HomeMy WebLinkAbout1997 05 07 Minutes~,~. ....~. ~ mss,. ~.:. 05y~23{1997 14:23 8316114 CITY DF CASSELBERRY PAGE 02 (~'(~-C ~i'VC.'iL t)~' L~CICA.~, C~C~VERI~I~VIEN'I'~ II~T ~EMII`~(J-I.,~" t``C)I~TY May ~7, 197 Meeting 1'he C'r~ttncil of Local Governments in Seminole County held a nie~ting Wednesday, May 7, 1997 at ; 7a(iU p.m , in the City Commissi+an C'hamtters, Casselberry City l~a.ll, 9S Triplet Lake Drive,.. C'assell.~erry, Florida.. ('rttnmissir~ner Pa.t Fernandez, City of Altamonte Springs t:rtntmissietner Sari MoM.ttllen, C,'ty raf Casselberiy t'r5nurtissic_tner Vary E3rertdcr, City ctf Luke Mary (',~ni:nissiorter Kart Sargent, City cif Lurtgwood t.°ort7txt;i~sir~ner Grant 1~lalc~y, Serninc-le Ccaunty ~:ommission l~~ard h~emher Larry Furlong, Sem~inolE; County School Board ~`'e~4turtissioner Cindy Gennell, City ttf1~'inter Springs Contnussit~rter Brady i:.ess~rtl, City of Sa~r~ford 4,sxtncilrr~tan 'I'c~m Iit~goorl, Tr ,City. of t~viedo C:~'rrtrrrissia~rt~r ~''hitey Eck:~tein, City: of Satttctrd hlagyor Bruce Fronravost, City afCasselt~erry C~>mtnssioner C'a.rl R.dbertsan, C;it~r ~-f+Cassel(terty t<;ortnri~sivner- Uw~:n Sheppard, Giiy of'Ca.sselberry Jack Sch?uc~kelaer, City of Casselherry City Manager "I°i~~1-~ta 149c,Phersr~n, Cyity vf~asseZh~rry ~'ity CEe.rk ,le:i~i-c.~: Dreier, City of C``asselberry Finance i~irrct~r `3`or~y Se~~ etc, City of Cassetberr}r Public Works Uirect~.c kicl~ard V~'ells, City of Casselberry C~mmttnity I~evelupment I3ire~tor Clay Simmons, City. of Cassetberry Assistant City Attorney I~~~m~a C~arclnf:.r, City ~f t;~slb~rry City Curn>7ussiun Secretary E~lay~r gill VrrAnSti:~rt, City crf i.ongwtti~7ti t~:a;arti ' ~ ;i~~Erta'r` Michael ~lak~+~, City. raf ~1~'4'irrter Sprit~~s ~ ',±; , ;~~= : rxt;s~+c>+ct, 5enxinctle Cpnvnunity~ (c:,llege Retu-es4-ntative ' 1 ~ .~~}l~c~~. ~~~ t<rtt~E~ ~ietttincl Itep~~rter t . F~'~. ~.~.r _ d `~tv ~7l Sattt~r-ri Ctttzen I~, _: '> C~=.• t~t~ : ~~;_ <.:~#' 0~~3irtte,r :~~tt irts Citi:~ez~ ,. ~ ~ ~.. a r (#3 ; ~ 5 P NI z _ -_ , . 05!,23/1997 14:23 8316114 CITY OF CASBELBERRY PAGE 03 ~~ ~Y?i.iNC''Ils ofi L.CX:'Al. C.at'lVE;ItNM~'V`rS IlY S~MI'h10I,I: Cq[.tKT"Y It~ttl~r Mats M,h~nte~ hi~,v 7,14!)? Pale 2 0!' 7 l TTvT~ Q~~T,jS~~F'T3 . ' 7F ~~F.C.TANt'F/CAT.T~TC] ORI~FR T°t~e t"auncil ot~~acal tmvemm~nts in ~eminale County May 7, 1997 meeting was called to ar~ier at 724 p.rn. Chairperson Gannet! gave the invocation and leci the Council in th+e ptedg~e`ofAllegiance_ 2. "1'l~e tislla~rirtg C"ou~~cl Members were pres~r~t for Roll Call: Earl ~--1tMulfen, Cityof Casselherr-y; Cr~arY Brerider, City afLake MEtry Larcy Furlong, Semirtale County School Agard, Pat Fernandez, Csty of A.itarnonte Springs; Cindy C"xerrrrell, City of Wurter Springs; Brady Lessard, .City of 5anfurd; and Ran Sar-gent, City vfLon,gwocad. (Grant hlaloy, Seminole County Cc~rnrrrissir,n, was riot present far rnll calf, taut did arrive at'7:36 p;m.) Chairperson C'~erinell announced that th$ City of Oviedo notified her May ?, 1.99'7 that neither caftheir m~ntbers could attend the meetira~: 3. .'1'.~ ,~-~'.~~~.~-_2~ ._1997 A~.~ t" atr~rzrisair~ner Br[e]nder~yre+qupested that the Lake Mary Member's Report be egah-ected by changirxg `Sl~rEtf' Buys" t.~ "larite Barce". MCa'CI+i~14. t'ommissioner Feirnandez moved, C:omtnissioner Brander sec+ondecfi<, and motion carried unanimously to approve the Coancil of Local >~overnment in Seminole County April Z, 1997 Regular l1~Ieetirxg minutes, as amended, C'c~anmissi~~rrrr Brendex reported the treasury currently had a balturce of $338.2?. Chairperson C~erurell suttrwtttec{ a receipt for an undisclflsed amount from Sanford 1~lorist fc~r flu -veers ~urc~hasect cn laehalf «f the C'aurtcil. ~;! {`"h~irl~ersr.