HomeMy WebLinkAbout1996 03 06 Minutes
MARCH 6. 1996
The Council of Local Governments in Seminole County held a meeting
on Wednesday, March 6,1996 at 7:00 p.m., county Services Building,
1101 East First Street, Room 3024, Sanford, Florida.
commissioner Ron Sargent, Longwood
Commissioner whitey Eckstein, Sanford
Commissioner Gary Brender, Lake Mary
Commissioner Pat Fernandez, Altamonte Springs
commissioner Cindy Gennell, winter Springs
commissioner Thomas A. Hagood, Jr., Oviedo
Commissioner Pat Warren, Seminole County
Vice Mayor Earl McMullen, Casselberry
Larry strickler, Seminole County School Board
Ron Rabun, Seminole County Manager
John Dwyer, Seminole County Current Planning Manager
Stan Stevens, Chuluota Citizen
Kristin Hotaling, University of Central Florida Student Intern
The meeting was called to order by Chairperson Cindy Gennell, at
7:03 p.m. with a moment of silent meditation and pledge of
Mr. Brender moved to approve the Minutes of February 7, 1996, with
the following correction: Lake Mary's online address should read
WWW.GLOBALNET.NET. The motion was seconded and approved with a
unanimous vote.
Commissioner Brender reported the
$656.66. Checks have been received
Sanford, City of Altamonte Springs,
Springs and City of Lake Mary.
balance in the account is
but not deposited from City of
City of Oviedo, City of Winter
A. Update on Uniform Sign Regulations
John Dwyer, Current Planning Manager for Seminole County, gave
update on the Uniform Sign Regulations. Mr. Dwyer stated the
update includes as it relates to all the cities and unincorporated
portions of Seminole County. Mr. Dwyer and Mr. Hardin were tasked
about 1 1/2 to 2 years ago with meeting with all the
representatives from CALNO from the different cities in attempting
to come up with a set of Uniform Sign Regulations. We met on two
or three occasions with several staff members from the cities and
we discussed alot of issues relative to signage. It was very
difficult to come up with a uniform consensus amongst the cities.
We did; however, back in November of 1994, come up with a few
consensus items that we haven't proceeded with due to the County
staff being pulled in a different direction concerning the
billboard issue.
Some of the items discussed at the last meeting on November 17,
1994, were as follows:
1) Animated signs and flashing lights should be prohibited, less
time and temperature.
2) Flags - should be three (3) flagpoles per parcel and they
should not exceed 35 feet in height.
3) Roof signs - should be prohibited.
4) Snipe signs - should be prohibited.
5) Trailer signs, balloons, banners, and other temporary signs be
limited to two weeks prior to a grand opening until one month after
the grand opening.
Commissioner Gennell asked if this was a consensus and how many of
the cities participated in this consensus effort. Mr. Dwyer stated
Al tamonte Springs, Longwood, Lake Mary, Casselberry, Oviedo, winter
Springs and Seminole County all participated in the meeting.
Mr. Dwyer discussed sign heights and stated the consensus was that
20 feet would be a recommendation if we came down to a Uniform Sign
Mr. Dwyer stated that the Sign Ordinance had been put aside because
the Seminole Board of County Commissioners had directed staff to
work and resolve the billboard issue. The billboard companies were
mandated June 1, 1995 to remove all non-conforming billboards.
Staff went to the Board of County Commissioners and asked what
direction do you want to proceed. Do you want to mandate this be
done or do you want to give them additional time. The general
consensus was to go back and look at our billboard regulations and
work with the billboard industry to see if we could come up with
some common ground where everyone could benef it. We have had
ongoing work sessions with the billboard industry and their
The last direction the Board gave staff was to go to the 17-92
Beautification Committee and the Tourist Development Council. The
17-92 Committee appointed a sub-committee of three (3) members to
meet with the billboard industry and the staff of the various
cities and County to try and come up with some recommendations to
be treated primarily up and down 17-92, but also could be included
wi thin the unincorporated portions of the County also. It has been
difficult to get 4 or 5 billboard companies to come together with
one common direction. The sub-committee is attempting to resolve
some of these issues. They have met twice and the next meeting is
scheduled for April 19, 1996.
Mr. Dwyer stated after April 19, 1996, a recommendation will come
from the 17-92 Committee to the Board of County Commissioners
relative to the billboard issue, and another Work Sessions will be
scheduled some time after April 19th.
It was the consensus of all to ask representatives from the 17-92
Commi ttee to attend the June 5, 1996 CALNO meeting to make a
B. Update of Joint Brief
Commissioner Gennell presented members with a copy of the Joint
Brief as filed by Donna McIntosh. The only other party that had
filed a Brief was Thousand Friends of Florida, CALNO and the
County. Commissioner Hagood had consensus from Oviedo to support
Donna's efforts.
