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1997 07 02 Minutes
M E M O R A N D U M DATE: July 21, 1997 TO: CALNO MEMBERS AND ALTERNATES FROM: CINDY GENNELL, CHAIRPERSON RE: TASK FORCE COMMITTEE MEETING CC: DfANE PICKETT FRANK KRUPPENBACHER STEPHEN STECK JUST A REM/NDERI AS PER THE JUNE 4, 1997 CALNO MEETING, A TASK FORCE WAS FORMED TO WORK ON DEVELOPING A PLAN FOR THE GOVERVERNMENT CABLE TV CHANNEL. ALL MEMBERS ARE INVITED TO ATTEND. THE MEETING WILL BE HELD AT THE ALTAMONTE SPRINGS CITY HALL, 225 NEWBURYPORT AVENUE, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 6, 1997, 7:00 P.M. ENCLOSED ARE THE MINUTES FROM THE JULY 2, 1997 MEETING. M E M O R A N D U M DATE: July 21, 1997 TO: CALNO MEMBERS AND ALTERNATES FROM: CINDY GENNELL, CHAIRPERSON ~ ~~: ;~ RE: TASK FORCE COMMITTEE MEETING ~ L CC: DIANE PICKETT FRANK KRUPPENBACHER STEPHEN STECK JUST A REMINDER! AS PER THE JUNE 4, 1997 CALNO MEETING, A TASK FORCE WAS FORMED TO WORK ON DEVELOPING A PLAN FOR THE GOVERVERNMENT CABLE TV CHANNEL. ~ r ALL MEMBERS ARE INVITED TO ATTEND. THE MEETING WILL BE HELD AT THE ALTAMONTE SPRINGS CITY HALL, 225 NEWBURYPORT AVENUE, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST- 6, 1997, 7:00 P.M. 6-27-'I C~97 1 1 : ?'I AP•1 FRUP 1 ALTAR 1UNTE SPR I fJG ~ 4G7 8 ~~ 4421 ~. ~ i i ~ ~~ 'X~~`~-~» ~°`t ~Kt 'I; t't~-'~~'1~11.~C:..I~~H:~~: ~1 ~~F:~T11~t: p'c't 11~t'~~,d~,t~~ :. 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I'-~i ~ ~I~r-l:itv '!~tz.1~i~4~, l ,-s~~. ~,t' 1 I~ir ~<~~-, (~ ~~ `~4 A ,-Itl~ ?.9 lair 6. sQ~- >~~ \i~.C(YI;a;11i' "ti~)Yltl~'r f1~N'`~ Ittn# ~~j~s;1!'~~' ti;lti 1< t1e.hSflt+ i1"(~4+(1~ P 2 MEETING NOTES CALNO GOVERNMENT CABLE TELEVISION CHANNEL TASK FORCE July 2, 1997 Altamonte Springs City Hall, 225 Newburyport Avenue, Altamonte Springs, Florida The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. COMMITTEE MEMBERS PRESENT: Larry Furlong, CALNO Member, Seminole County School Board Member Dr. Elaine Greenwood, CALNO Member, Seminole Community College Commissioner Cindy Gennell, CALNO Chairperson, City of Winter Springs Harlan Wright, Seminole County Assistant Attorney Diane Pickett, Time Warner Cable Bruce Thornburn, Lake County, Communications Systems Director Stephen M. Steck, WMFE-TV/FM, President & CEO Janice G. Goebel, Deputy City Clerk, (Meeting Recorder) City of Altamonte Springs Mr. Thornburn gave an overview of Lake County's experiences in the 7-8 years they have utilized government access. Lake County Commission Chamber was built with an Audio/Visual Center for producing VHS tapes of their meetings. Lake County School Board uses the facility for taping their meetings as well. The tapes are then taken to the Community College for transmission. The Audio/Visual Center does not currently have a direct connection for live transmission. Dr. Greenwood explained that students at SCC can register for tele-courses as an alternative to attending classes on campus. She further explained that SCC is currently providing limited tele-courses as they must piggyback off of Valencia. SCC does not have a license to transmit, nor do they have facilities and equipment necessary. SCC would need to pay for the licenses on a per student fee. Mr. Thornburn suggested that CALNO not limit their planning for access to only what is available at this time, but look to technology in the future. There was considerable discussion on changing technology. Ms. Pickett stated that although there has been a two year study on `interactive communication' in the Sweetwater area, TWC is not yet delivering programming digital. Mr. Steck distributed a previously submitted proposal enabling WMFE to expedite distribution of programming. Under the proposal TWC would have Fiber Optic availability through their studio. He said models are available. He stated that CALNO must define what their needs are before a cost proposal can be provided. Commissioner Gennell stated that the agencies going together on this issue will need to address: Cost involved, program content, start-up and programming. Meeting adjourned at 9:13 p.m. Notes provided by Commissioner Gennell See minutes of August 06,1997, for corrections CALNO TASK FORCE COMMITTEE MEETING July 02,1997 A meeting