HomeMy WebLinkAbout1996 06 05 Minutes COUNCIL OF LOCAL GOVERNMENTS IN SEMINOLE COUNTY JUNE 5, 1996 CALL TO ORDER The Council of Local Governments in Seminole County meeting was called to order by Chairperson Gennell on Wednesday, June 5, 1996 at 7:05 p.m., in the Commission Chambers, Casselberry City Hall, 95 Triplet Lake Drive, Casselberry, Florida. MEMBERS PRESENT Commissioner Pat Warren, Seminole County Commission Board Member Larry Strickler, Seminole County School Board Commissioner Cindy Gennell, City of Winter Springs, CLGSC Chairperson Commissioner Earl McMullen, City of Casselberry Commissioner Gary Brender, City of Lake Mary Commissioner Ron Sargent, City ofLongwood Councilman Thomas Hagood, Jr., City of Oviedo MEMBERS ABSENT Commissioner Whitey Eckstein, City of Sanford Commissioner Pat Fernandez, City of Altamonte Springs ALSO PRESENT Commissioner Daryl McLain, Seminole County Commission Kevin Fall, Seminole County Staff Dick Hudson, Seminole County Staff John Dwyer, Seminole County Staff Jack Schluckebier, City of Casselberry City Manager Mayor/Commissioner Bruce Pronovost, City of Casselberry Commissioner Owen Sheppard, City of Casselberry Commissioner David Henson, City of Casselberry Thelma McPherson, City of Casselberry City Clerk Donna Gardner, City of Casselberry City Commission Secretary Honorable Lee Constantine, State of Florida Representative COUNCIL OF LOCAL GOVERNMENTS IN SEMINOLE COUNTY June S, 1996 Meeting Minutes Page 2 APPROVAL OF MINUTES MOTION: Councilman Hagood moved, Board Member Strickler seconded, and motion carried unanimously to approve the minutes of the May 1, 1996 Regular Meeting of the Council of Local Governments in Seminole County. TREASURER'S REPORT Commissioner Brender reported all members dues had been paid. The ending balance remained at $607.29 since he had not yet deposited Seminole County's dues check. PROGRAMS A) LOCAL OPTION GAS TAX DISTRIBUTION FOR 1997 A presentation of the Local Option Gas Tax distribution for 1997 was made by Kevin Fall, Seminole County. Mr. Fall distributed a chart to the Council showing the allocation of the LOGT funds given to the cities since Fiscal Year 1990/91. He further noted that Seminole County's portion ofLOGT funds is fixed per the interlocal agreement of63.6%. Commissioner Warren requested that a breakdown of the transportation related expenditures in each City that have been subsidized by LOGT funds for the past two (2) years. The Council concurred with Commissioner Warren's request. The Council also concurred that the issue of possible LOGT distribution alternatives be placed on the September, 1996 CLSG meeting agenda. Chairperson Gennell also requested that copies of the LOGT distribution interlocal agreement be furnished to the Council as well. B) 17-92 TASK FORCE REPORTIUNIFORM SIGN ORDINANCE UPDATE Commissioner Daryl McLain and Seminole County staff member John Dwyer gave a report of the recommendations by the Spirit of 17-92 Ad Hoc Task Force that will be presented to the Board of County Commissioners. One of the recommendations will be a countywide CRA, to span along the entire U.S. Highway 17-92 corridor, and that the CRA be zoned such that money generated in different localities will be spent within those same areas. Another recommendation will be that a uniform countywide sign ordinance be implemented using the developer's agreement concept, and that exclusionary zones be utilized for roadways with natural beauty or historic significance. The Spirit of 17-92 Ad Hoc Task Force passed a resolution pertaining to billboard regulations to the Seminole County Commission on May 16, 1996. A work session with the Board of County COUNCIL OF LOCAL GOVERNMENTS IN SEMINOLE COUNTY June 5, 1996 Meeting Minutes Page 3 Commissioners is scheduled for June 11, 1996, to present the final report of the Spirit of 17-92 Ad Hoc Task Force. Another work session is scheduled with the Board of County Commissioners on June 25, 1996, to request further direction on the billboard recommendations made by the Task Force and its sub-committee, the Tourist Development Council, and Seminole County staff Board Member Strickler stated he served as a member of the Spirit of 17-92 Ad Hoc Task Force sub- committee, and gave further supportive input as to specific issues addressed by the Task Force