HomeMy WebLinkAbout1996 07 29 Letter Re: Martin County vs. Yusem (Status Report) STENSTROM, McINTOSH, COLBERT, WIDGHAM & SIMMONS, P.A. ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELLORS AT LAW WILLIAM I.. COLBERT ,.RANK C. WHIGHAM CLAYTON D. SIMMONS ROBERT K. MCINTOSH DONNA I..S. MCiNTOSH WILLIAM E. REISCH MANN, .JR. CATHERINE D. REISCH MANN .JAMES .J. PARTLOW EDGAR ..J: HEDRICK III SUNTRUST BANK. SUITE 22 200 WEST F'IRST STREET POST O"F'ICE BOX 4848 SANFORD. FLORIDA 32772-4848 SANF'ORD (40'7) 322-21'71 ORLANDO 140'7) 834-511D F'AX (40'71 330-23'79 KENNETH W. MciNTOSH OF' COUNSEL DOUGLAS STENSTROM AETIAt!:D THOMAS E. WHIGHAM C'852"'888) July 29, 1996 Cindy GameD, ChaiIperson CI1Y OF WINTER SPRINGS 706 Meadowbrook Drive Winter Springs, FL 32708 ( Re: Martin Countyv. Yusem(StatusReport) Case No. 87,078- 4th District No. 93-~025 Dear Cindy: I .,. Enclosed pJease.tjod a copy of the Oral AI:. ' Notice in the above referen<:ed matter. Oral Arguments have been granted and set fur Monday, ovember 4, 1996 at 9:00 a.m Mr. Groot and/or I may attend the Oral Arguments. We are not p . s to the appeal and would not be presenting arguments to th~ Court. Should you or the Council have any questions, please feel free to contact me. Very Tmly Yours, STENSTROM, McINTOSH, COLBERT, &. SIMMO , P.A Enclosure 'l.;,',.j f:'Oles'dlm\1trs'9one1l.4:drJ.