HomeMy WebLinkAbout1996 01 10 Minutes
JANUARY 10, 1996
The Council of Local Governments in Seminole County held a meeting
on Wednesday, January 10, 1996 at 7:00 P. M. in the City Manager's
Conference Room, Sanford City Hall, 300 North Park Avenue, Sanford,
Commissioner Gary Brender, Lake Mary
Commissioner Whitey Eckstein, Sanford
Commissioner Cindy Gennell, Winter Springs
Commissioner Earl McMullen, Casselberry
Commissioner Ron Sargent, Longwood
Board Member Larry Strickler, Seminole County school Board
Commissioner Pat Fernandez, Altamonte Springs
Councilman Torn Hagood, Jr., Oviedo
Commissioner Pat Warren, Seminole County Commission
Gerald Brinton, Director, Seminole County Expressway Authority
William A. Simmons, City Manager, Sanford
Janet R. Dougherty, City Clerk, Sanford
The meeting was called to order by Acting Chairman Eckstein at 7:04
P. M., followed by a moment of silent meditation and Pledge of
On motion of Commissioner McMullen, seconded by Commissioner
Gennell, Minutes of the November 1, 1995 and the December 6, 1995
Meetings were approved as submitted.
Commissioner Brender reported the balance in the account is
$656.66. [Commissioner Warren joined the meeting.]
Mr. Brinton distributed information packets to the members and
reported that the National Highway System Bill signed by President
Clinton in early December provided fifty-two and one-half million
dollars for the "missing link" and the state has provided about 18
million dollars in matching funds, for a total of about 71 million
dollars for right-of-way acquisition, which is now fully funded.
The Expressway Authority has just finalized 100% right-of-way maps.
None of the beltway has received any federal funding, which is
unlike any other city this size. The Express Authority realized
several years ago that toll revenue projections for this last link
would not be sufficient to build this and that federal funds must
be obtained. The number of interchanges and bridges in such a
short distance makes this portion expensive, plus the right-of-way
is also very expensive. Construction cost is 107 million dollars.
The Expressway Authority just received eight million dollars from
the state to finish the design plan. The Expressway Authority has
environmental permits for the 6 miles, has the right-of-way funded,
has the design plan funded, and is now looking for construction
funding. It is anticipated that toll revenue will cover about 40
million dollars, leaving a 57 million dollar shortfall. Senator
Ostalkiewicz is going to sponsor legislation to try to get 75
million dollars, as well as funding for the western beltway.
Last month, the MPO deleted from the long range plans the portion
of the western beltway between 1-4 and 441 and substituted
upgrading 46 (needs plan, not funded) to four lanes into Lake
County until beyond the sensitive Wekiva area and then building an
arterial road to connect to the beltway.
Commissioner Warren reported it is important to note that the MPO
has recognized the "missing link" as the most important link, and
this has been communicated to the legislators.
Mr. Brinton reported it will take about a year and a half to
purchase the right-of-way, during which time the Expressway
Authority will be finishing the construction plans, for "best case
scenario" of starting construction June of 1998, and opening in the
Spring of 2000.
Mr. Brinton reviewed the map showing interchanges and bridges and
reported travel between 1-4 and Rinehart Road will be non-toll. He
reviewed the handout showing traffic statistics for the past year.
Mr. Brinton reported E-Pass is coming to Seminole County, hopefully
in the same pass as Orange County.
Acting Chairman Eckstein thanked Mr. Brinton for attending and
presented him with a CALNO pen.
Commissioner Eckstein reported for Commissioner Fernandez that
there is a conflict with CALNO's appointment on the Tourist
Development Council, where CALNO erroneously removed Councilperson
Hagood and placed Commissioner McMullen on it. Commissioner Warren
reported the November Minutes show Commissioner Benson was
nominated for appointment, pending her reappointment to CALNO by
County road improvements funded by the Penny Sales Tax: Airport
Boulevard from 17-92 to 46 will be four-Ianed in two different
contracts; the county is finishing Sanford Avenue; the county is
preparing to four-lane the western portion of C46A from the west
side of 1-4 to Upsala Road as one phase with another phase later.
A lot of the road projects are being done before we get to Level of
Service "F".
Court House location: The city is still working closely with the
county on the Court House location, especially on the studies that
have to be done to address phasing in the Court House construction
and phasing in the parking requirements, and he is hopeful we can
agree that it stays in downtown Sanford. Further, he believes it
will be lowest cost to the Seminole County taxpayers to keep the
Court House in downtown Sanford rather than building an entire new
Court House somewhere else.
