HomeMy WebLinkAbout1996 11 06 Minutes (2) 11/13/96 ] 4 : 0] '5'407 260 34]9 CITY OF LO:"JGWOOJ) !4J 002 ~linl1tes of a Regular~leelillg of tile Council of Local Governments in Seluinole Counlv .' >J ,,,'elliLer 6, ] 996 7:20 p.m. l\ty c,f L ,()1t~(}"l)(ld l"nlJlrnl:"''-iinu I.._'lldnll)en~ 175 W. \Xlarren A\'enm', Lnl1~"",()J [;1. 3',(i50 1. Silent lvteLlitation Pl~dge of Allegiance CAI.L TO ORDER l.'J..l.r called meeting tu nrd"r ilt 7:',/0 p.m. 2. ROLL CALL: PRliSF.l'\T: Comrni8~iul1er Cill'ly (1"1111<;11, \\ryinter Sprinio1"i COUlmi.,,,ioller P,lt h'T!l.Uld".;. Altarn,)nte .3pr;llgs; COlmni5sioner Gary Brender, Like M,uYi C()l!llJli~~joller Ron Sa"gl'tll, ('ity of Longwood; and Commissioner Whitey Eckstein, Sanford ARSEi\T. CnmmiH:<ioll<'r Garl J\lcMullcn, C'ad8elherryi Coun.,;lm,Ln Tom Hagood, Jr., ()vlt,do; Conul!i~"ioner p,l! \'l'arr,"" Se1l1inole CountYi dn,l B()oH..! ,\lC'tlllwr I..,rry StnclJer Suuiw"I,> County School Board Al.80 PR[~SE:.lT: Pre,l B1J..eley, 8,,!;d \'l7.Ble Di":3"'11 Manager, Seminole Count):, Fire Cl,eef I'lI1! \Xl Algc,ri, City of C:18g"U",rry; CeralJille D. Zdmbri, Cily Clerk, Cdy ,,[ l,'n~w(l"d;-:;)(l B",-li" Il Bo"worth, Deputy City Clerk, City of LOl1gwood 3. APPROVALOFOCrOnI"R2, 1996YlIi"lrn~S C'klir Oennell asked membcT3 were there to 1)(' any changes ACTI():'\, By ('OllSenSlIS/ i1~ dwre were 110 .llang'cs, tl,,,, :'\Htlutes were approved, 4. TREASeRER'S REPORT: (\HJlnliAsiont.:r BreHtler rt\porh~tl d bdLHH"T t,f $5l:~.?O. BanL char~t~~', w.ll\ch were rep\.\rtcd pn:\'I'ilLJy, L"1\'~' llcen JI,.-'vcr~..J Lul not yet included ill the "ncrent b.llan~e, when the Jl<lrge" dH' ,,,eluded, tIle baLl.llce willi", approxitlldlely $hOO.OO ConurU6sioner Sarg,'ui jlllnlIJ'h~'''~ City "f I .lmgwoo,! C"nullissiol1cr Annamari" Varca, City ,,,f Longwo"d p"1'"rmne!: City Clerk Geri lambri, Depllty City Clerk Berlin Bmlworlb, J'''\ayor Bill WinHt"n, C;ty Adminishdl(>1" 51.,,1+')11 ~mith, Fm! .Chi",f Cllilrle~ Cklllnan, Nelda P"yoc, PrcRiJent of th(> City of Longwood Historic Pre~"rvati"n Committee. and rred ~ B ' I ," ----- .,'e t.y, L enUIk1 e 1."ou11ly, - 5. PROGR.~~l: A) AItlhulallce IIp,late, City of I..ongwood 1;;1'<:' elli"f Charles Chapman CmmnbHioI'''C SMg"nl: nol",l Sernill,~le Ct'lUlty had al~o heen invited to send a repre,~enl,'llivt' 10 Ji"'ll" (h.- .1,nbllLlllce update. l.ongwood r;iro, Cl,ief Chilrle8 CI"'pm.11l nckrlOwledgcd th", County hall Al,.,1 inf"mhitlon whid, I", w,Jl,L;'l1cluJe in L;, report. Chief Clldprndll pre8ente.-l " hrief lIFiLth' on the Fire Deparlmenl ver9IlS privrtte aml-ula.n"e transp"rl ,.iluahon J {e has been n,,, Chief 18 of the 30 y",at:. I,l' has been ,,'ill. the Cily of LOllllwoud Fire Deparh,,,,,,t. !" lbe 1960", fire '2 -:: '=',l,:,r .:" ,_ - 1= . _ 4 : 11/13/96 14:01 '0'407 260 3419 CITY OF LONG\\OOD ~003 :'\{intlle.- of " Re~uldl :-'1eeting of th.e (~oun~il of L(.h~al (~ovenlnlent~ Itl Serninoll~ (:()unt,~. 1\ ovcmLcr 6, 1996 Page 2 departments were manned by volunteers, except the City of Sanford; Emergency Medical Services (El\1S) wa9 l1on-enstenL Funeral homes were ti,e only ones which provided transport. In the 19708. the County Fire Department was consolidated from a number of volunteer organizations horn around the County. Most departments, during the beginning of the decade, started hiring some paid personnel. E.MS was in its infancy. A two-tier system wall established -- the public ..edor providing first response and some level of care, and the private sector providing tra.nsport. There was very little control over the sygtem at that time. The situation being faced today Legan at that time. What was bemg looked at was not something that carne up Idst year, it was not something thought up in 1995. In the 19808, Seminole County Willi not a "hoice 1Ire,1 to have an arnbulance ct" there Wil.., not enough population. Por most of t.h" 19805 lher'.: Wloll... ouly two .u1l\'tJl~n"e~ ill Seminole COlliIty, one wag nm out of the Ca9selberry area and the other oul of the Sanford area. One had 10 wail quite some time before help wmJd arrive. At that time the County was paying the private sector provide!" a su1stantialsubsidy. In 1987, Rural Metro got a County contract, but did not get a subsidy. . [he City of Longwood got its first ambulant'e in the eMly 19S0H J\tofit fire deparhnentA fCHmd d nee,1 to provide an ill'uJ",lancc III order to ba"k ....p privat" Rcrvice. Th., privah, iittlbuLnc€ 'E'lvice had five ,lifferent owners over the six yeMa of itA contract. In th", 1 99llA the priv.