regarding billboard regulations. Discussion ensued regarding comparisons of the County's and the individual cities' current sign regulations and the potential impacts of the Task Force's recommendations. Commissioner Warren was in favor of the developer's agreement concept. Councilman Hagood and Commissioner Brender voiced concerns regarding countywide billboard regulations, since their respective cities do not currently allow new construction or reconstruction of existing billboards. Commissioner McMullen voiced similar concerns since Casselberry's sign ordinance has proven to be effective with its more restrictive regulations to date as well. UNFINISHED BUSINESS A) NEW STATIONERY Chairperson Gennell stated that at the last meeting it was decided that Commissioner Eckstein would contact the Art Department at Seminole High School for assistance with the new CLGSC logo. Due to Commissioner Eckstein's absence the item was tabled until the next meeting to be held on Wednesday, September 4, 1996 in the City of Lake Mary. NEW BUSINESS Chairperson Gennell reiterated to the Council that the issue of possible LOGT distribution alternatives and the unfinished business of new stationery would be placed on the September 4, 1996 meeting agenda. REPORTS FROM MEMBERS Commissioner Warren - Seminole County: o Reported the Board of County Commissioners will continue to study the ALS Transport issue throughout the month of June, 1996. o Reported that a referendum regarding implementation of a stormwater program will go to the unincorporated County voters in November, 1996 if the issue is not resolved by the County Commission prior to that date. COUNCIL OF LOCAL GOVERNMENTS IN SEMINOLE COUNTY June 5, 1996 Meeting Minutes Page 4 Board Member Strickler - Seminole County School Board: o No report. Chairperson Gennell- City of Winter Springs: o Reported the Wmter Springs City Commission is currently working on the City's Fiscal Year 1996/97 budget. o Reported the Winter Springs Police Chief recently resigned and the City is currently advertising for his replacement. Commissioner McMullen - City of Casselberry: o Reported the City of Casselberry was actively involved in objecting to the City of Altamonte Spring's request for a permit regarding the proposed Lake Orienta Flood Avoidance Plan which would pump millions of gallons of untreated stormwater from Lake Orienta through Prairie Lake and the Triplet Chain of Lakes to the ultimate destination of Lake Jessup. He further reported that currently, the City of Altamonte Springs has withdrawn its request for the matter to be heard at the June 11, 1996 St. John's River Water Management District Board meeting, and a new meeting date had not yet been scheduled. o Reported Boss Capital, Inc., has tiled a federal lawsuit against the City of Casselberry because its application to open a new adult entertainment establishment on U. S. Highway 17-92 was denied. Commissioner Warren stated she supported the City of Casselberry's position on the matter, and that she would work toward getting a consensus of the County Commission to assist Casselberry in anyway possible with the matter, including funding if necessary. Commissioner Brender - City of Lake Mary: o Reported the City of Lake Mary has continued to address the stormwater matter, with the main issue being the Crystal Lake basin, and it would be further discussed at their next City Commission meeting to be held on Thursday, June 6, 1996. o Reported he had appeared before the Sanford Airport Authority Board meeting on Tuesday, June 4, 1996 to address concerns regarding noise abatement. He also noted that he is a member of a citizens committee looking at the noise problem associated with the Sanford Airport. He addressed some alternatives such as extending runways at the airport and approaches other than west to east. Commissioner Brender also reported that the City of Lake Mary Commission passed a resolution stating the City's objection to further development of the scheduled airline service and charter development at the Sanford Airport, along with further development of the airport itself until the noise abatement issue is dealt with effectively. o Reported that Bell South is tentatively planning on constructing a 150,000 sq. ft. office building in Lake Mary along the 1-4 corridor.