HomeMy WebLinkAbout1996 10 11 Letter Re: Telecommunication Towers Technical Committee ce I1 CGJ ~ ce. Council of Local Governments in Seminole County To: From: Jack M. Schluckebier, City Manager, Casselberry CALNO Chairperson, Winter Springs City Commissioner Cindy Gennell Telecommunication Towers Technical Committee October II, 1996 Subject: Date: LAKE MARY LONGWOOD WINTER SPRINGS CASSELBERRY AL TAMONTE OVIEDO SPRINGS fts a result of the increasing number of applications for telecommunication tower locations, CALNO . members, at the October 2nd Meeting, unanimously voted to request that each City Manager and the County Manager assign a planner to participate in a committee to meet with the industry representatives in an effort to minimize tower locations within the county and cities. The object is to develop a countywide plan to coordinate and minimize the location of these towers, and to submit the plan for approval to each city before their second meeting in November. This was thought to be an acceptable time frame since there are existing models available from South Florida and elsewhere. Since time is of the essence, I was directed to fumish you with an excerpt from that portion of the meeting. (see attached), and contact you immediately. Thank you very much for your time and attention to this urgent matter. cc: CALNO Representatives CCI1CGJ~CC Council of Local Governments In Seminole County LAKE MARY SCHOOlBOARD LONGWOOD WINTER SPRINGS CASSELBERRY AL TAMONTE OVIEDO SPRINGS To: From: John C. Litton. City Manager. Lake Mary CAlNO Chairperson. Winter Springs City Commissioner Cindy Gennell Telecommunication Towers Technical Committee October II. 1996 Subject: Date: ~ a result of the increasing number of applications for telecommunication tower locations, CAlNO members. at the October 2nd Meeting. unanimously voted to request that each City Manager and the County Manager assign a planner to partidpate in a committee to meet with the industry representatives in an effort to minimize tower locations within the county and cities. The object is to develop a countywide plan to coordinate and minimize the location of these towers. and to submit the plan for approval to each city before their second meeting in November. This was thought to be an acceptable time frame since there are existing models available from South Florida and elsewhere. Since time is of the essence. I was directed to furnish you with an excerpt from that portion of the meeting, (see attached). and contact you immediately. Thank you very much for your time and attention to this urgent matter. cc: CAlNO Representatives CC IL CGJ" ~ CC LAKE MARY Council of Local Governments In Seminole County LONGWOOD WINTER SPRINGS CASSELBERRY AL TAMONTE OVIEDO SPRINGS To: From: Mayor Bruce Pronovost, Casselberry CALNO Chairperson, Winter Springs City Commissioner Cindy Gennell Telecommunication Towers Technical Committee October I I, 1996 Subject: Date: Po a result of the increasing number of applications for telecommunication tower locations, CALNO members, at the October 2nd Meeting, unanimously voted to request that each City Manager and the County Manager assign a planner to participate in a committee to meet with the industry representatives in an effort to minimize tower locations within the county and cities. The object is to develop a countywide plan to coordinate and minimize the location of these towers, and to submit the plan for approval to each city before their second meeting in November. This was thought to be an acceptable time frame since there are existing models available from South Florida and elsewhere. Since time is of the essence, I was directed to fumish you with an excerpt from that portion of the meeting, (see attached), and contact you immediately. Thank you very much for your time and attention to this urgent matter. cc: CALNO Representatives CCILCGJ~CC Council of Local Governments in Seminole County LAKE MARY SCHOOlBOAAO LONGWOOD WINTER SPRINGS CASSELBERRY AL TAMONTE OVIEDO SPRINGS To: From: Mayor Lowry E. Rockett, Lake Mary CALNO Chairperson, Winter Springs City Commissioner Cindy Gennell Telecommunication Towers Technical Committee October II, 1996 Subject: Date: ~ a result of the increasing number of applications for telecommunication tower locations, CALNO members, at the October 2nd Meeting, unanimously voted to request that each City Manager and the County Manager assign a planner to partidpate in