\te ambulance provided two units in the sanford area, one out on the Redbug/ TU3kawilla area, one at their main office in t6e south end of Lon~wood, ill1,l,uH)lher out in tlte \XT e8t Alt,ullonte area The City of Cit88ell"rry r:ire Departnwnt ;.<<1W iUl opporlunilv L.-F,k .in I 9SY-l (l9LJ dnd went into the lranspc,rtITu;;ines8, CommiAf'ioner Sargent asked if the ambulances the fire departments hacl on band were transporting Ol just responding and il1lln w"itin~ f,)!' tlH> pr:',lte .J/lllllJlilnc~e to ~rrive lel Jo tI,(, tr,'Il"portlllg. Fire Cluef Chapman replied most cities which l,ad ambulances, passed dn ordinance ",hid, (:onbinecl very gtrid guidelineg "f when fire departments could and could nat transport. lf tl,e private ambulance was not available and it was al,soluteh. .-t life threat{~nin~ t~nlt.",t;;elH~Y ,lud;nr if it \\'.1:'1 d city ~rnpl()y(>(' or dll"ir fdHllly luclnLer, tb.t:1L tlh~ fin:' Jepiirbtl~~nl'i \vould Le Jlowtjd tc transport. trhe rfJd:':lon fi.re deparbnent:s 3iJ(ju.ired d[nIH1LuICE.~S ~'d:~ IlCC'':llht''- (J -tIlL' 1~lllnL~~l'loA tiHit.~,~.lli...~h 0'. C-'lrreJ when no private tramport was avaiLJ,!e and the fire departments had to do something. C'l~nlnlt~:ii\JTlel F~,'rn;_H1d(J~~ noh.,~4 ~,\lbunoIlt.e S pringg thJu~llt its firHt dnll~ula.n(~; 'I.,L~,t~ till" ~1Jw'.1 dnJ;I1Lult\\,,~ wt.:'r~: ~talioJH>(i in Sanford awl the oll'f'r iJl Casselb,'rry, thougl, Altamontc Spring;, and l.on~wood hit..! rile Lrt~e:.t p"pULit]()ll~ il1 th<. County, and it took a long time to get the private provider ambulance. C.,)..llP;i.:....~i()rtf..r RCll(t.;lln\.rl;r~-l if rlre (~l)i("f ('lhlprn,':ul liad t..lln"'nl ,J...d,j lVitL re~l'l.':('t t,) Cll.nCltl n:"'p\.~l'i~t..' tiHH:\.~ fo:( prl\"d't(' Vcr6U~ pulL" sector, how luany unit>< wee avaiJat.le, .1nd h.ow many hme" (I" hre JepartuHml" c'Jo.perit>IIl'e wilen f.ri,'"I" ambtJance service wa., not ava.ilable. Fire Chief Chapman slated he ilicl not have that information in detail; it depended upon tilE' jurisdidion. He would respond to tl,atquestion later in ilis presentation. Continuing 11i!' update lepnr~: the Fire Chiefs of Seminole County f"rmed an l';xecuti\e Group with lhe intent to discustl common problem", luok fOl- ~olulion8. .mJ do the k~l tlll>Y could witL wlt...l lhey llave. TIt(' fixe department llllits whicb came iIlto place wen' 10 support: t.he five l'nv,itc ~edor amb'lLuc(> "'cations. The Fire Chiefs agrt'ed the entire system needed to Le reviewed_ In 1995 the Executive Group fonned an EMS Sub-Group with direction to examine the current systeIn, look at what was being done and who was doing it. look at all alternati~'es which could be generated and aU pros and cons for those alternatives, and return with a statement of what would be best for aU the citizen~ of Seminole Connty. The EMS Sub-Gwup's findings ..tated the fire departments were already provic:ling dispatch-not oolv to the fire department units but ti,e private units; hre ,1epartrnents were providing hrsl response. Calls to 911 come in to t.he fire departments and they respond with unirn to take care of the sick and injureJ Fire departments were training an EMP, in tIle County Every time a patient had something seriously wron~ with them, th" fire depiU'tment medics had to supplement the private sedor am1ulance personnel becaw.e of Slate requirements. Filr'" departments were doing everything but the actual act of lransportin~ and t.he billing, The RM S Sub-Group recommendati:ln8 included dissolving the two-tier system. going t.o a single lier system. and that flre departmen~ providing 911 b-auspon.. I" ] Q96, foUl "iti",,, ill r~'e "outht.co part of S(,!I1inole County jaint,d Cass,J/'erry in the transport ).,u,;iness January 1, ()"Il"do; JiUluary ] 5, \'\?i!1ter Sprmgs; City of Lon:;1wo"d, rebnlMv ] 5, 'l1ld Marci, 15, l\ltanwnte Springe. <:"illcc' J'H1HMY J <}Cl6, Ihe i.mr cities lid"e triU1;portcJ OveT 2600 p.lticntd; tll<' lire ,1el',utli'''llt~ bave billed ,-,ver $tl:)I),IJOO. of ,.J,ich .