HomeMy WebLinkAbout1995 12 06 Minutes JAN- 3-96 WED 11:06 AM CITY OF OVIEDO P. 2 .cOUNTY OF LOCAL GOVERNMENTS IN SEMINOT.E COUNTY DECEMBER 6,1995 The Council of Local Governments in Seminole County held a meeting on Wednesday, December 6, 1995 at 7:00 P.M. at the City of Oviedo Council Chambers, 400 Alexandria Boulevard, Oviedo, Florida. MEMBERS PRESENT Commissioner Iris Benson, Longwood, Chairperson Commissioner Whitey Eckstein, Sanford Commissioner Pat Fernandez, Altamonte Springs Commissioner Cindy Gennell, Winter Springs Councilman Tom Hagood, Jr. Oviedo Board Member Barbara Kuhn, Seminole County School Board MEMBERS ABSENT Commissioner Pat Warren, Seminole County Commission Commissioner Gary Brender, Lake Mary Commissioner Earl McMullen, Casselberry GUESTS Mayor Mimi Bruce, Oviedo Councilman Phil Hampton, Oviedo Tom Kuhn Fire Chief Wayne Martin, Oviedo Stanley Stevens ! ,~ -. CA 1..1.. TO ORDER The meeting was called to order by Chairman Benson at 7:15 P.M., followed by a moment of silent meditation and Pledge of Allegiance. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Upon discussion, motion was made by Commissioner Gennell that the minutes of November I, 1995 be revisited to include additional statements made by Florida State Representative Lee Constantine, include supportive statements regarding a motion made by Commissioner Gennell adopting a policy that it would be desirable for representatives to have longevity for purposes of continuity, and a correction in the price of promotional pens from $4.99 to $1.99 each, seconded and motion carried unanimously. IFEASURY REPORT Due to the absence of Commissioner Brender, a treasury report was not given. 1 JAN- j-~b ~LV 11,UI AM Gllt U~ UVlhUU ~, j UNFINISHED BUSINESS Commissioner Gennell passed around a picture depicting the proposed sample pen to be used as a promotional item for guest speakers. Upon a brief discussion, motion was made by Commissioner Gennell to order 100 pens including the gift box at a cost of $2.07 each, with the inscription to read "Thank You", and color to be chosen by Commissioner Gennell, seconded and motion canied unanimously. There was discussion regarding the requested list of available social services to be provided by each CALNO member for the Seminole Hope program and Chairman Benson suggested that all members send their list to Sheriff Donald Eslinger. ' NEW BUSINESS Chairman Benson reported that she would be out of state and requested that the next CALNO meeting scheduled for JanuaIY 3, 1996 be postponed to January 10, 1996 in Sanford at 7 P.M. All members were in agreement and Chairman Benson's stated that nominations for CALNO Chairperson would be accepted at that time. Commissioner Gennell questioned members regarding what they thought of rearranging city elections to where they would not coincide with state and national elections. The general consensus was that city election turnout is greater when they are at the same time as state and national elections, and changing city elections would require charter revisions, which would be very difficult. Councilman Hagood introduced Oviedo Mayor Mimi Bruce, C?\}tlcil Chairman Phil Hampton, and Fire Chief Wayne Martin. ." PROGRAM FIRE CHIEF WAYNE MARTIN, OVIEDO OviedO Fire Chid W~yn.e Martin, gav~ a slide pre5entation and provided conc.e.ptual drawl.oes of the plans for Oviedo's new three bay fire station. There was discussion regarding construction cost, landscaping) funding, response time, and long range plans for a fire station on the east side of the City. REPORTS FROM CALNO MEMBERS SEMINOLE COUNTY SCHOOL BOARD Dr. Barbara Kuhn announced that tonight was her last CALNO meeting and that Larry Strickler will replace her as representative for the Seminole County School Board. Dr. Kuhn expressed her appreciation to everyone. Dr. Kuhn discussed the problems and complaints the School Board has received regarding rezoning, the year round school and the multi-track programs. Dr. Kuhn stated that in order to resolve some of the problems regarding the year round school and multi-track sttuatlon, they C1le trying to build additional schools. 2 <.1.1.1..1..1. ...) VU (1J..Jl..J J..L'UU .IU!l V.I..l.. v. VV.l.J..JJ.JV " 't Upon questioning by Commissioner Gennell, nr. Kuhn stated that the issue of moving everything over from Lake Howell High School to Winter Springs High School and moving it back again after the renovation of Lake Howell High School was not brought before the school board. Dr. Kuhn also stated that if it was brought before the board, it would be discussed and she will research it further. Dr. Kuhn announced that she had to leave and wished everyone a Happy Holiday. LONGWOOD Commissioner Benson reported that the City of Longwood completed the renovation of their Fire Department Building and that outside of a couple of sub~contractQrs, most of the work was performed by the Fire and Police Department employees. ~ Commissioner Benson announced that the City will be having the Longwood Festival and Holiday Tree Lighting on Saturday, December 9, 1995 at 4:15 P.M. ~LTAMONTE SPRINGS Commissioner Fernandez reported some of the results of a foUow~up survey to their 1993 survey. Results have shown that the people that are moving in are staying longer, Altamonte Springs is an aging community, the medium age is mid.forties; the #1 concern is crime and 97% of those surveyed stated that they felt safe in their own neighborhood) and 80% of the citizens read the City's newsletter. Commissioner Femandez reported that the City of Altamonte Springs held a fonnal dinner to celebrate their 75th Anniversary, and that at today's special session of the Tourist Development Council. the City of Altamonte Springs will recommend the p~dging of $100,000 of tourist development funds to Seminole County for a spring training center for the Tampa Bay Devil Rays. WINTER SPRINGS Commissioner Gennell reported that the new City Manager will begin January 22, 1996. SANFORD Commissioner Eckstein expressed his disappointment with the Seminole County School Board and their lack of response to citizens requests and suggestions, and wasting funds. City of Sanford will be having a Christmas Parade, Saturday, December 9, 1995 at 2 P.M on Seminole Boulevard. ADJOURNMENT Meeting adjourned at 9:00 P.M. Respectfully Submitted, ~~l?~ Anna R. Slack, Deputy City Clerk City of Oviedo 3