HomeMy WebLinkAbout1997 11 05 MinutesCALNO
NOVEMBER 5, 1997
1. Call to Order, Invocation. P1edEe of Allegiance.
The meeting was called to order on Wednesday, November S, 1997 at 7:02 p. m. by Chairman
Gennell at Sanford City Hall, 300 North Pazk Avenue, Sanford, Florida. A moment of silent
prayer followed.
2. Members Present.
Larry Furlong, Seminole County School Board
John Gannon, Seminole Community College
Ron Sargent, City of Longwood • ~•
Gary Brender, City of Lake Mary
Cindy Gennell, City of Winter Springs
Whitey Eckstein, City of Sanford
Pat Fernandez, City of Altamonte Springs, arrived at 7:15 p. m.
Michael Blake, City of Winter Springs
Stan Stevens, Citizen
Ron McLemore, City of Wirner Springs
John Drago, City of Winter Springs
Nancy Christman, St. Johns River Water Management District
3. Treasurer's Report.
Commissioner Brender reported the current balance is $792.79. Also, he has discontinued the
checking account and transferred the funds into a savings account with a small check writing
capability. The report was accepted as presented.
4. Annroval of October 1. 1997, Minutes.
Chairman Gennell asked if everyone had read the minutes and if there were any changes or
objections. Hearing none, the minutes were accepted as presented.
5. Annexation of Enclaves.
Presentation by Ron McLemore. City 1Ytanaaer. Ci of Winter SprinE,g,
Mr. McLemore distributed a proposed Interlocal Agreement between the City of Winter Springs
and Seminole County, relating to the annexation of enclaves. He reported they have forwarded a
request to Seminole County regarding enclaves which is somewhat different from the county's
currently accepted policy. He noted that SECTION 2 in the Agreement provides for annexation
of those enclaves in which the property owners are agreeable to annexation, per statute; as well as
annexation of those enclaves in which the property owners are opposed to annexation, with
annexation accomplished upon change of ownership of the fee interest in the property, or upon
passage of five years from the adoption date of the agreement, whichever comes first. Mr.
McLemore reported that adoption of this agreemerrt would serve as due notice that after five
years any properties not annexed by other means would be annexed by operation of law, and that
this would enable Winter Springs to plan for its growth. He asked for comments on the proposed
agreement, and the members discussed the agreement.
Mr. Furlong reported this is a fairly reasonable approach. A lot of the past opposition to
annexation of enclaves has not come from politics. There are people who are absolutely adamant
that they do not want to be in a city, not so much because of taxes but as a result of serpentine
annexations whereby people feel they are not really receiving municipal services, and which make
people feel their right to their property is b+ei'ng violated. He cautioned that the County Staff
who will be discussing this proposed Agreement with Winter Springs is the same Staff who
remember well the multiple lawsuits over annexations between the County and the Cities several
years ago, and they also know the history of the enclaves. He reported that if an area became an
enc]ave because of action of a city government, it will be difficult to convince people who do not
want annexation that they should be in the city. In same cases they feel that their taxes will go up
for services they don't receive or don't want.
Commissioner Fernandez reported that most of the Altamonte Springs annexations around
enclaves aze brought about by people wanting city water, and that with First Response, she
doesn't think fire protection is an issue.
Commissioner Eckstein recalled 10 to 12 years ago when the County sent a court reporter to
every Sanford Commission Meeting when an annexation was being considered. To circumvent
many of the problems, Sanford entered into service agreements with Seminole County. He
advised Mr. McLemore to go very softly and make inroads, but don't try to grandstand.
6. St. Johns River Water Management District Program.
Presentation by Nancv Christman.
Ms. Christman reported there are five water management districts in Florida, created in 1972.
Their functions aze: water supply protection, water quality protection, natural systems protection
and flood protection. She distributed a booklet "Water 2020" and reviewed some of the maps
and information in it, and encouraged local officials to attend the Water Supply Planning Public
Workshops on November 20, 1997. She also distributed a booklet "Local Government Water
Resource Atlas" and briefly reviewed some of the maps and information in it. She reported that
one of their main issues right now is water supply planning, mandated by the State of Florida.
Another main issue, and an important one, is land acquisition. Land is acquired primarily for
restoration or preservation of wetland areas, or wetlands with some combination of uplands to
protect wetland species. Recreation is a secondary function of their acquired lands, and is usually
resource-based depending on the type of resource, and includes swimming, boating, fishing, bird-
watching, hiking, and hurning. She also distributed a Recreation Guide and reviewed it.
7. p~gre3s ReFort on EdLCation/Government Cable BroadcsstinQ Interiocal
A ~r~metlt.
Chairman Gennell reported Longwood has reviewed this, Winter Springs will review it on an
lnfotTnation Agenda this Monday, Lake Mary will review it tomorrow. Mr. Garmon reported he
will discuss it with the SCC President.
8. $eview of City Electi_an~
Chairman Gennell reported Winter Springs will have two new Commissioners: Bob Miller and
Eddie Martinez.
Commissioner Fernandez reported Pat Freeman replaces her in Altamonte Springs.
Commissioner Brender reported that in Lek+e Mary, Al Crump replaces Sheila Sawyer, and there
will be a Run-Off Election between Jeff Deeh and George Duryea.
Commissioner Sargent reported Paul Lovestrand and Steve Miller were elected in Longwood.
They will be electing a new Mayor on Monday, and he (Mr. Sargent} will automatically rotate to
the Deputy Mayor Seat.
~jtamonte ~,erin~ C~ommwgioner rar rernniiuc~.
Eddie Rose doesn't yet know if he wants to be the primary CALNO representative. The Center
Point project (apartments) is in the works; West Town Center has a Baby Super Store; Big Ten
Tire Company is going into the old Steak-N-Shake location on West 436.
~Q;e Marv ~'~•*•*•+~esioner Brender.
Siemens/Stromberg-Carlson has come to the City for a DRI on 75 to 100 acres, and they are in
the process of selling a lot of the property around the Siemens plant. There will be two new
buildings in the next six months at the Heathrow business center. The final landscaping has been
completed for East Lake Mary Boulevard.
I.~ngvro d Commissioner Ssrs'ent:
They are starting to see some changes in the medians on South 427, south of 434 and along Dog
Track Road, they are starting to put in some landscaping as a result of a meeting he had with
Commissioner Morris. The Arts and Crafts Festival will be the 22nd and 23rd. The referendum
on combining the Police and Fire Departments into a Public Safety Department passed, and they
are looking for a Department Head for the Public Safety Department.
Sanford CommicQioner F_.ckstein.
No report.
The groundbreaking for Oviedo Center will be in January.
Winter S~pgs Commissioner Gennell.
A developer is building a very small, but upscale, community adjacent to Winter Springs Golf
Course, and he is naming it for Seminole County's Sister County, Wicklow. Wicklow
representatives will be coming here for some public relations.
10, g~ournment.
The Chair adjourned the meeting at 8:49 p. m.
Minutes submitted by: Janet R. Dougherty, CMC, City Clerk
City of Sanford, Florida