>Y",r $'350,OnO 1.,it. J,'~en cnlleded R"",].>n dlU..e numJ,erd--on the :~6()(1 .Hld tl,e dVeJdge dur,;" of b',11l~p"d tLll wonl.1 h,n", 11/13/96 14: 03 '5'40i 260 3419 CITY OF LONGWOOD ~004 }"lillutes (,f" k"'p"Lr J\j"t'lill':: ,,{ (he ('ou,tli.'il of l..oc~l C:;()V(!nlnl~.'n[H lit SiL'":Jlkll.)lc (:nunly :~ oVl.'tIlLn (J, 1996 jOage 3 been incurred by the private ambulance transport provider--fire departments have saved over $200,000 that tho"e 2600 individuals would not be billed, That was a direct saving to those citizens. As it stands currently, Seminole COtUlty, Sanford, and Lake Mary still use the private provider. Seminole County was providing Lake Mary wi.th EMS at this time. The County', Project Review Committee recommended on October 30, 1996 that the County Fire Department get into the transport bUBiness and that hospitals be issued their Certificate of Need and Necessity to allow them to do their own inter-facility tramfers. The County will take tile recommendation under advisement on their agenda at tIleir November 26 meeting. Sanford has stated they were not in a position to enter into the transport business at this time. Lake Mary was loobng at the pollsibility of providing their own EMS, with transport ae a possible future option. Benefits derived from fire dep<utments 11eing in tbe transport bUl-liness included continuity of care, reduced n'-1111b...r "f unil- re9pundlllr;, every major intersection traffic light would ,won hdve the opticom Bystem installed 1m them, which woul.l enabl", fire JepartHlenhl to capture the light, thereby increasing the safety of both fire figbtere and citizens. In conclusion, this evolution started in the 1970s, and what was in existence today was the natural progression of that. The sysb~rn does work. The Fire Chiefs Executive Group and their Sub-Groups constantly review what the fire departments do to improve the efficiency and "ffedive of Hervke wilh the intent of buildill~ tile best SYHlem to take S",mino]e County reHidt'Ills illl., Ill<' f"tme' of trlM"'iJed medic,}1 care, The eV0lutiol1 of EM S would (;ontinue. TLe City of Longwood Fire Dep.rrtmellt h...e trllllHporled dln"",)t 600 individualil v,-ith ils one unit since February 15, 1996, and perhaps up to 15 had to be transported !'y tlHJ pn'.a.le Bedor or anntber Lre Jepartlllent If tL.Ise wl10 have 10 l,e transported I,:; privdle provider amhl.lL.fK'e lo"I..nn.: .1 I,i~ large lI11111Ler 10 just~fy additional JIldnpOWer and \lI1it., it would be addresset!. I..:')ll mw<"iUflel' 'E,.~L'i'teill i!,ked how it. w,llIld b.- JJdrefii'(.d. Fire Chief Chapman responded whatever it took. C0TTllnisL<ioller E"b"t.:.iu ~tat€d he would lI.tve to go to 1, is Commission. Fire Chief Chapman replied h" did everything tluougll his commi"sion. ("TlUIlissioner f:ckstein pointed out hc did nol Hee any lIe~ativ"'s The capibl expenditure, JOWll thf.' r, ,aJ, wo"ld be quite "''''1',-'H;V(' ror "xunple, alo\"er lru(k "',d ever $~)()O,UOI)' jl1~t t., keep up will, lIe'ntJal net.,I, 1<;,,1.1 ", 'w, jl l('M ','Of Lilli! great, but if the private "ector wa" removed, capital budgets would increase over the neJ\.i few yean. hre Chief Chapman noted hi" capi lill Lud~d h"d incre'L~ed ew,ry year 11" lAdS Leen v,rid1 the Fir" [J"p,nll11<'Jl t. \......(}Irul.l;~:"i,nl(;r l:cktclrt dHl not-1JliTlL tl:.c Ill(lIl~Y \"dptun..:>:,J by p"'1Ji..::~tlt trdlHlporl \\.!'l'ulJ p..1}' [cn tl...., \";'\j..'\ldl \.