HomeMy WebLinkAbout1997 08 06 Minutes CALNO Task Force Committee MeetingContains Corrections to July 02, 1997 Minutes CALNO TASK FORCE COMMITTEE MEETING August 06, 1997 A meeting of the CALNO Task Force Committee was held on Wednesday, August 6, 1997, at the Altamonte Springs Commission Chambers, 225 Newburyport Avenue, Altamonte Springs, Seminole County, Florida, at 7:25 p.m. COMMITTEE MEMBERS PRESENT WERE: Cindy Gennell, CALNO Chairperson, City of Winter Springs Larry Furlong, CALNO Member, Seminole County School Board, Board Member COMMITTEE MEMBERS ABSENT: Elaine Greenwood, Seminole Community College Pat Fernandez, CALNO Member, City of Altamonte Springs, Commissioner ALSO PRESENT WERE: Bill Winston, CALNO Member, City of Longwood, Mayor Diane Pickett, Time Warner Cable (TWC) Stephen M. Steck, President & CEO, WMFE-TV/FM Mike Simmons, WMFE-TV Patsy E. Wainright, City Clerk, City of Altamonte Springs (Meeting Recorder) Purpose of Meeting: Development of a plan for the Government Cable TV Channel The meeting was called to order by Chairperson Gennell and introductions were made. The Committee perused the minutes of the July 2, 1997 meeting and accepted them with the following changes: 1. Page 1, paragraph 4 -changed the word "agency" to "entity" and deleted the word "channel". Sentence to read, "Mr. Thorburn stressed that each entity has a right to their own access through their franchises". 2. Page 2, paragraph 7 -changed the word "band with" to "band width". Sentence to read, "Mr. Thorburn suggested the committee deal in terms of "band width" rather than "channel". 3. Page 2, paragraph 9 -changed the word "limiting" to "limit". Sentence to read, "Mr. Thorburn stated that there is a limit to channel space and time as more governments are taking advantage of their rights to channel time". 4. Page 3, paragraph 1 -changed the wording "at Lake Brantley High School" to "in the Sweetwater area". Sentence to read, `°There has been a two year study on `interactive communication' in the Sweetwater area, which will be concluding next month". CALNO -TASK FORCE COMMITTEE MEETING -August 06, 1997 Page 2 of 7 5. Page 3, paragraph 9 -added the sentence, "Ms. Pickett said no, that Channel 9 has been designated as the government channel, and it could be split off for Seminole County". 6. Page 3, paragraph 10 -deleted the sentence, "Ms. Pickett indicated that the colleges would first need to determine what times they want". 7. Page 3, paragraph 10 -changed the word "She" to "Commissioner Gennell". Sentence to read, "Commissioner Gennell said that Orange County is overlapping into some of Seminole County, and likes the access to Seminole County". 8. Page 3, paragraph 11 -changed the word "agencies" to "entities". Sentence to read, "Commissioner Gennell stated that the entities going together on this issue will address:". Mr. Steck distributed packets containing the proposal from WMFE-TV showing the connection to entities in Seminole County and an overview for service, for a fee, to assist in the creation of a consortium to help distribute programming. (Attachment 1) Ms. Pickett informed the Committee that some time ago Time Warner Cable built a link from Channe124 which will allow a "head in" for programming. Mr. Steck recommended that each entity begin participation by buying off small sections of this programming and increasing that time as you become more proficient in its use. Ms. Pickett stated that Channel 9 made a commitment to live broadcasting the legislature during the legislative session. She indicated this was always done during the day for Orange TV, and encouraged Seminole County to do the same thing as has been done in the past. That legislative session lasts for a two month period. In response to questions by Commissioner Gennell, Ms. Pickett indicated this programming is typically broadcast for a four hour period five days per week during the legislative session. This would last for an approximate two month period. Mr. Furlong stated his thoughts that if broadcast of the legislative session is a priority for our legislative representatives, it would behoove cities and the county to broadcast this session. His feelings were that it would be difficult to fill up the time allocated for the broadcasting by the different entities. Mayor Winston asked if the concept we are embracing is that the local entities would go into this with the understanding that they would be subservient to the legislature? Commissioner Gennell stated this has not yet been decided. CALNO -TASK FORCE COMMITTEE MEETING -August 06, 1997 Page 3 of 7 Mayor Winston was concerned that this legislative programming could supplant the programming which had been purchased by the various entities and those entities would be unable to utilize their time, and asked about the ability for the entities to switch the programming around? Commissioner Gennell stated no firm decisions have yet been made. At this point, this Committee is merely gathering information. Mr. Steck indicated that there is room for