HomeMy WebLinkAbout1996 09 11 Minutes 1 2 J 4 5 6 7 8 Y 10 1 . 12 1 "\ 14 1 "'. 1 r 1 ~ ll:l 19 ;. ;. 7. 1 22 2 'j 2-1 '\<: l,J 26 ;' ~; t'-< SEP-23-199S 11:03 CITY OF ~AVE MRRY, FL 407 324 3098 D.0~ MINUTES OF THE CALNO MEETING he Id Wednesday, Septembel' 11, 1996, 7: 00 P.M" Lake Mary City Commission Chambers, 100 Nort.h Country Club Road, 1. Silent Meditation Pledge of Allegiance Call to order Thp meeting was called to order by Chairperson Cindy Gennell dt 7:00 P.M, Special thanks was given to Chick-Pil-A for catering dinner. 2 . Ru 11 C 1:111 COMlnissilHwr' Pdt W.:trren (In'rived Late) Ldrry Strickler Commi '~":ioneI: Cindy Germell CO!"!;:'} loner Gary Brender Co,,- i oner Ron Sa.rqent COlfill., .;i.t')Jlcr Turn Hagood, .Jr. County Commission County Schonl BORrd Wi' t <:r ~prings Lake Mary I.ongwood Oviedo C'0lliJ1' i ss j onc:r Pdt Feu":tndez Absent CVlIunissioner Ear 1 McMlll ten - Absent (':Hnmi S~ ioner: Whi ley Eckste in - Absent AILam0nt~ Spriny~ Casselbe Sanford J, l\ P p!' 0 val t) f J u n ~ 5, 19 9 6 M i nut e s ~u 3 i 2 Thp minutes of th~ June 5, 1996, meeting were acc8pted a5 prosentvrl 4, Trea3ur~r'9 Report J) ]] C0mm1Hsioner Brender reported the current balance is $581.36. The h~nk 34 has been charg inq $8 peL' month ~ervice charge which st.al:tf.'(1 over t hn 35 St;mmer and he would be contacting the bank and try to get that money 36 t.ctck. He Lt;:celved $50 in dues which have not yet bEe'en d(~po:-;11.ec1. 3' 3' The Trpa!"ilt r^pr' S Report. was ac,'p.pted as presented. .; '1' 42 43 44 4t; 4 (~ 47 48 49 'j 0 JI r;pr i n I lN~ n t Lc TrllJ r is t Deve I opmen t. Comm 1 t tee Chairman Gennell said ~arl McMullen had resigned and she would like to serve on thtA committee. MDtlon WdS made by Larry Strickler to appoint Cindy Genne1l to t.ne 'T'ourist Development Committee, seconded by Gary Brender' and motion carried unanimously. 6, App0int.rnenL to Juvenile Justice Committee ">1 Chalrm...n Gennel1 selid this committee tlad two meetinqs. The- 8X(!('td i..'{~ S? I1'lP(d.iDg5 .-'J(<" n..--t,i the first Fri1.=ty of every mont.h, Seminole County ')1 Servjce~ Rui1ding, at 8:30 A.M. ;'he1r council meets the second Friday "4 uf (>very (lwnt.h, Educational Supp rL Center, at. 8:30 A,M. CALNO MEI:;'I'ING September-11-96-1 F J:: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 1 12 13 1.4 15 1 f; }7 18 1 9 20 2J 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 :34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 SEP-23-1996 11:04 CITY OF LRKE MRRY, FL 407 324 3098 p.02 Ron Sargent volunteered to serve on this committee. Motion was made by Gary Brender to appoint Ron Sargent to the Juvenile Just.ice Committee, seconded by La('ty Strh::kler and motion carried unanimously. Chairman Gennel] introduced Uick Hudson, Office of Management and Budget of Seminole County for a presentation on the gas tax. Mr. Hudson said F.S. 336.025 authorizes the program, the rate is optLonal from l-cenL Lo 6 cents per gallon, it permits the development of an inLerlocal agreement to det.erroine a distI:ibution formula in I i Au of ~tdndard formulas, and it establishes procedurAs for resolution~ "f di$pl..t..(~S L'8gardlng di:.;;tribut1on. ,>1r. Hudson Said LIt(~ Seminole County Code ls the operative device I (,r ':'slabli~hinrJ Lhe lnf::'thod of djstr i but j on arHi collection of the tdX, Ther,:: is not a 6-cent.s t_ax tmt. actually two separate taxes whi ch .)....t== used t09o~her: a 4-cenLs t~x ~ffectlve September 1, 1983 Lo August 31, 2013 and a 2 cents tax effective September 1, 1985 to August 31, 2015. Both can be extended and distribution is in accordance with the interloc~: agreement. Mr. Hudson said the interlocal agreement is [or the distrihution of Lctx dur-ir1q the (Lnat.ion of the tax. He dIdn't know if the int~rluc.:~ d9TE~t~mt':nL hdd d separate early out, but it is required to re' ;,u:'qot.idtt-'/.ti.' c5Labli::jh the distrlbution each year. Florida Stat.