("Iltqn~;nt (JuddY Capibl expendilure money would have to come from the taxpayer, Fire Chief Chapman agreed. There was only a certain number of people in tbe County who would need Ie' be transported regardless of who did tbe transporting. There were "x" number of people who woul,l need thed servi.ce. Wl1at tbe fi.re d(~pdrblleT1t9 have done would rid! inCr€ctB€ ')l d,(~cr(''':ase tllal nUl11.bcr. J\'ro {)fIC wa,~ Bayin~~ tIle In~)n~')' ~cnerah.~J front traIlsporting patient~ IJY fire depar1J1',~nts wOlll.! Off8d the nmning of a f;r,~ deparlrn<.nl h,r ,'xamp!e. tile l:lty of Longwood's anlbulance was over 10 yedrs old and needed to be r'eplaced. The Fire. Deparbnent would l1elp offset the cost ,~J tll.-l' H\;.'W drnh\.1,uh.:e dkClJugll rl~VCU\1( frOtH trd.n;:;<portin~ rbf:' Fire DCPdxbllcont wouL.l :itill (L.) dll' :'f,i:lltt' dlH\\Unr or wnrk it W.J~ Joing, r~ui.re tJ", "'ime nurnher of peniol1ueL but illi'h~(ld of a private CO\ltr.lclnr tab}):; Il."t m, '!ley for tr,m8p"rtil1g 'In'] bllying tlwir Hew ulIil and payilllllheir {"'<)ple, the IlWIW}' would l,e put 1..\<1 inl" ilw I...'ity. Comnltssi0ner IJokste,tl v.ras as yet not convinced. Co[nmis~ioneI l:emanJ~z. dsked if dll Lungwuu(l F:)re [)ep.trlnlt';nl parlllHedicd Wl'"re alFlo tire L~~lllt'r~ hr" l:hie[ Clui'man ~tateJ d'dt ""d,' corre~l. 11/13/96 14:04 '5'407 260 3419 CITY OF LO~GWOOD 1m 005 '\lin1l1..,. of d l<"~~,,LI' '\1ednlb uf tilt' (~nun,~il0r "I Pc J (~'~'\l~nJnH~lIt.. in ~prn;nt'lle l-'(lUHly .:\ avernber (), 1l;96 Page 4 Co!nmi~sioner Fenl<Ludez pointed out a certain ntunber of peraonnc>! needed to be malIltained for an Insurance Service Office (ISO) rating. If the City of Sanford waB trying to attract: more bU8ineB5, Sanford could Imy tItree new ambulances for wllat it would save one large corporation in its annual insurance premiwl'~ by lowering, for exarnp!'-" thE' ISO rating from 5 go 3. In order to keep the ISO at a certain level one's fire departrnent had to have a certain number ,A per,onnel available at all time.. Tile ISO rating determined what one paid on tIleir homeowners/fire insurance. f'ire ('hid l:L.~pll"1ll ,:xpLIlI,.d the ISO wa, " ratinll c0mpauy "..illl 10'''1! c,f["b III J.h:Lollvilll:, A "'lUlber "f inSl1r,UIC" I.:Ulllpallic6 ~e dIe l.sC' ruhng a~ <I, pad of d fonnula iD calculate in;tll',llICC prcnlll'Ull~ for hc'JIl';d dud I,u~"l<';"c". TIle l,)\\'cr tile ISO number, the better the insurance rating. The City of Longwood's ISO rating was ~j.. Corrunissioner Fernandez ,tated when Altamonte Spl'ings figure.l their cosh; of geHill~; into the aml.uLLIlce business, the city a"SUlll<:J" collecltun T.lle of ollly 60 l",reen!. JL ""aH runniu!.: LUll"!. LeUer lhall d'd'_ Ah.ll1h'll!.- ?pring" cll"rged "Hdl [die of $,~\)l! wlt1,in Ih,. citl dnd $250 if tll"j' lived oul."ide the city TL."c eh"r~ed "0 not r"deh II,i' ;VL..Ji"dlC ceiling of LJ;j1:. if ti,e iwt,:"I.J.,J kL; b I)e lrall'l'orleJ mor.., tl'd" five .Ilule", tl,e "il_.\' pick",! up il mit~<,ge clHr~e, M,.tic",,' IiI1ed th" city' B program because they were saving money; the citizens should not have any out-of-pocket expense h,c C:hief l'!.<ilJUhill e_\.pLiincd dIe Cty of Lon~wood charged a n.it fee ,.! $21 J, baserl "ll w]..,! w,'" in plac<, <in.! wlhll aJditiull"'! w;"" ueeJeJ to do thai purt L,f il", job--iran.porting patient" <,ud b,lhn~ tl1erll--f-!t..t W,b ",I.,lt won],] 1", us("l [" offset ambulance provided services. C"nJl1li"3ion,~r ,~ar~eLlt tllltler"lr""J d,e City of ],onllwood l;irc [)epilduwnl, prwr h, lr,l'bl',.rtin~:_ 'JI-il1 n'"polldeil 10 evn~ 911,-".ll. TIle fire perik>lJllcj ,"ere ( n I},e ",:en", wby ,;\"",ld Ihey r..,1 tr,""'purt the illJi\1Ju.J1. ,'JI\d k pdiJ Ln tklt. Fir" Ch i,'[ Cl."pm.HJ ".;:1 tl",1 W.JH ",)ITix:t TIlL' Longwood rin' Del''' dUll''' t '-<1 II """" '3000 ".11" ~,H! ;'c'M "f \\,hid] h5/70 ri~'~<_eJlt, I,;' ,_..\-t-r1 Q,50: '''d~ E:V15.-rel'iled r~lr~ pt"r~onIH.'>l wa~ dIred\l)' Jpirq..; '~\'(Tytl1"l~ 1:.:\.Ct"pt t},,_ t!-;Hl'jp,..rt. (\)JnlHi~Sh)ller B[t;Jndt.