HomeMy WebLinkAbout1996 03 15 Letter Re: Seminole County Expressway Authority (2) ~@~~ SEMINOLE COUNTY EXPRESSWAY AUTHORITY 520 W. LAKE MARY BOULEVARD, SUITE200 SANF'DRD, FLORIDA 32773 [4071323-2500, EXT.5740 GERALD N. BRINTON, P.E., . EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR March 15, 1996 Commissioner Cindy Ge1uJ.ell Chairman,CALNO c/o City ofW~ SPrings 1126 E. S.R. Winter SPrings~ orida 32708 Dear Commissioner Gennell: The State Statute establishing the Seminole County Expressway Authority provides that the five (5) County 0 (2) elected municipal officials within the County .serve as Authority that the Board of County Commissioners select the municipal . days of a vacanc.y ~I. 'The comptltion of the term of Oviedo is noWfPm us. position held by COuncilman Tom I:{agood While notl~ tradi~y served as a forum serve OJIdle Expressway Authority. term expiring and now find for this and hope CALNO will County C with a consen Expressway A.... '1 of Local Governments (C~<:)) has . epresentatlVes to HagoocfYs ogize in providing the of 'w~(k> sit on the COUIlCiImaJlYRaJ9qd(has served one his desire to be reapPoiDtW. on the( Authority and has expressed As you may recall from the past it is ~ that.EACH MUNICIPALITY TAKE OFFICIAL ACTION to recommend a municipal representative on the Expressway Authority. Accordingly, I would like to request that each City recommend the reappointment of CouaciIman Hagood or appointment of another represeata.tive at its first Commission meeting in April. Please advise County Commission Cbairma:n Diek Van Der Weide in writing of the action taken by April 9, 1996, the statutory deadline for appointment of a representative. " AUTHORITY MEMBERS DARYL MclAIN, CHAIRMAN WIN ADAMS RANDALL C. MoRRIS TOM HAGDCID, JR., VICE CHAIRMAN 8ETTvE SMITH. PAT WARREN DICK VAN DER WEIDE Commissioner Cindy Gennell March 15, 1996 Page 2 Again, I apologize for this mistake and ask that you please give me a call if you have any questions regarding this request. VeryttW youn~ GNB:gw (cityapp.1t)