of the CALNO Task Force Committee was held on Wednesday, July 2°d, 1997, at the Altamonte Springs Commission Chambers, 225 Newburyport Avenue, Altamonte Springs, Seminole County, Florida, at 7:00 p.m COMMITTEE MEMBERS PRESENT WERE: Larry Furlong, CALNO Member, Seminole County School Board, Boazd Member Elaine Greenwood, Seminole Community College (SCC) COMMITTEE MEMBERS ABSENT: Bill Winston, CALNO Member, City of Longwood, Mayor Pat Fernandez, CALNO Member, City of Altamonte Springs, Commissioner ALSO PRESENT WERE: Cindy Gennell, CALNO Chairperson, City of Winter Springs Harlan Wright, Seminole County Assistant Attorney Diane Pickett, Time Warner Cable (TWC) Bruce Thorburn, Lake County, Communications Systems Director Stephen M. Steck, WMFE-TV/FM, President & CEO Janice G. Goebel, Deputy City Clerk (Meeting Recorder), City of Altamonte Springs PURPOSE OF MEETING: DEVELOPMENT OF A PLAN FOR THE GOVERNMENT CABLE TV CHANNEL The meeting was called to order and introductions were made. Mr. Furlong opened the discussion about TV access, and introduced Mr. Thorburn, who had been invited to the meeting to share Lake County's experiences with cable TV transmission. Mr. Thorburn gave an overview of Lake County's experiences in the 7-8 years they have utilized public access. Lake County Commission Chambers was built with an AudioNisual Center for producing VHS tapes of their meetings. Lake County School Board uses the facility for taping their meetings as well. The tapes are then taken to the Community College for transmission. The Audio/Visual Center does not currently have direct connection for live transmission. Mr. Thorburn stressed that each agency has a right to their own access channel through their franchises. Commissioner Gennell asked if meetings are televised in their entirety or edited, and if any municipalities in Lake County produce tape for their promotion (recreation, public heazing notices, CALNO -TASK FORCE COMMITTEE MEETING -July 02, 1997 Page 2 of 3 etc). County Attorney Wright stated that if it serves as their record, they must transmit without editing. Mr. Thorburn said that recently a production tape was made for United Way or March of Dimes. Mr. Furlong asked if they had received feedback from the citizens as to whether this is desired programming. Mr. Thorburn replied that the citizens wanted classes and meetings available. Ms. Greenwood explained that students at SCC can register for tele-courses as an alternative to attending classes on campus. They can then decide what classes they view; however, their grades will be determined by tests which are given in the classroom. She further explained that SCC is currently providing limited tele-courses as they must piggyback off of Valencia. SCC does not have a license to transmit, nor do they have facilities and equipment necessary. SCC would need to pay for the licenses on a per student fee. County Attorney Wright spoke about multi casting. Benefits include flexibility and interactive transmission, which includes TeleVideo conferencing. Mr. Thorburn suggested that CALNO not limit their planning for access only to what is available now but to look to technology in the future. There was considerable discussion on changing technology. Mr. Thorburn suggested the committee deal in terms of "band with" rather than "channel". Speaking in terms of channel would be limiting future access. Commissioner Gennell suggested that precise language needs to be used when the Ordinance is written, to address present and future. Mr. Thorbunn stated that there is a limiting to channel space and time as more governments are taking advantage of their rights to channel time. County Attorney Wright stated that technology can not be mandated by franchise. The County's stand is to wait a while longer on this issue. Mr. Furlong questioned the length of wait as currently SCC and the School Board has nothing available. County Attorney Wright expressed that he is currently drafting an ordinance relative to telecommunications and does not desire anything be done on this issue until the ordinance is adopted. Commissioner Gennell suggested that the committee draft a tentative arrangement which will then require County