~f t~:":plrti.neJ lIe Wt},JJ l.a\'c to look d.t the nUlulwrs If d Ill'V.' .1.rl-ILuL1I1L'l~ bd,J h, Le [d.Hl:l1d..:h;,.d cv,,~ry ~cve,l ye.uo, L" ,\'ol.Jned If tlll" City of J ,ake MdXY wight nol he helter off ldtl[l~ LIlt; [',i",l<- .,e,'kr ,L tl\(,lram;p(.d, f;i.re ('Licf Cbapmdl-' "aid it Wi" tIle ta..xpayera Ite was transporting, wl,ethor they were pii};n~ it in tax"B. aB ill Caflsel1erry, ....;It p,l..yilL~ ,1 user fr:\~, :;U\Jl d;-l Hl thL~ C~ily of Lon}Z\'/,)oJ. \X'itll tb...~ (.1X((-pti~)O of (~'d';;;f;"':llH.:.rJ'Y, it L.h L(:~'n d U~;ji--t L:l~ s.:,'~lt.~nl Ca""LlLerry b.b .1 .'-'p,uate IaA in plac,' fur l!,ir' s~rvice, The City of LI\I~w(>uJ [e" W,lA c'ilcul.d(.J ~c ! b,d tile (,'",1 ,.1' pruvlding tl,i; 5ervictJ would not he home by the taxpayer w~.o does not use tile system. Commissioner GenIl,,1l apprised members tllat the City of \,\Tinter Springs developed iLs Lgnres with the Commission adamant tbat cevenue generated be enough to cover the replaoement cost of equipment. The 1illnlg accommodated tbe currellt'''I''lplnent the j\'dt;Ul' UniL ()WIH...1 '-X/,ute! Springs a~gUlTI'''.1 ,"'wIH'r~hip of ,1.(' ,'uneut c~tl'lil'fI1""(, d',e dl,lq~" ..-'" bC,[ t.o !.aVL' "nuul?L to fund tI,E' pll~ch'd'. of Il"\\' <'qtliptllellt ilt tlw eIH1 (,f it;; l;[dil1'<' 'flle ie''' ,lid II()! .,,','''''fll L" till' Ik""l of dlJJitioHdl ("tjUiP.llII:')It", (HJy tilt' r':>pLh:enll~llt l,f ctlrrently-owlh~(t eqlliprllL-nt ")'tHJ ('^i_"lll~h ,iluLl.lLl!\ce ,^,UltJl.! 1-.i1Yi"' tn Lp replaced CI"'llluCtIl), .",d tI." nWlJey would hdve 6.h1 to cnmc {rolll C;"ner,.ll;und Jll,'lIll,e, \;"" Lit<. tr,m.'pod ["C' 1A','''U ensure the replacement cost. I;ire Cl,icl CJ"'PllJdll ,.t"led thaI W,':i dte dPl'W.lCh of tIle City of LOlle:WOtJd. C'lrnmissioner Glmnel! inquired dbo"t the nwnber of memberB uf the Fire Cl:lief~ ;\s:<ociation Fire C'bi,J (~L,_tpn}dlJ r'('pLcoJ dl1 .',l~"{ f~ ,,-1itit.'i~ ill tll~' (~OllJlty. C0l111lli+.ion.:<T CeLlw"ll "~,bell if tl", Cmlllly r::ire C111"[ waf; itlCluJ,.J in till" ~r,,"p, I'ire Clller 1,'J.,tPlll.!ll ,4"iJ ,,,h,,01,,ie1,, 11/13/96 14:05 "0'407 260 3419 CITY OF LONGwOOD I4J 006 Minute.. "i ,t R(,~l1\ilf '\\ediIl,~ of riw (\.~_ll1ncil of L.t>Lal (~, .venlln(."nl:='t lU S"fHtIlUL.. (~ount), ~~, ,vend,<'r 0, 1 9' !(, Pat~e 5 ('ummiddianer O,'nneli dAbed wh" chaired lhe Group. Fire Cltief Cbapman otated they did not baye a chair; the Group used the consensus-1uilding modeL Commissioner Gennell asked who the fire departments called to do transporting if someone died at the scene, Fire Cl,i.,f Chapm'l11 il.J1sw<:>f(,d il' wad ll';ll<lU\, the funeral home or tI", C"..nner'~ OHice, dependjnt~ nil thr,.~irC1LDlStann~,j Dr. Brown It,1B placed very striel ~uidelillL'" 011 fire depmment per~onJlE'i on wbal we ",ml,! cd!l ""llV" 'w,], cLu!" Uell,'ra II;, , at th"l puint it was lransferred horn a. fire dcpJ.rhIlent problem te> '1 polie\ dCpolrtrnel1t prolJlew 'H1.1IL. !,,,li,., w'uld ...;d"'1 call the Coroner or the funeral home, depending upon the circumstances 9urrounding the event. ("otnnlitH.iofler C3.(,"nIH,1I ~ta.b;:.tllter concern iJ.lwn.d"ll0W 1hif1 lAEllH~- e\'('11veJ ::1.ud would Ildvt..' l'rt.fcrr"1.L 1.11 tilt. Ld~C llf 11er C'ity Commi"sioll, if they l1ad been given thi~ kiml of background briefing on hdlHpm1ing g() lhev ,~ouIJ Lave kn....,vle(l~c...bly addressed the issue. r~ire Chief Chapman explained the Fire chiefs Ex<.'Cutiye Group wanted it to be a. County-wide sYiltem. in 11:" i'lili'll E.\1S ,tudy, tlte private contractor was im,I'lde.! ;n the D;vlS SuI, Group, as tltey wert; _Iud are ,\ viable part of E)\'l S. TI'll' Fire Chief" wanted to look at the 9yElu,...m; if it wail right tile way it Wolf" leave it alotH', if not, ""Lbe if ri~ht. By lhe lUlle tile 1 ;in' Chief!' Executive Group received the Sub-Group's report, intense lobbying had begun on behalf of tbe private provider. All eight member.'! of the Ex('cutive (jroup intended 101,01.1 it ,writ'" of me,'lingswitb edell city'" \.\.>lll1":~,,ion to tlf,dale them of till' Urnup'~ f,ndin~;; and to Ie,'c'i"e ed'l, Commlseiol1'd input. Commissioner Gennell thought the overall consensus was that the Citizens were most happy with thi;; arrallgemenl dud tile citizens were ultimately the ones paying the bills. C:UIIUUlst':ilOI1er i.'CDliU\de'" noh.