FEBRUARY 5, 1997
The Council of Local Governments in Seminole County held a meeting on
Wednesday, February 5, 1997, at 7:00 p.m., County Services Building, 1101
East First Street, Room 3024, Sanford, Florida.
Due to Chairman Gennell being out of town, Commissioner Grant Maloy chaired
and called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m.
Present: Commissioner Gary Brender, Lake Mary
Commissioner Thomas Greene, Lake Mary
Commissioner Ron Sargent, Longwood
Mayor Bill Winston, Longwood
Councilman George Viele, Oviedo
Commissioner Whitey Eckstein, Sanford
Commissioner Brady Lessard, Sanford
Commissioner Grant Maloy, Seminole County
Board Member Bob Goff, SCPS
Commissioner Michael Blake, Winter Springs
Commissioner Pat Fernandez, Altamonte Springs
Absent: Commissioner Cindy Gennell, Winter Springs
Commissioner Earl McMullen, Casselberry
Also Present: Mr. Dave Biddulph, President, Tax Cap Committee
Mr. Paul Carpenella, Legislative Liaison, Tax Cap
Mr. Stan Stevens, Citizen
Commissioner Blake moved to approve the minutes of January 8, 1997,
seconded by Commissioner Brender and approved with a unanimous vote.
Commissioner Brender reported a balance of $597.25. Dues notices have been
mailed to the CALNO members. Balance in account once all dues are received
will be approximately $800.00. There was a motion to accept the report as
reported; the motion passed unanimously.
Mr. Dave Biddulph, President of the Tax Cap Committee did a presentation on
"Statewide Petition Drive that would Require State and Local Proposed Tax
Increases to be Approved by the Voters Mr. Biddulph handed out a copy of the
petition to each CALNO member. Mr. Biddulph also handed out information on a
similar proposal that the League of Cities has been discussing. The members
took part in a round table discussion on the different views regarding this topic.
It was the general consensus that there was merit in this petition drive; but, the
majority felt it was still up to the local government officials to make the decisions
regarding tax increases.
Commissioner Brender asked if there was any information or updates on the
telecommunication towers.
Commissioner Blake stated Winter Springs brought forth a new ordinance last
Monday for its first reading. There were still a couple of unresolved issues in the
document and tabled the item until next Monday at which time a workshop will
take place. Commissioner Blake also stated they had extended their previous
moratorium which was to end January 30, 1997 through the end of March.
Commissioner Brender stated Lake Mary is on their second reading of the new
tower ordinance which they are passing on the expectation that the County and
CALNO can come to some agreement of an overlay type of picture they are
trying to create. Mr. Brender stated the ordinance Lake Mary has is not limiting
or prohibiting in any sense but at the same time it does put some restrictions and
allows them to protect the legitimate needs of government. He also stated the
importance of not laying back and letting staff play the delay tactic with the tower
issue. Mr. Brender also stated the overlay idea proposed by the members a few
months ago is the way to go to create a County overlay for ordinances and let
them build in each one of those places.
Commissioner Sargent stated that his City representative has informed him that
the telephone companies and their proprietary situations do not want to
participate, and he has heard next to nothing about a grid type overlay and this
concerns him.
Commissioner Brender stated his City Planner has stated the phone companies
are willing to participate in the process; however, they will not share with each
other information but have agreed to share the information with the cities and
Commissioner Winston raised the question that there was a recommendation
from a telecommunication's committee that has been turned into the legislation,
and how does this impact the towers if the legislation passes this as far as
knocking the cities out of the tower business.
Commissioner Brender stated the State legislation is trying to prevent too much
government control. They are trying to provide a balance between the public
good and providing an airway service to them. The state level is making sure
that no city prohibits the expansion of telecommunication services.
Commissioner Fernandez stated their ordinance has already passed and they
are providing "bonuses" to companies who are willing to co- locate. For example,
they can build a higher tower if they put two on one than if everyone strings up
their own.
Commissioners Brender and Fernandez have agreed to provide copies of their
ordinances to the CALNO members.