a committee to meet with the industry representatives in an effort to minimize tower locations within the county and dties. The object is to develop a countywide plan to coordinate and minimize the location of these towers, and to subrm the plan for approval to each city before their second meeting in November. This was thought to be an acceptable time frame since there are existing models available from South Rorida and elsewhere. Since time is of the essence, I was directed to furnish you with an excerpt from that portion of the meeting, (see attached), and contact you immediately. Thank you very much for your time and attention to this urgent matter. cc: CALNO Representatives CCI1~~~CC Council of Local Governments In Seminole County LAKE MARY SCHOOlBOARO LONGWOOD WINTER SPRINGS CASSEL-BERRY ALTAMONTE SPRINGS To: From: W. Shelton Smith, City .Administrator, Longwoocl CALNO Chairperson, Winter Springs City Commissioner Cindy Gennell Telecommunication Towers Technical Committee October II, 1996 Subject: Date: N. a result of the increasing number of applications for telecommunication tower locations, CALNO members, at the October 2nd Meeting, unanimously voted to request that each City Manager and the County Manager assign a planner to participate in a committee to meet with the industry representatives in an effort to minimize tower locations within the county and cities. The object is to develop a countywide plan to coordinate and minimize the location of these towers, and to submit the plan for approval to each city before their second meeting in November. This was thought to be an acceptable time frame since there are existing models available from South Florida and elsewhere. Since time is of the essence, I was directed to furnish you with an excerpt from that portion of the meeting, (see attached), and cOntact you immediately. Thank you very much for your time and attention to this urgent matter. cc: CALNO Representatives .~ OVIEDO CCJ1CGJ~CC LAKE MARY Council of Local Governments In Seminole County LONGWOOD WINTER SPRINGS CASSELBERRY AL TAMONTE OVIEDO SPRINGS To: From: Mayor William E. Winston, Longwood CAlNO Chairperson, Winter Springs City Commissioner Cindy Gennell Telecommunication T ewers Technical Committee October I I, 1996 Subject: Date: ,As a result of the increasing number of applications for telecommunication tower locations, CAlNO members, at the October 2nd Meeting. unanimously voted to request that each City Manager and the County Manager assign a planner to partidpate in a committee to meet with the industry representatives in an effort to minimize tower locations within the county and dties. The object is to develop a countywide plan to coordinate and minimize the location of these towers, and to submit the plan for approval to each city before their second meeting in November. This was thought to be an acceptable time frame since there are existing models available from South Florida and elsewhere. Since time is of the essence, I was directed to furnish you with an excerpt from that portion of the meeting, (see atta~d), and cOntact you immediately. Thank you very much for your time and attention to this urgent matter. cc: CALNO Representatives CCl1CGJ~CC LAKE MARY SCHOOlBOARD Council 01 Local Governments In Seminole County CASSELBERRY ALTAMONTE SPRINGS '~ LONGWOOO WINTER SPRINGS To: From: V. Eugene Williford '", City Manager, Oviedo CAlNO Chairperson, Winter Springs City Commissioner Cindy Gennell Telecommunication Towers Technical Committee October II, 1996 Subject: Date: ~ a result of the increasing number of applications for telecommunication tower locations, CAlNO members. at the October 2nd Meeting, unanimously voted to request that each City Manager and the County Manager assign a planner to participate in a committee to meet with the industry representatives in an effort to minimize tower locations within the county and cities. The object is to develop a countywide plan to coordinate and minimize the location of these towers, and to submit the plan for approval to each city before their second meeting in November. This was thought to be an acceptable time frame since there are existing models available from South Florida and elsewhere. Since time is of the essence, I was directed to furnish you with an excerpt from that portion of the meeting, (see attached). and contact you immediately. Thank you very much f9f" your time and attention to this urgent