HomeMy WebLinkAbout1996 09 18 Letter Re: CALNO's Recommendation of Municipal Membership on Expressway Authority Board '" ~@~~ SEMINOLE COUNTY EXPRESSWAY AUTHORITY 520 W. LAKE MARY BOUL.EVARD, SUITE200 SANF"ORD, FL.DRIDA 32773 [4071323-2500, EXT.5740 GERAL.D N. BRINTON, P.E., . EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR September 18, 1996 Commissioner Cindy Gennell CALNO, . Chairperson City of Winter Springs 1126 East State !oad 434 Winter Springs~ ...J-7Ierida 32708 RE: CALNO'sRecommendation of Municipal Membership onixpressway Authority Board Dear Commissioner Gennell: The term of one expire this coming. . regardiag this municipal position Historically, CALNO has serv . g municipal representatives to serve 011 the Expressway Authority. 0 will continue to assist in this process apd place this matter on its 2, 1996. As Mayor Smith is not. .. re-election she will to * Expressway Authority. H since the next phase coostruction (JIte "Missing Link") extends through the city liJlrits of Sanford, ~ from Sanford may be appropriate. I am eDd6sing copies of a recent Project Status Roport and color map for the GreeneWay "Missing Link. ~ may be helpfol to file cALNO membership in recommending a municipal representative. Expressway Authority provi. that municipal officials within the County the Board of County ~ held by Sanford Mayor Bettye Smith will . will need to take official action After CALNO's action each of the seven cities will be asked to endorse CALNO's recommendation by placing the matter before their respective Council or Commission for official action. The cities then need to advise the Seminole County Board of County Commissioners of the action taken prior to the County Commission meeting of November 12, 1996. AUTHORITY MEMBERS TOM HAI3tICD, JR., VICE CHAIRMAN BETrvE SMrrH DARYLMCLAN, C~MAN PAT WARREN DICK VAN OER WEIDE WIN ADAMS RANDALL C. MoRRIS , Commissioner Cindy Gennell September 18, 1996 Page 2 If you or other members of CALNO have any questions regarding this matter, please do not hesitate to give me a call at 323-2500, extension 5740. Very truly , <kiaW~~- Executive Director GNB:gw (calreqst.lt) Enclosure(s) cc: SCEA Board Members, w/enclosure