HomeMy WebLinkAbout1996 10 09 Memo Re: Telecommunication Towers Technical Committee ,.:: P.02 Memoranduln To.. /"1'011'1. Datt!: Subject: lvlayors, ('ounty Commission ('hail'man. Cify & COlm~y Manag(?ys C1/,NO Chairperson, Winter Springs Cil)' Co,nmissioner Cindy Ocnnefl 10/9//996 Telecomnnmicatiol1 Towers Ted111ical Committee As a result of the increasing number of applications [(If telecommunication tower locations, ('ALNO mcnibcl's, ilt the October 21ld meeting, \Inanirnomly voted to request that each City Managcr and thc CO\lllty Manager assign a planner to p~\rtjcjpate in a c0l1ul'1ittcc 10 HIed with the industry representatives in an effol't to minimize lower locations within the county and cities. The object is to develop a l~,>\lntywidc plan to coordinate .md minimize the location of these towers, and to slllllnit the plan for approval to each city before their sccom! meeting in November. This was thought to be an (lcc~ph~bk time fi'ame since there arc existing mod~ls available from South Florida and elsewhere. Since time is of the eSSClKe, 1 was directed to furnish you with an excerpt frol1llhat portion of the l)1eeting, (see atlach~~d) and contact YOldmmcdiately. Thank you very much ror your time and allcntion \0 this urgent matter. cc: CAT ,NO Represcnlati yes 10-09~8b 01 :58 PM PQZ OCT- 7-96 MON . '" , ' '.",,~ . : : 611 ,"" CITY OF OVIEDO p, 2 ,., . ... Mr. Strickler stated the mission is to have the technical staff of each mllllicipality work together with the industry, either pes or cellular, to develop a plan to minimize towers now and in the future and report back in 6 weeks because this has already been ac.com.plished in South Florida. . o(\~Motion made by Commissioner Brender that each one of us take back to our respective tf'ct\\"~-<em..i8si8:a9"'a. Fequest from CALNO to encourage each city to appoint a planner to e.O~- participate within 30 days to work together with the industry, either pes or cellular, to develop a plan to minimize towers now and in tbe future and let the cities go out and do this within 30 days and see wbat they come up ~ith. Motion seconded by l\fr. Strickler. It was decided that staff would coordinate the meetings an,d determine what needs to be accomplished after they are given direction related to where they need to end up. Commissioner OeIUlell questioned when they should expect results. It was determined they should report back to each City before their second meeting in November, some kind of commission approval 01 least an overview of how this can be accomplished and let the commissioners in their last meeting in November say they like the way staff says it can be done to solve the problem and then give direction to go accomplish this. Commissioner GeIUlell questioned if this would result in an interlocal agreement. It was pointed out it may end up that way and would probably be more effective, but that staff could determine this. Motion carried unanimously.