\Jt~s requireR the re-establishment of the distribution method periodically even if there is no interlocal agreement. If the standard distributiu~ fnrmula is used inst.ead of an int.erlocal agreement., it is estab1ish~rl t,t. UIle pulnt and tll,_~TI stays in ~ff/:::"ct for 10 years. Xc. HudsOl1 said lh~ interlocal agreement was ~igned on August 12, 19~6, by Al tamonte Springs, Lake Mary, Oviedo, Sanford, Winter Springs and Semino 1 e Count.y which established the distl'ibulion formula for calendar years 1988 and thereafter. The County portion was established at 6:1.6% (lnd the muni(:ipal portion at 36.4%, which was distribut.ed by formula. Any l..hdBYE~ j n disLL'lbution has to take into consideration <:lny l)()/Id C,)VPflaJlts '..lr f.-.l~:dqes of bond I:JIQceed::.; fL'om those U"1xes. MJ. Hudson Su id t he municipal shaLe is bas(.~d on a i loat inq, five Yl'::'ar formula whidl is ddj usted annually and is based on certain elig .l.blc transportation expenses. ComlTussioner 1 Dcl uded in cUJ L (; IjLll!"-!lI t. . Sargent quest,loned why Long\'/Ood and Casselberry were the participation when they didn't sign an inter' 1 iiCd I Mr. H~dson said the state does not ~equire 100% of the municipalities to agree but 100% does have to participate because it is a County tax. Mr. Hudson 5<1.id qua Ii fied expendi tures include publ ic transportdt i un operation and maintenanCf~; ruadway/right-ot-way maintenance dll<.t equ i pment. i road',vay /right~ of '-way drai nage i street lighting; traf fie signs dwl enY.l.1It..~el.'in9, signalization and pavE~menl marki ngs; bridqe maintI:;'TI<.1f1I"_! CALNO MEETING September-11-96-2 SEP-23-199S 11:05 CITY OF LRKE MRF~, FL 407 324 3098 P.03 1 and operation; debt service and current expenditures for transportation 2 capital projects including construction/reconstruction of roads. J 4 Mr. Hudson said there was a challenge provision in the statute. Any 5 challenge has to be made to the Administrative Commission in Tallahassee 6 but the part ies agreed to go thL'ough th is process: sllbmi t the objection 7 writing Lo the Seminole County Office of Management and Budget which 8 would provide CALNO with an analysis of the challenge within 30 days. 9 CALNO will, within 30 days, hear the challenge at a special meeting 10 called solely for said purpose at which CALNO shall render an advisory 11 and non-binding opinion as to the validity of the challenge. Once the 12 opinion is rendered, the city with the disagreement would apply the 1 J d i s,~greement to the Admin i st.rflt ion Commission. L-l- 15 Mr. Huason sdia the agreement Shall remain in effect for as long as 1he 16 taxes exist and can be extended in 3D-year increments. ,.., ) r 18 L9 20 21 2;:> 23 24 25 26 27 7.8 29 30 31 32 33 34 3'5 36 37 38 39 40 4 ] 42 4j 44 45 46 4/ 48 49 50 ') 1 52 53 54 55 Comm1g::;)oner Sacgent asked if then~ was a time limit in which thi~ money must be spenL. Mr. Hudson said he didn't think so. Chairman Gennell thanked Mr. Hudson for his presentation and preSe!lled him a token of appreciation. 7. Pr0gr'dms a. 1;rJe 11 Connected Community Richard Fogelsong, Chairman of the Poli tics Department of Roll ins College and President ot Well Connected Community of Central Florida, came forwal'd to speak on the communi ty computer network they have created. Mr. Pogelsong said they were a "civic computer network." and is something new and spoke on some of the challenges confronted .in a computer paqe. There i 8 t~he probl em of anonymi ty and is not the same kinds of rest raintB as in face- to - face relationships I and they commi tted to u::;ing comput.ers and on-line communication to reinforce existing geographical communities. Another problem is it hasn't provided services t.hat bnn(!fit. ()n1innry people. The idea if a Well Connected communit.y 1::; tCJ ,:rl'cttl~ an ou-linl;~ cOIllput~er forum that will provide servlces dnd informAtion about local areas. They are a civic urganization, have ft citizen basea board, were founded in response to a citizen lrlitiative, but are also a computer network. Their web si"Le is a very comprehensive array of information and services about Central Florida, contains concept maps (weather, sports, government, culture, entertainment, etc.) and when someone clicks on those sites, it goes to other data bases fur information. They have been in existence for one year, have plans to enhance thei r site in order to use a search engine to obtain informat.ion on services. etc. They plan to have a calendar of events, are