-r~ ~h~rrrrell -rra~;cd a~encl~. it~n (7), Arnicus Brief -Final Report to agenda item (s~, per the a eelue5t of ?`~~ Clay SirrrcnC-r-s, attt~rney with the Stenstrc~m, McTnt~sh, Calberi, Wh~a;h~am ~`. '~irrrnrcrns, P.A. firr~r~, present can.. frehalf of Qc~nna. McIntosh, who was unable to attend the trreetin~, l"c:rrrtl~r :,rc„~~acla Ott°xz,s {~) through (12) ware renumbered $cc~°ardingly. _ _ ,,~... 05+2311997 14:3 8316114.. ~ CITY OF CASSELBERRY PAGE 04 `~ cx>t;rr[:~x. of L,rX .aL G4vERNMi:~TS iN s~brlM1t)L.~; c auhTv Re~alar :1!IeetL~ N}aures May 7, 194y Pale S of 7 Mr. 4mmons presented a final report nn the Ain~cus Brief filed by Donna McIntosh on behalf of the Council ttfi,t~cal Governments in Seminole County with the Florida Supreme Court. Mr Simmi~ns reported that the Court ruled in ltzr favor and agreed that comprehensive glen amendments sht-,ulti be considered legisslative functions of local gUVernment. Mr. SirtirnOns further stated this ruling restored the +~ Icacal govei~rxrnents' ability to deveiUp policy and the court will only overturn these contested amendments if they find the local gravernar~g body has acted in an arbitrating caparcious manner. The c+nurt will no longer dexermine :whether the nature of the amendment is legislative or quasi judicial. 6 ~.r~r-._r~?.T~ R~D~V~1.Qp1`~1vT ARfi~,_ .~TT~'~,.~t~~r':~~~R~: 'qtr. Richard Weill, City of Ca.sselberty Community Development T)irector gave ~ bi7ef presentatit;n regarding the City of ~asyelberr~ Community Redevelopment Area and it's progress over the past year and goals fr~r thtr fixture. (Commissioner Malay arrived at '736 p.m.} Mr. Wells noted the C'orr7~z~~unity lt.edevelopment Agency recently purchased an undeveloped oufi-parcel in front of the Tau ~;et shoppixig ceYiter far future deueiopmenfi as part of the focal point of the downtown arm, and authc~xized an environmetrtal audit and apprtisal afthe adjar~nt properties: stretching tca 1.1~eiody Lane for possible future acquisitiau/developrt-ent. M'r. Wells further rioted that a consulting fxz'ttt will be hired in the near future to d~velnp an urt~an design plan for the Community Ttedevelapm+ent Area. 7, ~::t;?NS ~~R~~~~u' ~' ~~~" ~ ALNCI The Council consensus was that it wnuic3 be appropriate to grant Seminole Community College an l~.x-CJfficio membership. ~TIC3lY; Cnrnmission~r Sargent moved, Corntttis8i+aner Fernandez seconded, red rnotiion carried unanimously to grant 'Sem,~ole Community College ~u Ex-Officio membership to the CounCi! of Laval Gavcrnments in Serninale County. Cor~ussioner t3render inquired if l/x-t7fftciv members were required to pay rnernbership dues. `I`he C'=>uneil c;c~risensus was that Ex-C3i~cici members will not be required tv pay membership dues, but mrsst likely wool=? be added to the rotation to halt meetings.. "l"he fc-llowir~g int~tic>n was made prior to the Council addressing Agenda item ~~}: ~'tt)`i`i13ti: Board h2ember Furlong moved, Commissioner Fernandez sect-nded ~trid motion carried unanimously to amend the lay-ls~ws of` the Cuu>rtcil of Local: Governments in eminale +Caunty to include provisions fvr »x-Of#'icio m+ennilters as nvn-voting ~taert~bers Fvha are nit required to pay dues, with an option to host rtreetings within the Cou~cil'$ rotation. - ~ -. ~ _: 05,l231199~ 14:23 8316114 CITY OF CASSELBERRY PAGE 05 Cllrf~-C ti. OF 1,C1( <U. [;OYER1r"ri1ENTS 3N ~Et-~iL'VOLE CoU:v'I'Y Rt~-tlt-t '4[retlng Mlantae May 7.19'7 Pale 1 +~f9 $. STAT~,TS OF~tQVERNN,[>/~'~CABI.