HomeMy WebLinkAbout1996 02 07 Minutes
February 7, 1996
The regular meeting of the Council of Local Governments in Seminole County was
held at the "new" Seminole County Public Schools Educational Support Center, 400
E. Lake Mary Boulevard, Sanford. The meeting was called to order by Chairperson,
Cindy Gennell, at 7:00 p.m. followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.
Vice Mayor Earl McMullen, Casselberry
Commissioner Gary Brender, Lake Mary
Commissioner Ron Sargent, Longwood
Commissioner Tom Hagood, Jr, Oviedo
Commissioner Whitey Eckstein, Sanford
Vice Chairman Larry Strickler, Seminole County School Board
Commissioner & Chairperson Cindy Gennell, Winter Springs
Commissioner Pat Fernandez, Altamonte Springs
Commissioner Pat Warren, Board of County Commissioners
Donna McIntosh, Esq., Stenstrom, McIntosh, Colbert, Whigham & Simmons, P.A.
Stan Stevens, Chuluota
Kristen Hotaling, University of Central Florida Student Intern
Joan c. Walker, Clerk to the School Board
Mr. Strickler moved to approve the Minutes of January 10, 1996, with the following
correction: the City of Oviedo phone number should read 977-6000. The motion
was seconded and approved with a unanimous vote.
Chairperson Cindy Gennell announced that she would deviate from the prepared
agenda to allow Attorney Donna McIntosh to speak. Attorney McIntosh requested
authorization, on behalf of CALNO, to file a joint Amicus Curiae Brief with the
Supreme Court in Martin County vs. Yusem. If her petition is approved, she will
argue before the Supreme Court in favor of the position that Comprehensive Plan
Amendments are legislative instead of quasi-judicial actions. Commissioner
Brender moved to authorize Attorney McIntosh to file a joint brief in conjunction
with the Board of County Commissioners in the Supreme Court in the Martin
County vs. Yusem case. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Hagood and
approved with a unanimous vote.
No report was filed as there were no changes since the January balance.
A) Programs for 1996 - The following programs were assigned by consensus:
March -
Board of County Commissioners - presentation by the County
Winter Springs - St. Johns Water Management District
Altamonte Springs - Legislative Update or Tourist Development
Casselberry - 17-92 Task Force Report
Lake Mary - Well Connected Community
Longwood - Landfill Update and Ambulance Update
Oviedo - Rails to Trails
Sanford - Waterfront Redevelopment Committee Report
B) Uniform Sign Regulations
Chairperson Cindy Gennell stated that she would ask Commissioner Warren
to give a sign update at next month's meeting.
C) The Chair asked if anyone had any additional Social Service Agency lists for
HOPE. No one responded.
Chairman Gennell presented members with a copy of the original By-laws for
CALNO and asked the members to review them for possible updating.
CASSELBERRY - Nothing new in Casselberry.
LAKE MARY - Commissioner Brender stated that the City of Lake Mary voted to
appeal to the Board of County Commissioners the large Lake Mary Center sign.
Lake Mary is now online - address: WWW.GLOBALNET.COM
LONGWOOD - Commissioner Sargent asked if any of the cities have a commercial
communication franchise tax. Several entities responded in the affirmative. He
stated that the City was still holding executive sessions in an effort to get some
compromise on a salary schedule. March 27-28 are to be designated as Family Days
in Longwood with a celebration similar to the fall art festival.
OVIEDO - Recently held a ground breaking for the expansion of the fire station.
They are installing a new downtown sewer system. They also held a ground
breaking for the Winter Park Hospital Wellness Center on Red Bug Road.
Commissioner Hagood mentioned that the city has a community garden behind
City Hall and were recently awarded a "peace pole." The custom originated in Japan
and comes with many good wishes for peace. Oviedo has joined the Orlando Area
Sports Commission. The city met in worksession with the Board of County
Commissioners and discussed the widening of Highway 434, transportation issues,
east/west arterial roads, water & sewer service, etc. They are involved in a couple
of lawsuits, one being with DCT regarding the Comprehensive Plan Amendments.
Another suit is with Alafaya Utilities.
SANFORD - The City has asked the County to give Sanford jurisdiction over
billboards within the city limits. A study on the Court House and public safety
complex has been requested.
SCHOOL BOARD - The School Board recently held the ground breaking for the
new Carillon Elementary School. Two new schools currently under construction:
Winter Springs High School and Highlands Elementary School. He stated that they
are getting to the end of the elementary school rezoning process and that they are
using a grass roots approach -- rezoning in such a way as to minimize future
changes as new schools come on-line. Mr. Strickler stated that Seminole Co. was
featured in a Money Magazine article as one of the top 100 schools in the nation and
one of the top three in Florida.
WINTER SPRINGS - Commissioner Gennell stated that she toured the two new
schools in Winter Springs and was very impressed with both schools as being
exceptionally fine facilities. She was impressed at the working relationship
between the architectural firm of Schenkel & Shultz and the School Board staff.
Winter Springs now has a weekly newspaper with strictly community news. She
reiterated the need to review the Bylaws and asked for volunteers to serve on the
Bylaws Committee. Commissioner Gennell expressed, on behalf of CALNO, her
thanks to the School Board Food Service Department for the wonderful food which
was served prior to the meeting.
The business portion of the meeting adjourned at 8:20 p.m. The program which
followed was a tour of the new Educational Support Center conducted by Joan
Walker. Very favorable comments such as, "very functional facility," and "very
nice while being inexpensive," and "room for growth" were heard from our guests.
fully submitted,
Wa ker, Clerk to the School Board