talking about pr()viding E-mail and plan within the year to have "chat rooms" to talk abuut public policy is::;ues. Mr. FQgelsong saId a organization in Orange County called County Watch pulled together the leadership of both republican and democratic parties a program of initiatives that could be taken in Orange County to try to CALNO MEETING September-11-96-3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 19 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 SEP-23-1996 11:05 CITY OF LRKE MRRY. FL 407 324 3098 P.04 improve access to CQunty government. They decided to create their own citizen based civic network to facilitate the exchange of information and serviCAS. They decided it should be locally oriented but regional in scope, citizen based, have both promotional and operational roles. As they go forward Lhey will be encouragiMj local governments to have a web presence. Mr. Fogelsong said the Orlando Sentinel had announced they would be starting "Digital Cities" t,hat will otfer similar services. He encouraged everyone to visit his site. Mr. strickler asked if any schools utilized these services. ~1..t". Fogelsong said they had a represenLaLlve from the OrangE' County put)l ic schools on their board and as they go forward, tel t there was i't lot of room for connections there with libraries, schools, arts organL"ations, etc. and provide public access to computers. Mr. Strickler said t.he Seminole County School Board just hired a Chief Information Ufficer, and would be ~harjng Lhiti information with him. Commissioner Brender asked about the phySical cwpects and where and who would be providing this connectivity. Mr. Fogelsong said civic networks basically have two options. One ls to have dial-up services where people call on the phone line. Sprint.. has offered initially to give them free lines but wouJdn't last forever. The other course of action is to have an internet location and no phone lines are needed. However, for people to access, they need to have a way of getting on the internet through work, AOL, Compuserve, etc. Not everyone has one of those memberships but are fairly inexpensive, around $10 per month. SIDE IB Chairman Gennell thanked Mr. Fogelsong and presented him with a token of appreciation. Chairman Gennell called for a break at 8:05 P.M. The meeting reconvened at 8:14 P.M. b. S~m1nole County Traits Task Force Report Jeff Payne said he was an engineer and got involved in trails becau8~ he heard a ~tretch of railroad was being abandoned. He got involved wiLh a citizens group working to convert that railroad I1ne into a paved, multi-use facility. One trail starts at east Winter Park to Oviedo and Winter Springs, dnd includes a connection in the south shores of Lake Jessup. Another trail, Seminole-Wekiva, runs from Altamonte Springs to Lake Sylvan and is slated for eonstrllction jn 1998. On the east side of old State Road 13 is a natural alignment for hiking running by Chuluot.a and Big Reon State Forest. Mr. Payne said the County Commission funned a 'Trails and Greenways Tat,k Force cons isting of representatives from each ci ty, some at 1 arge appointments, and representatives from user groups for a total of 24 citizens. The thrusts behind creating this task force was the need fClr CALNO MEETING September-11-96-4 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 3 1.4 ] 5 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 4 ~ 44 45 46 47 4B 49 50 51 52 51 54 55 SEP-2J-1996 11:06 CITY OF LAKE MARY, FL 407 324 3098 P.05 regional coordination, these trails needed to have roots in the conununity, and they held a charrette and came up with a plan and policy recommendations. The city of Winter Springs has created its own task force. Mr. Payne said the benefits of the trails are preservation, recreation and transpol"tation. The corridors presHrve r:lbbons of green, can p~utect sensitive lands, aids in stormwater management and can function as bufters. For recreation there are paved and natural trails. These Lrai Is addres~ the concerns of quiet, open space and hiki ng paths. These parks make connections between offices, parks, schools, etc. In order to build these trails they need ac.