~~,, C'L Board Member Furlong: reported that so far the City of Winter Springs, Semiitale County .School Board, City ofLangwoad, and :City of Altainante Springs had approved the Resolution supporting the Council ofioeal Governme<~ts in Semiztole County to explore the concept of a local government' access cable channel and bring back a proposal to the affiected entities. The City of Sanford and the Seminole County IJoard of Commissioners had not addressed the matter to date. ~omrnissioner McMullen noted that the Casselberry City Commission had tabled the Resolution, pending further information regarding financial obligations to the project. Comrrtissianer Hrender noted the City of Lake Mary did not take action ortthe Resolution due tv fanat~cial concerns eJsa. +Cl~aiarpea•son Crennell stated the City afOviedo City Counc~tl consensus was that flvieda currently hay a'cabl~ chaz~z-el, azid is satisfied with it's results. l~c~ard Member Furlong emphasized that. the Tt.esolution was not committing oily of the entities tc~ anything, but rather was just giving the C.aunGil approval tp pursue the matter t'ur#hex,,and bring back a proposal for consideration by each entity in the future. Considerable discussion ensued regarding prc~gra-tuning and production alternatives for the channel. Chairperson Gettnell noted that a majority of the entitles were in favor of pursuing the matter, but still requested :the Council Members from the cities that have yet to take final action on the Resolution attempt do so prier to the next CALNQ meeting to be held on June 4, 1.997 The Gouncil consensus was to place the nagtter on the June 4, 1997 agenda- ~~~ ... y ARTEIt l~~'-V~~`.Yy COMMIISSFON ~~ C:'hairpersczn Gennell played a video for the Council she had ordered .from the Florida League of Cities e,:r~titltd, "empowering Flprida's Local Government for the 21'` Century Your City's Role rrvith the t:'"c~irmusson an 1.aca1 CicTVernunent II" regarding the upcoming State Charter review, Chairperson ("ie~tnell stated that each entity sh~auld have received a copy of the video from the State, .but arrr;ounc:ed ~hr: woul+3 rriake her copy of the video available to any C:auncil Member that would like to present it tc- their entity. C'hair•person Gennell announced th~-t it had came to her attention that a revision to the by~la`vs was nacessary clue to the- action taken by.the Council regarding adding Sen~i.a~t~le Ca~ruM~unty College its an l:x-C)l~icio member (1~.motion was then made regarding the mc-tfiticatan to the by-laws. tiaid motion i.s reflected under the Agenda item (7) heading.). '` 0~A23/1997 14:23 $316114 CITY OF GASSELBERRY PAGE Q6 C'a~t: Ht`1i, t~IF t.t-~ .~I. CC~t'C?Rti(41EHT~ iN SE111INt1LECUt1N1'Y Rc;uluY Mrettnt 4linuted Muy 7~ 1947 PttEe S of 7 10 Chairperson Gennell stated this. matter was in reference to a copy c-1~' a letter sine received froth .the City of C;asselberry regardutg concerns to the proposed interlocal plann~irag agreement with Seminole County. Chairperson Gennell noted that Mr. Schhackebicr had departed and inquired if Commissioner McMullen was prepared to dsctrss the matter with the Council. Commissi+dner ZvfcMullen indicated that he was not :prepared to discuss the matter but suggested it be played an the rxext meeting's agenda with Mr. Schluckebier and ivlar. Wells in attendance to present the mater- Commissioner Breeder noted that Lake Mary's scheduled presentation regarding their economic incentive program i'ar the June 4 199'3 meeting may l;~e lengthy depending on the nature tii` the discussion after the pri~setttation. Chairperson Ca+~rtr-eU stated in view of the amount of items for the next agenda.., that the matter cor~cerning the interloca~l agreement objections be deferred until the September, 19y7 meeting,. 