review. CALNO -TASK FORCE COMMITTEE MEETING -July 02, 1997 Page 3 of 3 Comrriissioner Gennell stated that the citizens will need to decide what they want and they will need to be willing to fund it. Ms. Pickett, when asked if TWC had the capability to broadcast multimedia and/or band, replied that TWC is not yet digital There has been a two year study on `interactive communication' at Lake Brantley High School, which will be concluding next month. Mr. Furlong asked if the County is concerned that action taken by CALNO will limit their actions. County Attorney Wright stated that extending franchises would need to be addressed and the ordinance written so as not to be limiting. Mr. Furlong suggested the committee further research the matter. Mr. Steck had submitted a previous proposal enabling WMFE to expedite distribution, where TWC would have Fiber Optic availability through their studio. He said models are available. When asked about cost, Mr. Steck stated that CALNO must define what their needs are before a cost proposal can be provided. Commissioner Gennell stated they should anticipate hiring someone to prepare the proposal. Mr. Steck said that they provide the service on a limited basis. Mr. Thorburn suggested the cost be obtained for on site and off site transmission. He added that each agency would need to decide what goes into their designated time slot. Comrrrissioner Gennell asked if CALNO could request a channel other than Channel 9, which is the government access channel for Orange County. Ms. Pickett indicated that the colleges would first need to determine what times they want. She said that Orange County is overlapping into some of Seminole County, and likes the access to Seminole County. Commission Gennell stated that the agencies going together on this issue will address: © Cost effort ® Information crossing political boundaries O Easier way to get this started ® Better programming There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 9:13 p.m. Minutes submitted by Janice Goebel, Deputy Ciry Clerk City of Altamonte Springs, Florida CALNO TASK FORCE COMMITTEE MEETING July 02,1997 A meeting of the CALNO Task Force Committee was held on Wednesday, July 2nd, 1997, at the Altamonte Springs Commission Chambers, 225 Newburyport Avenue, Altamonte Springs, Seminole County, Florida, at 7:00 p.m. COMMITTEE MEMBERS PRESENT WERE: Larry Furlong, CALNO Member, Seminole County School Board, Board Member Elaine Greenwood, Seminole Community College (SCC) COMMITTEE MEMBERS ABSENT: Bill Winston, CALNO Member, City of Longwood, Mayor Pat Fernandez, CALNO Member, City of Altamonte Springs, Commissioner ALSO PRESENT WERE: Cindy Gennell, CALNO Chairperson, City of Winter Springs Harlan Wright, Seminole County Assistant Attorney Diane Pickett, Time Warner Cable (TWC) Bruce Thorburn, Lake County, Communications Systems Director Stephen M. Steck, WMFE-TV/FM, President & CEO Janice G. Goebel, Deputy City Clerk (Meeting Recorder), City of Altamonte Springs PURPOSE OF MEETING: DEVELOPMENT OF A PLAN FOR THE GOVERNMENT CABLE TV CHANNEL The meeting was called to order and introductions were made. Mr. Furlong opened the discussion about TV access, and introduced Mr. Thorburn, who had been invited to the meeting to share Lake County's experiences with cable TV transmission. Mr. Thorburn gave an overview of Lake County's experiences in the 7-8 years they have utilized public access. Lake County Commission Chambers was built with an Audio/Visual Center for producing VHS tapes of their meetings. Lake County School Board uses the facility for taping their meetings as well. The tapes are then taken to the Community College for transmission. The Audio/Visual Center does not currently have direct connection for live transmission. Mr. Thorburn stressed that each agency has a right to their own access channel through their franchises. Commissioner Gennell asked if meetings are televised in their entirety or edited, and if any municipalities in Lake County produce tape for their promotion (recreation, public hearing notices, etc). County Attorney Wright stated that if it serves as their record, they must transmit without editing. CALNO -TASK FORCE COMMITTEE MEETING -July 