HomeMy WebLinkAbout1997 03 05 CALNO Minutes MINUTES
MARCH 5, 1997
1. Silent Meditation
Pledge of Allegiance
Call to Order
Chairperson Gennell called the meeting to order at 7:10 p.m. on March 5, 1997. The meeting was
held at the City of Winter Springs, City Hall (Police Department Training Room), 1126 East State
Road 434, Winter Springs, Florida. There was a moment of silent meditation followed by the Pledge
of Allegiance.
2. Roll Call
Members Commissioner Grant Maloy, Seminole County
Present: Board Member Larry Furlong, Seminole County School Board
Commissioner Gary Brender, City of Lake Mary
Mayor Bill Winston, City of Longwood
Commissioner Ron Sargent, City of Longwood
Commissioner Michael Blake, City of Winter Springs
Commissioner Whitey Eckstein, City of Sanford
Commissioner Carl Robertson, City of Casselberry
Commissioner Cindy Gennell, City of Winter Springs
Members Commissioner Pat Fernandez, City of Altamonte Springs
Absent: Councilman Tom Hagood, Jr., City of Oviedo
Also Present: Dick Gennell, Guest
Frank Kruppenbacher, Attorney (Winter Springs)
Diane Pickett, Time Warner Cable
Stan Stevens, Citizen
3. Approval of February 5, 1997 Minutes
Moved, seconded, and carried to approve the February 5, 1997 CALNO Meeting Minutes as
4. Treasurer's Report
Commissioner Brender reported that the balance remains at $597.25. He is waiting on the dues from
Casselberry, and plans to make a deposit this week.
5. Cable/Public Access Requirements
Board Member Furlong played an informational video tape from Fairfax County, VA. He said he has
spoke with several people from Time Warner Cable to find out how the cities, county, and school
Council of Local Governments in Seminole County
March 5, 1997
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board could start a process for local government cable access. Ms. Pickett explained that the
government channel (9), Orange TV could be split with Seminole County. Attorney Kruppenbacher
pointed out that there is a six figure cost to electronically split the channel. Franchise agreements
must include language for cable access.
Commissioner Eckstein said that he would like school information televised for parents.
Commissioner Sargent suggested that the students from local schools participate as technicians in the
broadcasting. There was discussion of concerns about what will be broadcasted; the cities, county,
and school board need to have integrity in the use. Another concern was that each entity receive
prime viewing times. Each entity will have a block of air time, and each entity will have control of
content. Board Member Furlong said he sees the entities beginning with videos they have on file that
are of production quality, and a character generator (approx. $10,000). Commissioner Eckstein
suggested presenting a mission statement to each respective Commission.
Mo ion. Bo .rd M-m.er F.rlon. on in e to work i h Atorne K ,s-n' h-r o -n-r.te
resolution for CALNO to review at their next meeting.
Motion by Commissioner Sargent. Second by Commissioner Brender.
Discussion. Chairperson Gennell said that once CALNO votes on the resolution, then each member
will take the resolution to their Commissions. Attorney Kruppenbacher said that he and Board
Member Furlong would attend the individual meetings for support. Chairperson Gennell asked
Attorney Kruppenbacher to send the resolution to the Winter Springs Deputy City Clerk so it can be
mailed with the monthly CALNO agenda packets.
All ayes. Motion carried
Board Member Furlong's program received positive comments.
There was a ten minutes recess which began at 8:25 p.m.
6. Telecommunication Tower Task Force Update
The task is getting closer to completion. Chairperson Gennell is hoping that the grid will be available
for the next meeting so the cities can mark their tower locations on it. Discussion of moratoriums.
7. New Municipal Interlocal Agreement
Copies of the "Intergovernmental Planning Coordination Agreement" from Seminole County were
distributed. CALNO originally initiated the agreement, and the County has recently revised the
agreement. After a brief discussion the board came to a consensus that it would be best for the
County to manage the agreement. Someone from the county will attend the next CALNO meeting
to explain what is to be accomplished with the agreement.
8. Current Member List
a) Additions and Corrections, and b) Last minute contact numbers
Council of Local Governments in Seminole County
March 5, 1997
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Copies of the member list and programs were distributed. Chairperson Gennell asked members to
have their alternates complete the information needed for the member list and return by fax (327-
6912). It was also suggest that the cities, county and school board add their meeting dates and times
to the member list.
Chairperson Gennell also requested that a last minute contact number (pager, beeper, etc.) be added
to the list for emergencies such as meeting cancellations.
The Chair thanked Maloy for sending her a tape of the February meeting.
9. Reports from Members
Commissioner Sargent, City of Longwood invited everyone to the "Founder's Day Festival March
14 -15, 1997. With regards to Emergency Medical Transport/First Response, there was discussion of
the annexation and involuntary annexation of enclaves. Commissioner Blake said that there are talks
of said matter at the Legislative level. Commissioner Sargent also mentioned that surrounding
neighbors of the "Hacienda House a mental health rehabilitation center (1 block from Grant Street)
are not pleased with the location of the facility. The city and county had a joint meeting with the
Hacienda House to help them find another site. Commissioner Sargent thanked Randy Morris for
his cooperation; adding that Longwood hasn't had a relationship with the County in a long time.
There is a new positive attitude at the County level. Chairperson Gennell said that she has found this
to be true over and over the last 2 -3 months; the day to day communication is much better.
Commissioner Eckstein, City of Sanford stated that it is nice to have creative people in the works,
and it's nice to have people to talk with on the school board. He is also pleased with Mayor Larry
Commissioner Grant Maloy, Seminole County Commission No Report.
Board Member Larry Furlong, Seminole County School Board discussed the problem of having
too many students per classroom, yet he said he believes that if there was any way to check the
record, it would be seen that Seminole County puts more children into post- secondary education than
any other county in Florida. He also discussed the need for an agreement between the school board
and the YMCA for their use of the schools facilities for before and -after school child care. There was
also a brief discussion of the School Board's collective bargaining agreement and non -union workers.
Eckstein commented about the A/C systems in the schools; there is no concept of energy.
Chairperson Gennell mentioned that the schools have facilities that are not being fully utilized for
activities such as sports, ceramics, adult classes, etc. (after hours) as opposed to when her children
were in school.
The tape did not record from this point through the end of the meeting.
Commissioner Gennell, City of Winter Springs described the growth and development of Dade and
Duval Counties, both resulting in mega governments, then the gradual decentralization and secession
of more affluent neighborhoods from those county jurisdictions, creating a serious financial problem.
Council of Local Governments in Seminole County
March 5, 1997
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She suggested monitoring and observing those situations because there are lessons to learn from
those events. She also added that it is nice to see our County and the Cities working together; there
are many advantages for cities in the evolving process. With regards to Seminole County Trails,
Winter Springs has placed an item on the agenda to hire a consulting firm to prepare for two (2) trail
heads within the city.
Commissioner Carl Robertson, City of Casselberry announced that the new police station should
be completed in April.
Commissioner Brender, City of Lake Mary said that Crescent Properties broke ground for a new
GE facility (55 acres). Dual Technology (a virtual reality simulation company) is trying to find a site
for a home office within the city. "Lake Mary Days" will be held in May.
Chairperson Gennell said she has no objections to the host city inviting a clergyman for the invocation
at the beginning of the meeting. Food for CALNO dinner "Catered by James
10. Adjournment
Chairperson Gennell adjourned the meeting at 9:35 p.m.
Minutes submitted by: Martha Jenkins, Deputy City Clerk
City of Winter Springs, Florida