flexibility, but the more flexible the programming the more costly the service. Mr. Steck stated that the expense for the first year of operation would be $97,710.00. He indicated that, if that figure is divided equally by nine entities, the cost to each would be $10,857.00. Mr. Steck continued that this would include two full time employees; a project manager and a cable master control operator. These figures also include the cost of the benefits to these two individuals. The technical capitol equipment cost for this programming would range from aloes-end figure of $38,080.00 to a high-end figure of $257,180.00. In response to questions by Mayor Winston, it was emphasized by Mr. Steck that the more flexibility required by the entities, the more costly would be the programming. Commissioner Gennell asked about establishing an internship program with some of the high schools to prepare some of the programming material for the different entities. Mr. Steck indicated this could certainly be an option. Ms. Pickett suggested that, if this be the case, it should be a special project versus a part of the curriculum of a school. In response to questions by Commissioner Gennell, Mr. Steck indicated that Orange TV is using mid scale capitol programming. Mayor Winston stated that in his experience, starting with anything less than the highest equipment capabilities would mean that upgrades would necessarily follow. He further indicated the capitol equipment purchased would belong to the consortium and could be upgraded as the program progresses. Mr. Furlong agreed with Mayor Winston that upgrades would kick up the entry price and asked Ms. Pickett to get figures for the entry costs. Mayor Winston asked that each partner in the consortium be a equal partner in both the cost and the use of the system. CALNO -TASK FORCE COMMITTEE MEETING -August 06, 1997 Page 4 of 7 Mr. Furlong posed the scenario that some entities may wish to pay less and get less time or pay more and get more time. He felt that Mr. Steck had given the Committee viable options to get on the air right away. Commissioner Gennell stated that if there were ten entities involved in this, it would cost each of them $35,000.00 the first year and another $10,000.00 each year thereafter. Mr. Furlong stated it would be his guess that, since TWC does not service the Cities of Lake Mary, Oviedo and Altamonte Springs, and therefore would not reach their residents, they may not wish to join the consortium at this time. - Mr. Steck asked whether Oviedo would retain the ability to continue to operate as they are currently doing. Ms. Pickett stated that, since the cable system in Oviedo has not been upgraded to allow for this capability, after the upgrade they may not be able to use the system as they are currently doing so. After the upgrade, it would be unreasonable to expect that each entity could retain their own government channel Therefore, as a practical matter, the consortium use of the government channel would be the better option to provide funding needed to upgrade the level of programming. She further indicated that, as Oviedo was not a part of this system, she felt they should go no further with this discussion. Mr. Furlong stated he felt that while those three cities may not wish to invest money into this project, he felt they would endorse the consortium. He felt the consortium should look to Longwood, Casselberry, Winter Springs, Seminole County, Sanford, the schools and possibly the college as the initial users of this programming. Commissioner Gennell stated she did not feel they would get buy in from everyone, and proposed that the eight entities should bite the bullet and go for the big system. At some point, if another entity wishes to join this consortium, the process to invest into this system would be their contribution to some unnamed amount and thus reduce the annual amount for the other entities for that year. Commissioner Gennell presented a chart showing that if expenses and programming time were figured on the bases of population served, those items would be quite disproportionate. Mayor Winston stated that if the chart proposal is the way expense and programming would be figured, he would strongly lobby his Commission to go out on their own for whatever other access they could get. He felt this to be totally outside the realm of consideration. Commissioner Gennell concurred with Mayor Winston, and indicated she would toss out that concept. CALNO -TASK FORCE COMMITTEE MEETING -August 06,1997 Page 5 of 7 Mr. Furlong asked if this Committee felt there should be equal shares in time and expenses or cost out those items and allow each entity to purchase time and access individually? Commissioner Gennell stated some entities will have no program needs but others would need more. She felt an option could be to set up a unit cost and sell an entity's excess time to those needing additional time. Mayor Winston asked about dividing those times equally among the entities and allow those entities to