~quisition, development. and operation. Commissioner Pat Warren arrived at this time (8:20 P.M.). Mr. Payne sald a major concern is that of security dnd they have talked to the Seminole County Sheriff' s Department and have agreed t.O put bIcycle pat.r'()lmen on the trails. Scme t.rai15 have had succes~ with ~ivilian bike patrols. Mr. Payne pointed out that it's a choice between a trail or an overgrown railroad. They could form an adopt-a-trail program and civic clubs take care of portions of the trail. Mr. Payne said LL'd.i 15 act like a communi ty' s front porch, prov i.des preservation of natural corridors, recreation for residents, and provide means of transportation to neighborhoods, downtowns, schools and parks. Commissioner Brender asked what the city governments can do to plan. Ben Grlfflth, Semin(Jle Count.y Planner, [-;aid the main thing is to just be aware of an existing or proposed/planned traoll. He tried 'to keep up wi th all t.he count.y and state pr"oject.B and try to work with them. He said they would be making a presentation to Lake Mary at. t.hE" Sep1.emb(Jr 19th Commission meet i.ng. The most. important lh i n9 is i.ntergovernmental coordination between the county, the cities and task force with the opportunity to come together. Chairman Gennell thanked them for their presentation8. Chairman Gennel1 distributed a letter from Donna McIntosh regarding the status of Ame.r.'ica's brief. eha t rman Gennell distributed a revised CALNO meet tng/program li st. Chairman GennHIl distributed a n~vised CALNO member U st with changes in City Clerks. 8. Unfinisheq Business a. New Stationery Chairman Gennell said Commissioner Eckst.ein was having Seminole Hiqh School de$ign t.h~ stati.onery and should be bringing a draft to the noxt CALNO MEETING September~~11'-96 -5 I- b. 1',-1 SEP-23-1996 11:07 CITY OF LRKE MRRY, FL 407 324 3098 P.06 1 meeting. 2 3 Commissioner Sargent said that Longwood was scheduled to host the 4 October 2nd meeting and hCld a problem with the ambulance updat.e because 5 most of the fire department would all be gone that week. 6 7 The October 2nd meeting will be hosted by Oviedo and 8 Commissioner Hagood will come up with a topic: to discuss. 9 10 'L'he November 6th meeting will be health in Longwood and 11 discuss the Landfill and Ambulance Updates. 12 13 JO. Reports from Members 14 15 CeJuuni ssioner Warren said the County was coming along in most areas awl 16 could respond to any questions the member~ may have. She (meou. a.ged 17 everyone to get out an vote. 18 19 Mr. Strickler: said in November there would be two new SCL. \1 board 20 memt/ors, Larry Furlong and Bob Goff. 21 22 Mr. Strickler said regarding Charter Schuols, there is no dangel ,P 23 new Wint.er Springs Hj gh SchOol becoming a charter school. 'fhH 24 philosophy he is hearing is charter schools are not totally separate and 25 independent entities. The school board still has the responsibility for 26 those t~x dollars and making Sure whoever wants to run a charter school 27 1s capable. The school board wants to work with somebody dCO 28 developing a charter school but they want to find some niche JfIdrk( ,;j dnd 29 needs that are not being met now. They also want to make sure they 30 start small enough with some pilots 80 they can measure performance dnd 31 make sure the people they are dealing with are people they could entrust 32 to move onto bigger and better charter schools in the future. 33 34 Commissioner Gennell had no report but encouraged everyone to set up a 35 bike task force. 36 37 Conunis!,Jioner Brender said Lake Mary continues to deal with water. They 38 are working with Seminole County and St. Johns River Water Management 39 District in forming a t.ri-party agreement as far as control on the 40 Cryslal Lake Basin to allow the Count.y and City to provide some kind of 41 structure to control the basin without having to go to St. Johns each 42 time. 43 44 Commissioner Brender said new office bui ldings going up soon include 45 HTE, BellSouth, office building and two hotels in Primera. 