HomeMy WebLinkAbout1997 04 02 CALNO Minutes MINUTES COUNCIL OF LOCAL GOVERNMENTS IN SEMINOLE COUNTY APRIL 02, 1997 1. Silent Meditation Pledge of Allegiance Call to Order Chairperson Gennell called the meeting to order at 7:20 p.m. on April 2', 1997. The meeting was held at the City of Altamonte Springs, City Hall, Commission Chambers, 225 Newburyport Avenue, Altamonte Springs, Seminole County, Florida. There was a moment of silent meditation followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. 2. Roll Call 3. Approval of March 5"'.1997 Minutes 4. Treasurer's Report 5. Tourist Development Commission Presentation by Jack Wert, Director of Tourism Agenda items 2 through 5 were deferred to later in the meeting. 6. Clown Program Presentation by staff of the Altamonte Springs Fire and Police Departments Capt. John Rogers, Public Education and Relations Officer, opened the presentation giving a history and overview of the Birthday Party and Clown Program. The Birthday Party Program, which began in 1994, includes a place for the party, a safety puppet show, a fire station tour, a chance for the children to climb onto a fire truck and operate a fire hose, as well as entertainment by the clowns. It has been a tool, used by the fire department, to teach children about fire safety. And the program has been recognized across the United States, with inquiries of the program as far away as California. Presently, approximately 4 -5 Central Florida fire services now offer a clown program through their fire departments. Clay Hutchinson, a/k/a "Fognozzle came dressed in full clown costume. He explained how he became a part of the clowns and how rewarding it is to see the children smile and know that they are learning valuable lessons concerning fire safety for themselves and their families. Lt. Dale Picou, a/k/a "Officer Alias approached the podium in blue and silver hair, and painted smile. He gave a summary of how he started as a clown for the Police Department. He uses balloons to talk with children, which has become a very effective tool when dealing with issues of child abuse, and suspect descriptions. He also uses magic tricks to talk with children in the school DARE Programs. Lt. Picou expressed his pleasure in using the clown image to promote public safety, and sees it as a very effective method of public service by police and fire departments. 5. Tourist Development Commission Presentation by Jack Wert, Director of Tourism Mr. Wert explained that a study, with Orlando, Orange County and Osceola County, has just been completed, and several issues were discovered. Some of the issues are: Tourism is the greatest industry in Central Florida Tourism provides 19% of total employment in Central Florida MINUTES COUNCIL OF LOCAL GOVERNMENTS IN SEMINOLE COUNTY APRIL 02, 1997 Page 2 of 5 50% of new jobs from present to the year 2000 will come from tourism Tourism pays it's own way $1 million dollars of revenue, and impact on economy in Seminole County comes from tourism School Board sees a $2 million dollar surplus from tourism Mr. Wert stated that the Tourism Council is strongly promoting Seminole County for it's natural resources. Promoting Seminole County as a complement to Orlando /Orange County. This form of promotion is called ECO- tourism. Mr. Wert played a Seminole County marketing video and explained that Seminole County's promoted as "a destination within a destination The U.S. Woman's Soccer Team trained at the Lake Sylvan Sports Complex, and later went on to win the Gold Medal in the Olympics. Mr. Wert explained that 1996 was a record year, with: Taxes up 15% over 1995 Seminole County is gaining the reputation as a sports meca Development of new hotels 5 new hotels are planned at the I-4 Lake Mary Blvd (500 -600 rooms) Seminole County Sailfest on Lake Monroe is one of the largest regattas in the nation Ski shows at Cranes Roost Lake Park in Altamonte Springs The Canoe Challenge on the Little Econ River (a 2 week tour and camp out on the Econ) Orlando- Sanford Airport had over 600,000 visitors from flights and expect 70,000 flights next year Reno Air just started with five days a week scheduled flights to Gulfport Planning for a conference or meeting facility Mr. Wert expressed there were two issues which were addressed in Tallahassee. Those were: (1) an Interstate 4 interchange at Highway 46A; and (2) the need for a tourism tax increase to contribute toward a convention center. Commissioner Lessard, on behalf of the City of Sanford, complimented Jack Wert and the Council on their work with the airport, and encouraged everyone to go for a tour. Commissioner Breeder questioned the anticipated square footage for the convention center and Mr. Wert replied that it is planned to be larger than the Orlando Expo Center, with special function rooms, high tech equipment for training, and a 300 -400 room hotel. 8. Telecommunication Tower Task Force Update Mr. Tony Mathews, Seminole County Planning Office, outlined the differences in the original Interlocal Agreement of 1985, and the one being proposed now. He stated the purpose of the Interlocal Agreement is intergovernmental coordination. Proposed changes include: Adding the School Board as a signatory. Identify the Regional Planning Council and the City of Maitland as participatory, but not signatory. Where for over a year, staff has met monthly, new language would provide for logistical and staff support. Provides for exchange of Land Development Codes and Comp Plans between cities and county. Lists issues regarding inter- governmental coordination. MINUTES COUNCIL OF LOCAL GOVERNMENTS IN SEMINOLE COUNTY APRIL 02, 1997 Page 3 of 5 Mr. Mathews stated it should be completely drafted by June and finalized by the end of this year. The Council proposed future plans for the group of planners meeting to address issues such as, enforcement issues and minutes of the meetings. 