~J gh~ wa., (,\on.:<iL1.Itlly a~ked to do ~(lnl~thillg a])OtH ~it.il.en-;' d;l)Jn.;~.nJ"':"-" bJ!-:. 'Ill" F'eJb:1C.t:-, d.6out til'" a'h'r,~e co~ll,eillg $325 W,.L[, iTHorr....f TI,(, ch""p.,pt ambuL'H"" bill "],,, Ld.! "ee.' frc'lll d,,, i"ivcite ['roJ,.,.l"l !)V.,.. $450. C,'!\Hll;;;;;ipller Gennell a~k.,d ~:aN"c,lberry F:ire Chief Paul \\7. Al~eri if Cd"8E'Hl(~rry'8 tdX W..e by ret.:yeml'.llll Fire Chief i'l.lgeri Bidted Casselhen-:/s pituation was quite different. Ca.sel1}erry's decipion to proyid., Jmlml"i1ce trar"porting waS net a business decision, it was a service-oriented decision. This wa" one of the highest prionhe" of quality "j life tllat the FIre Department. ((luld rea.IJy w(lrk with. Fire depart.ments "'ere the fir;;! responders on every call. '~'hat Ca98elberry f-ouad wa~ tl,.d i.:ontlJ)'_lity I,f eLite Wil~ pf pC1J'n.u} Cl)lli.:r:rlJ of it:;. c:it-l:.rt..'nB "(11H"referf'l1l111nl \01(-' W,L< d_.;fo"nJ~n~~ly iu_ L1V('r and C,lSH(,lL('lry received ,1 1.25 ~epardtc millag<' on an ad valorem indefinitely. 'Ile City l,aR ill,! dI2th,,)',ly k. ~u ,Ii'< lli,~ll de' l.69. CJE,e!b"rry wac. ICunently well belt'\<' 115, al "bollt I 19 Col.")}"',"-Y l!do" fUlld b"/a",,, ,',H".y."'r.,., .: dOb rwl need t,.., fpceiv<' the 125. C ,,!':><,I].,errv Jo,... not look ,,1 how nl""Y peoplE' wllo are nol payil"~ are t<:cei"'llt; :11e '",n'ice. COUln)l~~iulJ(:r C;elllH,:ll inqu;rcd if Ln' l:.:ln~.' in g{~nt"r<l1. wltJlin 1.1H~ past IS Yt.'dr:1, ,1:" Llr d;:, (it,~, ~'l\l":fl:'_-'!.IH'''! 1).,1\(' diminisl,ed. hre cllid Algeo gaiJ d.t."olutelj H" ;.taled hp. <<'"" proud nf tl", Fd("t tbe fit. ,Iepel/buclll re8p;mJ..,d t,. ft.'''0t !i,.", I L, Il'i LJtl(l h"l;:.t ~(lJlC Ju'<\rc ~o thilt witl, a111bulan((~ tCJn'-.;:rort then" can 1-,e TI1;:IxirrlUll1 utdi7dtion (J personneL 'lie C11;d cl,,'pm.l.n p.;intcd out fire c!"p..,-l" "'nl,, h..", 1".,,," I ~li"b "n ,"l,lition) ,lube'" L..~i,l". 1;,\\2- 1(.., I,i! dl,d ~dp. R) l.andJill11pdate Prcs<:nlatiotl hy: J:rr,l Bbkeley, Soli,l \'(lask Divisioll ;\1 ,lT1age.. , SC'Tninol... Cou1Il;-, Mr. Blah..lcy mention(.,1 be had a ),()'1l1l11 ute \~de" "llOwin~ pre- J Y80 Ol,,'rdlwn, ,ill.! p, ,st.l '-)l)~ "p'"'' lun. d Cl'] ,.,k,.1 L>r dlf' ...~uurt('A}' lr) rt.:~unl ~.JlJ ..110W dH? (\)Ull(';) llH:.'Iulwf8 t.h\;. vicl{"(). T1(' briefly t"ouclH.J 011 hJri L'~I.,b~TOUl'.d dud I.I:-il1)f}" t): 11/13/96 14:06 "O'40i 260 3419 CITY OF LONGWOOD @OOi Minutee of" 1<"';;111.11 \\,'''lil1'; of tlw (~olJncl1 of! ,!\cal C~I)\t..'nlll'I'ld:1 in SenlJnul~ C:;dllnty- ~ ovember 6, 199D Page 6 employment ...",th the County of Seminole In December] 994 the COtUlty Commissione,." deciJcd to look at tbe possibilit) of privatization to ascertain d public/private cost comparison. A,n RFF' (Reql!"st [or Proposals) "'01" general:erl and received Board approval to put out the RFP to receive proposals in early 1996. The SoLd Waste Division came in with the l"w,..;1 [,,<1:::,,]j,1 \'\'dA" Division 11,," llCld ITH,eting. witl, tIle B"ar.l 10 "XI'LWI 1",1" it ..rri".",l "t il" nurllhere ill lh, proposal. The other pn:>posers w"rc aUowed 10 review Solid ~' "st.. Divi"i'~l1 '" prop,),.ll clnA r<"8]"",,1 TI,,, LHldfilll,.,J dnottler 40-+ yeiwi of life. II was probably the mnet valuable asset Seminole CotUlty owned. Cumrni"","er em/llell ,Hk,d if the .Hi yt;dl lif" It,..!nde,l future ~rowlh projedi"1l5 t-.lr. Blab.;!",>, "il.iJ yes. Tl:euretil'dUy. if tile Solid \X.!il~te Division was itwilnleJ th" cnnln.ct. rates wonl.1 not b,. ,jl,l", lo L" raiil<od for Ihne YBilr'l, T~'e contract would he for five yeaTS, hut wa~ citncelaL1e in three by the Board. l~OlUlnlt:18i(Hl(:r T-::'cL"-h:~itl pf)int~ll ,1lll tIpping feeA chdnged tl)(> (;'f1tir~. rnh.!q)!'i~t:'"" ..truchtn' \_ ,'!~u'Ji-.