A. Discussion of CALNO Bylaws
Commissioner Gennell presented an amended list of CALNO Bylaws and
asked each member to compare with previous handout, and would
possibly just ratify at the next meeting. Commissioner Gennell
also passed out a sheet referring to preamble of bylaws to readopt
and would have retyped, dated and placed in books with tab
referring to bylaws for easy reference. It was the consensus of
all that the bylaws should be reviewed and ratified each year by
the members.
LAKE MARY - Commissioner Brender stated things are happening at the
International Business Center in Heathrow. pizutti came in and
talked with several of the Lake Mary officials regarding some major
retail development, possibly up to 300,000 square feet on the
northwest corner of the city on the other side of 1-4. It appears
HTE Company will be coming into that portion with about 100,000
square feet, and will be buying up an additional 12 acres of land
to the south for possible expansion in the future. Also, there is
a tremendous amount of reconstruction work going on at Primera on
Lake Mary Blvd. Nothing on Builders Square, we thought we had
Costco for awhile but now they are going in Altamonte Springs.
Commissioner Eckstein stated the condition of Rinehart Road
especially going north and south is disgraceful and should be
checked into. Commissioner Warren will bring up under her District
Report at next County commission meeting.
Members discussed incentives and paybacks of companies coming into
Lake Mary, as well as other areas in the County.
LONGWOOD - Commissioner Sargent announced invitation to Founder's
Day Festival which will be held on Saturday, March 23, 1996 is the
opening ceremony at 10:00 a.m. At Longwood's last meeting
Commissioner Sargent asked about telecommunication tax and how many
cities were participating, and this item will be going on
Longwood's agenda on the March 18th meeting. still working with
executive sessions as far as the pay plan goes. Have renewed the
permit extension for the Teen Center. Longwood's businessman of
the month last month was Superior Leather Restorers and the City
Beautification award went to DCC Constructors.
Ron Rabun, Seminole County Manager, entered at this point and
distributed the Seminole County 1996 Legislative Program to all
members. The handout included the Legislative Team, County Support
Staff and Lobbyist, Lamonica Corporation, who was retained by a
competitive bid process. Also included was all of the Seminole
County Legislative Delegation with addresses, phone numbers and
The following projects were discussed by Mr. Rabun as being part of
the 1996 Legislative Issue this year:
- Funding for Greeneway "Missing Link"
- Little Wekiva Restoration Project Funding
- Usage and Eligibility of Tourist Development Tax
- Access to Public Officials
- Legislative Amendments to the Eminent Domain Code
Mr. Rabun distributed video tape of Weki va River to be passed
around and viewed by each member city.
SANFORD - Commissioner Eckstein reported Owen Kelly and a group of
investors next to the mall are proposing a $40,000,000 development,
a New Orleans type with some restaurants.
SEMINOLE COUNTY - Commissioner Warren reported a consultant had
done a study to confirm that paybacks and long term advantages to
the County and the cities regarding economic development are very
successful. Commissioner Warren made a motion to her Board and it
was voted unanimously to enter into a private public partnership
for economic development and form a council to which those
individuals will be invited who have benefitted from the process to
become members for both the selection and the financial funding.
The County is looking into along with pizutti to enter negotiations
to possibly build a Civic Center and hotel. We are going into some
workshops to look at both codes and impacts with cities to make
more user friendly for the citizens in Seminole County. The
ambulance situation is being put to the Program Review Committee
which will also include representatives from Homeowner Associations
to look at this and take a citizen's outlook on it. In about 6
months the committee will make a recommendation to the Board after
their study is complete.
OVIEDO - Commissioner Hagood announced that a Technical Committee
headed by Winter Springs to discuss the BattleRidge area was being
formed. Commissioner Gennell said it would be more like a Steering
Committee that the City Manager had asked for to open and
facilitate communication and take input and use what input they
get. Oviedo Council Chairman Phil Hampton has recently submitted
his resignation to allow him to run for the Florida House District
33 seat. The Oviedo Mall is moving forword at this time and things
are being resolved in the Court.
WINTER SPRINGS - Commissioner Gennell passed out the second issue
of the Winter Springs Newspaper to all members. Discussions were
positive and favorable for the newspaper by the members.
Commissioner Gennell stressed the fact that the newspaper was
created to reach the citizens.
ALTAMONTE SPRINGS - commissioner Fernandez announced that the Irish
Festi val would be held at the Greyhound Park in casselberry on
March 15th, 16th and 17th. Construction is underway for Costco.
Opening day ceremonies of the Babe Ruth season will be Saturday,
March 9th at 9:00 a.m. We are overhauling a building in the
general vicinity of 434 and Maitland Blvd. as an auxiliary fire
station where the second ambulance will be housed.
Commissioner Hagood requested a correction to his fax number and it
could be obtained from City of Oviedo. Commissioner Fernandez gave
addi tional fax number of 682-5787, and pager number 974-0245.
commissioner Warren added Ext. 7215 to County phone number.
Commissioner Hagood E-Mail THAGOODXatCOLYBRAND.COM.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:55 p.m.