HomeMy WebLinkAbout1997 07 23 Fax to Martha Jenkins City of Winter Springs7-2.3-1 ~i~~7 ~ : 54AP 1 FROP 1 ALTAP~40PJTE SF'R I fJGS 407 8.30 44.21 ~~ FACSIMILE ~~l): t )f: F';<x: I`'ag~~4 6 i)nte~ ~9artlla .Ict~ins, I)r'puty C'~ty Clerk (:'i"]`1' {~~' Wr[N'IEl7 SI'~lNrsS 3?7-~i~~l ~~ ~_', inclu{lir~~ this l;i;'~c',1° ~shect. .lulu ? ~, 19y`7 4r~ tt;tu~,~~~iitC:1 ~~~ur roc+ttcr• cif the n~~et~nl; C1_> C'.r~,rr1Tt11Swlot2ers I~e.ru;lllrle~. ~r~ii F2,~st~, end tlrc t:illl~~~in~ F'~a~~' is lhc' Pu~?lic Noti~:e ~l°~~~ ~ott4.cl at (~'ity Ball. ~'le~~vr~ 1~9 nor krl~.~w if I rt>~y~ l,x~ +>f ftirth~i assist.a,nce. f rum !Y.[3 i~h of ~..I ~ .lanir.p G1. Qoefro~ [Jgpu~y~ 1':Mly r;lF sk I City of Alldmc~nts Sprrr~y:> c2e, PJ~wbury~rurt Auy A+idrnc,;i ., rpr'~r~gs FL ~827(il ~~r! i ar); 26:.~-~1tX; ! Fax 4<17 634 3`.3178 r i ~_. - 7-2:? -1937 ° = 54AP-1 FRGS-q ALTAPIONTE SPR I NG5 4G7 $3t~ 4421 P1,1 ~~~~~ 1 \ l~r~~~`_y~i ~ALNt~ 'x'~1~K N'C)RCr~~ CyC~MMI'T'~.'~:F; MF,f+1ri'IN(~ Wednesday, ~ti~;t~st ~i`~', 1 ~~9~ 7:U0 p.rz). Alta~l~~i~t~t~e ~pxit>!~s City ~~all 225 Newhul~yport Aver~~_ie F' . c ~'u~' ~os~~ c)f Nl~~t~tia~ I)eve~~~~nlerlt of~ a ~rlail tt~r the .~ -~ ~~weT~nment ~~able 'TV C~ha~~n~a PEV~r)~~s a~th elisabi[iti~e, needing assistance in participating in an3. of these proceedings should „tsc•t tt,~ C`itr C'lrrtt UeprirtrrYerrt :~i7A C.'+-x»°dinaUyr 4R h(,ur• in ad~-anc•e of the meeting at 3~N19. k't~rwut,5 are advisr:d it' they wish to appeal any decision made at the hearinglrY>teeting, the}~ wilt nc~i ter errsurc Llra1 a verhatirn rec:orri ~rf the ~rrx•retiir~gs is tnacfe which includes the testimor-ti aitd e~ idenct~ „pr-n which the 2,ppeal is to Fre haled, per ['hapter 2t~.01A5, i..aws of ~'lorida_ (',~t.ti() ~tnd/ur tht~ +(~'ity «f Altamonte ~+prings does not provide tt-iw ~erbatrnn record.