HomeMy WebLinkAbout1997 10 01 MinutesCALNO COUNCIL OF LOCAL GOVERNMENTS 1N SEMINOLE COUNTY OCTOBER 1, 1997 1. Call to Order, Invocation, Pledge of Allegiance The meeting was called to order on Wednesday, October 1, 1997 at 7:12 p.m. by Chairman Gennell at Oviedo City Hall, 400 Alexandria Boulevard, Oviedo. A moment of silent prayer and the Pledge of Allegiance followed. 2. Members Present Whitey Eckstein, City of Sanford Bob Goff, Seminole County School Board Cindy Gennell, City of Winter Springs Tom Hagood, Jr., City of Oviedo Grant Maloy, Seminole County Commission Also Present Randy Johnson, Sports Commission Jason Weeks, Sports Commission Dick Gennell, Citizen Stan Stevens, Citizen Ran Sargent, City of Longwood Gary Brender, City of Lake Mary, arrived at 7:18 p.m. John Garmon, Seminole Community College, arrived at 7:45 p.m. 3. Approval of September 3, 1997 Minutes Chairman Gennell asked if everyone had read the minutes and if there were any changes or objections. Hearing none, minutes were accepted as submitted. 4. Treasurer's Report Whitey Eckstein stated that the Optimist Club requested a $100.00 advertisement donation for the Seminole Bandfest Program. Motion by Commissioner Eckstein to donate $100.00 to the Optimist Club this year, seconded by Councilman Hagood, and carried with the following vote: Eckstein-aye Goff-aye Gennell-aye Hagood-aye Maloy-nay Sargent-aye Brender-a~-e Cammissioner Brender said the treasury balance stands at about $803.00. 5. Sport Update Presentation b~ andy Johnson, President of the Orlando Area Sports Commission Randy Johnson spoke of the role of the Sports Commission in assisting cities and counties in developing facilities to promote sporting events. A poster promoting a National Figure Skating Event at the Daytona Beach Ocean Center, the 1998 Sports Commission Schedule of Events. a booklet on the United States Olympic Congress meeting in Orlando in November, and a full page advertisement for the 1997 State of the Sports Address Continental Breakfast were distributed. He briefly explained projects the Sports Commission had worked on in the past year for various municipalities. Councilman Hagood stated that the City of Oviedo has been eagerly pursuing some opportunities and the Sports Commission has played a key role in identifying those opportunities and helping to prepare the right package. 6. Review Revisions of Draft Interlocal Agreement Seminole County Planner Tony Matthews explained the purpose of the Intergovernmental Planning Coordination Agreement as notification among all the jurisdictions for land use activities such as rezoning, annexation, and comprehensive plan amendments that could impact an adjacent jurisdiction and the goal of accomplishing a Joint Planning Agreement between the cities and counties. He further stated the agreement from 1985 was obsolete and it would be beneficial to update the agreement by going beyond notification and looking into some other issues. The old agreement was a broad one which did not touch upon specific or one-time projects or issues such as adult entertainment, telecommunication towers, etc. He discussed the issues he is trying to overcome such as confusing language within the agreement involving the location of each jurisdiction in relation to notifying all cities and counties of any zoning changes, and accomplishing joint planning agreements and evaluation appraisal reports which is a Florida Statute requirement (evaluation of comprehensive plan). This surfaced concerns about additional staff time involved and the current heavy workload everyone is experiencing. His goal is to meet with all the cities by the end of next week to address their issues. redraft the agreement and send it to the Board of County Commissioners at their November 25th meeting with the intent of having it executed by the end of the calendar year. Discussion related to how formal the meetings of the city planners will be, how often the meetings will take place, and concern of whether or not the meetings will be a requirement according to the agreement. 7. Update on Seminole Community Cable Channel Chairman Gennell distributed a CALNO Task Force Report regarding Government/Public Education Cable Television Programming addressing legal, financial, and practical issues and asked if there were any questions. Discussion included cities who already have their own channel and how the purchase of Cablevision Industries (CVI) by Time Warner Cable (TWC) will affect the franchise agreements these cities presently have. Stephen Steck, President of WMFE-TV/FM, explained an informal proposal and some broad cost estimates to help the cities more quickly expedite acost-effective activation of a government cable channel for Seminole County and that Channe124 might be able to be a third party contractor to their hardware and facilities needs. Chairman Gennell asked that those cities which are ready to conduct a workshop session addressing this issue notify her office if they would like Mr. Steck to give a presentation. s Appointment of CALNO Member to Juvenile Justice Council Chairman Gennell stated her office was contacted reminding her that it was time to reappoint. Motion by Commissioner Eckstein that Ron Sargent be reappointed, seconded by Commissioner Brender, and carried unanimously. 9. Reports from Members Winter Springs, Commissioner Cindy Gennell Commissioner Gennell commended a group of conferees from the Rails to Trails Conservancy hosted by the Tourist Development Council, the City of Winter Springs, the City of Oviedo, and other groups for walking 3 miles on a rainy Saturday on unfinished trails. The City of Winter Springs has just unveiled the master plan for the downtown area which incorporates a big trail head and trail system. Sanford. Commissioner Whitey Eckstein The City of Sanford is trying to acquire a developer for plans for a hotel in downtown Sanford. Lake Mary, Commissioner Gar~Brender Addressed that Rinehart Road is out for bid for construction. City of Lake Mary is in the final process of acquiring the northeast corner of Rinehart Road and Lake Mary Boulevard from a trade with Crescent Properties and will probably build a trail head for the Seminole County Trail. Reported on the progress of the development of office buildings in the city. Police and Fire Station plans are ready and are trying to get some different sites. Also spoke of plans for aKindergarten-12 grade non-denominational private school which would accommodate approximately 500-800 students. Announced that College Drive is now open. Longwood, Commissioner Ron Sargent Reported that the city was losing the Mayor and a Commissioner because they decided not to run for re-election. Suggested coordination of a joint work session with the City of Lake Mary regarding the Seminole Community cable channel. Oviedo, Councilman Tom Hagood, Jr. Construction for a new municipal building and additional parking in City Hall has begun. The mall is going well and developer is anticipating completion in March or April of next year. Discussed Oviedo's trail head and its accommodation of a park. Spoke of the upgrade of parks regarding new equipment and construction. Mayor and two Council members were re-elected unopposed. Seminole County Commissioner Grant MaloX Spoke of discussion at the last Seminole County Expressway Authority meeting of merging with Orange County Expressway Authority. Spoke with a local realtor who would like to donate money anal acquire state grants for road beautification and is interested in doing pilot projects with the Wildflower Program on the interstates. Seminole County School Board, Board Member Bob Goff Spoke of the remediation program utilized in the middle and high schools to identify students who are having difficulties at the present time. He indicated that packets are available outlining the choice lottery program. Gave details on "Arts Live" program which is being held on Thursday, November 20, 1997, by the students and faculty members at the Triple AAA building. Chairman Gennell asked if anyone objected if she sent invitations to the Student Council of each high school in the County to attend a CALNO meeting. There were no objections. 10. Adjournment The Chair adjourned the meeting at 9:37 p.m. Minutes submitted by: Deanna McCorquodale, Deputy City Clerk City of Oviedo, Florida