HomeMy WebLinkAbout1997 04 14 Letter to Cindy Gennell C41:5/1997 13:35 4073282201 SEMINOLE ..._mr COLL PAGE 02
COMMUNITY COLLEGE Elaine A Greenwood, Dean of Arts and Sciences
1 00 We■don Boulevard Sanford FL 32 6199 4Q/-328-2105 (Fax 407-328-2201)
April 14, 1997
The Honorable Cindy Gennell, Chairperson
Winter Springs City Council
FAX: 327-6912
Dear Ms. Gennell:
Thank you for faxing to me the By-Laws of the Council of Local
Governments in Seminole County. I have reviewed them and can see
that SCC's being affiliated with the Council could definitely be
of mutual benefit.
Howevei, 1 see a difference in governing boards that probably
makes SCC ineligible for full membership. Article 1C
states that each "government shall be officially
ALed by a duly elected representative designated by that
Aimber government." Seminole Community College's District Board
f Trustees is appointed by the Governor of the State of Florida,
not elected.
Dr. McGee and I would like to propose that the Council consider
making the College an ex officio member. We would be honored to
participate with that status and thereby have the opportunity to
participate in the enriched cooperation between all our
governmental entities.
1 look forward to your reply.
Elaine A. Greenwood, Ed.D.
District Board of Trustees
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