matter. cc: CAlNO Representatives CCIL~~CC Councll of Local Governments In Seminole County LAKE MARY SCHOOLBOARO LONGWOOD WINTER SPRINGS CASSELBERRY ALTAMONTE SPRINGS To: From: Mayor Miriam Bruce, Oviedo CALNO Chairperson, Winter Springs City Commissioner Cindy Gennell Telecommunication Towers Technical Committee October II, 1996 Subject: Date: N, a result of the increasing number of applications for telecommunication tower locations, CALNO members, at the October 2nd Meeting, unanimously voted to request that each City Manager and the County Manager assign a planner to participate in a committee to meet with the industry representatives in an effort to minimize tower locations within the county and cities. The object is to develop a countywide plan to coordinate and minimize the location of these towers, and to submit the plan for approval to each city before their second meeting in November. This was thought to be an acceptable time frame since there are existing models available from South Florida and elsewhere. Since time is of the essence, I was directed to fumish you with an excerpt from that portion of the meeting, (see attached), and cOntact you immediately. Thank you very much for your time and attention to this urgent matter. cc: CALNO Representatives OVIEDO CC IL .w ~ CC CouncU of Local Governments in Seminole County LAKE MARY SCHOOLBOARD LONGWOOD WINTER SPRINGS CASSELBERRY ALTAMONTE SPRINGS To: From: Mayor Bettye Smith, Sanford CALNO Chairperson, Winter Springs City Commissioner Cindy Gennell Telecommunication Towers Technical Committee October I I, 1996 Subject: Date: ~ a result of the increasing number of applications for telecommunication tower locations, CALNO members, at the October 2nd Meeting, unanimously voted to request that each City Manager and the County Manager assign a planner to participate in a committee to meet with the industry representatives in an effort to minimize tower locations within the county and cities. The object is to develop a countywide plan to coordinate and minimize the location of these towers, and to submit the plan for approval to each city before their second meeting in November. This was thought to be an acceptable time frame since there are existing models available from South Florida and elsewhere. Since time is of the essence, I was directed to fumish you with an excerpt from that portion of the meeting, (see attached), and contact you immediately. Thank you very much for your time and attention to this urgent matter. cc: CALNO Representatives OVIEDO CC 1L CGJ ~ CC LAKE MARY Counell of Local Governments in Seminole County LONGWOOD WINTER SPRINGS CASSELBERRY AL TAMONTE OVIEDO SPRINGS To: From: William A. Simmons, City Manager, Sanford CALNO Chairperson, Winter Springs City Commissioner Cindy Gennell Telecommunication Towers Technical Committee October II, 1996 Subject: Date: k. a result of the increasing number of applications for telecommunication tower locations, CALNO members, at the October 2nd Meeting, unanimously voted to request that each City Manager and the County Manager assign a planner to participate in a committee to meet with the industry representatives in an effort to minimize tower locations within the county and cities. The object is to develop a countywide plan to coordinate and minimize the location of these towers, and to submit the plan for approval to each city before their second meeting in November. This was thought to be an acceptable time frame since there are existing models available from South Florida and elsewhere. Since time is of the essence, I was directed to fumis~ you with an excerpt from that portion of the meeting, (see atta~), and contact you immediately. Thank you very much for your time and attention to this urgent matter. cc: CALNO Representatives CCI1CGJ~CC LAKE MARY Council of Local Governments in Seminole County LONGWOOD WINTER SPRINGS CASSELBERRY AL TAMONTE OVIEDO SPRINGS To: From: Phillip Penland, City Manager, A1tamonte Springs CALNO Chairperson, Winter Springs City Commissioner Cindy Gennell Telecommunication Towers Technical Committee October I I, 1996 Subject: Date: ~ a result of the increasing number of applications for telecommunication tower locations, CALNO members, at the October 2nd Meeting, unanimously voted to request that each City Manager and the County Manager assign a planner to partidpate in a committee to meet with the industry representatives in an effort to