11, ('haiYpcrson Cindy Gennell (C;ity of Winter Springs), • have an update regarding the Telecommunication Tc+wer Task Force Update. -She reported the last meeting was held April 24, 1997, at which the foal droll report was available, however, she was not in attendance at that meeting and has hat reviewed the report ,ta date.. # Reprarted the City C'c~mmissc~n recently completed their series of workshops on the 43 Visic~rung Pr£~cessr She noted the area was divided into three srMctidns; the first section focus being a redevelnpmeiat area, the seccmd section focus being cxeatidn ref a town center, artrd the third section focus being a new development area, ~ Reported the City of'Winter Springs was currently involved. in litigation with the Tuscawilla C:;outttty Club regarding whether or not the settlement agreement entered into by bath parties rewires a. c,,arnprehensive plan amendment. "~1ay1or Bruce Yronovost (City of Ga:sselberYy): # Annhunced the new C'asselberry Police Station Ribbon Cutting Ceremony would be held F'ziday, May ~1, 1{.~97 at. 9:00 a m., and invited all Coutu;il membr~rs to attttind and tour the new station. f'o~r~rnissioner F3rady I.t=SSard (City of Sanlr'ord)~ # Apolr~~gi~ed for Cctrnmissianer Eckstein's absence,: and noted he has been quite busy b-tt .would be attending; meetings again as soon as possif~le. # 11.~ottt?d Sanfard's 1V.iayrrr had recently secured State funding tt? help fight the midge problem in the dowr~te-wt~ area . # ~~ttnc~urtcecl the Sanft~rd 1-iistoric District real estate .values increased l~°rG, as reported ,,_ ..~ 05f23f1997 14:23 8316114 CITY OF CASSELBERRY PAGE 07 tY)1'!'vc:il l~F I.~T( ~~,t Cx~F E`H,'VI~Yt ~vl'y!i'r` ~Ei1~11~r3LE C'Cl'[.11ti~'X jYy~c ~1e~t6tg 4llnutc~ IVtax 7.19SY', Ps-~e +b of 7 recently in the t:Jrfa~ndo Sentinel He encouraged the CourtGl Merrabers to visit th.~ ©istrict and ottser~°e the. progress that has teen made in the area- • Reported Cumntssianer Eckstein had initiated the recent apal~+gy made by the City cif' Satdnrd to the widow ofltaseball player Jackie Rabinscm. C'ommissiuner ~`irarrt Malay {Semirac~le C`.outtty Corntttissian): • Reported the County would be reviewing the Rl~i''s for privatising emergency medical services ran May 1 ~, 1997, and encouraged everyone to ic~ep an open mind regarding this; important issue. • Reported the County was currently readdressing their regulations concerning adult cr~text~tin~r-ent, pul}lic nudity, anti related alcohol anal land u:~e issues, Furtltez• rtatec"4 the rrl~tter would Ere discussed at the lsoianty {:orrrnjission's VJark Sessit~rr scheduleck ~~r 14"lay 13, 1997.. t3A7a:-tl Nlerrrl~er Larry ~urlan~ {Seminole County School Jioara); +~ ktepc~rted the Seminc~lc County Schoo} System was recogrtixed by a ztatiazaal oampany that t~t~rvides nf'frcnatic;~r~ +:9n public education systems to buinesses looking to relocate, te? tae. in tl,e tetlr I~1°.!0 of what parents were looking for in public education systerris, for the third c:cansec uti~re year. +~ Reported the Schrac~t ~3~vard was currently addressing the State" s de5egregatic~n order, the consent decree, and ~"NC)iCE mandates, primarily relating t~ northern. Seminole County elernentat~, §c~l~r:~crl;~. • Repctrt~l~l