Mr. Stan Stevens stated from a citizen's concern, the entities need to move
forward quickly on this issue. He stated several different tower issues that are
currently in the process of being approved and /or disapproved.
Commissioner Maloy stated the action to be taken is to get any updates from
Commissioner Gennell and circulate amongst the CALNO members. He also
asked for an explanation of the Tower Committee that was formed.
Commissioner Brender stated each city was to appoint one member and they
would meet with the County planner and meet with each one of the providers
and the intent was to establish a grid map of the entire County. Take in each
one of the five providers requirements of where towers need to be and then
overlay each ones demands and try to find areas where they can be jointly put.
Commissioner Brender reported that Commissioner Greene and he attended the
groundbreaking for GE Capital Services today, and they expect to build another
one in June or July of this year. Commissioner Brender attended the chamber
breakfast and heard presentations from Primera, Heathrow and Northpoint and
they all three were very positive of how things are moving ahead. Also, Primera
is coming in with a change where they will be reducing their request from
700,000 square feet of retail space down to about 65,000 square feet and
adding on about 1,000,000+ square feet of office space.
Commissioner Sargent announced that the Founder Day Celebration will be held
for the second time on March 15th and March 16th.
Commissioner Viele reported the City of Oviedo turned down the tower request
last week which may cause some legal problems for the city, but also passed a
95 day moratorium to give them an opportunity to try and get an ordinance in
place. The Rouse Company closed on mall property and will start foundation
and bridge in the next week or so. This property has been annexed into the city.
Commissioner Lessard reported on the bicycle police patrols in the historic
district and the Goldsboro area in Sanford. He hopes a number of other cities in
the County will take a look at the national studies and hope to have that going in
the next month or so. Mayor Dale is working on the "bug" issue.
Board Member Goff reported the Teach -In is February 11th, and banquet will be
held the same evening. Mr. Goff took a pole on how each entity votes either by
voice or roll call: Lake Mary both (resolutions by voice, ordinance by roll call);
Longwood both (procedural by voice, but when money is involved or
ordinances by rool call); Oviedo voice; Sanford voice, unless there is a tie
then they do roll call; County voice; Winter Springs roll call; Altamonte
Springs roll call (ordinances, resolutions, public hearings) voice on all other
items. The editorial in Sanford Herald asked if you had an opinion on crowded
classrooms and where to spend money to call 320 -0003. Mr. Goff stated the
School System had signed a consent decree with the federal court. The basic
parts of the decree is far reaching, it will effect schools in everyone of your
districts. The highlights are the School Board receives a new magnet at
Seminole High School that goes along with the magnet that is the health
occupations. It is designed to draw people from the south up to the north to give
them the outstanding education and this means that tax dollars are going to bus
each and everyone of those children that come up to do that. There are new
magnets at Goldsboro, Midway and Hamilton. Also, you get new magnets at
Lakeview and Sanford Middle. Mr. Goff explained the way these magnets will
work and how they will affect us. Discussions followed on this subject.
Commissioner Blake announced the opening of the new high school and
yesterday the city was treated to a tour of the facility. The school has great
technology, classrooms and the gymnasium is the largest one in Seminole
County, seating 3,000 people. The auditorium seats 860 people and they push
2,600 students through the food service line in two 30- minute shifts. Last
Monday the new Police Chief, Dan Kerr, from Virginia was brought on board
officially. Mr. Blake reported on the Tuskawilla Country Club issue between the
owner and the residents. He also announced they now have the preliminary
plans for a full service supermarket (Winn Dixie) in the City of Winter Springs to
be located on 434, west side of town. Mr. Goff added Winter Springs will be
getting a new high school by the name of Franklin Charter.
Commissioner Fernandez reported the County has started construction on
Montgomery Road. Also, there is a new Baby Superstore coming into Altamonte
Springs. Also, she reported on the piece of property in the vicinity of the CSX
railroad and annexation update.
Commissioner Maloy handed out a list of Information Sources from a free
enterprise perspective and a second handout regarding "Americans for Tax
Reform" for review. He explained how these could be tools to use as information
to get out to the citizens.
Commissioner Maloy adjourned the meeting at 9:20 p.m.