46 SIDE 25 47 Commissioner Sargent announced qual! fying in Longwood opened last f'riday 48 and will end september 20th. 49 50 Commissioner Sargent announced that the Parks and Recreation Def.lartment 51 is sponsoring a dog show on September 21st. 52 53 Commissioner HagOOd said Ovl,,1do was currently 'Working wit.h t.he Or1c1ndo 54 Sports Couunission and Seminole County t,o make a bid to have the U. s. 55 Tennis Association relocate their headquarters to Oviedo. CALNO MEETING September-11-96-6 9 10 1 1 I 7. i 8 19 20 "'1 ., 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 18 39 40 41 42 43 44 ~5 46 47 48 49 50 ~1 52 53 54 55 SEP-23-1996 11:07 CITY OF LRKE MRRY, FL 407 324 3098 P.07 1 2 3 4 r; [. Commissioner Hagood said oviedo was in Lhe process of getting a Parks and Recreation and Sidewalks Master Plan developed in support of doing a citizen referendum on a bond. Chai rman Gennell asked about the Cf)HVent i on center. Commissioner Wi) rren said it was at a standstill but It may happen in the future. Cha i rman Gennell asked abnu t. thfJ S LOLIllWctler issue. Commi 5S ioner. Wa.rn:n SaId that issue would be on the ballot. Mr. Strickler said in regard to towers, does the County and/or the cities see a need for coming together to get some controls of pes and cellular-type towers. Some municipalities dnd counties have forced the 1. try to the table to co]}aborative]y develop a plan the industry and lmental entitles can live with and minjmi7.E> th(~ number' of tulctl ~ that will cv~r go up, and maximize cooperation amon,] comppt.itors, '.~ are no experts in government on this issue but are a lot of s Itants who give advice. Citizens are going to demand more nnn-land 't. Hervices, the demand for towers wi 11 bf"! ffinre, and the <""j '-'5 will ,. " uf' lot of towers sea t terp.d 11 11 over the county. 'r,.!€.' ~ ~"; no fol. 'l'here is a way to st.ructure it through a comp(l:~!lnn:,,>~. vC j".lanning arrangf.}ment th.;it forces tl".e industry to help come up wi t.h a solution. They needed to start now before there is too much of a demand for tower space to work together~-industry and local governmpnt5 county- wide. 4 Commlssi( location w, , H~9ood said they needed to mak~ sure they are placod in a ,'e another prov ider comes in, they C8 n use the same t :.n~er . Mr. St.rickler said the competitors don't want to share information wit.h c~aGI other. There are common tower 1 ora t ions Chat" can mE~et. UIP i r' rlf~t~d!'i for the next l~ to 20 years, and they know gener~lly where the locatiuns are. They could be located in football stadiums, above a light tower, on churches, schools or muoici.pal pI.'operti.es. The industry and government l1ef!ds can be d.ccuIlunouaLed at. the same time as long as the government entities force the industry to come to the table and work t.ogot hp.r on that common goal. He recorruut::-nded CALNO talk and work toward that. Commissioner Brender said Lake Mary just. passed a moratorium on new t('1wers. They Cllt a dedl. with one company that will provide for up t.() fc')ur other supp] i ers and construct the pol e to accommodate the extra providers. Commiss iont....r Ha']ood asked where they would f i od someon~ wi th enough kno~ledge to explain it and give a recommendation. Mr. Strickler sdid lhey the industry in the room with a representutive from each company, tell them the goals and obje~tive5 to minimi~e the number of tnwer~, and work it nut. The i.ndustry will come up wit.h a so 1 ut i,m if they want to do bus i rW::;G in your' c i t.y OJ: count. y . Chairman Gennell ::;aid she would put discussion fJf Conununicat ions Towers on the next agenda. Commissioner Brender asked about eCOJ'tOmtc incentives. CALNO MEETING Sept.ember-II - 96 --7 SEP-23-1996 11:08 CITY OF LRKE MRRY, FL 407 324 3098 P.08 1 Commissioner Warren said they had set as ide $250,000 and anot.her 2 $200,000 in contingency that could be pulled for the right project, dnd 3 they are being more selective. 4 5 Chairman Gennel] questioned t.he numbE:!r of jobs these incent.ives act.IJrl.lly 6 provide and was something they should look closely at. 7 8 Mot.ion was made by Commissioner Brender t~o adjourn, secondt;>d 9 by Commtssioner Sargent., and motion carried unanimously. 10 '1 There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 9:25 P.M. 'mmissioner Cindy Gannell r'" ; rman 18 19 20 21 CALNO MEETING September-l1-96-8 ! I r .~I ~'. ;-1:"0