HomeMy WebLinkAbout1997 09 03 MinutesCALNO
1. Call to Order, Invocation. Pledge of Allea-iance
The meeting was called to order on Wednesday, September 3, 1997 at 7:00 p.m. by Madam
Chairman Gennell at the Seminole Community College, 100 Weldon Boulevard, Sanford. A
moment of silent prayer followed.
2. Members Present
Whitey Eckstein, City of Sanford
Gary Brender, City of Lake Mary
Larry Furlong, Sem. County School Board
Michael Blake, City of Winter Springs
Carl Robertson, City of Casselberry
Cindy Gennell, City of Winter Springs
John Garmon, Sem. Community College
3. lmproval of June 4. 1997 Minutes
Also Present
Dick Wells, City of Casselberry
Stan Stevens, Citizen
Dick Gennell, Citizen
Bob Ledford, Sem. Community College
Jay Marder, City of Sanford
Moved, seconded, and carried to approve the minutes as submitted.
4. Treasurer's Report
There is currently $803.51, but Commissioner Brender is in the process of having service
charges reversed. Huntington Bank holds the account presently, but he may choose another
Moved, seconded, and carried to approve the treasurer's report.
5. "Be Yourself. Only Better"
Presentation by Bob Ledford
Bob Ledford explained how the college is responding to the challenges of the economic and
population growth. A packet from SCC was distributed, and a TV promotional video was
shown. He spoke of the diversity of classes and programs at the college. The opening of a
campus in Oviedo, and a ribbon cutting ceremony for the North/South Road will take place
shortly. He asked that people contact him regarding community issues, and stated that all of
the facilities at the college are available for community use.
Commissioner Eckstein suggested that the college focus more on academics. Commissioner
Brender suggested that college inform and encourage high school students better about
attending a community college for a couple of years before going to a $10,000 a year
6. Update on Seminole Community Cable Channel
Two meetings were held during the summer, and the third meeting is scheduled for next week.
Attorney Steve Coover is drafting a document to present at the next CALNO meeting. It was
mentioned that the TWC and TCI merge will ad'ect this process. Discussion of budgeting.
September 3, 1997
7. Review of Proposed Chances to Interlocal Agreement
Madam Chairman Gennell said that she will be sending out copies of the agreement, and asked
members to be prepared to discuss any changes at the next meeting. Mr. Wells informed the
members of the many changes between the first agreement and the agreement produced by the
County. He also mentioned an informal planning group that is holding meetings.
8. Telecommunication Tower Task Force Fiaa1 Report
Presentation by Jav Marder
Mr. Marder explained the differences and similarities between the city's ordinances. There was
also discussion of the GIS System.
9. Reports from Members
The Chair explained that S.C.C. was hosting the meeting because Longwood had a conflict with
meeting dates, and she asked how the committee wanted to fit Longwood back into the schedule.
Consensus among members was to add Longwood to the end of the program schedule.
City of Oviedo urill host the next CALNO meeting on October 1, 1997.
Madam Chairman Gennell brought a couple of items in for distribution: The League of Women
Voter's Who's Who, and information on the Greater Seminole County Chamber of Commerce Hob
Nob. The Hob Nob will be held September 11, 1997, 5:00 p.m. at the Shrine Auditorium, $15.00
in advance, $18.00 at the door; Florida Benchmark Committee Report;
Seminole Count~i School Board, Board Member Larry Furlong
Seminole County is leading the way on S.A.T. scores. The students and faculty members will
hold an azt event on November 20, 1997; more details later. The School Board wants to
introduce more languages at the elementary level. The Chair commented about school hours
pertaining to community use. She also asked about the extended day care program. Boazd
Member Furlong said that it must be going well because his phone is not ringing off the hook,
and revenue is above expectation. Mr. Stevens asked about the two hour sessions in schools.
Boazd Member Furlong said that the classes do create problems, and the issue is being
Winter Springs, Commissioner Cindu Cienneli
The new pension plan has been approved. Winter Springs had it's first sobriety check point set
up Labor Day weekend. The Visioning Plan will soon be adopted into the Comprehensive Plan.
Commissioner Gennell commented that the Seminole Trail is going to be very popular once
Casselberr_u, Commissioner Earl McMullen
No Report
Lake Mar_ri, Commissioner Garu Brander
There is continued development by Crescent Industries. Rinehart Road will be four-laned. There
aze a couple of economic incentives in the works. Brief discussion of landscaping on East Lake
Mary Blvd.
September 3, 1997
Samford, Commissioner Whitey Eckstein
The Commissioner spoke highly of the Sanford American Legion team winning the World Series.
The stadium at Seminole High will be refurbished and dedicated. Commissioner Eckstein is also
very optimistic about the future plane in the City of Sanford.
10. Ad9ournment
Madam Chairman Gennell stated a change to the member list: Fax # for Garmon at S.C.C. is
The Chair adjourned the meeting at 9:00 p.m.
Minutes submitted by: Martha Jenkins, Deputy City Clerk
City of Winter Springs, Florida