\~iolh~rt.. wOHIJ llk~ planning of the Enterpri~e :Fund out TIle past several years that cCllJd not be done. ComnLil>sioncJ' Gelwdl dohed how Ihi" cha,,~.,d wil h th" l'omtfy runnir:~ It t1ll'lfl~el\'e". ;\1r, Blakeley explained it private firm could only come in as it ;;\.JJcontractor to the Count)'; only d. ,j ng the management of the operation, 'fbey would be doing the day-ta-day operation of tl1e landfill. they would do tile tr,mBfer of the soLd Wil~t('. T~e C<Hm Iv wOlild ,'d"in m"nagement control Seminole County W,1S aJ1rr"~ irnillelv $1:2/t.otl ),el"w tl". Slate .J.ver"i!~; d'l' aVt.~rdg(~ in th.c Stitt. \\'"..lB $.:18/tOTl, S~Tnl'H)le County wa~ (it $;36/t.)1 L.l~t ) (".n '~~'~l~l~ri~llt" (1._.'pnt:~ billH}1t.-.(l 280,000 toni! Sold ',\T3s\e Division was an Enterprise Fundi gelling Ih) tax dolL,,;!, its a user Ice Cih'renR I"'Y a60ul $loO/Y"d1" ,-.t wLid, dw ("'''lIlt.'' ~"bi $,40 for d.isp()5ill. with $120 ~OiIlg to pnvatt' firmg lor L,...ll,'cilOn. Il,wL'r., wOlJd ~d \1n inc.n"'a~e tI'I'.j year,. die C~(nluty diJ IH.t plJl. 1n L)f dTt iIll..~lt:dRe Commissioner Lcl,gtein requested Seminole County not flaul in horn other eOUJ:llics. COnlflli,,~;,,''''r \..;,.,."..11 '''4u;r".1 w],y tI,., C""llh WI",{ "l1t for J.(FP~, ,ylr. Bldb:L,y ~er)Jrl,:(l th., (',-,unl) ""ullet! to "-''''upill'e Solid \'(1,\.;;1,' Divl~i()n'" C(1~t In ",,"ure tho' cih7en~ "I tilt, l'otlllty we"e" gdting lb"ir rl()jl.d,'~ \\rwlk The C(!t,l1tv Board WilC; m,.eting OIl l\ovemher 1"'; dnd jwpefulk tv,mid me b,,, d dd<em,indtion, .L"-1z:. St...i.HL;.~~-.;. ;:;l~V\'fl~ ll,tvunej the L...}unciI tbdt <tli prl'\'dte fjplV:' dppr,),lt..~l\i'Ll dHI (~',Hlnty tlh" t. dl]n] ',' hd.,i ;),)1 ~nne ClUj sean.ll~n;~~ fnr {.~'1E'n1. ACTIO", C()[Hllli,;gi<>il~'r G"TlneU Solicl tiw Coulwil would "gf't1dize Mr, Blabel..,y un" fUllOf<' agcTltla ~o that he ~o111J sLo\\r till.' vld.ep 6, l'lIfini5he,1 B"~~nt'S5 A) AppllilllnH'nl "I i\Jt"n',Jtj~L CAiNe) R('prt'~NIL1tivl';' Con1lni,S;ollet Gcnn.,H ;t.lkd tb.ll '-",IS Jene witl,in the By-lilw cl'iln~e'l ACtIO>;, it Wel, die, 'L'()!l't;'J:5U" of tl... C."mcill" ;JPP"lJlf ILl' :\lttTlIdli\ ,. (,\1 :\() r"I"l'''''I'',oIi".., .11 1~ll'iT JaJlU3TY 1991 meeting. l'~)''1ni.PH.i(J!l(;;r r:t,~n\,~!J1dez. ....t.11,~.fJ :'lh~, h,.~ lw("n ,1::iL(,-J \\.ho war' dle ~-,qrrcnt l'~,"Aj :<C' ]'1:fJn....I'!ILlh\,,~ t, dl' '! I)un..;f [l, ,,,,1,'p:1l<'nt (",,"Ilol iTDC) l~OTlttni~~jnIJe't l....;t.l1ueI! ,1t...:L"llo...vl:Jgt:.d :-tbl..' \\,,'lA dl(' drpoiJ.ltc~d lHt:'lubeJ, 11/13/96 14:07 '0'407 260 3419 CITY OF LONGWOOD ~ 008 ;\li.,lIl..j ,,( <l Rt'~llIM Mevting <lr Ii,., \..\nlTh:il of f,.t;~'dl C~I'\(-'r1ldH'ot~ 'ill SCi.lJin.))c (\1(101 '\''''''nJ" /, I)'I!) Pd~f' / C, 'Ill Il,i ,SiOfH'r F.,nldnrle~ nnt",.J dIe TDC D..,,,,,,, bu medi ng was "till "dwdl1l",! C,'nlllll""ioner Geflll,,11 ".lid if tbe Alt"'rflakH want to "Hen,! [11<' Ci\JNO rrH'ding~, tlwt WiiN fin.., '1'1",,)' "-"llIl.l not t;d L> address the issues Her City Clerk has been instructed t'J make sure tbe CALNO meetinr1~ g"t in the n<~WFpaper, ('\)1 nn; 1+-:1 ,,),'(' I \-n1iloJc/, 'l"l.\..1 if C', lnlnli"~l,}nc.- \. 1eul H,IJ ~ {~d Y 4+Jf"rk w, ~uld f,LX lIH~ ,'1t~en{L t i' .:.\~ ; I I, '11! it Ii "'.' , , (. 'IJld :', .; ACT10:-';, Tiler<' },cing ("msenSl.tS, Commissioner Gemwll said silt' would inlorm he,' Cll'rL I" 1." fL. fnontll/Y ag<,nda for postiug to aU C/.,,.k, who [,,,,,, a Conlnli~"iolJt." as .) nWl1' b..,. "r i 'AI :'\() Bi Update ou Technical Telecommunications Committee Progress \~'(<II,ui""':l~'l.('r (~'~'lIIH..H pre,"elLb;.~tI d. Lrioef r~pod ,-.;.1 dll.i r)rL'~r'in} A nH~l.~bllb W<';1 L,.Ll Llll i'li".ly !-'Ll,"f .lttCIl1l': H,lt <1 ';,;in~i(~ IL.')1Hb'.v repr("Rcntative. ,-d~ t1.e 11l(:etll1~\ 1lH> l'olln('d h;lA l;"p~.,-,;llc,11.1~: r(.'tllt;:-:.f~_,.t ..tdff \'>,urk widl iL. ; [fIt!.\.' V, ; ll:" l~t t ('ornJlli~;.~j(llhtr J~'.'}:?'lttJl1 nuteJ Id,;;t weck'H 'r;n~,,:' I11J.~(I{~ille l).llf HI arllcL-, wlli,Jl L11keJ ;il'dut. tIll' C('f1~tdl,'t'r:-;\ ~;qn. l n,Jii\ ~ t-hb l::,9t,)/-~ dJ.J rtekf"J ~..tll.h l t.')nllli.i~gj01H~r to n:aJ dlt,. t.u.b....IL.. l~,~-'Hllll'~f!]O~~',~1 l~~.(,lldef' in~,~t(:d ~L)ff 1<;;. n-.':iul':\Jt~~,,-i ll~' 5tJ! d)~ 11JJu~lry Jr.Lvt.J,Jcj, tl1Cll tL...