02,1997 Page 2 of 3 Mr. Thorburn said that recently a production tape was made for United Way or March of Dimes. Mr. Furlong asked if they had received feedback from the citizens as to whether this is desired programming. Mr. Thorburn replied that the citizens wanted classes and meetings available. Ms. Greenwood explained that students at SCC can register for tele-courses as an alternative to attending classes on campus. They can then decide what classes they view; however, their grades will be determined by tests which are given in the classroom. She further explained that SCC is currently providing limited tele-courses as they must piggyback off of Valencia. SCC does not have a license to transmit, nor do they have facilities and equipment necessary. SCC would need to pay for the licenses on a per student fee. County Attorney Wright spoke about multi casting. Benefits include flexibility and interactive transmission, which includes TeleVideo conferencing. Mr. Thorburn suggested that CALNO not limit their planning for access only to what is available now but to look to technology in the future. There was considerable discussion on changing technology. Mr. Thorburn suggested the committee deal in terms of "band with" rather than "channel". Speaking in terms of channel would be limiting future access. Commissioner Gennell suggested that precise language needs to be used when the Ordinance is written, to address present and future. Mr. Thorburn stated that there is a limiting to channel space and time as more governments are taking advantage of their rights to channel time. County Attorney Wright stated that technology can not be mandated by franchise. The County's stand is to wait a while longer on this issue. Mr. Furlong questioned the length of wait as currently SCC and the School Board has nothing available. County Attorney Wright expressed that he is currently drafting an ordinance relative to telecommunications and does not desire anything be done on this issue until the ordinance is adopted. Commissioner Gennell suggested that the committee draft a tentative arrangement which will then require County review. Commissioner Gennell stated that the citizens will need to decide what they want and they will need to be willing to fund it. CALNO -TASK FORCE COMMITTEE MEETING -July 02, 1997 Page 3 of 3 Ms. Pickett, when asked if TWC had the capability to broadcast multimedia and/or band, replied that TWC is not yet digital. There has been a two yeaz study on `interactive communication' at Lake Brantley High School, which will be concluding next month. Mr. Furlong asked if the County is concerned that action taken by CALNO will limit their actions. County Attorney Wright stated that extending franchises would need to be addressed and the ordinance written so as not to be limiting. Mr. Furlong suggested the committee further research the matter. Mr. Steck had submitted a previous proposal enabling WMFE to expedite distribution, where TWC would have Fiber Optic availability through their studio. He said models are available. When asked about cost, Mr. Steck stated that CALNO must define what their needs are before a cost proposal can be provided. Commissioner Gennell stated they should anticipate hiring someone to prepare the proposal. Mr. Steck said that they provide the service on a limited basis. Mr. Thorburn suggested the cost be obtained for on site and off site transmission. He added that each agency would need to decide what goes into their designated time slot. Commissioner Gennell asked if CALNO could request a channel other than Channel 9, which is the government access channel for Orange County. Ms. Pickett indicated that the colleges would first need to determine what times they want. She said that Orange County is overlapping into some of Seminole County, and likes the access to Seminole County. Commission Gennell stated that the agencies going together on this issue will address: 4 Cost effort ® Information crossing political boundaries ® Easier way to get this started ® Better programming There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 9:13 p.m. Minutes submitted by Janice Goebel, Deputy City Clerk City of Altamonte Springs, Florida