sell their excess time to another entity within the parameters to be set forth by this consortium. He expressed his wish to fill his purchased time in any way he would like before presenting his tapes to WMFE-TV as long as it adheres to standards set forth. Mr. Steck stated that such flexibility, depending on the way it is presented, could drive up the costs for that programming, but indicated if this exchange is done on a regular basis it may be no problem. Mr. Furlong asked for consensus to do a competitive bid to have someone act as a coordinator. He asked to put out a letter soliciting interest by a vendor to do this work. Ms. Pickett indicated it would be unlikely this body could find another vendor. Mr. Furlong asked for comments on putting forth this letter to other stations for their interest. Commissioner Gennell stated this program needs to be better defined and approved by the various entities before going to other vendors with an RFP. Mr. Furlong said he was not looking at an RFP level of document, but rather would like to find out if anyone else might be interested in bidding this project. If another vendor is not interested, there may be no need to look at formulating an RFP. Commissioner Gennell stated that this project must be put into detail to the other entities within the consortium. The level of information to those entities could be almost in the form of an 1ZFP. She felt this Committee was not far enough along to look to drafting that RFP. Mr. Steck stated the bidders may not have the expertise to coordinate this program. Ms. Pickett stated that others do not have access to Time Warner Cable. Mayor Winston asked Mr. Furlong, if the attorney says it is okay to go forward without bids, would he be willing to go forward without this letter of interest. Mr. Furlong indicated he did not wish to put in a bid in such a way as to eliminate others from doing this, and he wished to construct an RFP. CALNO -TASK FORCE COMMITTEE MEETING -August 06, 1997 Page 6 of 7 Commission Gennell stated her disappointment the attorney is not present to answer questions. She envisioned many more meetings of the task force to look at this issue by issue, make a decision as to what is needed in a document, and have the attorney draft a document which can then be taken to the entities. Mr. Furlong asked, if after one or two more meetings working with the WMFE-TV proposal, would it then be presented to the Committee and how would it work? Would this work be solicited by an RFP or as a sole source? Mayor Winston indicated that when a decision is made on this program, he felt the consortium should take over this program and CALNO should then step out of this project. Mr. Furlong stated there are three issues the entities will be asking and which CALNO will need to be able to answer: 1) What is the cost? 2) What will we get from this?, and 3) How will this work? He further stated he was sure each entity has people who know how to work with Ms. Pickett to get this project done. He suggested putting this proposal together and taking it to CALNO, to the entities for sign off, and then give it to the consortium for formulation of an RFP. Commissioner Gennell stated she has a problem envisioning the consortium taking over this proposal and taking it to the commissions. She suggested the task force meet several more times and then take this to CALNO for their direction on how to proceed. Commissioner Gennell asked Ms. Pickett and Mr. Steck to provide the committee with issues on the down side of this program. Mr. Steck indicated that one of the down sides of this program is the public policy issue. He suggested this committee might wish to visit and observe a program currently in use in another community. Mayor Winston asked Mr. Steck for his recommendation on how to proceed with this program. Mr. Steck indicated that if the money is available, the committee should go for the high end of this program, but stated that most governmental entities do not have this ability. If that is the case with these entities, he urged the committee to grow into this within one to two years and form a solid base of operation. He felt a slow conservative start to be appropriate. Ms. Pickett urged the committee to start with the lower end of the package and grow into the high end. CALNO -TASK FORCE COMMITTEE MEETING -August 06, 1997 Page 7 of 7 Commissioner Gennell set the next meeting at the TWC facilities on August 19 from 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. The second meeting was set to meet at the WMFE-TV studies from 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. on September 19. The agenda for those meetings are as follows: August 19, 1997 - September 19, 1997 - 1) public policy issues 2) legal concerns 3) government structure 4) RFP or sole source 1) capitol cost 2) annual cost 3) participation 4) program schedule 5) time frames for project Ms. Gennell adjourned the meeting at 9:58 p.m. Minutes submitted by: Patsy E. Wainright, City Clerk City of Altamonte Springs