HomeMy WebLinkAbout1997 04 24 CALNO Communication Tower Technical Committee Final Report 1
April 24, 1997
As a result of the increasing number of applications for telecommunication tower locations,
CALNO members unanimously voted to request that each city manager and the county manager
assign a planner to participate in a committee to meet, in association with industry
representatives, to minimize future tower locations within the county and cities. The Sanford City
Commission further directed City staff to initiate and coordinate this committee recommended by
CALNO. As a result, Sanford has hosted several Communication Tower Technical Committee
meetings with representatives of the cities, the county and telecommunications industry. A list of
participants is included in this report
A summary of each meeting is outlined below. Maps and matrixes prepared by the local
governments and the industry representatives are included.
October 24, 1996
Local governments were requested to bring copies of adopted and/or proposed
communication tower ordinances. Existing inventory information was also requested
in order to review the existing distribution of towers.
The City of Sanford presented maps of the communication tower locations within the
City and adjacent unincorporated areas along with a detailed inventory. Discussion
ensued regarding separation of towers from one another in regards to "antenna farms"
versus dispersed siting.
It was agreed upon that the City of Sanford would prepare a communication tower
regulation matrix for the next meeting which would include the adopted and/or
proposed communication tower standards prepared by the local governments.
The telecommunication industry representatives were also requested to furnish
existing plans and /or master plans in map form for the next meeting.
December 12, 1996
The Committee reviewed the communication tower regulation matrix (attached) and
were asked to submit additions, changes or corrections at the next meeting.
Discussion focused on separation requirements and distinction between types of
Industry maps and inventories of existing communication towers were submitted by
PrimeCo, BellSouth Mobility, APT and Bright Star Tower and Consulting Inc. The
committee discussed the idea of master plans or future plans for tower locations. It
was generally agreed upon by the industry representatives that future site locations
would not be identified either due to market competition or that they simply could
not predict future sites until their cell networks progressed.
After discussion regarding industry master plans, it was requested that both the
industry representatives and local governments prepare maps and /or information
outlining the areas that they think would be appropriate or would like communication
towers to be placed, for example in utility easements, parks, industrial sites, etc.. In
addition, members were requested to document locational characteristics of desirable
tower locations as well.
Discussions continued regarding the issue of colocation. Industry representatives
added that government "holdups" and technological problems have made colocating
difficult. They also suggested that some companies have to "build out" their network
before colocating. Leasing existing sites from governments has also been difficult,
according to the industry because there are no standardized lease provisions.
The Committee discussed the Interlocal Agreement between Seminole County and
the cities and agreed that a provision for communication towers should be included
in so far as notification to adjacent jurisdictions.
January 16, 1997
The City of Altamonte Springs, Sanford and Oviedo presented maps and information
regarding potential communication tower locations (attached). The City of Lake
Mary submitted a list of acceptable general locations and standards for towers
The Committee discussed the information provided by the cities in regard to potential
tower locations. The concept of clustering towers (antenna farms) and dispersing
towers "porcupine effect") through separation requirements was debated with no
consensus on this issue. It was generally acceptable to the Committee for towers to
be located in utility easements, substations, some vacant lands and industrial lands.
The City of Longwood representative submitted a revised draft of the Interlocal
Agreement containing a provision for communication towers and updated routing
list. No general consensus was reached on this issue.
Industry representatives were requested to develop tower locational criteria in the
form of a matrix or report including standards and placement/siting criteria.
February 20, 1997
Industry representatives from BellSouth Mobility, PrimeCo and NextWave submitted
information and matrices on communication tower standards. The Committee
discussed some inconsistencies regarding separation requirements between different
types of residential uses, in particular, a shorter separation requirement for mobile
homes and high density multi family use.
The Committee requested that a comprehensive county -wide map be prepared
showing all the communication tower locations and/or permitted and conditional use
areas. It was directed to Seminole County to prepare such map.
(Note: Seminole County GIS services has prepared a map depicting permitted and
conditional use zones for communication towers in unincorporated Seminole County
and is available for review at Seminole County Land Management).
The main purpose of the CALNO Communication Tower Technical Committee was to insure, at
minimum, that all jurisdictions in Seminole County communicated with each other and the
telecommunication industry in a timely manner in regard to the proliferation and locations of
communication towers.
At this point, most of the jurisdictions in the county have adopted or have proposed
communication tower ordinances. Typically, the ordinances contain provisions for tower to tower
separation, tower separation from residential land uses, permitted and conditional use zones,
coloration and other aesthetic considerations such as landscaping, height, lighting and color
standards. The ordinances, albeit similar to each other in many regards, are customized to each
city and therefore a uniform ordinance for the entire county containing identical regulations is not
411 considered to be feasible at this time.
Recommend that Seminole County Land Management be designated as a repository and
clearinghouse for county -wide telecommunication information. In addition, a single map that
contains all the existing communication towers in the cities and county should be compiled. The
City of Sanford Department of Engineering and Planning is willing to compile such a map if
digital data is supplied based on the county parcel map. Ongoing coordination will be required by
the cities and county to accomplish this effort.
Attachment A: Committee membership list
Attachment B: Local government regulation matrix
Attachment C: Industry prepared criteria and standards PrimeCo, BellSouth Mobility,
Attachment D: Industry Maps /Inventory of existing communication towers PrimeCo,
Bell South Mobility, APT Bright Star
Attachment E: Maps /Criteria of permitted areas for communication towers City of
Oviedo, City of Sanford, City of Altamonte Springs City of Lake Mary
(criteria only)
Membership List
CALNO Communication Tower Technical Committee Members
Name Organization Phone Fax
M ichelle Matrick Foley and Lardner Law Firm 423-7656 648 -1743
Michael Totten NextWave 786 -7768 786 -9307
Dale Finnochi NextWave 786 -8920 786 -9308
John Ariale PrimeCo 423 -8480 843 -0553
Bill Geisler Bright Star 699 -0336 699 -0336
John Groenendaal City of longwood 263 -2553 263 -2336
Susan McGregor City of Oviedo 977 -6040 977 -6033
John Sember City of Altamonte Springs 830 -3966 263 -3773
Carl Gosline City of Longwood 260 -3468 263 -2336
Matt West City of lake Mary 324 -3042 324 -3064
Bruce King Cypress Real Estate Services (AT &T) 667 -5690 875 -2482
Ben Tucker Bell South Mobility 829 -6806 333 -2314
Jim Brege Bell South Mobility 829 -6801 333 -2314
Don Bulden Bell South Mobility 829 -6802 333 -2314
Bob Sirianni APT 851 -3700 859 -8619
Teri Bowley City of Casselberry 263 -3916 260 -1849
Cindy Gennell CALNO Chair, Winter Springs Commission 327 -1800 327 -6912
David Moon City of Oviedo 977 -6040 977 -6033
John Brock City of Longwood 263 -2553 263 -2336
John Dwyer Seminole County 321 -1130 328 -3239
Don Fischer Seminole County 321 -1130 328 -3239
Ginny Markley Seminole County 321 -1130 328 -3239
Thomas Grimms City of Winter Springs 327 -1800 327 -6912
Jay Marder City of Sanford 330 -5670 330 -5666
III Andrew Van Gaale City of Sanford 330 -5672 330 -5666
Local Government Regulation Matrix
Communica ower Matrix
(For Informatiurposes Only) S
Prepared by City of Sanford Department of Engineering and Planning 11/19/96
Separation From Separation From Antennas Mounted
Conditional /Special Separation Between Maximum Landscaping Fencing
Jurisdiction Permitted Uses Exception Uses Towers Single- Family Multi Family Height on Existing Requirements Req's. Abandonment
Residential Residential Structures
Conditional use in some lattice lattice= 5,000'
commercial zones, multi- lattice guyed= 5,000' A row of 8' canopy 8' chain link
Camouflage or family, agriculture and lattice monopole( >75') 1,500' Must not exceed more trees at 10' apart;
monopoles p ermitted in public lands. lattice and left ce -mon p ole( <75') =750' 200' or 300% of the tower than 20' 200' or 300 of the fence or above the 24' continuous
Seminole County tower height, whichever None wall w/ 180 days
industrial zones and guyed towers >200' are guyed monopole( >75') 1,500' height, whichever is greater highest point of the hedge;evergreen
some commercial zones conditional use in guyed monopole( <75') =750' is greater structure xeriscape or barbed
industrial and some >75'monopole- monopole 1,500' irrigated Wire top
commercial zones <75'monopole- monopole =750'
lattice lattice= 5,000'
All towers are permitted in Lattice towers are not lattice guyed= 5,000' A row of 8' canopy 8' chain link
industrial districts but permitted in residential lattice- monopole(>75')= 1,500' Must not exceed more trees at 10' apart;
100' or 100% of the fence or
must adhere to separation districts; monopoles and lattice- monopole(<75') =750' 200' or 300% of the tower than 20' above the 30' continuous
Orange County tower height, whichever 300' wall w/ 180 days
distances from residential guyed towers require guyed- monopole(>75')= 1,500' height, whichever is greater highest point of the hedge;evergreen
areas and other towers in special exception approval guyed monopole( <75') =750' is greater structure xeriscape or barbed
Wire top
non industrial districts in residential districts >75'monopole- monopole 1,500' g
<75'monopole- monopole =750'
Conditional use in water lattice lattice= 5,000'
sewer treatment plants, lattice guyed= 5,000'
public sports stadiums, lattice- monopole(>75')= 1,500' Must be located a min. of 8' trees at 25'
200' or 300% of the chain link
public utility and service lattice- monopole( <75') =750' 200' or 300% of the tower 10' from roof edge; not to apart; 30"
Altamonte Springs None tower height, whichever 200' fence or 180 days
structures, very light guyed- monopole(>75')= 1,500' height, whichever is greater exceed 40% over bldg. continuous hedge; ,,gall
industrial zones, guyed- monopole(<75') =750' is greater height evergreen variety
institutional zones and >75'monopole- monopole 1,500'
mixed office industrial <75'monopole- monopole =750'
lattice- lattice= 5,000'
lattice guyed= 5,000 Vinyl
Conditional Use in lattice- monopole(>75')= 1,500' Set back 10' from edge of 14' canopy trees at coated 8'
100' or 100% of the
1 y Y Permitted in industrial commercial planned lattice•monopole( <75') =750' 200' or 300% of the tower roof and not to exceed 20' 25' apart; 30' chain link 180 Days
Casselber tower height, whichever 200'
zones mixed -use, public servive guyed monopole( >75') 1,500' height, whichever is greater above structure or 20% of continuous hedge; fence or
is greater
and multi family zones guyed monopole( <75') =750' building height evergreen variety wall
>75'monopole- monopole =l 500'
<75'monopole- monopole =750'
Monopoles are Permitted Conditonal Use in Monopole <50' =330' Vinyl
Monopole <50' 200' 660' 8'
in all zoning districts commercial, industrial, non Monopole <50' 150'
provided that structure es. PUD and city -owned Monopole <100' 50' 660' Monopole 50'•100' =330' Set back 15 from edge of C onsistent with city chain link
Lake Mary does not exceed land when exceeds height Monopole <100' 100' 1,320' Monopole 101, -150' =660' Same as Single Family 200' roof and not to exceed 15' code fence
200' 2,640' Days
established height limitations of that zoning Monopole <100 200 2,640 Monopole 151'- 200'= 1,320' above structure (black) or
limitations district Monopole <200' 100' 2,640' wall
Monopole <200' 200' 5,280'
A row of 8' trees at Vinyl
Conditional Use in Set back 10' from edge of 10' apart; 30' coated 8
200' or 300% of the
Permitted in industrial commercial, agriculture, 200' or 300% of the tower roof and not to exceed 20' continuous
Sanford None tower height, whichever None chain link 180 Days
zones mixed -use and multi family height, whichever is greater above structure or 20% of hedge;evergreen fence or
is greater building height xeriscape or
irrigated wall
A row of 8' trees at 8' chain link
Monopole or stealth Must not exceed more 10' apart; 30" fence or
Winter Springs permitted in industial, lattice and guyed towers than 20' above the continuous wall Days
180 Da
public buildings, utility require special exception 2000' 500' 500' 180' Y
(Proposed) installations and in the permitted areas highest point of the hedge;evergreen (barbed
structure xeriscape or wire top
recreation sites >10 acres
irrigated optional)
Longwood Communication towers are permitted as conditional uses
Oviedo Odinance is currently being prepared
Industry Criteria/Standards
BellSouth Mobility
c 647.
Communication Tower Land Use Matrix Proposal
Land Use Governmental Scrutiny Requirements
Heavy Industrial Permitted Use Antenna Attachments: No
Towers: Residential
Separation of 200 feet.
Light Industrial Permitted Use Antenna Attachments: No
Towers: Residential
Separation of 200 feet.
Warehousing Permitted Use Antenna Attachments: No
Towers: Residential
Separation of 200 feet.
Heavy Commercial Conditional Use Antenna Attachments: No
Group 1 Limitations.
Towers: Residential
Separation of 200 feet.
Highway Commercial Conditional Use Antenna Attachments: No
Group 1 Limitations.
Towers: Residential
Separation of 200 feet.
Retail Commercial Conditional Use Antenna Attachments: No
Group 2 Limitations.
Towers: Residential
Separation of 200 feet.
Neighborhood Commercial Special Exception Antenna Attachments: No
Towers: Residential
Separation of 250 feet.
Office Conditional Use Antenna Attachments: No
Group 2 Limitations.
Towers: Residential
Separation of 250 feet.
Professional Office Special Exception Antenna Attachments:
Subject to Site Plan
Towers: Residential
Separation 300% height of
Mixed Use Conditional Use Antenna Attachments: No
Group 2 Limitations.
Towers: Residential
Separation of 200 feet.
Office- Residential Conditional Use Antenna Attachments: No
Group 2 Limitations.
Towers: Residential
Separation of 300 feet.
Institutional Conditional Use Antenna Attachments: No
Group 1 Limitations.
Towers: Residential
Separation of 300 feet.
Agricultural Permitted Use Antenna Attachments: No
Towers: Residential
Separation of 200 feet.
General Use Permitted Use Antenna Attachments: No
Towers: Residential
Separation of 200 feet.
Multi family: High Density Conditional Use Antenna Attachments: No
Group 2 Limitations.
Towers: Residential
Separation of 200 feet.
Multi- family: Medium Density Conditional Use Antenna Attachments: No
Group 2 Limitations.
Towers: Residential
Separation of 250 feet.
Multi- family: Low Density Special Exception Antenna Attachments:
Subject to Site Plan
Towers: Residential
Separation 300% height of
Mobile Home Conditional Use Antenna Attachments: No
Group 2 Limitations.
Towers: Residential
Separation of 200 feet.
Duplex Special Exception Antenna Attachments:
Subject to Site Plan
Towers: Residential
Separation 300% height of
Single Family: High Density Special Exception Antenna Attachments:
Subject to Site Plan
Towers: Residential
Separation 300% height of
Single Family: Medium Density Special Exception Antenna Attachments:
Subject to Site Plan
Towers: Residential
Separation 300% height of
Single Family: Low Density Special Exception Antenna Attachments:
Subject to Site Plan
Towers: Residential
Separation 300% height of
Single Family: Estate Special Exception Antenna Attachments:
Subject to Site Plan
Towers: Residential
Separation 400% height of
PUD: Industrial Conditional Use Antenna Attachments: No
Group 1 Limitations.
Towers: Residential
Separation of 200 feet.
PUD: Commercial Special Exception Antenna Attachments:
Subject to Site Plan
Towers: Residential
Separation 300% height of
PUD: Residential Special Exception Antenna Attachments:
Subject to Site Plan
Towers: Residential
Separation 400% height of
General Criteria for Permitted Uses
Co- location
a) Applicant needs to show evidence that it has made diligent but
unsuccessful efforts to co- locate its antenna on existing structures within
Radio Frequency (RF) Design search area.
b) Applicant must state willingness to allow another provider to co- locate on
the proposed tower.
c) Co- location is not required for stealth facilities, but is encouraged when
IP 2. Residential Separation
a) Residential Separation requirements may be reduced by Planning Manager
when sufficient buffer (natural or man -made) exists between proposed
tower and subject residential, when appropriate stealth techniques are
used, or when written consent by subject residential owners is obtained.
b) Special Exception separation requirements are subject to residentially
zoned property. Properties with non conforming residential uses receive a
fifty (50) percent decrease in the separation requirement from proposed
towers which are subject to Special Exception approval.
3. Tower and communication equipment building must meet setbacks of applicable
zoning district.
4. Height of tower up to 300 feet.
5. Type of tower: All types of towers may be used.
6. Construction Standards
a) EIA/TIA Standards.
b) Structurally able to accommodate an additional provider after initial
7. Landscaping is required.
8. Fencing
a) Minimum 8 -foot fence.
b) Access through locked gate.
9. Applications for towers which exceed height limitations are subject to special
10. Antenna attachments on designated historic buildings are subject to special
Conditional Use Group 1
1. All General Criteria except as amended below.
2. Height of Tower up to 200 feet.
3. Type of tower: all types of towers may be used.
Conditional Use Group 2
1. All General Criteria except as amended below.
2. Height of Tower up to 175 feet.
3. Type of Tower: standard monopoles only.
Special Exception
1. All General Criteria except as amended below.
2. All Conditional Use Criteria except as amended below.
3. Tower to Tower Separation
a) Standard monopoles must meet separation requirements subject to height
(Separation 10x height of proposed tower from any other communication
b) No separation requirements where stealth techniques are used.
4. Tower Height up to 120 feet.
5. Type of Tower: standard monopoles only.
Tower Replacement
1. Tower rebuilds are permitted uses so long as the service provider brings the new
tower up into compliance with the applicable zoning regulations to the maximum
extent possible.
a) Tower separation requirements are not applicable for any tower rebuild.
b) Tower may be relocated anywhere within 50 feet of the pre- existing
tower; if the applicant wishes to relocate the tower further than 50 feet
away from the pre existing tower, approval is granted by staff if the new
tower location on the parent tract meets all the required performance
standards for the district in which it is located.
40 Special Exception Requirements
(1) Site Location. The purpose of this test is to assist the appropriate governing
body in determining whether or not the proposed site location within the applicable
search ring of the wireless service provider attempts to utilize existing intermediate land
uses to mitigate potential adverse visual impacts of the proposed tower and the nearest
residential land uses.
(2) Site Orientation. In addition to the site location test, the applicant should
demonstrate how the on -site location of the proposed tower maximizes the use of site
orientation in order to minimize adverse visual impacts to any adjacent residential uses.
Evidence may include photographs or videotape and a corresponding written visual
impact assessment which demonstrate how the proposed tower location minimizes
adverse impacts.
(3) Mitigation Plans. The applicant may submit information concerning
proposed mitigation plans to off set or minimize various adverse impacts associated with
the proposed tower in regards to residential uses. Mitigation plans may include the
41Ik utilization of compatible support structures in relation to other existing similar structures,
the use of camouflaged communications facilities, and the use of landscaping, screening
walls, berms and streetscapes. The proposed mitigation plan should be consistent with
the anticipated impact level.
(4) Additional Information. The applicant may submit any other bona fide
documentation or evidence that he or she feels may assist the appropriate governing body
in determining anticipated adverse visual impacts.
Any person or party opposing the applicants' Special Exception request should submit
competent evidence or documentation that a proposed tower will have an adverse
aesthetic impact upon his/her property.
Single Family, Duplex 200' or 300% of the height of the tower, whichever
or Single Family Mobile Home is greater (up to a maximum separation of 600')
Multi Family 100' or 75% of the height of the tower, whichever
is greater (up to a maximum separation of 225')
Non-Residential None. Only the setbacks of the applicable zoning
district apply
*Other Conditions:
1. Setbacks are measured from the GPS location of the tower to the closest building
setback line of the off site zoning.
2. Setbacks may be reduced upon the written, notarized consent of all property
owner(s) whose property is located within the established setback(s), by an
amount agreed upon by such property owner(s).
3. Monopoles of 80' in height or less shall have a required separation distance of
100' from single family, duplex or single- family mobile home zoning.
309772\.AMMON TM
Permitted Use Special Exception'
Monopole 80' or less' R -3, R 3A, R-4, PCD, UC, All other zoning districts
PIA, OP, CN, C -1, C-2, C-
3, CS, M -1A, M -1, RM -3
Monopole over 80' and R-4, RM3, PCD,UC, PU, All other zoning districts
less than 130' OP, CN, C -1, C -2, C -3,
CS, M -1A, M -1
Monopole over 130' and C -2, C -3, M -1A, M -1 All other zoning districts
less than 200'
Monopole in excess of None All zoning districts
Collocated self support C -2, C -3, M -1A, M -1 All other zoning districts
tower of 200' or less
Collocated self support M -1 All other zoning districts
tower over 200' and less
than 250'
All self- support towers None All zoning districts
250' and higher and all
single user self support
towers over 200'
'Or conditional use, based on local government zoning code.
'These requirements do not apply to "camouflaged" or "stealth" facilities_
M emo
To Member's CALNO unication Tower Technical Committee
From: Dale G. Finocchi
CC: Mike Totten
Date: 02/20/97
Re: Industry Standards
Due to a schedule conflict I am unable to attend the February 20, 1997 CALNO meeting. I have
provided below an overview of concepts to consider when drafting legislation.
A licensed carrier needs to provide service to all locations within the geographical boundaries of
the licensed area.
Not all service providers operate the same type of system or use the same type of technology.
Encourage co- location and camouflaged facilities by creating a clear and simple administrative
Should residential separations be enacted create a sliding scale which does not only create
different requirements for different types of towers but also different sizes of like structures. For
example, a 120 -foot monopole creates a much different impact than a 200 -foot monople and
therefore should not have to meet the same requirements.
Tower to Tower separation does not encourage co- location but actually creates a porcupine effect
of tower siting. Encourage co- location by requiring all new towers to be able to accommodate
additional carriers. This along with a dear administrative process for co-location will allow for the
market to radiate all new facilities to existing structures.
Allow the special exception process to have the ability to modify any of the requirements (such as
separation) should evidence be presented why the certain requirement can not be met.
Please advise me of next CALNO meeting so I can place it on my calendar. Should you have any
questions or comments on the above ideas please feel free to telephone.
Dale G. Finocchi
LCC International, Inc.
(407) 786 -8920
(407) 592 -0306
Page 1
Industry Maps of Existing Communication Towers
BellSouth Mobility
Bright Star
1 lb' I 202 -7 4
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Site ID Site Name Site Address City Zip Directions
OVIEDO SPORTS A r From Oviedo Center follow SR 149 South approximately 2 mile turn left Into Oviedo Sprats Complex, continue North tc
080200-2 COMPLEX BP 12 $r08d OVIedO 32765 intersection of Road leading to northbound pavilion
mi. Site or
080201 -2 RINEHART BP 590 Rinehart Road land Mary exit Go east 1 ml to Rinehart and turn north. Go 1
t. .2
Lake Mary 32746 Raw d site at 590 Rinehart, Take I 4to Lake M
west s of road behind Porter Paint Store
FPC 230KV (Towne Take I-4 (East) to SR -46. Turn Right at 1st Ught, Approximately 1/10 of a mile make a left into the Cracker Barrel Parkins
080202 -7 BP Y 4644 SR 46 W Sanford 32771:
200 Hickman Drive Sanford 32771
080204 -6 FIRST SANFORD BP 1-4 to Sanford Exit (Hwy 46) then East, across Hwy 17/92 to Elm Ave First Sanford Tower (still labeled as First Seminole) is
TOWER In the Northeast corner of the intersection and runs between Elm and Myrtle Avenue
312 W. First Street Sanford 32711
080205 -4 SANFORD PLAZA BP 920 State Street,,,, S anford 32773: I-4 East to Exit 50 (Lake Mary Boulevare). Turn right (East) to Highway 17/92. Turn Left/South to State Street Turn right
and follow paved road to end of shopping center. Site will be at end of road on left at back SE comer of shopping center
1180 State Street Sanford 32728
r 1-4 to Lake Mary Exit (Lake Mary Blvd) then East on Lake Mary Blvd. to Longwood -Lake Mary Rd, South Past Lake Mary
080206 -2 FARINA ,,BP: 2187 Longwood L ake Mary Longwood 275 0 High, Just plast Greenwood Blvd (600 to dirt drive on East, Driveway is ingress/egress to site behind trailer. 2163 is
before YMCA
2163 Longwood -Lake Mary Road Longwood 32750
080208 -2 COUNTY SCHOOL 820 East State Road 434 Winter Springs 32708 Take 1-4 East to State Road 434 East. Take a left on Consolidated Services Street.
080300 -2 BP 350 Labe Haye Q x QYleO 27 Take I 4 north to Hwy 434. Go east on 434 to Lake Hayes Rd. Turn left and go .3 mi. Site on the righ
350 Lake Hayes Road Oviedo 32765
ad ,A ar 5 a Central Florida Greenway (4 N orth fmm Orlando to Red Bug Exit. East to Aloma Avenue (426 North). Left onto
080302 -2 COMMERCE WAY 17011/1! State BP 6. Qvl
ad o 32765 Commerce Way (dirt road) just before RR Crossing across from Toucan MO
r 4•a�t`� x 1 3�°�,,I�"i�a"�C /;y +`§ir .2 �i�;;
Page 1
Site ID Site Name Site Address City Zip Directions
FPC 69KV TOWER Take 1-4 to Hw 436 g o East on Hwy 436 to Howell Branch Road On the right is a Fire Station Grand Ave is to the left
080303 -7 BP 3 p11e t2d Winter Pa rk 32792`
(Winter Park WA10) Take a left on Grand Ave; go 14 m ile on th ri is the Scottish Rite Temple. Site is the easement in front of the temple
1493 Grand Avenue Winter Park 32792
FPC 230 KV (inter
080304 -7 Tusgawilla Road to Lake Drive, Turn West and follow to Dunmar Clyde and tower Is at the Intersection
Springs Sub NR25)
Shore Road Winter Springs
080305 -6 CASSELLBERRY 2225 Hunterfield Road Maitland 32751
14 to 434 East to 427 South on 427 to Mahn Avenue. Right on Marvin 800
1155 Charles Street Longwood 32750
FPC MYRTLE LAKE Take 1 4 to Lake Mary Blvd (Exit 50} go East on Lake Mary Blvd to Lake Emma Rd turn Right (South) on Lake Emma Rd
080307 -8 BP 1 Oaks T ralUTele Tower Longwood 32750.;
SUBSTATION 3 a g go to Emman Oaks Dr- turn right (West) on Emma Oaks Dr 8 go to the end of the road last part is dirt site is on the ngh
FPC WEKIV Take 1-4 to Highway 434 go West on Highway 434 approx 1 mile to Wekiva Springs Road. Tum Right (North) or
080309 -8 BP 942 Vrjektva SpringSRoad Longwood g 32779
SU Weklva springs Road and go approximately .85 miles &look for a fire station on the right site is behind the station
940 Wekiva Springs Longwood 32779
FPC PIEDMONT Take ht to Highway 438 Go West on Highway 436 approximately 3.5 miles. Just past Pine Street site is on right side
080402 -9 BP 2955 Statlo �2 ad 43 p d)� ApoQka _27 Site fronts on Highway 438
Page 2
Site ID Site Name Site Address City Zip Directions
y I to 436 west on 436 to Forest City Rd (434)-Turn left (South)3go to 230KV pwr trans line crosses -the easement to the
080404 -6 OUT ASL 130 BP 387 St Road 43 South a g Fore CIty 32714 site follows the pwr line to the left(East). Access off of 4343fdlows the power line easement Site sets trail from 434 -300
(Spring Lake) P �z y d
385 South SR 434 Forest City 32751
081100 BP, a R =$x az Y r SR 436, Turn West immediately turn right at 1st light on gcug
(Pole ASW17)
451 Cranes Way Altamonte Springs 32701
Page 3
BellSouth Mobility Cell Sites Seminole County
3 Winter Springs Self Supporting 220'
9 Wekiva Self Supporting 180'
20 Goldenrod Self Supporting 250'
25 Altamonte Roof -top 95'
27 Sanford Self Supporting 250'
32 Oviedo Self Supporting 250'
40 Longwood Self- Supporting 180'
41 Casselberry Self Supporting 180'
49 Lakemont Self- Supporting 180'
52 Hidden Lake Self Supporting 166'
57 Lake Mary Self Supporting 220'
III 79 Rolling Hills Monopole 150'
83 Alafaya Self Supporting 180'
90 Forest City Monopole 180'
98 Geneva Self- Supporting 280'
97 Seminole Mall Monopole 180'
109 N. Maitland Monopole 150'
Markham Woods Monopole 120'
North Street Monopole 150'
0 a
BellSouth Mobility
Seminole County
4 97'
9 1
A i
25 41
11 99- 0 41
a 109
a 2
0 1 qD 83
I 1 iii Towers/fix''
...,H lk r
I_ 5907 B. Hampton n Oaks Parkway
VJ 4, Tampa. FL 33610
813 663 -1000 Fax:813- 623 -4011
illi Pager: 407-290-7672 Cellular: 407.620 -2367
411* A2E -406 -0
A2E- 2 15 -0
A2E— 4 -0
144-0 A2E 3 —O A2 —0
re• 5, R, 9 i� A2E 9 -0 orr A 2 E 131 -0 0 0%
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August 28, 1996
Mr. Don Fisher, Planner
Seminole County, Current Planning Division
1101 East First Street
Sanford, Florida 32771
Ref.: Filing of a Master Plan, Ordinance No. 96 -5
Dear Mr. Fisher:
As we discussed this week, our company has a 250' guyed tower in Seminole County, within the
Sanford city limits, that was built for co- location purposes for wireless communications. This
new tower was designed to accommodate the wireless transmission needs for cellular, PCS,
paging, and other two -way communications needs for a ten mile radius of its location. Our
tower was designed to accommodate up to three cellular/PCS carriers and twelve paging or
two-way communications tenants. We believe that this capability will be adequate for many
years of growth in the communications industry within its area of coverage. For your records,
here are the details on our Sanford tower site.
Tower Name: Sanford FAA Study Number: 96- ASO- 0585 -OE
Address: 1201 Albright Road, Sanford
Latitude: 28 deg 47' 57" Longitude: 81 deg 18' 01"
Tower Height: 250' (with antenna) Max. Ht. AMSL: 288'
Tower Type: Guyed, Rohn Model 80 Series
For your reference, we have also included a map showing the exact location of the tower site.
Please feel free to call us if you have any questions or need further assistance.
William F. G er
cc: Russell L. Gibson, Land Development Coordinator, City of Sanford AUG 2 9 1996
4025 West Danby Court, Winter Springs, Florida 32708 (407) 699 -0336
SANFORD Star Tower
CHURC Rand Yard
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Maps /Criteria of Permitted Communication Tower Areas
City of Oviedo
City of Sanford
-City of Altamonte Springs
-City of Lake Mary (Criteria Only)
5 4 t
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City of Sanford Communication Tower Permitted and Conditional Use Zones
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Boundary U
y rY 1 ,_!7„ i�j I r i i Existing Tower /i a
�I 'For Illustration Purposes Only f :�i
r Prepared By Dept. of Engineering and Planning, 01/97.
DID pn �p
1 �.J
January 2, 1997 6 n r
Mr. Andrew VanGaale, Associate Planner
Planning and Development Department
City of Sanford
300 North Park Avenue
Sanford, Florida 32771
Re: CALNO Communication Tower Technical Committee
Information Requested in Advance of January 16, 1997 Meeting
Dear Mr. VanGaale:
Pursuant to the request at the December 12, 1996 technical committee meeting, I am providing the
1110 following information to you.
The City's contact person for information transmittal under the Interlocal Agreement concerning
notification is:
Pat Wainright, City Clerk
City of Altamonte Springs
225 Newburyport Avenue
Altamonte Springs, Florida 32701
Tel: 263 -3780 Fax: 830 -4421
I have reviewed the Altamonte Springs portion of the Sanford's Communication Tower Matrix and
offer the following corrections:
Conditional/Special Exception Uses
"Conditional use in institutional zones, very light industrial zones, and mixed office
industrial zones.” (The language about water and sewer treatment plants, sports
stadiums, etc. in our ordinance is for contextual purposes within the respective zoning
district regulations. It will not appear in the codified version of the ordinance).
Mr. Andrew VanGaale, City of Sanford
CALNO Communication Tower Information
January 2, 1997
Page 2
Separation from Single Family and Multi Family Residential
"300% of the tower height, up to a maximum of 200'."
Committee members were also asked to identify locations and/or general criteria where towers
can/should be located within our respective jurisdictions. The Altamonte Springs communication
tower and antenna ordinance expresses the City's policy regarding tower types and the appropriate
placement of towers within the City limits. Namely, towers are possible in institutional, very light
industrial, and mixed office- industrial zones, as well as on buildings greater than 35 feet in height.
Monopole and lattice construction types are permitted. At this time, placement in right -of -way areas
has not been addressed. I have attached for your reference a copy of a map depicting existing towers
and possible tower sites within the City.
The City firmly supports its established communication tower policy. However, it is not
unforeseeable that issues and concepts examined at the CALNO meetings, as well as observations
of the development and regulation of towers, may prompt a review of the policy at a future date.
Accordingly, we plan to continue our participation in the CALNO dialogue.
If you have any questions or need additional assistance, please do not hesitate to contact me at
telephone (407) 830 -3966 or fax (407) 263 -3773.
