning Councils: noting small cities were requesting the Florida League of Cities have language placed in legislation for the state to automatically fund RPC's annually, should the mission and role of RPCs be updated and possibly restructured, use of RPCs for EAR (Evaluation and Appraisal Report) for the Comprehensive Plan amendments. Members discussed an East/Central Florida RPC representative being invited to make a presentation to CALNO. Commissioner Gennell proposed inviting a RPC representative to make a presentation and recommended that it be placed on the program list that would be developed at the January meeting. The members concurred in placing a RPC presentation on the program list. Commissioner Rose volunteered to arrange to have the RPC representative presentation at the Altamonte Springs meeting in January 1998. Commissioner Gennell handed out copies of the Seminole County Intergovernmental Planning Coordination Agreement of 199? which vas authorized by the County Commission for transmission to the cities for review and/or feedback, if any, as quickly as possible or signature. It would also be sent to the School Board. Commissioner Sargent thought it a good idea for Longwood as well as other cities to be party to the Winter Springs' proposed Interlocal Agreement with the County on annexation of enclaves. He further thought would be beneficial if CALNO took a position on that proposed agreement at the behest of their individual commissions. CAIrtiO Meeting - 12,/03/97 - Minutes ~ Pa¢e 3 Commissioner Gennell suggested that Winter Springs' proposed Interlocal Agreement be sent to the city managers/administrators of each city to bring up for consideration by each commission. MSUC [Sargent/Rose] to forward Winter Springs' proposed Interlocal Agreement to the city manager/administrator of member cities to bring up for consideration and support by each commission, approved 7-0, with Member Furlong, Commissioner Maloy, and Commissioner (from Casselberry) absent. It was further determined to discuss at the January 1998 meeting whether or not members would like a presentation on the County's CRA 17-92 Corridor Project. 7. Reports from Members Lake Mary -Commissioner Gary Brender Commissioner Brender noted that: [1] Saturday, December 6, was the Lake Mary's tree lighting event, to be held at 6 or 7 p.m. Santa Claus «ill be there, and their Fire Department will go azound in traditional pazade route. [2] Development--site plans in fora 108,000 sf of office space in Northpoint; Heathrow continuing. second six-story office building, With foundation coming out of ground next moth; Brookfield Development (developer of International Drive) purchased property at 46A, I-4 and Rinehazdt Road with proposal to develop a 300-350 room destination hotel, with some retail and office; and Siemens was proposing to building office space/wazehouse and Siemens would give city six to seven acres for new police/fire facility. [3] George Duryea won run-off election by a margin of 14 votes. [4] CALNO appointment will be in January which would not affect alternate. Longwood -Commissioner Ron Sazgent Commissioner Sargent stated: Longwood's Christmas tree lighting ceremony would be on December 6; [2] Assistant Chief Terry Baker was promoted to Police Chief; and [3] Greg Manning would be retiring on December 19. Oviedo -Commissioner Tom Hagood, Jr. Commissioner Hagood stated he had covered his item, the RPC, previously. No further reports. Sanford -Commissioner Whitey Eckstein Commissioner Eckstein reported that Sanford was proceeding with plans for the hotel on Lake Monroe with a convention center, they had signed an exclusive, with opt out by either party, and that the developer had one yeaz in which to come back to city with a firm proposal. Commissioner Brender interjected, asking what the city of Sanford was going to do to abate the noise problem which was becoming worse due to increased airplane landings and take-offs. He pointed out that Representative Mica had written a strong letter on the noise problem at the airport. He further stated he thought the position of Lake Mary would be not to stand by on the noise issue and that perhaps the issue might end up in court. Commissioner Eckstein replied the noise issue was a problem the airport commission would need to address. Member Garmon -Seminole Community College CAL..\~O Meeting - 12/03/97 -Minutes \ Pale 4 Member Ganmon said graduation would be held on December 16. There were two concerts scheduled at the Expo Center as well as the Dream Auction in February 1998. Winter Springs -Commissioner Cindy Gennell Commissioner Gennell asked if would it be advantageous for CALNO to have a representative on the CRA Board. After a brief discussion, members agreed not to request membership. Commissioner Gennell continued, noting that Winter Springs was the "Fun in the Sun" city this month. The Winter Springs Arts Festival would be held all day on Saturday, December 6, and Sunday, December 7, in the plaza of the new high school; Winterfest would be held on Saturday, December 13--a big festival with free rides, real snow, free pictures with Santa Clause, featured music, and fire works synchronized with the music at 8:00 p,m. All free--except for food and drinks. Commissioner Gennell noted that Winter Springs had purchased the beautiful Santa Claus sleigh from the Navy fora "song." Santa Claus will be going around on the sleigh this yeaz instead of the fire engine. Altamonte Springs -Commissioner Eddie Rose Commissioner Rose aclnowledged Altamonte Springs has lowered taxes once again as well as lowered garbage rates and increased police and fire services; growth was booming. Santa Claus was going out on December 18, 19 & 20. 8. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 8:44 p.m. to the next regular meeting of January 7, 1998 in the City of Altamonte Springs at 7:00 p.m. Respectfully submitted, _X1 ~~ A . ~ G~ti~t.GR~ Berlin D. Bosworth, Deputy City Clerk City of Longtivood CAIr`'O Meetin~ - 12/03/97 -Minutes \ Pale 5