HomeMy WebLinkAbout1997 04 14 Resolution 817 Interlocal Agreement Local Govt Access Television Channel RESOLUTION NO. 817 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING CALNO TO DEVELOP AN INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT FOR THE ESTABLISHMENT OF A LOCAL GOVERNMENT ACCESS TELEVISION CHANNEL FOR THE GOVERNMENTAL ENTITIES WITHIN SEMINOLE COUNTY, FLORIDA, PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY, CONFLICTS; AND AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, it may be cost prohibitive for a single municipal government to establish, operate and maintain a quality twenty-four (24) television channel; and WHEREAS, the City, County, and School Board governmental entities in Seminole County, Florida, could in cooperation with each other and the cable operators, combine their resources in an efficient manner designed to establish a quality governmental access channel to enhance the educational, social and economic quality of life of the citizens of Seminole County, Florida. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ESTABLISHED AND RESOLVED BY THE CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA, AS FOLLOWS: SECTION I CALNO is hereby authorized to develop an Interlocal Agreement by and between the municipalities, county and School Board of Seminole County, Florida. Said agreement would include but not be limited to the following terms: A. The governments pooling their resources for the establishment of a quality twenty-four (24) hour government programming. B. The allocation of time on the channel for each government entity. C. The sole control of programming and its content shall be the exclusive discretion and prerogative of the governmental entity utilizing the channel time. That is, each government shall control its own programming time. D. The Interlocal Agreement shall be subject to ratification by each governmental entity. E. CALNO shall prepare such other terms as it recommends for the benefit of all parties involved. SECTION II This Resolution shall take effect immediately upon its adoption. Adopted this I "1 4 day of 61/". 19 47. CIT WINTE GS, FLORIDA ATTEST: I�� 1 PAUL P. PARTYKA, MA J) R 41.4..:/ ice;. e. i CITY f' ERK