HomeMy WebLinkAbout1996 03 27 Memo Re: Recommendation for Tom Hagood of Oviedo Appointee to Seminole County Expressway Authority CCI1CGJ~CC LAKE MARY Council of Local Governments In Seminole County LONGWOOD WINTER SPRINGS CASSELBERRY ALTAMONTE SPRINGS OVIEDO March27, 1996 To: Gerald Brinton, Seminole County Expressway Authority From: Cindy Gennell, CALNO Chairperson Attached please find the minutes of last night's Special Meeting indicating that Councilman Tom Hagood of Oviedo has been recommended by the Council of Local Governments to be reappointed to the Seminole County Expressway Authority. PLEASE SUBMIT TInS RECOMMENDATION TO YOUR COMMISSION AT YOUR VERY NEXT MEETING AS TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE. CCILCGJ~CC LAKE MARY SCHOOLBOARD Council of Local Governments in Seminole County LONGWOOD WINTER SPRINGS CASSELBERRY AL TAMONTE OVIEDO SPRINGS March 27, 1996 To: Commissioner Whitey Eckstein, CALNO Representative From: Cindy Gennell, CALNO Chairperson Attached please find the minutes of last night's Special Meeting indicating that Councilman Tom Hagood of Oviedo has been recommended by the Council of Local Governments to be reappointed to the Seminole County Expressway Authority. PLEASE SUBMIT TIllS RECOMMENDATION TO YOUR COMMISSION AT YOUR VERY NEXT MEETING AS TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE. ~ Cooneu of Local Governments in Seminole County LAKE MARY SCHOOlBOARD CCI1CGJ~CC LONGWOOD WINTER SPRINGS CASSELBERRY AL TAMONTE OVIEDO SPRINGS March 27, 1996 To: Commissioner Pat Fernandez, CALNO Representative From: Cindy Gennell, CALNO Chairperson Attached please find the minutes of last night's Special Meeting indicating that Councilman Tom Hagood of Oviedo has been recommended by the Council of Local Governments to be reappointed to the Seminole County Expressway Authority. PLEASE SUBMIT TIllS RECOMMENDATION TO YOUR COMMISSION AT YOUR VERY NEXT MEETING AS TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE. CCILCGJ~CC Council of Local Governments in Seminole County March 27, 1996 LAKE MARY SCHOOlBOARD LONGWOOO WINTER SPRINGS CASSELBERRY ALTAMONTE SPRINGS To: Commissioner Earl McMullen, CALNO Representative From: Cindy Gennell, CALNO Chairperson Attached please find the minutes of last night's Special Meeting indicating that Councilman Tom Hagood of Oviedo has been recommended by the Council of Local Governments to be reappointed to the Seminole County Expressway Authority. PLEASE SUBMIT TIllS RECOMMENDATION TO YOUR COMMISSION AT YOUR VERY NEXT MEETING AS TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE. \ OVIEDO '*- -.---..--. ......-. ,.~_.-~- -~.~.... .-...--" CCI1@~CC LAKE MARY Council of Local Governments In Seminole County LONGWOOD WINTER SPRINGS CASSELBERRY AL TAhlONTE OVIEDO SPRINGS March 27, 1996 To: Commissioner Gary Brender, CALNO Representative From: Cindy Gennell, CALNO Chairperson Attached please find the minutes of last night's Special Meeting indicating that Councilman Tom Hagood of Oviedo has been recommended by the Council of Local Governments to be reappointed to the Seminole County Expressway Authority. PLEASE SUBMIT TInS RECOMMENDATION TO YOUR COMMISSION AT YOUR VERY NEXT MEETING AS TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE. CCILCGJ~CC LAKE MARY Council of LocaJ Gowmments In Seminole County LONGWOOD WINTER SPRINGS CASSELBERRY AL TAMONTE OVIEDO SPRINGS March 27, 1996 To: Commissioner Ron Sargent, CALNO Representative From: Cindy Gennell, CALNO Chairperson Attached please find the minutes of last night's Special Meeting indicating that Councilman Tom Hagood of Oviedo has been recommended by the Council of Local Governments to be reappointed to the Seminole County Expressway ~uthority. PLEASE SUBMIT TInS RECOMMENDATION TO YOUR COMMISSION AT YOUR VERY NEXT MEETING AS TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE