HomeMy WebLinkAbout1996 03 15 Letter Re: Seminole County Expressway Authority MAR-15-'96 FRI 13:13 ID:SEM co. ENVIR SVCS. TEL NO:407 330 9513 1:*694 P02 ~@~~ -.-,-.---..--..----.--...-....-. ....-..--.........-.-.-..-- -.--.---.-.,-.....--.-. '-.- -"._........_-,._~, """--'--"".,' SEMINOLE COUNTY EXPRESSWAY AUTHORITY 520 W. L"KE M...H'" BOLJLEVARL>, SUIT" 20[') 5....n'1..[>. F"d''''DA 3277~~ !4U71:3 :<::3-2!::.OO. r..,. ',/40 GEICAl D N e""NTON I=' r::. .. r "EeLj'!''If !J'''f.T'' 0" March 15, 1996 Commissioner Cindy Gennetl Chatrnulfi, CALNO clo City of Winter Spring~ 1126 E. S.R. 434 Winter Springs, Florida 32708 Dear Commissioner Genntll: The State Statute establishing the Seminole County Expressway Authority provides Utal the five (5) County ComnusslOners and two (2) elected mmucipaJ othcials wuhin Hit' (\)unr~ serve as Authority members. The Statute also provIdes that the Board of Count) COHa})i;-'l)hm~1 ~ select the municipal members ~ two-thirds of ~municipalitie,s.jQintJy recQmmendjI1 writinli: to the..!:&\mIYJ:Qmmjs~iQ(~_tltci.LSt~le{..ti...ml.oLilm~~LJQJ: itPpoi01Ult.ULy.ilh.r.n thnty days of a .Y.ac;.am:~. ~{;urriog. The completion of the term of the municipal position held by CouncJlman Tom Hagood of Oviedo is now upon us. While not a statutory requirement, the Council of Lo('al Govt'mmenr\ (CALNt)) has traditionally served as a forum to assist the (;ltit.~,> In recommending mUlUnpill J;;prt':)(..nlative., to serve on the Expressway Authority Unfortuuately 1 we overlooked that CouflCIlman Hagood ..... term would be expiring and now find ourselves with a very short deadline. I smccrely apotugizt for this mistake and hope CALNO will still be able to assist the cities m proY iding the Board of County Commissioners with a consensus re.commendation for a repre~entatJv e In ...il 011 tht Expressway Authority. Councilman Hagood ha!l served one two-year term on the Authority and has ex.pressed his desire to be reappointed. . As you may recall from the pasy.t .is. nece~sary that, F/\CH Ml!NICJPAUTY TAKl; OFFICIAL ACTION to recommend a mUnicIpal representative on the Expn,'~sway l\uthUlllY Accordingly, I would like to request that each City recommend the reappointment of CouncihndIl Hagood or appointment of another representative at its first Commission me.eting in ApriJ.: Pleitse advise County Commission Chairman Dick Van Oer Weide in wriling of the acti,)f1 taken by AprH 9, 1996, the st.atutory deadline for appointment of a representative. ==-.:::.::::.:=:.=:=-::=::::.::..-=::.=:::==--==..::.:.=::.:~~.::::::::::-::..:::=--=== AUTHORI TV ME MBER:.3 ===:::=:::====-___:::.::-:.:....... ___..._.____. iOMH"oOOD. JR" VICECIoIAIRMI\N ~E:'H'ff ~MlTI-I DARVL Mi:LAIN. CHAIRMAN ~._ ..w'''' ~D~"''' ~.U"~"'LL C MaIMIS ~AT WAR~O:" Q',,~ Y ~~ \?li" W5:IOE ,- MAR-15-'96 FRI 13:14 ID:SEM CO. ENVIR sves. TEL NO:407 330 9513 1:*694 P03 Commissioner Cindy Gennell March 15, 1996 Page 2 Again, I apologize for this mistake and ask that you please give m~ a elll If )llU h,I'',t' ;lll) questions regarding this request, Very nul yours,. ~..?~ /.. ~~..~tJ: Gerald N Brinton, P,E, Executive Dirt{:tor (iNB:gw (dtyapp.lt) '-~~~