minimize tower locations within the county and dties. The object isto develop a countywide plan to coordinate and minimize the location of these towers, and to submit the plan for approval to each dty before their second meeting in November. This was thought to be an acceptable time frame since there are existing models available from South Rorida and elsewhere. Since time is of the essence, I was directed to furnish you with an excerpt from that portion of the meeting, (see attached), and contact you immediately. Thank you very much for your time and attention to this urgent matter. cc: CALNO Representatives j I' CCI1CGJ~CC Council of Local Governments in Seminole County LAKE MARY SCHOOLBOARD LONGWOOD WINTER SPRINGS CASSELBERRY AL TAMONTE OVIEDO SPRINGS To: From: Mayor J. Dudley Bates, Mamonte Springs CALNO Chairperson, Winter Springs City Commissioner Cindy Gennell Telecommunication T ewers Technical Committee October I I, 1996 Subject: Date: As a result of the increasing number of applications for telecommunication tower locations, CALNO members, at the October 2nd Meeting, unanimously voted to request that each City Manager and the County Manager assign a planner to participate in a committee to meet with the industry representatives in an effort to minimize tower locations within the county and dties. The object is to develop a countywide plan to coordinate and minimize the location of these towers, and to submit the plan for approval to each dty before their second meeting in November. This was thought to be an acceptable time frame since there are existing models avail;:lble from South Florida and elsewhere. Since time is of the essence, I was directed to furnish you with an excerpt from that portion of the meeting, (see attached), and contact you immediately. Thank you very much for your time and attention to this urgent matter. cc: CALNO Representatives cc I1",ce ~ cc Council of Local Governments In Seminole County To: From: Subject: Date: LAKE MA RY SCHOOLBOARO LONGWOOO WINTER SPRINGS CASSELBERRY AL TAMONTE OVIEDO SPRINGS Chairman Dick Van Der Weide, Seminole County Commission CALNO Chairperson, Winter Springs City Commissioner Cindy Gennell Telecommunication Towers Technical Committee October I I, ,1996 J:!.s a result of the increasing number of applications for telecommunication tower locations, CALNO members. at the October 2nd Meeting. unanimously voted to request that each City Manager and the County Manager assign a planner to participate in a committee to.meet with the industry . representatives in an effort to minimize tower locations within the county and cities. The object is to develop a countywide plan to coordinate and minimize the location of these towers, and to submit the plan for approval to each city before their second meeting in November. This was thought to be an acceptable time frame since there are existing models available from South Florida and elsewhere. Since time is of the essence, I was directed to furnish you with an excerpt from that portion of the meeting, (see a~ched)i and contact you immediately.m Thank you very much for your time and attention to this urgent matter. cc: CALNO Representatives (cI1(@~(c Council of Local Governments in Seminole County LAKE MARY SCHOOlBOARD LONGWOOD WINTER SPRINGS CASSELBERRY AL TAMONTE OVIEDO SPRINGS To: From: Ron H. Rabun, Seminole County Manager CALNO Chairperson, Winter Springs City Commissioner Cindy Gennell Telecommunication T ewers Technical Committee October II, 1996 Subject: Date: /1s a result of the increasing number of applications for telecommunication tower locations, CALNO members, at the October 2nd Meeting, unanimously voted to request that each City Manager and the County Manager assign a ptanner to participate in a committee to meet with the industry representatives in an effort to minimize tower locations within the county and cities. The object is to develop a countywide plan to coordinate and minimize the location of these towers, and to submit the plan for approval to each dty before their second meeting in November. This was thought to be an acceptable time frame since there are existing ll'lCX1els available from South Florida and elsewhere. Since time is of the essence, I was directed to fumish you with an excerpt from that portion of the meeting, (see atta.ched), and contact you immediately. Thank you very much for your time and attention to this urgent matter. cc: CALNO Representatives