2. Roll Call (previously delayed) Members Present: Commissioner Brady Lessard, City of Sanford Commissioner Gary Brender, City of Lake Mary Commissioner Cindy Gennell, City of Winter Springs Commissioner Pat Fernandez, City of Altamonte Springs Board Member Larry Furlong, Seminole County School Board Also Present: Commissioner Michael Blake, City of Winter Springs Frank Kruppenbacher, Attorney for Time Warner Cable Diane Pickett, Time Warner Cable Elaine Greenwood, Seminole Community College Jack Wert, Seminole County Tourism John Rogers, Altamonte Springs Fire Department Clay "Fognozzle" Hutchinson, Altamonte Springs Fire Department Lt. Dale Picou, a/k/a "Officer Alias Altamonte Springs Police Department Tim Wilson, Growth Management Director, City of Altamonte Springs Tony Matthews, Seminole County Planning Department Ben Tucker, Bell South Mobility Mark Schuh, Cypress Real Estate Services /AT &T Wireless Gary Monsees, Gomez Plumbing Stan Stevens, Citizen 3. Approval of March 5, 1997 Minutes (Previously delayed) Moved by Board Member Furlong, second by Commission Lessard, to approve the March 5, 1997 minutes as distributed. Motion passes. 4. Treasurer's Report (Previously delayed) Commissioner Brender reported that the deposits of the 1997 dues have been made, leaving a current balance of $813.27. After depositing Casselberry's dues, the balance will be $838.27. Moved by Commissioner Brady, second by Board Member Furlong, to approve the Treasurer's Report as presented. Motion passes. Additional item: Moved by Commissioner Fernandez, second by Commissioner Lessard, to approve expenditure to Sanford Florist, not to exceed $35.00. Motion passes. Chairperson Gennell introduced Elaine Greenwood, representing Seminole Community College, who was invited to attend the meeting. MINUTES COUNCIL OF LOCAL GOVERNMENTS IN SEMINOLE COUNTY APRIL 02, 1997 Page 4 of 5 9. Review Resolution for Cable /Public Access Requirements Mr. Kruppenbacker explained the Resolution presented is a very broad based concept of asking each public entity if they support CALNO proceeding forward to work out a very defined agreement, which will return to each governmental entity for approval. Board Member Furlong explained that this could be accomplished collectively, where it could not happen independently. The public school system has certain amount of production capability, the equipment, the facilities, the personnel, to be able to facilitate developing tapes and in the future, live broadcasts. There was general discussion concerning certain language in the resolution. There was some concern over the ability to broadcast Commission meetings when the cities of Lake Mary and Altamonte Springs are exclusively TCI, not TWC. Motion by Board Member Furlong, second by Commissioner Brender, to suggest the Resolution be adopted by the receptive agencies. Motion passes. 10. Reports from Members Commissioner Brady Lessard, City of Sanford, reported that Sanford continues to prosper, and that Seminole County continues to benefit from the merits and resources of talented people living in the County. Board Member Larry Furlong, Seminole County School Board reported the following: There has been an issue before the Board relating the merit pay. CALNO members may be polled for input concerning this issue. Two Charter schools have been approved. One is in the Sanford area, and the second still have facilities needs. Council members were encouraged to assist in looking for space for the second Charter school. Renovations at Lake Howell High School are on schedule, as well as the other construction projects. The discipline code is being changed to make it easier and faster for principals, teachers, and other administrators to get a problem student processed for transfer or expulsion. Budgetary issues with changing legislation. There was considerable discussion concerning the needs of the Charter school. Cindy Gennell, City of Winter Springs, stated when they were in Tallahassee, they received favorable input from the legislators, and found very good signs for Central Florida. Pat Fernandez, City of Altamonte Springs, suggested it may be appropriate to add Seminole Community College as another entity to the Council roll call. Chairperson Gennell stated the original agreement would need to be amended to include Seminole Community College as a member of CALNO. She suggested the issue be added to the agenda for the next meeting. Gary Brender, City of Lake Mary, expressed that Central Florida is well represented with Tony Jennings and Daniel Webster in Tallahasee. He reported that Lake Mary currently has $126 million dollars in construction going on in the City. The City is adding three building officials and a planner in the near future. The newest corporate entity in the MINUTES COUNCIL OF LOCAL GOVERNMENTS IN SEMINOLE COUNTY APRIL 02, 1997 Page5of5 City is Brite Boys, a computer generated voice mail type of company, which is looking at a 130,000 square foot area in the Heathrow International Business Center. They are in software development. This will add largely to the employment base with an average salary of $56,000.00 /year. Board Member Gary Furlong referred to an article in the Local and State Newspaper relative to a large reduction in impact fees for commercial development in Volusia County and it's impact on projects. Chairperson Gennell suggested that Board members mark their calendars for first Wednesday of each month for future meeting. 11. Adjournment Motion by Commissioner Brender, second by Board Member Furlong, to adjourn. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 9:27 p.m. Minutes submitted by: Janice G. Goebel, Deputy City Clerk City of Altamonte Springs