~ lthlu;:d.ry 'lnJ ;-;t.tft' \vCI b l, .~~(>tht" to CTf'at" thi", l"~l1fl!rtl' ,.J;'.q,/'~r (~('fllH'U n'(Jl~~.:...dl'.~A I'~!!lIi"'~,l,\rl t", (I"~t.rt ,1 [ei.t...~r tj'l ~L1rf r("'-itdLrl~ d1e h'q~'IC~t. CmuniSSlOner Sargeni thought that a gOClJ idea, \->qny,\.i::::o.;j",~:,.; (:'j'n.l\.'11 Il:lL:~,d Whdj W!l:-i the \"(,'l.l';Cl1titl.:3 tJ d)c l-',iunL:iI AC'TH ):\: TLel'c l",illg ,""h'lllT("Il<'<", Comnli"siotlc'l G<:JI:I,,11 will e"","'", a I.ller W..b ~(ll: lL \1" :,:'iflll'" !; ;1.,Lillg \\-,IH_:n tllE' lJ{~xt nteeting W~lS dUl-J l)l~ sure to illclulie the indu:_slry in, tlH: nexl t.uP("tin~, C) Approval of Amended CALNO By. La,ws dated 10,02-96 l LlI'J.i',~:\.\l.Jf-'~ l';\'lll:,.!l 'L,J:t,J j( tben: \'-.,'crt..' dUY "']'l-'I,.lj '111_'"' t" lfH..' \..:f1:tn~o\.:>~ AC"h )'\: Il; "C>I""""',,<, dw CoulI,;il "1'"""".,1 till' ,:\""'n.L,,.j By L1W" (L.t.,,! .'\i"vemhcl' 2, It)\}/). / "C~'\l,,' r~n~Hl'-'...;o; , \ , jj j ~. 8, Reports f,.um~leJober> \\';nt,." Sprilli:!~ (\ '111 nll;";'~){-'iH-'r (\nd., (;t"uJ1eJl Ul"l..lill' .1. JlJ'_'1 (1('j'II,J! t',:p-;'I' ~.J t,L( 1'.LJ "';t}J f'_' (i.-, Ill,'!! j-'!k \\ I!~t,-'r ::~('rllit.> \dr' I '-,....ii\dl '."11: ;w It.:J I \V.,i ':lld r ji.,l <!- 1'1... l".,I<<fI I.JllLA..m.t"J ~~:,sno. ll,e Cih 1111", $:;', ;;1 "vI"L.. I",,' .L",,,.,j "''I,Ll! flul,ll. J ,.k"I""!,~ I". "I" e"'~€nL \'(.linter Spri1i~A' Cl1riHlrlld/"l l~~drdde wlll he tile 2unJay pn~..._e(il!t~ .rlldn_k~~i\/-ing. ,\ltalT'OIlt.- Sp"ill~ <. \'II)I1~.;':;.,""i(:'Tlt>r' l\'il. It>T'ndll(L.,f (....\_Hluni....<4i.\!lc!: l.-\..rn.u~..it,l. rvill;r1t~\11-\fLHn,)Jdr: [:-:I!nU~::i ''-dd ~<..t,IJL.'\o-'I.. t._) jL~ l:~n.' \",-'Lil...f tJI',:! ;,\'L~C;~' l\,\.~li~., Wl~r,' ~t(ldillt.! t() u'-'c L..Ge LI.~L11~ Pdt'!_.> I JIPn:' \...jIJ he ,:t HU.lttLc, ;It UjI r:(';llt! e\'~ ~l J tl \'-"'111<.; '... T'\f,'.,1 11./13/96 14:08 '5'407 260 3419 CITY OF LONGWOOD ~'\inllte" of ,1 h'c',:"l.H ~l,><,tin~ "f tile \~,I'.Jn4 11 "J \ \ ~'dl ,~. 1V':l'!I1I'I~.ll~::-' II ::::t.ltlJlh)L,:;. C'lfuldy ~~ ;vt'[ll;H': (1! 199t) 1) age ;:) lake ?-tary (~onnllis.sioneT' Gary J{r'("1 j,; ~', r i l)lI.i.JjU:,,~l()I\er I "fellIJ("r r.'_T'(lteJ Ldkt. j\\ary l'{ld t\le ~rounj Lr'l'dl111h \ t."n"nlony l,.r p\ II c.il ull,II'n'.d\: dl du.' if_t~r~dtrdW lnterndt10nal B1L-.ljnctl~ ::.ill" rL~.lLHu(.w'ln.t Sl.lite~ 'lilJ J l,\i b.,L"" L,~L'e ~Lu)' Pf1Z BLlar,l for \Jorlhpoint and Primerid Lake l--ldrY WiiS shl1 deaL,~ .ll~l h. ,t. ,I "'. f 'I \ I,! 1 t ~ l" I , ~ ,f t t' I "I~ ~l I),tl., I' 'n\v I ,."~"'(lod . (~o"tnlnissiOltef' Ron Sa~("!J~ , " tl.....h>Jl.. 1Ch'- :t; rt>I" 'r1I:i ll~" dtld ",-,)()lrll,..;;:<t,..nt.:r \',i':L',l \A~'.le [1...,~,I.....~tot,d d1,J tiH^ l 'It~ ,,! 'Tnll~ """i.IJlt't. Llll'..t~' ,\~}Ii"" nil' I ".rl~\l;("'i.ll\rt~ (~lr'lfl~ r'l'~;\l\Lllr.",f.,ull' b~ L,..Jd ,.';1; -.,1 ",It: ; l~, \.1 n~~t!n.1-.j ! n:'i,.3 Ll~~ltliT\~~ Wi.Hlli.; l)I..ltell.l.1l t)t~'I{:,tl L~ r i '11'.' "';\0".)\ S(11)tn't'd (~(_;nlU115si.)ner Wt,itf.') Lkskill ~_ '1 . rill ... ,-t l i ,; ctt;;'li' !\:f,hntf,d tI-:I.' .~ drLf\I1J \.l:dllli.:t..:.~ I C' "H~y:~'n'c \Vlit'" hanri~ ;.... ; i. nd!L"-';:.' iH,.r., ,i:'II!',;, ..,\j",.~LlrL,.JltIl~ l}.~. L.t.:,cl""l.H yt 'j.! ljn~ 'I'tl:1 {<'l;1 ~I~' II,: j. t'df".!' :;""f...,.j,, ~'f",,',i'iI,l' l'd"eeL, ,::;,1': J',,". "...:\ ,-';"'I1I3<1y' """uL.! ,,[11.., LU ,; ,,_',ll " , i h, II I: Jl ~ . , I T ~ I' I ";~, ll)ol n'" Ell" \l.~ltll!"l' t,lf~1 1111,si-i.Jner ~ .\ 1'''''''''' !), l{ \10 ("J1II ,,'illl,itll T<>lll 1-1";;'0<>(1. Jr, '~ j'r....;,..t.JI: Sl'lniu'lt. t\'llnt, 1.. ',)IlII.uisi-1Un '.I.~iJlll_.,;5-i~l,,('r p,)t \\'clrn'f., ,,;,.,'1 S""Ol-\""lc ("l1lni\ S,;.L"tlll~!__'d.nl . BU.-H'} "crubt~f llar,;, Stll\ t.L.r I :"!,"'';;''1\ , .. i ,1()1 ".~,.\!J.'''' , ", ,I \ I III I [))I.: j 1.-\1 ~f 'i:,n\} ....,:L....l.luk\1 n:,--,vl,L~'Jl '~r",,).,(...t1 1'1, I II \ 'II KDj!C ILI1:. ,,"!,;,,1I,'.; ., I \-lfL~~~,~,' ) V't/\ '\ // /~,,/ -L! <19:~ ,/'/; H(Tlln) '-:;,-'';'I,t.P~;} l)....'1.'l11,_\\ .!,\ ., I!' , d I I4i 009 I . _ '... ~ ': I' . 'J, t .~! I~'" I \,::. !, .1 ,I