Airport: The new International Departures Terminal and car rental
agency are taking shape. Sanford is hosting the March Tri-county
League of Cities Meeting, which will probably be held at the
Housing construction: Several smaller (100 or so unit) housing
projects are in various stages of planning and construction on the
west side of town, north and south of C46A, for average size/price
Commissioner Eckstein reported that the city's Charter Advisory
Committee recommended two major Charter changes: that the city's
election date be changed from December to March; and that the
Police Chief by hired by, responsible to, and work for the City
Manager instead of the City Commission. Further, the city will
hold a Charter Referendum at the city's election in December 1996
at which time there will be three Commission seats to be filled,
the Mayor's and two Commissioners'.
Commissioner Warren requested that Lake Mary provide recommended
buffering requirements when Lake Mary, Sanford and Seminole County
meet to discuss vertical concerns.
Wall on private property on Red Bug: Two of the four who agreed to
participate have now backed out; and she believes Seminole County
will participate if Casselberry will participate and if the owners
cooperate. Commissioner McMullen reported the city asked the
property owners to each donate five feet for an easement so the
city could pay for the wall, and the owners refused.
Rails to Trails: This is on the top of the funding list in
Tallahassee. This is a very positive project that will fulfill the
quality of community that the governments in Seminole County have
committee to.
Economic Development Commission: There are people coming in daily
with high salary jobs; and having the jobs here in Seminole County
will lessen the traffic impact on Orange County when the jobs are
in Seminole County. She would like to have the EDC to draw new
business as well as assist existing local businesses to expand and
would hire a county person to assist if they were designated to
assist the local businesses.
Ambulance: Sanford is the only entity not participating.
Commissioner Eckstein reported Sanford will probably have to
participate if the other entities participate; and that there will
probably be unanticipated capital costs in order to participate.
City Manager Simmons reported the Fire Chief reports the ambulance
company says it can continue to provide ambulance service if
Sanford wants to continue to have the service. Further, if more
service is provided, the city will have to charge for it.
Commissioner Gennell reported Casselberry provides the only free
service, and had to raise the tax rate in order to provide it; and
that Winter springs requires that the $180.00 fee go directly into
an enterprise fund. City Manager Simmons asked if any city has
considered creating a (prepaid) emergency transport utility.
[Commissioner Eckstein and Commissioner McMullen briefly left the
meeting, then returned.]
Flea Market: Commissioner Warren reported the Courts have ruled
they have a property right to do that. City Manager Simmons
reported he will discuss this at the next City Commission Meeting
and will recommend that it still is not an appropriate use of the
property north of 46.
Public Safety building and Court House: Commissioner Warren
reported the Public Safety building design is complete and the
project will be moving forward; Court House space needs are being
analyzed, and she is committed to the Court House remaining in
downtown Sanford.
Baseball: There will be a meeting on this in February. She voted
against it because there are needs allover the county, and this is
an enormous monetary commitment and would create new needs for
transportation, etc., and does not bring in the business that
something like a Civic Center would bring in.
Oviedo mall: Commissioner Warren reported there has been a lawsuit
filed by the mall against the homeowners and Moti Khemlani,
personally, for capricious activity.
Agricultural Museum: The county has been vying for an Agricultural
Museum on the Yankee Lake property on highway 46, this would be the
only state agricultural museum and the state is looking for
addi tional land on which to run buffalo, cows and horses, and
within the next couple of weeks the county should hear that it is
in the final running of five or six.
February and March Meeting locations:
Mr. Strickler and
the City of Longwood, and Commissioner McMullen was selected as the
alternate appointment. Further, the Seminole County Board of
County Commissioners acted on that recommendation last night.
Acting Chairman Eckstein reported the problem is that based on
incorrect information that Councilperson Hagood was leaving the
Council, CALNO removed him, when in fact he wants to remain the
CALNO representative. After discussion, Mr. Strickler moved to
appoint Commissioner McMullen as CALNO's representative on the
Tourist Development Council. Seconded by Commissioner Brender and
carried by unanimous voice vote.
Acting Chairman Eckstein turned the Chair over to Mr. Strickler.
Commissioner Eckstein nominated Commissioner Gennell as Chairman.
