HomeMy WebLinkAbout1996 07 19 Letter Re: Martin County vs. Melvyn R. Yusem, etc. Case No. 87,078 Maximum of Twenty Minutes to the Side .. I ....;.-...I:~.CO..i:t-:.;:.:...... ~r.,At:.......,.f1: 0" .~.tti"~,":." is: ',,;1'\ l~' *;,,:. A"\3.\ .~",p .. ..... \l"~' jo,: . ~~... . e.i " . ~.. f L ~",' I-c' r~"",. ',.;.. :1' 'Ql ..~. ..' ...., .,.~~...~~.. "-.1~_~~ SUPREME COURT OF FLORIDA OFfiCE OF THE CLERK TALLAHASSEE 32399- 1927 SIDJ. WHITE Clerk DEBBIE CAUSSEAUX ChIef Deputy Clerk Phone (904) 48&-0125 July 19, 1996 ORAL ARGtJMENT NQTICE Re: Martin County vs. Melvyn R. Yusem, etc. CASE NO. 87,078 MAXIMUM OF TWENTY MINUTES TO THE SIDE The Court ha$ accepted juridiction and set the above case for oral arqument at 9 a.m. MONDAY, NOVEMBER 4, 1996. Please send to the Court, eitb.er in Word Perfect format or ASCII text format, a 3-1/2 inch diskette of the briefs on the merits filed in this case. PIlEASELABEL ENVELOPE TO AVOID ERASURE. This 9roced\!re is volpnta;ry. COOWSlU" itm %81 PARTIES AU EXP~CTED m AP~l!AR fQi QBAL ARGUMENT - If you anticipate ~ problembeinq present for oral arqument on the. Qaeeassi9J)ed, you should call this office within liD ~.. oftb.ereceipt of this notice. If we do not hear from you, the Court will expect you to appear for argument as scheduled. DTVl~iP~Ql ~ - If there are multiple parties, coun$el shall agree on a division of time. PR.E'~T+Q:rg. ECB. QBAL ARQJ]MENT - In preparing for your appearance before the Court, you should be conscious of the fact that the Justices have read all the briefs filed in this matter. Moreover, each Justice has on the bench a concise summary of the fact.sof the case. Counsel for the moving party should, nevertheless, give a sbqrt, concise statement of the material facts and the points relied on for reversal. ~~.Ql .~pNAL QPERATtNG PROC~~f:S- I have enclosed a copy of thOse portions of our "revised" Manual which bear on procedures for oral argument. ~IMI~ ~~ES - If you are aware of any cases similar to yours pending in the Court, please advise this office immediately. 'j;;";",;-"",,,,-, ~ .. Page Two ( The Florida state University College of Law instituted a program of videotaping all oral arguments and maintaining a videotape archive of Florida Supreme Court Oral Arguments. A copy of any arquDlE!ftt on videotape is available for reviewinq in the law library at no charge with two days' notice. If you would like to have access to the videotapes for your oral argument preparation, theColleqe of Law welcomes you. If you want a copy of the videotape of your oral argument or other arguments for client briefing., lawyer traininqor other pUrPOses, there is a fee of $150. For more details, please calLMark Evans at 904/644-3405, or write: Sup.reme Court Videotape project,FSU Law Library, Tallahassee, Florida 32306. "In accordance with the Americans With Disabilities Act, persons needing a special accommodation to participate in this proceedinq should contact Sara Gainey not later than seven days prior to the proceeding- at the Supreme Court. Telephone: 904-922-5518: 1-800-955-8771 (TDD), or 1-800-955-8770 (V), via Florida Relay Service." Thank you for your cooperation. Most cordially, ~.. . ~.4t..:l Sid J. White SJW :sq Enclosures cc: Mr. Gary K. Oldehoff warner, Fox, Seeley, Dunqey & Sweet Mr. Lonnie N. Groot ./Ms. Dotma.L. McIntosh Mr. Tamara A.. McNierney Ms. Joni Armstronq Coffey Mr. Thomas G. Pelham Ms. Jane Hayman Ms. Sherry Spiers Mr. Terrell k. Arline Mr. Michael L. Rosen Mr. Stephen E. Abraham