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1997 06 27 Fax to Martha Jenkins, Deputy City Clerk City of Winter Springs
6-27-1997 11 :31 AM FROM Al_TAMONTE SPRINGS 407 830 4421" P _ 1 ~~~~ T`r~. i~1ar#P~a ,~er~kii~~, f}eputy~ C"i#y Clerk ~fi, C`IT'Y ()F WIN'T)/R SPRINGS ~'2~x. 3~?7 X912 i Pa~e~: 2, ux:lucli7~~; this ~;©v~r slice#. Dane; June. 27, 1997 ' ~~. tc~1r~~ 7~ittei yo~rr notice c}f tl'!~ tneetin~ tee C',~rnrr~i~si~~iYertâ˘~ Ee~rr~ar~cz ar:d ~c~s~. a f«~1c7~1iitt~? 4~a,~e tti the Yublk~ Nc~ttce l"ve pc~Sted tit City Hall. Ple.~;e let tY~ k~7u~. ii l may ~ of Iu~cl~r ~~+st`stari~` I Frarr~ the desk of... Jan~;e ~. t~oetret C)~ruty City Cilerk ~:,'.iiy <~f Altru~it~nt~ Spr4~gs 1:%5 Nflwtxuty~st7ri At~c, Att une~et~ S~vMrit~~:, Fl. 32Y{~i ~~f"i~7 40T 2K3 37W ~_ Rasc 407-934~3ti09 }, .