Seconded by Commissioner McMullen. Commissioner McMullen moved to
close the nominations. Seconded by Commissioner Sargent.
Commissioner Warren moved to appoint Commissioner Gennell Chairman
by acclamation. Seconded by Commissioner McMullen and carried by
unanimous voice vote. Commissioner Gennell then took the Chair.
commissioner Warren nominated Commissioner Brender as Treasurer.
Seconded by Commissioner Eckstein. Mr. Strickler moved to close
the nominations and appoint Commissioner Brender Treasurer by
acclamation. Seconded by Commissioner Warren and carried by
unanimous voice vote.
commissioner Gennell reported Commissioner Fernandez is absent due
to an injury.
Commissioner McMullen reported Steak & Shake broke ground in front
of Target; the Police Department will break ground February 1st; a
mattress warehouse will open February 1st in the old Tire Kingdom
building on 436; and the CRA is expected to provide additional
funding that will bring the city close to its desired, projected
timeframe for Seminole Plaza renovations.
Commissioner Brender reported Holiday Inn is discussing with the
Planning and Zoning Commission a proposed 101 room four story
Holiday Inn Express on a Northpoint Industrial Park site; Seminole
County has been very receptive on some of Lake Mary's incentive
grants, the AT & T program has been adopted, the BellSouth Mobility
and the Dual, Inc. incentive grants are in process; the Police
Department design phase should be well underway in the next three
to four months; there have been numerous problems with Rinehart
Road right-of-way acquisition; the Community Improvement
Association provided the new sign in front of the City Hall
complex; Lake Mary is exploring some joint meetings with Sanford
and possibly Seminole County to look at some of the difficult
situations that are going to come up with development in the border
areas; and a new car care center is going in next to the Longhorn
Commissioner Gennell announced, for Commissioner Benson, that it
was a pleasure to serve this year.
Commissioner Sargent reported the city has taken over the SR434
right-of-way maintenance through an agreement with the state
whereby the state will pay Longwood the same amount the state would
normally pay to have the right-of-way maintained; a Planned Unit
Development for Palmetto Reserve, 98 homes in the $110,000 to
$115,000 price range, was approved for the northwest side of 427
just past the Downtown Historic District; Longwood Club Subdivision
is in planning; approved establishing Longwood's own fire service
which should begin in February; Mr. Ali Jawad, who owns a Mobile
station at the intersection of 434 and 427, is the Businessman of
the Month; Consolidated Labels built a new building and received
the Beautification Award for the Month; and the city is working
wi th the high school, for the high school to furnish
engraved/carved wooden directional signs for the area around City
At Commissioner Eckstein's request Mr. Simmons gave the following
Mall area: The mall is still building on their out-parcels; they
have acquired some property previously owned by Holiday Inn and
sold it to another developer to be joined with one of the mall out-
parcels to create another small 400,000 to 500,000 square foot
retail power center to go tandem with the Gateway power center
across the street which is now permitted for their build-out.
Immediately to the east of Gateway, Eoghan Kelley is planning a
commercial project with frontage on Rinehart Road just south of 46.
The most significant thing is the city did a very large economic
incentive program, the CRA, for building some roads and putting in
some infrastructure. The mall itself is the only thing within the
tax increment district; all the rest of this building happening
there now is not included in the tax increment, therefore, the
money will come to the city as well as the county, 100%. Further,
this is a very successful venture already, even though 15 years of
bond payments remain. The ZOM property, just across Rinehart Road
in the county, is going through a PD rezone now for additional
commercial development.
commissioner Warren concurred to switch the locations, with the
School Board hosting the February Meeting and Seminole County
hosting the March Meeting.
SCHOOL BOARD: Mr. Strickler stated he will report school Board
items at another time.
WINTER SPRINGS: Commissioner Gennell reported Winter Springs' new
City Manager is Ronald McLemore, from Stuart.
Commissioner Gennell reminded members to submit their reports for
the HOPE Program.
After discussion, the Board concurred to have one program per
meeting with subjects to include elections, a presentation by the
county's lobbyist, Rails to Trails, 17-92, Well Connected
Communities, and a legislative update; member reports be given
uninterrupted with a question/answer/discussion period following;
and have the food ready at 6:30 P. M. and begin the meeting at 7:00
P. M.
On motion of Commissioner Eckstein, seconded
McMullen and carried by unanimous voice vote,
adjourned at 9:14 P. M.
by Commissioner
the meeting was
Respectfully submitted,
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