th;~t non-~ttiorl ~dministrati~'c rrnployees mill trc~ longer be tied to urrior: salary aJju~tryterrt~,, eiritl a perf'c~r77tatiCe evaluation system will be iFnplernented in the cotrung year fur tltctse errr~rlc+ya~es. versus tf~e lunl;evity system used. fc~i union employees. • Reported the Schere~l hoard-mould be addressing their ~-Xea~r Capital Zrxrpruverrrer}t place ire the near future. i:`<rrnrnissioner Fat. Fert-n~ndez {City cif Alt~mt~r~te Spring..) • C;ttrruxiended the City of5artf'ctr~ for the apology given to the widow ofb~scball player Jaciu Robinson. 1~r:pd:t~r~k'cl flee (`"ity' ff Altastrc~rtte Sltirrn~;3 1L3F; i~l:rruur3g ,:~cr huilcftlg arac:-tlyGr grc-'ula taf ccrrc~stc.?ry' ti~illas ~~rn 14Sttnig:umery Road as an expansion ~ifttte exiting lya~~ita 4'illa utrit • 12.~;~13c~~ttw'cl th:~t tlzc~~ Tteci r.a~bster re,ra~~r~ii~t ic~cate.d an :~tat,e load 4:~ ru~xs in tlr- pr•vc:e~~ ca#' a sta'~xc~taar~, renc>~,Yat.tc.rx +~ Rept°~rtr~d a stew H~~rttesteaci 'Vili~.ye hotel will be cc~t,stiuc:te~~! s~>csn witi~in tl~c ~:'ity, • Notc~cf Flar~r-ida poorer (:".orporatiaran has been incttrir'ing about t-ossit~ty> s~evel~aping a sates. the},y~ uw~rr on ~'a i ~;'a~:.."~ ~,>c~ri~_re as a msrlti-:~t~~ry c~$ice building. ~- ~ ,,, ~ . ©~~'23/1997 14:23 8316114 ~;, G I T'Y QF ~AS'S~LBERRY ,.~ ~_, PAGE 08 ('41t!NC`iL q~ t.:u('aL ~GC7v~.RNMi:.NI'S iN tiF.MINpLir ("t]t~tiTY Rsy~ui~eu is.ctint hiJnutes j411eW `. !94"! YN~Ee "f nrT # I~istril~uted hrachure.5 of the etrnceptual master plan fctir the Sem%nale County Trails pr°oje~::t. C'c~mrriissioner Earl McMullen ((''ity of Gs~sselberryr): No report. C~trunissianer Clary .Breeder (City ofLa>we Mary} # R~,c~t-tcd the City ~:jfl.akc 3~1aiy wins curr~ntl}~ addressing it'S 5-year consurr~ptivc uwe~ permit witty the St: Jdhns Riv+~r W'attec :[Management District and new requu~n~ent~ frprr- the District will ultimately result in the City's water rates being increased. • Repc7rtcd the lartdscr~}~ing c~fF.ast Lake Mary Boulevard had ceased sine the contractor lvas Wert rYteetin~ t-lie r~quirett pre~j~ct specitieatians, and th.e City ~~~~ seeking c~~mpertsati<~n fi+om the band required to be prtavided by the contractor far the project. i Rep~~rtc~ct the City Cuznrrriiss~n recently approved a study regarding downtown ctevelotyrtiens • Reported the City was in the ~rcrcess of cr~nstnicting a new- ~ralice/ire cc7mplex. Repnrted Crescent rac#ustres ~vikl he constructing ancrthe~r ~+-story office building wrtktira the nc~t £ew~ rnc~nths a;.lraceYrt tc~the ~t..ieticrak F,lectric buildis~l; currently urrder s~~rrst~~c~i~~n; b~ith a pc#~sil:rl~~ ttYirri t~uiltling treing cprt~tructed within the next year. b '.`vcrtcd ttae Taste cif I.alre Mnry uonclud~ed ~'tonday, May 5, 197 .with '~~:~ r c~taurant p~~rticipatix-g ir1 ihe~ event:. • 3t.ep;nrtc:l the Sant~rrd Airport T~+lc-ise Abatement Cc~rnrntttee has restricted multi-irtwtaunrcni zlsprt`ra.c:ltcti l~v tl~f: same aircraft between the hours of 1 l ;Od p m and 7:4~f1 a.m. fie r~c;tc^d the C"&~rr~a'r~itie~ #11+:<rt~+ ~~7cr tl~c first ~'Vednesday ~f each month ~,craerally at ~'t)~ a m., in the ~~.irlr~~rt Authority ~3crard Rc~c~rrrr, C"'+~trarkix:i~7ner• Ran 'argent. {f:`ity cafLongwond): ; # ltep«rted tlr+~ City Ccrrrtrxris~c~n re-elected bill Winston as Mayan, MC~nc'l&y, Mny 5, l ~Q7. y ~.. 6~.~.., , * .r,lp''~ l', kt~~ira~ ncr ntttyaHr k~usixacss; t.:'hairpersc~rt Cennell ~~ijcx~rned tl~e meeting at 9:44 p.m. " fir. ~~s. ,t'sit~G°.7 j~~,.. ~) ;~`IrTe.t ~ i.i~71~r?I~r!)~ ' ,. , ~ $~~~ ~.t.3lflJif,`.S,CFIT;t ~E c:r'et~~y