0 01k.,S4c2/
John Sember, AICP, Current Planning Coordinator
Growth Management Department
cc: Tim A. Wilson, Growth Management Director
Pat Wainright, City Clerk
City of Altamonte Springs Growth Management Department
Updated October 17, 1996
Tower Owner Prop. Owner Site General Location Tower Type Map Notes
Florida Hospital Florida Hospital SR 436 Lattice T1 Pre -Tower Ord./March '96 survey
Altamonte Springs City Hall SR 436/Newburyport Ave Lattice T2 Pre -Tower Ord./March '96 survey
Sprint Telephone Sprint Telephone Newburyport Ave Lattice T3 Pre -Tower Ord./March '96 survey
WXXL Radio WXXL Radio S Northlake Blvd Lattice T4 Pre-Tower Ord./March '96 survey
TCI Cable TCI Cable SR 434 /Jamestown Blvd Guyed T6 Pre -Tower Ord./March '96 survey
DialCall SR 434 /Sunshine Ln Monopole T8 Planned tower/Recently annexed
Tower Owner Prop. Owner Site General Location Tower Type Map Notes Jurisdic.
BellSouth 901 Douglas Ave Monopole T5 Pre-March '96 SC
BellSouth SR 436/Laurel St Monopole 11 Constructed 8/96 SC
Unknown 782 Sanlando Road Lattice T9 Pre-March '96 SC
Unknown Cadace Drive Industrial Park T10 Pre-March '96 SC
APT SR 436, 500' E of 17/92 Monopole T11 Planned tower SC
PrimeCo Florida Power Spring Lake Substation Monopole T12 Constructed 8/96 SC
Unknown Florida Power Raymond/Hillcicsl Monopole T13 Planned tower In FPC easement SC
This inventory has been compiled through field surveys and development applications. There may exist additional communication towers over
35 feet tall that would affect an application for a new tower. Applicants for a new tower are required to provide documentation indicating
existing towers and development orders for new towers within 1,500 feet of the subject site.
Rename: r othe[1towvrlog.vvb2
Page 1 of 2
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p Water towers located w/i Altamonte Springs Existing and Proposed towels outside of Altamonte <�e Fn
Buildings over 35 feet in height located in Springs jurisdiction r. BETWEEN TOWERS
Altamonte Springs
�;,r�"��•P'? Potential Zoning districts allowing 'f
Buildings over 35 feet in height located in Tower locatidns
the county sd.�r L 1
200 foot set back from residential 0 1!2 2
Existing communication towers located in land uses /zoning I I I I
Altamonte Springs MILES
City of Altamonte Springs Growth Management Department
Updated October 17, 1996
Tower Owner Prop. Owner /Site General Location Tower Type Map Notes
Florida Hospital Florida Hospital SR 436 Lattice Tl Pre -Tower Ord./March'96 survey
Altamonte Springs City Hall SR 436/Nevvburyport Ave Lattice T2 Pre -Tower Ord./March'96 survey
Sprint Telephone Sprint Telephone Ncvvburyport Ave Lattice T3 Pre -Tower Ord./March'96 survey
WXJ��. Radio WX��. Radio S Northlake Blvd Lattice T4 Pre -Tower Ord./March'96 survey
TCI Cable TCI Cable SR 434 /Jamestown Blvd Guyed T6 Pre -Tower Ord./March'96 survey
DialCall SR 434 /Sunshine Ln Monopole T8 Planned tower/Recently annexed
Tower Owner Prop. Owner /Site General Location Tower Type Map Notes Jurisdic.
BellSouth 901 Douglas Ave Monopole TS Pre- March'96 SC
BellSouth SR 436/Laurel St Monopole T7 Constructed 8/96 SC
Unknown 782 Sanlando Road Lattice T9 Pre- March'96 SC
Unknown Cadace Drive Industrial Park T10 Pre- March'96 SC
APT SR 436, S00' E of 17/92 Monopole Tl l Platu►ed tower SC
PrimeCo Florida Power Spring Lake Substation Monopole T12 Constructed 8/96 SC
Unknown Florida Power Raymond/Hillcrest Monopole T13 Plaiu►ed tower In FPC easement SC
This inventory has been compiled through field surveys and development applications. There may exist additional communication towers over
35 feet tall that would affect an application for a new tower. Applicants for a new tower are required to provide documentation indicating
existing towers and development orders for new towzis within 1,500 feet of the subject site.
F�laume: zbthalto�vr- log.�vb2
Page 1 of 2
.t y
January 14, 1997
To: The file
From: Matthew West, City Planner
Subject: Acceptable Communication Tower locations
Electrical substations
In alignment with tall utility transmission poles
In the middle of wetland or conservation areas which are not likely to be heavily developed
or deforested (Soldiers Creek).
In the middle of industrial areas between Lake Emma Road and Interstate 4 or between
Rinehart Road and Interstate 4.
Within the City's sports complex. Towers could blend in with stadium lights.
On top of tall buildings.
Along 17 -92 provided tower base is not seen from right of way.
Monopole construction preferred.
Heavily landscaped base.
Black vinyl�oated fencing around base.
No signs on tower like "Super Doppler 2"